How to tell if a menu item is 'checked'? - macos

I'm building an Applescript that will scan my network every X minutes, checking for my house's Xbox360 or PS3 and enabling my Transmission BitTorrent client Speed-Limit Mode when either console is online.
Currently I can only Pause all transfers or resume all transfers using applescript, as there are separate key-commands for start/stop transfer. I want it to go into speed-limit mode though, not stop completely.
My issue is that the Speed-Limit (Turtle) mode is the same key to turn it on/off. If anyone touches the speed-limit manually, it will be out of sync and will actually turn speed-limit off when the consoles come online. Also if one console comes online, the speed-limit will come on, but then if the other console comes on, the limit will be turned off.
The menu item becomes 'checked' when the speed-limit is active, but I do not know how to test for this. There was nothing in the applescript dictionary for the transmission app.
How can I determine whether a menu item is 'checked'(It even shows an actual check-mark) in Applescript?
[Edit:] I'm currently trying to figure out how to turn the Speed-Limit on via RPC, rather than trying to script it using the GUI or keycommands, since the developers don't provide any applescript access.

I had the exact same issue, and finally figured out how to check if Transmission's Speed Limit menu item is checked (and you could easily modify this to check for menu items in other applications). This has been dead for almost a year now, but hopefully this helps.
tell application "Transmission" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Transmission"
set speedLimitCurrentlyOn to (value of attribute "AXMenuItemMarkChar" of menu item "Speed Limit" of menu "Transfers" of menu bar 1 as string) ≠ ""
display dialog "Speed Limit On: " & speedLimitCurrentlyOn
end tell
end tell
I adapted this from the AppleScript here:

What information you are able to divine from any given application via AppleScript is entirely up to said application's developer. If Transmission doesn't define any way for you to determine this state, then you're not going to be able to do so with any degree of reliability.
It would make far more sense to invest $40-$50 in a router with quality of service controls that would allow you to prioritize your network traffic by port or by device.


AppleScript tell application "System Events" extremely slow only on 1 account of my Mac

I'm baffled by this. Any AppleScript which uses tell application "System Events" runs slow only on 1 account of my Mac but fine on the other account.
Just as a simple example, tell application “System Events” to display dialog “Hello World” displays the dialog almost instantly on account 1, but will take up to 6 or 7 seconds to display the dialog on account 2.
EDIT: Just to clarify, As user3439894 mentioned in the comment below. I understand that display dialog doesn't need to be called by System Events. This issue has nothing to do with display dialog. I'm using it as a simple example to demonstrate the issue. As I mention below ANY code I call inside system events is slow (eg. sent frontmost to true, click menu items, etc.).
Its only system event calls though. A simple display dialog “Hello World” or any other code that does not involve system events will run fast on both accounts.
A few more notes:
It's not just display dialogs in tell application "System Events", it's ANY code I attempt to run in tell system events (e.g. click menu items, set frontmost to true, ect.). I'm just using the display dialog as a simple example.
The delay is actually inconsistent. For example, with the display dialog command, most of the time it takes about 6 or 7 seconds for the dialog to appear, but occasionally the dialog will appear instantly. Other times, the dialog will appear instantly but then clicking the "OK" button will cause a 6 or 7 second delay (with the beachball).
Both accounts on same Mac are admin accounts.
The delay occurs in script editor, osascript, or apple script applications.
I'm lost. Any ideas?
EDIT 2 - More clarifications based on comments:
I've been trouble shooting this for several days and at this point I'm fairly certain of the following:
This has NOTHING to do with my code or how I am calling the script. It also is not AppleScript in general, or the account being slow.
Scripts NOT involving tell application "System Events" run fine on both accounts. Both accounts are generally running fast.
It's specifically tell application "System Events"on ONE account.tell application "System Events"runs fine on one of my user accounts. The SAME exact script, called the EXACT same way is taking 6 to 7 even 10 seconds to run on the second user account on the same computer. Both accounts have admin access.
#TedWrigley provided several recommendations in the comments of my main post that allowed me to identify the issue. So full credit goes to him! Thank you #TedWrigley! I'm posting here and marking this as the correct answer incase others encounter an issue similar to this.
EDIT: It was a specific Elgato Stream Deck Plugin; the Zoom Plugin!
Booting in safe-mode allowed me to initially identify that Elgato Stream Deck Software (VERSION 4.9.2) I have installed appeared to be causing the issues. I don't understand why that was interfering with System Events because SE did not appear to have any issues in Activity Monitor and I have the Stream Deck Software on both accounts, but it was only causing issues with System Events on one account.
After un-installing and re-installing that software, AppleScripts calling tell application "System Events" was running as expected on both accounts...
UNTIL I re-installed my plugins. I discovered that is was not actually the Stream Deck application itself that was interfering with System Events but a specific plugin, the Zoom Plugin V2.1 11/16/20 I only use this plugin on one account which is why I was only seeing the System Event issue on that account.

Allow JavaScript from Apple Events in Safari through Terminal Mac

I'm writing a program that executes do javascript in Safari. The only problem is that I'm trying to make the app give its self permission to do it. I'm trying to locate the file that handles the Safari developer preferences so that I can do this. Does anyone have any idea where this might be or how to change these settings?
It's in Safari's preferences plist at ~/Library/Preferences/ The key you want is AllowJavaScriptFromAppleEvents. You can set it using defaults:
#to turn it on
defaults write -app Safari AllowJavaScriptFromAppleEvents 1
#to turn it off
defaults write -app Safari AllowJavaScriptFromAppleEvents 0
The virtual keyboard thing did not work for me. As StarPlayr at apple's develepoer forum has found out the problem is in something else.
For me problem occurred when i tried to do that on remote mac.
For some people plugging in a keyboard and mouse to the Server allowed to turn on JavaScript Apple Events in Safari and set the password.
However, for me that wasn't an option, so the next best thing is use an accessbility scripting feature and have the machine think a user is doing the clicks, allowing you to set the password:
-- The delays can be shorter, coordinates may vary
-- Best way to get the coordinates is with Apple screen capture (command-shift-3) from upper right to lower left (the coordinates will be shown)
-- if one spends the time, the click events can be converted to Accessibility AppleScript objects by capturing them as variables, or checking the events and using the events instead of the click coordinates
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Safari"
end tell
delay 1
-- click develop menu (make sure its on first)
click at {430, 12}
delay 1
-- click Allow Javascript menu from Apple Events
click at {615, 615}
delay 1
-- Click the Allow Button
click at {1010, 386}
end tell

OSX: Lock the screen programmatically

I'm looking for a way to lock the user screen programmatically without putting the Mac asleep.
Right now, i'm able to trigger the lock screen with the kAESleep event but it's more a hack and it put the computer asleep.
Is it possible ?
Configure the screensaver to require a password immediately after it starts, then start the screensaver programmatically. I have it programmed to a keyboard shortcut to help my Windows folks transition to using real computers ;).
The following AppleScript will do it for you. Note that because of security limitations of OSX, AppleScript pauses for five seconds before it executes an UI function, so it takes a small while to function. I'm using Quicksilver to bind it to a hotkey.
(As a bonus, this script will also pause a couple of your music players. Feel free to remove those lines.)
# Tell our noisy programs to shut up
tell application "Spotify"
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
end tell
# Lock up the screen without going to sleep. Needs that Keychain Access
# is set up properly.
tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer" to click (first menu item of menu 1 of ((click (first menu bar item whose description is "Keychain menu extra")) of menu bar 1) whose title is "Lock Screen")
You will need to set up Keychain Access so that it has the lock icon on screen though.
I was successfully able to lock the screen on macOS in python with the following
import ctypes, ctypes.util
login = ctypes.CDLL( '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/login.framework/login' )
I discovered this by scarce information on the Internet and trial-and-error. As far as I know, Apple doesn't document the SACLockScreenImmediate() function at all.
If anyone can find the official reference documentation for the "Login Framework" library, please drop it in the comments :)
The is used in the BusKill app, which locks the screen when a magnetic breakaway connection in a USB Dead Man Switch is severed:

How to open, close and close the dialogs of another application using cocoa or applescript?

I want to open another separate application, open the projects/documents of that application in a iterative way and then close the application. I also want to close all the modal and non modals dialogs which popped up during the opening of the document. I want to close all the dialogs including the crash dialog in case the application fails/ crashes.
What will be the best way using cocoa or applescript to achieve this and from where i can get more detailed information?
If the app has a scripting interface, of course the best way is to do that.
You generally don't want to iterate in AppleScript, but rather to operate on all of the results of a query.
For example, for almost any application that implements the "standard suite", you can just:
tell app "TextEdit" to close windows
This is much simpler (and faster, and more likely to be implemented correctly in the target app) than:
tell app "TextEdit"
repeat with theWindow in windows
close theWindow
end repeat
end tell
Of course this may pop up save/abandon changes dialogs, and it may skip over or include dialogs and inspectors, and so on, depending on the application's user model.
More importantly, it won't work if the app doesn't support scripting (and the standard suite).
Also, it won't help at all with closing a crash report—that window is owned by CrashReporter, not the original application (which is a good thing, because you can't talk to the original application anymore, now that it's crashed…).
The alternative is the UI Scripting features in System Events. This will only work if assistive access is enabled. It can also be a bit fiddly to figure out which windows are the ones you want to deal with, and which controls are the ones you want.
For example:
tell app "System Events"
click button 1 of windows of application process "TextEdit"
end tell
This works by finding every window (no matter what kind) owned by the TextEdit process, and simulating a click on the first button in that window (the red close button).
If you google "AppleScript UI Scripting" you should find lots of different guides. The first hit I found was and it looks like a decent place to start.

Is there a way to get a permanent identifier for any given window

I'm trying to write a script that can control different windows from different programs (set position and size). I've got things just about working but I'm having problem accurately identifying windows. Right now I've got:
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Mail"
set windowName to name of window 1
end tell
end tell
This is a pretty simplified version of what I have working now. I'm grabbing the window information for many different applications and storing them as properties which are being called upon by another script later:
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Mail"
set position of window windowName to valueX
end tell
end tell
This works as long as the name of the window doesn't change. In many other applications I have no problems because window titles don't change (iCal, iChat, etc). In Mail the window title changes depending on how many e-mails are in your e-mail box. If an e-mail comes in between the first part of the script and the last then the script fails.
I can't really refer to the window by it's index number because those change as the order of the windows change (front to back). I thought maybe the window ID would work, but I need my script to work even if an application has been quit and restarted and the ID number changes if the application is relaunched. Am I SOL, or is there something I hadn't thought of?
Not SOL, but you'll have to do a little more work. There's only a few types of windows. You have the main browser window and you have email messages, whether it be a draft they are composing or an email message they're reading. Maybe you're concerned with the preferences window too. So you have to store the type of window. If it's a browser then you also will have to store the currently selected message. If it's an email window then you store the message id too. For browsers you just open a new browser window and restore the selection. For email messages you just open the messages. You'll have to check Mail's dictionary for other types of windows, but the idea will be the same.
