Modifying module level variables in an anonymous array in Ruby - ruby

I am in the midst of learning Ruby and thought I was clever with the following piece of code:
[#start,#end].map!{ |time| time += operation == :add ? amount : -(amount) }
where #start, #end are two module level variables, operation can be one of :add or :sub, and amount is an float amount to adjust both #start and #end by.
Granted it only saves me a line of code, but why doesn't this approach work, and how can I get something similar that does?
(My expected output is for #start/#end to be modified accordingly, however unit tests show that they stay at their original values.)

It's important in Ruby to remember the distinction between variables and the objects they hold. Simply setting a variable will never change the object referenced by that variable. When you do a += b, it's just shorthand for a = a + b. So you're assigning a new value to the variable a, not changing the object that used to be there or changing any other references to that object. So changing the variable time doesn't change #start.
In order to assign to an instance variable, you need to actually assign to that instance variable. Here's a way to do what you were looking for:
operation = :+
amount = 12
#start, #end = [#start, #end].map {|time| time.send(operation, amount)}
You'll notice that we're not faffing around with that :add and :sub business either — we can just pass the actual name of the message we want to send (I used + in this case, but it could be anything).
If you had a big, dynamically generated list of ivars you wanted to set, it's only a little bit more complicated. The only difference there is that need to get and set the ivars by name.
ivars = [:#start, :#end, :#something_else]
operation = :+
amount = 12
ivars.each {|ivar| instance_variable_set(ivar, instance_variable_get(ivar).send(operation, amount))}

The += operator changes the value of time but it returns the old value of time, therefore the right code is:
#start,#end = [#start,#end].map!{ |time| time + (operation == :add ? amount : -amount) }
Updated the code to actually change #start and #end.

The addition operation in the block doesn't modify 'time', it returns a new value. So the elements in the array aren't modified, they're replaced.


How to check if a value of an array is empty

I am writing a chess program and has to see whether certain value are empty. I tried
aPiece is an array of CommandButtons. cmdSquare is a control array of shapes.
Private aPiece(63) As CommandButton
For p = 0 To 63
If IsEmpty(aPiece(p)) Then
aPiece(p).Left = cmdSquare(p).Left
aPiece(p).Top = cmdSquare(p).Top
End If
Next p
All variable are declared and is seem to be IsEmpty function which is not working.
The IsEmpty method only returns meaningful information for variants. Since the array contains objects, you need to check like this:
If aPiece(p) Is Nothing Then
However, this seems like only part of the answer. The above logic is saying "If there is no piece in my array then update it's location". That doesn't make sense to me and will generate an error. You also need to add Not like below:
For p = 0 To 1
If Not aPiece(p) Is Nothing Then
aPiece(p).Left = cmdSquare(p).Left
aPiece(p).Top = cmdSquare(p).Top
End If
Next p
It depends on the datatype of aPiece. If it is a variant and you haven't assigned a value to it, IsEmpty will return true. However, if it is a String, Date, Integer, etc. those are automatically initialized (String will be an empty string, Integer will be 0) so IsEmpty will return false.
A pretty good reference is this page: IsEmpty Function - Visual Basic 6.0

Overwrite a variable without repeating the name

Is there a method to overwrite variable without copying its name? For example, when I want to change my_var = '3' to an integer, I must do something like this:
my_var = my_var.to_i
Is there way to do this without copying variable's name? I want to do something like this:
my_var = something_const.to_i
For numbers there exists +=, -= etc, but is there universal way to do this for all methods ?
There is no way to covert a string to an integer like that, without repeating the variable name. Methods such as String#upcase! and Array#flatten! work by mutating the object; however, it is not possible to define such a method like String#to_i! because we are converting the object to an instance of a different class.
For example, here is a (failed) attempt to define such a method:
# What I want to be able to do:
# my_var = "123"
# my_var.to_i! # => my_var == 123
class String
def to_i!
my_var = "123"
my_var.to_i! # TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String
...And even if this code were valid, it would still offer no performance gain since a new object is still being created.
As for your examples of += and -=, these are in fact simply shorthand for:
x += 1
# Is equivalent to:
x = x + 1
So again, there is no performance gain here either; just slightly nicer syntax. A good question to ask is, why doesn't ruby support a ++ operator? If such an operator existed then it would offer performance gain... But I'll let you research for yourself why this is missing from the language.
So to summarise,
is there universal way to do this for all methods?
No. The special operators like +=, -=, |= and &= are all predefined; there is no "generalised" version such as method_name=.
You can also define methods that mutate the object, but only when appropriate. Such methods are usually named with a !, are called "bang-methods", and have a "non-bang" counterpart. On String objects, for example, there is String#capitalize! (and String#capitalize), String#delete! (and String#delete), String#encode! (and String#encode), .... but no String#to_i! for the reasons discussed above.

How to unfreeze an object in Ruby?

In Ruby, there is Object#freeze, which prevents further modifications to the object:
class Kingdom
attr_accessor :weather_conditions
arendelle =
arendelle.frozen? # => false
arendelle.weather_conditions = 'in deep, deep, deep, deep snow'
arendelle.frozen? # => true
arendelle.weather_conditions = 'sun is shining'
# !> RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Kingdom
script = 'Do you want to build a snowman?'.freeze
script[/snowman/] = 'castle of ice'
# !> RuntimeError: can't modify frozen String
However, there is no Object#unfreeze. Is there a way to unfreeze a frozen kingdom?
Update: As of Ruby 2.7 this no longer works!
Yes and no. There isn't any direct way using the standard API. However, with some understanding of what #freeze? does, you can work around it. Note: everything here is implementation details of MRI's current version and might be subject to change.
Objects in CRuby are stored in a struct RVALUE.
Conveniently, the very first thing in the struct is VALUE flags;.
All Object#freeze does is set a flag, called FL_FREEZE, which is actually equal to RUBY_FL_FREEZE. RUBY_FL_FREEZE will basically be the 11th bit in the flags.
All you have to do to unfreeze the object is unset the 11th bit.
To do that, you could use Fiddle, which is part of the standard library and lets you tinker with the language on C level:
require 'fiddle'
class Object
def unfreeze * 2)[1] &= ~(1 << 3)
Non-immediate value objects in Ruby are stored on address = their object_id * 2. Note that it's important to make the distinction so you would be aware that this wont let you unfreeze Fixnums for example.
Since we want to change the 11th bit, we have to work with the 3th bit of the second byte. Hence we access the second byte with [1].
~(1 << 3) shifts 1 three positions and then inverts the result. This way the only bit which is zero in the mask will be the third one and all other will be ones.
Finally, we just apply the mask with bitwise and (&=).
foo = 'A frozen string'.freeze
foo.frozen? # => true
foo.frozen? # => false
foo[/ (?=frozen)/] = 'n un'
foo # => 'An unfrozen string'
No, according to the documentation for Object#freeze:
There is no way to unfreeze a frozen object.
The frozen state is stored within the object. Calling freeze sets the frozen state and thereby prevents further modification. This includes modifications to the object's frozen state.
Regarding your example, you could assign a new string instead:
script = 'Do you want to build a snowman?'
script = script.dup if script.frozen?
script[/snowman/] = 'castle of ice'
script #=> "Do you want to build a castle of ice?"
Ruby 2.3 introduced String#+#, so you can write +str instead of str.dup if str.frozen?
frozen_object = %w[hello world].freeze
frozen_object.concat(['and universe']) # FrozenError (can't modify frozen Array)
frozen_object.dup.concat(['and universe']) # ['hello', 'world', 'and universe']
As noted above copying the variable back into itself also effectively unfreezes the variable.
As noted this can be done using the .dup method:
var1 = var1.dup
This can also be achieved using:
var1 = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(var1))
I have been using Marshal.load(Marshal.dump( ... )
I have not used .dup and only learned about it through this post.
I do not know what if any differences there are between Marshal.load(Marshal.dump( ... )
If they do the same thing or .dup is more powerful, then stylistically I like .dup better. .dup states what to do -- copy this thing, but it does not say how to do it, whereas Marshal.load(Marshal.dump( ... ) is not only excessively verbose, but states how to do the duplication -- I am not a fan of specifying the HOW part if the HOW part is irrelevant to me. I want to duplicate the value of the variable, I do not care how.

Sorting a list of objects by property in Matlab, and then deleting the smallest one

I'm trying to use Matlab to implement the MDO algorithm, which requires me to sort an array of objects of a custom-defined mdoVertex class by their degree, and then delete the one with the smallest degree value. My first attempt was this:
for i = 1:m
if graph(i).degree < minDegree
minDegree = graph(i).degree;
elimObject = graph(i);
Matlab is complaining that elimObject, or the object to be eliminated after the loop executes, is an undefined function or variable. How, then, can I keep track of not only the current smallest degree the loop has encountered, but also which object it corresponded to? 'graph' is the name of the array holding all of my vertex objects.
I suspect that you're somehow trying to call clear on the object returned from your function. Or is it just a few lines of code in a script? I'm guessing here. In any event, calling clear won't work. As you've noticed, clear expects to be given a variable name.
But in this case, you're not trying to delete a variable, you're trying to remove an element from an array. For that, you do arrayname(indextodelete) = [];
So I think that you want...
minDegree = inf; % See what I did there? I defined the variable, and I did it in such a way that I KNOW that the first vertex will satisfy the condition.
for i = 1:length(graph) % Properly loop over the entire graph
if graph(i).degree < minDegree % The first vertex will definitely satisfy this. Maybe another one (or more) will later!
minDegree = graph(i).degree;
minDegreeIndex = i; % Don't record the value, just remember WHERE it is in the array.
graph(minDegreeIndex) = []; % Now, remove the element that you identified from the array!
(By the way, you never showed us how you tried to eliminate elimObject. I assume that you called clear (the object that you identified)? You shouldn't make us guess; show us.)

How does the assignment operator work in Ruby?

I'm writing a simple piece of code in ruby, but it's not working the way I expect it to at all. I think this problem comes from a misunderstanding of how ruby works, specifically, how the assignment operator works, relative to other languages. Here's what I've written:
#instance1 = #clock
#instance2 = #clock
puts " instace1.seconds: #{#instance1.seconds}, instance2.seconds: #{#instance2.seconds}"
'Clock' is a class and has a value, seconds, a method 'tick!' which increases seconds by one, and a method 'seconds' which returns the seconds value. Seconds is initalized as 0.
Now when I run this code, the output is:
" instace1.seconds: 3, instance2.seconds: 3"
But the output I would expect is:
" instance1.seconds: 0, instance2.seconds: 3"
Because, I've assigned intance1 the values which #clock had before I changed clock, and I did nothing to modify #instance1 thereafter.
To me this implies that ruby assigns objects as pointers in some contexts, and that there's implicit dereferencing going on. What are these contexts? (class variables?, large objects? )
How do I make an explicit assignment? In other words, how do I dereference a variable?
Like, in C, I would do something like:
*instance1 = *c
(although it's been a long time since pointer-arithmatic, so that's a rough example
Ruby assigns by reference, not by value. What you can do is #instance1 = #clock.dup or #instance1 = #clock.clone.
