Sum of digits of a factorial - algorithm

Link to the original problem
It's not a homework question. I just thought that someone might know a real solution to this problem.
I was on a programming contest back in 2004, and there was this problem:
Given n, find sum of digits of n!. n can be from 0 to 10000. Time limit: 1 second. I think there was up to 100 numbers for each test set.
My solution was pretty fast but not fast enough, so I just let it run for some time. It built an array of pre-calculated values which I could use in my code. It was a hack, but it worked.
But there was a guy, who solved this problem with about 10 lines of code and it would give an answer in no time. I believe it was some sort of dynamic programming, or something from number theory. We were 16 at that time so it should not be a "rocket science".
Does anyone know what kind of an algorithm he could use?
EDIT: I'm sorry if I didn't made the question clear. As mquander said, there should be a clever solution, without bugnum, with just plain Pascal code, couple of loops, O(n2) or something like that. 1 second is not a constraint anymore.
I found here that if n > 5, then 9 divides sum of digits of a factorial. We also can find how many zeros are there at the end of the number. Can we use that?
Ok, another problem from programming contest from Russia. Given 1 <= N <= 2 000 000 000, output N! mod (N+1). Is that somehow related?

I'm not sure who is still paying attention to this thread, but here goes anyway.
First, in the official-looking linked version, it only has to be 1000 factorial, not 10000 factorial. Also, when this problem was reused in another programming contest, the time limit was 3 seconds, not 1 second. This makes a huge difference in how hard you have to work to get a fast enough solution.
Second, for the actual parameters of the contest, Peter's solution is sound, but with one extra twist you can speed it up by a factor of 5 with 32-bit architecture. (Or even a factor of 6 if only 1000! is desired.) Namely, instead of working with individual digits, implement multiplication in base 100000. Then at the end, total the digits within each super-digit. I don't know how good a computer you were allowed in the contest, but I have a desktop at home that is roughly as old as the contest. The following sample code takes 16 milliseconds for 1000! and 2.15 seconds for 10000! The code also ignores trailing 0s as they show up, but that only saves about 7% of the work.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
unsigned int dig[10000], first=0, last=0, carry, n, x, sum=0;
dig[0] = 1;
for(n=2; n <= 9999; n++) {
carry = 0;
for(x=first; x <= last; x++) {
carry = dig[x]*n + carry;
dig[x] = carry%100000;
if(x == first && !(carry%100000)) first++;
carry /= 100000; }
if(carry) dig[++last] = carry; }
for(x=first; x <= last; x++)
sum += dig[x]%10 + (dig[x]/10)%10 + (dig[x]/100)%10 + (dig[x]/1000)%10
+ (dig[x]/10000)%10;
printf("Sum: %d\n",sum); }
Third, there is an amazing and fairly simple way to speed up the computation by another sizable factor. With modern methods for multiplying large numbers, it does not take quadratic time to compute n!. Instead, you can do it in O-tilde(n) time, where the tilde means that you can throw in logarithmic factors. There is a simple acceleration due to Karatsuba that does not bring the time complexity down to that, but still improves it and could save another factor of 4 or so. In order to use it, you also need to divide the factorial itself into equal sized ranges. You make a recursive algorithm prod(k,n) that multiplies the numbers from k to n by the pseudocode formula
prod(k,n) = prod(k,floor((k+n)/2))*prod(floor((k+n)/2)+1,n)
Then you use Karatsuba to do the big multiplication that results.
Even better than Karatsuba is the Fourier-transform-based Schonhage-Strassen multiplication algorithm. As it happens, both algorithms are part of modern big number libraries. Computing huge factorials quickly could be important for certain pure mathematics applications. I think that Schonhage-Strassen is overkill for a programming contest. Karatsuba is really simple and you could imagine it in an A+ solution to the problem.
Part of the question posed is some speculation that there is a simple number theory trick that changes the contest problem entirely. For instance, if the question were to determine n! mod n+1, then Wilson's theorem says that the answer is -1 when n+1 is prime, and it's a really easy exercise to see that it's 2 when n=3 and otherwise 0 when n+1 is composite. There are variations of this too; for instance n! is also highly predictable mod 2n+1. There are also some connections between congruences and sums of digits. The sum of the digits of x mod 9 is also x mod 9, which is why the sum is 0 mod 9 when x = n! for n >= 6. The alternating sum of the digits of x mod 11 equals x mod 11.
The problem is that if you want the sum of the digits of a large number, not modulo anything, the tricks from number theory run out pretty quickly. Adding up the digits of a number doesn't mesh well with addition and multiplication with carries. It's often difficult to promise that the math does not exist for a fast algorithm, but in this case I don't think that there is any known formula. For instance, I bet that no one knows the sum of the digits of a googol factorial, even though it is just some number with roughly 100 digits.

This is A004152 in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Unfortunately, it doesn't have any useful tips about how to calculate it efficiently - its maple and mathematica recipes take the naive approach.

I'd attack the second problem, to compute N! mod (N+1), using Wilson's theorem. That reduces the problem to testing whether N is prime.

Small, fast python script found at It's elegant but still brute force.
import sys
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
print reduce( lambda x,y: int(x)+int(y),
str( reduce( lambda x, y: x*y, range(1,int(arg)))))
$ time python 432 951 5436 606 14 9520
real 0m1.252s
user 0m1.108s
sys 0m0.062s

Assume you have big numbers (this is the least of your problems, assuming that N is really big, and not 10000), and let's continue from there.
The trick below is to factor N! by factoring all n<=N, and then compute the powers of the factors.
Have a vector of counters; one counter for each prime number up to N; set them to 0. For each n<= N, factor n and increase the counters of prime factors accordingly (factor smartly: start with the small prime numbers, construct the prime numbers while factoring, and remember that division by 2 is shift). Subtract the counter of 5 from the counter of 2, and make the counter of 5 zero (nobody cares about factors of 10 here).
compute all the prime number up to N, run the following loop
for (j = 0; j< last_prime; ++j) {
count[j] = 0;
for (i = N/ primes[j]; i; i /= primes[j])
count[j] += i;
Note that in the previous block we only used (very) small numbers.
For each prime factor P you have to compute P to the power of the appropriate counter, that takes log(counter) time using iterative squaring; now you have to multiply all these powers of prime numbers.
All in all you have about N log(N) operations on small numbers (log N prime factors), and Log N Log(Log N) operations on big numbers.
and after the improvement in the edit, only N operations on small numbers.

1 second? Why can't you just compute n! and add up the digits? That's 10000 multiplications and no more than a few ten thousand additions, which should take approximately one zillionth of a second.

You have to compute the fatcorial.
1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 = 120.
If you only want to calculate the sum of digits, you can ignore the ending zeroes.
For 6! you can do 12 x 6 = 72 instead of 120 * 6
For 7! you can use (72 * 7) MOD 10
I wrote a response too quickly...
10 is the result of two prime numbers 2 and 5.
Each time you have these 2 factors, you can ignore them.
1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15...
1 2 3 2 5 2 7 2 3 2 11 2 13 2 3
2 3 2 3 5 2 7 5
2 3
The factor 5 appears at 5, 10, 15...
Then a ending zero will appear after multiplying by 5, 10, 15...
We have a lot of 2s and 3s... We'll overflow soon :-(
Then, you still need a library for big numbers.
I deserve to be downvoted!

Let's see. We know that the calculation of n! for any reasonably-large number will eventually lead to a number with lots of trailing zeroes, which don't contribute to the sum. How about lopping off the zeroes along the way? That'd keep the sizer of the number a bit smaller?
Hmm. Nope. I just checked, and integer overflow is still a big problem even then...

Even without arbitrary-precision integers, this should be brute-forceable. In the problem statement you linked to, the biggest factorial that would need to be computed would be 1000!. This is a number with about 2500 digits. So just do this:
Allocate an array of 3000 bytes, with each byte representing one digit in the factorial. Start with a value of 1.
Run grade-school multiplication on the array repeatedly, in order to calculate the factorial.
Sum the digits.
Doing the repeated multiplications is the only potentially slow step, but I feel certain that 1000 of the multiplications could be done in a second, which is the worst case. If not, you could compute a few "milestone" values in advance and just paste them into your program.
One potential optimization: Eliminate trailing zeros from the array when they appear. They will not affect the answer.
OBVIOUS NOTE: I am taking a programming-competition approach here. You would probably never do this in professional work.

another solution using BigInteger
static long q20(){
long sum = 0;
String factorial = factorial(new BigInteger("100")).toString();
for(int i=0;i<factorial.length();i++){
sum += Long.parseLong(factorial.charAt(i)+"");
return sum;
static BigInteger factorial(BigInteger n){
BigInteger one = new BigInteger("1");
if(n.equals(one)) return one;
return n.multiply(factorial(n.subtract(one)));


What is the runtime complexity of isPrime(n) if you iterate up to sqrt(n)

What would the Big O for the following method?
boolean isPrime( num )
i = 2
while i <= sqrt(num)
if num % i == 0
return false
i += 1
return true
My thought is O(sqrt(n)), which isn't a typical answer.
Below are a couple of tables to clarify my reasoning:
In this table, every time N is quadrupled, the number of iterations only doubles.
iterations = sqrt(N)
To contrast this behavior with a linear function,
if we looped while i <= num/2 instead, the table would be:
iterations = N/2
Now every time N is quadrupled, the number of iterations also quadruples.
I.e. the runtime varies directly with N.
You are right - checking up to √n gives you a much better complexity. And if you define num = n and assume the modulo operator is constant time, then your time complexity is correct.
The reason this is not a 'typical answer', as you state, is that typically we measure time complexity on the size of the input. To encode num in binary, we need log2(num) bits (and similarly with any other nontrivial base) so the actual input size is n = log2(num).
If we define n this way, then you will find that num = O(2n), so your overall time complexity becomes O(√(2n)) or O(20.5n).
However, this is not more correct than your expression, it is just a more common (and more useful) way to express it, and it might clarify why your answer doesn't seem typical when you search.
Ultimately what matters is that you define your n. If you don't, it is probably assumed by the reader that it's the logarithm of num and they might think you falsely claim your algorithm is the fastest in the world.

Why does this loop take O(2^n) time complexity?

There is a loop which perform a brute-force algorithm to calculate 5 * 3 without using arithmetical operators.
I just need to add Five 3times so that it takes O(3) which is O(y) if inputs are x * y.
However, in a book, it says it takes O(2^n) where n is the number of bits in the input. I don't understand why it use O(2^n) to represent it O(y). Is it more good way to show time complexity?. Could you please explain me?
I'm not asking other algorithm to calculate this.
int result = 0
for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
result += 5
You’re claiming that the time complexity is O(y) on the input, and the book is claiming that the time complexity is O(2n) on the number of bits in the input. Good news: you’re both right! If a number y can be represented by n bits, y is at most 2n − 1.
I think that you're misreading the passage from the book.
When the book is talking about the algorithm for computing the product of two numbers, it uses the example of multiplying 3 × 5 as a concrete instance of the more general idea of computing x × y by adding y + y + ... + y, x total times. It's not claiming that the specific algorithm "add 5 + 5 + 5" runs in time O(2n). Instead, think about this algorithm:
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
total += y;
The runtime of this algorithm is O(x). If you measure the runtime as a function of the number of bits n in the number x - as is suggested by the book - then the runtime is O(2n), since to represent the number x you need O(log n) bits. This is the distinction between polynomial time and pseudopolynomial time, and the reason the book then goes on to describe a better algorithm for solving this problem is so that the runtime ends up being a polynomial in the number of bits used to represent the input rather than in the numeric value of the numbers. The exposition about grade-school multiplication and addition is there to help you get a better sense for the difference between these two quantities.
Do not think with 3 and 5. Think how to calculate 2 billion x 2 billion (roughly 2^31 multiplied with 2^31)
Your inputs are 31 bits each (N) and your loop will be executed 2 billion times i.e. 2^N.
So, book is correct. For 5x3 case, 3 is 2 bits. So it is complexity is O(2^2). Again correct.

How many numbers have a maximum number of unique prime factors in a given range

Note that the divisors have to be unique
So 32 has 1 unique prime factor [2], 40 has [2, 5] and so on.
Given a range [a, b], a, b <= 2^31, we should find how many numbers in this range have a maximum number of unique divisors.
The best algorithm I can imagine is an improved Sieve of Eratosthenes, with an array counting how many prime factors a number has. But it is not only O(n), which is unacceptable with such a range, but also very inefficient in terms of memory.
What is the best algorithm to solve this question? Is there such an algorithm?
I'll write a first idea in Python-like pseudocode. First find out how many prime factors you may need at most:
p = 1
i = 0
while primes[i] * p <= b:
p = p * primes[i]
i = i + 1
This only used b, not a, so you may have to decrease the number of actual prime factors. But since the result of the above is at most 9 (as the product of the first 10 primes already exceeds 231), you can conceivably go down from this maximum one step at a time:
cnt = 0
while cnt == 0:
cnt = count(i, 1, 0)
i = i - 1
return cnt
So now we need to implement this function count, which I define recursively.
def count(numFactorsToGo, productSoFar, nextPrimeIndex):
if numFactorsToGo > 0:
cnt = 0
while productSoFar * primes[nextPrimeIndex] <= b:
cnt = cnt + count(numFactorsToGo - 1,
productSoFar * primes[nextPrimeIndex],
nextPrimeIndex + 1)
nextPrimeIndex = nextPrimeIndex + 1
return cnt
return floor(b / productSoFar) - ceil(a / productSoFar) + 1
This function has two cases to distinguish. In the first case, you don't have the desired number of prime factors yet. So you multiply in another prime, which has to be larger than the largest prime already included in the product so far. You achieve this by starting at the given index for the next prime. You add the counts for all these recursive calls.
The second case is where you have reached the desired number of prime factors. In this case, you want to count all possible integers k such that a ≤ k∙p ≤ b. Which translates easily into ⌈a/p⌉ ≤ k ≤ ⌊b/p⌋ so the count would be ⌊b/p⌋ − ⌈a/p⌉ + 1. In an actual implementation I'd not use floating-point division and floor or ceil, but instead I'd make use of truncating integer division for the sake of performance. So I'd probably write this line as
return (b // productSoFar) - ((a - 1) // productSoFar + 1) + 1
As it is written now, you'd need the primes array precomouted up to 231, which would be a list of 105,097,565 numbers according to Wolfram Alpha. That will cause considerable memory requirements, and will also make the outer loops (where productSoFar is still small) iterate over a large number of primes which won't be needed later on.
One thing you can do is change the end of loop condition. Instead of just checking that adding one more prime doesn't make the product exceed b, you can check whether including the next primesToGo primes in the product is possible without exceeding b. This will allow you to end the loop a lot earlier if the total number of prime factors is large.
For a small number of prime factors, things are still tricky. In particular if you have a very narrow range [a, b] then the number with maximal prime factor count might well be a large prime factor times a product of very small primes. Consider for example [2147482781, 2147482793]. This interval contains 4 elements with 4 distinct factors, some of which contain quite large prime factors, namely
3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 ∙ 20,452,217
22 ∙ 3 ∙ 11 ∙ 16,268,809
2 ∙ 5 ∙ 19 ∙ 11,302,541
23 ∙ 7 ∙ 13 ∙ 2,949,839
Since there are only 4,792 primes up to sqrt(231), with 46,337 as their largest (which fits into a 16 bit unsigned integer). It would be possible to precompute only those, and use that to factor each number in the range. But that would again mean iterating over the range. Which makes sense for small ranges, but not for large ones.
So perhaps you need to distinguish these cases up front, and then choose the algorithm accordingly. I don't have a good idea of how to combine these ideas – yet. If someone else does, feel free to extend this post or write your own answer building on this.

Is this number a power of two?

I have a number (in base 10) represented as a string with up to 10^6 digits. I want to check if this number is a power of two. One thing I can think of is binary search on exponents and using FFT and fast exponentiation algorithm, but it is quite long and complex to code. Let n denote the length of the input (i.e., the number of decimal digits in the input). What's the most efficient algorithm for solving this problem, as a function of n?
There are either two or three powers of 2 for any given size of a decimal number, and it is easy to guess what they are, since the size of the decimal number is a good approximation of its base 10 logarithm, and you can compute the base 2 logarithm by just multiplying by an appropriate constant (log210). So a binary search would be inefficient and unnecessary.
Once you have a trial exponent, which will be on the order of three million, you can use the squaring exponentiation algorithm with about 22 bugnum decimal multiplications. (And up to 21 doublings, but those are relatively easy.)
Depending on how often you do this check, you might want to invest in fast bignum code. But if it is infrequent, simple multiplication should be ok.
If you don't expect the numbers to be powers of 2, you could first do a quick computation mod 109 to see if the last 9 digits match. That will eliminate all but a tiny percentage of random numbers. Or, for an even faster but slightly weaker filter, using 64-bit arithmetic check that the last 20 digits are divisible by 220 and not by 10.
Here is an easy probabilistic solution.
Say your number is n, and we want to find k: n = 2^k. Obviously, k = log2(n) = log10(n) * log2(10). We can estimate log10(n) ~ len(n) and find k' = len(n) * log2(10) with a small error (say, |k - k'| <= 5, I didn't check but this should be enough). Probably you'll need this part in any solutions that can come in mind, it was mentioned in other answers as well.
Now let's check that n = 2^k for some known k. Select a random prime number P with from 2 to k^2. If remainders are not equal that k is definitely not a match. But what if they are equal? I claim that false positive rate is bounded by 2 log(k)/k.
Why it is so? Because if n = 2^k (mod P) then P divides D = n-2^k. The number D has length about k (because n and 2^k has similar magnitude due to the first part) and thus cannot have more than k distinct prime divisors. There are around k^2 / log(k^2) primes less than k^2, so a probability that you've picked a prime divisor of D at random is less than k / (k^2 / log(k^2)) = 2 log(k) / k.
In practice, primes up to 10^9 (or even up to log(n)) should suffice, but you have to do a bit deeper analysis to prove the probability.
This solution does not require any long arithmetics at all, all calculations could be made in 64-bit integers.
P.S. In order to select a random prime from 1 to T you may use the following logic: select a random number from 1 to T and increment it by one until it is prime. In this case the distribution on primes is not uniform and the former analysis is not completely correct, but it can be adapted to such kind of random as well.
i am not sure if its easy to apply, but i would do it in the following way:
1) show the number in binary. now if the number is a power of two, it would look like:
with only one 1 and the rest are 0. checking this number would be easy. now the question is how is the number stored. for example, it could have leading zeroes that will harden the search for the 1:
if there are only small number of leading zeroes, just search from left to right. if the number of zeroes is unknown, we will have to...
2) binary search for the 1:
2a) cut in the middle.
2b) if both or neither of them are 0 (hopefully you can check if a number is zero in reasonable time), stop and return false. (false = not power of 2)
else continue with the non-zero part.
stop if the non-zero part = 1 and return true.
estimation: if the number is n digits (decimal), then its 2^n digits binary.
binary search takes O(log t), and since t = 2^n, log t = n. therefore the algorithm should take O(n).
1) you can access the binary view of the number.
2) you can compare a number to zero in a reasonable time.

Greatest GCD between some numbers

We've got some nonnegative numbers. We want to find the pair with maximum gcd. actually this maximum is more important than the pair!
For example if we have:
2 4 5 15
The answer is 5.
You can use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the GCD of two numbers.
while (b != 0)
int m = a % b;
a = b;
b = m;
return a;
If you want an alternative to the obvious algorithm, then assuming your numbers are in a bounded range, and you have plenty of memory, you can beat O(N^2) time, N being the number of values:
Create an array of a small integer type, indexes 1 to the max input. O(1)
For each value, increment the count of every element of the index which is a factor of the number (make sure you don't wraparound). O(N).
Starting at the end of the array, scan back until you find a value >= 2. O(1)
That tells you the max gcd, but doesn't tell you which pair produced it. For your example input, the computed array looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
4 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
I don't know whether this is actually any faster for the inputs you have to handle. The constant factors involved are large: the bound on your values and the time to factorise a value within that bound.
You don't have to factorise each value - you could use memoisation and/or a pregenerated list of primes. Which gives me the idea that if you are memoising the factorisation, you don't need the array:
Create an empty set of int, and a best-so-far value 1.
For each input integer:
if it's less than or equal to best-so-far, continue.
check whether it's in the set. If so, best-so-far = max(best-so-far, this-value), continue. If not:
add it to the set
repeat for all of its factors (larger than best-so-far).
Add/lookup in a set could be O(log N), although it depends what data structure you use. Each value has O(f(k)) factors, where k is the max value and I can't remember what the function f is...
The reason that you're finished with a value as soon as you encounter it in the set is that you've found a number which is a common factor of two input values. If you keep factorising, you'll only find smaller such numbers, which are not interesting.
I'm not quite sure what the best way is to repeat for the larger factors. I think in practice you might have to strike a balance: you don't want to do them quite in decreasing order because it's awkward to generate ordered factors, but you also don't want to actually find all the factors.
Even in the realms of O(N^2), you might be able to beat the use of the Euclidean algorithm:
Fully factorise each number, storing it as a sequence of exponents of primes (so for example 2 is {1}, 4 is {2}, 5 is {0, 0, 1}, 15 is {0, 1, 1}). Then you can calculate gcd(a,b) by taking the min value at each index and multiplying them back out. No idea whether this is faster than Euclid on average, but it might be. Obviously it uses a load more memory.
The optimisations I can think of is
1) start with the two biggest numbers since they are likely to have most prime factors and thus likely to have the most shared prime factors (and thus the highest GCD).
2) When calculating the GCDs of other pairs you can stop your Euclidean algorithm loop if you get below your current greatest GCD.
Off the top of my head I can't think of a way that you can work out the greatest GCD of a pair without trying to work out each pair individually (and optimise a bit as above).
Disclaimer: I've never looked at this problem before and the above is off the top of my head. There may be better ways and I may be wrong. I'm happy to discuss my thoughts in more length if anybody wants. :)
There is no O(n log n) solution to this problem in general. In fact, the worst case is O(n^2) in the number of items in the list. Consider the following set of numbers:
2^20 3^13 5^9 7^2*11^4 7^4*11^3
Only the GCD of the last two is greater than 1, but the only way to know that from looking at the GCDs is to try out every pair and notice that one of them is greater than 1.
So you're stuck with the boring brute-force try-every-pair approach, perhaps with a couple of clever optimizations to avoid doing needless work when you've already found a large GCD (while making sure that you don't miss anything).
With some constraints, e.g the numbers in the array are within a given range, say 1-1e7, it is doable in O(NlogN) / O(MAX * logMAX), where MAX is the maximum possible value in A.
Inspired from the sieve algorithm, and came across it in a Hackerrank Challenge -- there it is done for two arrays. Check their editorial.
find min(A) and max(A) - O(N)
create a binary mask, to mark which elements of A appear in the given range, for O(1) lookup; O(N) to build; O(MAX_RANGE) storage.
for every number a in the range (min(A), max(A)):
for aa = a; aa < max(A); aa += a:
if aa in A, increment a counter for aa, and compare it to current max_gcd, if counter >= 2 (i.e, you have two numbers divisible by aa);
store top two candidates for each GCD candidate.
could also ignore elements which are less than current max_gcd;
Previous answer:
Still O(N^2) -- sort the array; should eliminate some of the unnecessary comparisons;
max_gcd = 1
# assuming you want pairs of distinct elements.
sort(a) # assume in place
for ii = n - 1: -1 : 0 do
if a[ii] <= max_gcd
for jj = ii - 1 : -1 :0 do
if a[jj] <= max_gcd
current_gcd = GCD(a[ii], a[jj])
if current_gcd > max_gcd:
max_gcd = current_gcd
This should save some unnecessary computation.
There is a solution that would take O(n):
Let our numbers be a_i. First, calculate m=a_0*a_1*a_2*.... For each number a_i, calculate gcd(m/a_i, a_i). The number you are looking for is the maximum of these values.
I haven't proved that this is always true, but in your example, it works:
max(gcd(m/2,2), gcd(m/4,4), gcd(m/5,5), gcd(m/15,15))=max(2, 2, 5, 5)=5
NOTE: This is not correct. If the number a_i has a factor p_j repeated twice, and if two other numbers also contain this factor, p_j, then you get the incorrect result p_j^2 insted of p_j. For example, for the set 3, 5, 15, 25, you get 25 as the answer instead of 5.
However, you can still use this to quickly filter out numbers. For example, in the above case, once you determine the 25, you can first do the exhaustive search for a_3=25 with gcd(a_3, a_i) to find the real maximum, 5, then filter out gcd(m/a_i, a_i), i!=3 which are less than or equal to 5 (in the example above, this filters out all others).
Added for clarification and justification:
To see why this should work, note that gcd(a_i, a_j) divides gcd(m/a_i, a_i) for all j!=i.
Let's call gcd(m/a_i, a_i) as g_i, and max(gcd(a_i, a_j),j=1..n, j!=i) as r_i. What I say above is g_i=x_i*r_i, and x_i is an integer. It is obvious that r_i <= g_i, so in n gcd operations, we get an upper bound for r_i for all i.
The above claim is not very obvious. Let's examine it a bit deeper to see why it is true: the gcd of a_i and a_j is the product of all prime factors that appear in both a_i and a_j (by definition). Now, multiply a_j with another number, b. The gcd of a_i and b*a_j is either equal to gcd(a_i, a_j), or is a multiple of it, because b*a_j contains all prime factors of a_j, and some more prime factors contributed by b, which may also be included in the factorization of a_i. In fact, gcd(a_i, b*a_j)=gcd(a_i/gcd(a_i, a_j), b)*gcd(a_i, a_j), I think. But I can't see a way to make use of this. :)
Anyhow, in our construction, m/a_i is simply a shortcut to calculate the product of all a_j, where j=1..1, j!=i. As a result, gcd(m/a_i, a_i) contains all gcd(a_i, a_j) as a factor. So, obviously, the maximum of these individual gcd results will divide g_i.
Now, the largest g_i is of particular interest to us: it is either the maximum gcd itself (if x_i is 1), or a good candidate for being one. To do that, we do another n-1 gcd operations, and calculate r_i explicitly. Then, we drop all g_j less than or equal to r_i as candidates. If we don't have any other candidate left, we are done. If not, we pick up the next largest g_k, and calculate r_k. If r_k <= r_i, we drop g_k, and repeat with another g_k'. If r_k > r_i, we filter out remaining g_j <= r_k, and repeat.
I think it is possible to construct a number set that will make this algorithm run in O(n^2) (if we fail to filter out anything), but on random number sets, I think it will quickly get rid of large chunks of candidates.
function getGcdMax(array[])
if (arrayUB<1)
if (pointerB>arrayUB)
until (pointerB>arrayUB)
return gcdMax
