Waiting for a text change in WatiN - ajax

I am trying to test a web page that has ajax calls to update a price.
An ajax call is fired on page load to update an initially empty div.
This is the extension method I'm using to wait for a change in the inner text of the div.
public static void WaitForTextChange(this IE ie, string id)
string old = ie.Element(id).Text;
However it's not pausing even though when I write out the old value and ie.Element(id).Text after the wait, they are both null. I can't debug as this acts as a pause.
Can the Find.ByText not handle nulls or have I got something wrong.
Has anyone got some code working similar to this?

I found my own solution in the end after delving into WatiN's constraints.
Here's the solution:
public class TextConstraint : Constraint
private readonly string _text;
private readonly bool _negate;
public TextConstraint(string text)
_text = text;
_negate = false;
public TextConstraint(string text, bool negate)
_text = text;
_negate = negate;
public override void WriteDescriptionTo(TextWriter writer)
writer.Write("Find text to{0} match {1}.", _negate ? " not" : "", _text);
protected override bool MatchesImpl(IAttributeBag attributeBag, ConstraintContext context)
return (attributeBag.GetAdapter<Element>().Text == _text) ^ _negate;
And the updated extension method:
public static void WaitForTextChange(this IE ie, Element element)
string old = element.Text;
element.WaitUntil(new TextConstraint(old, true));
It assumes that the old value will be read before the change so there's a slight chance of a race condition if you use it too long after setting off the update but it works for me.


Call several different JavaScript within AjaxLink one after the other

When I click on an AjaxLink, I would like to have a validation via JavaScript on the client side first (because the LocalStorage is queried) and then depending on the result, further JavaScript calls are made. How can i achieve this?
In a pseudo code it would look like this:
new AjaxLink<>("myId", myModel) {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
boolean isCounterValid = target.appendJavaScript(checkCounter()); // i know that this is not possible, therefore pseudo code
if(isCounterValid) {
else {
private String checkCounter() {
return "var count = window.localStorage.getItem('myCounter'); return count !== 1;";
private String someOtherJavaScript() {
return "change something";
private String anotherJavaScript() {
return "change other thing";
You need to send extra request parameters with the Ajax call when the link is clicked. For that you should override updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes attributes) method of AjaxLink:
protected void updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes attributes)
attributes.getDynamicExtraParameters().add("var count = window.localStorage.getItem('myCounter'); return [{\"name\":\"count\", \"value\": count}]");
This way inside AjaxLink#onClick() you can read the count via:
int count = getRequest().getRequestParameters().getParameterValue("count").toInt();
AJAX components and behaviors can customize AJAX attributes overriding updateAjaxAttributes and using a custom implementation of AjaxCallListener which exposes different method to hook into the AJAX request cycle. In you case you could use AjaxCallListener#getBeforeSendHandler.
For a full introduction to this topic (with examples) see user guide:

Ajax Pagination Wicket. Retrieve new data from db when next page is clicked

I want to paginate my results. First I've tried the classic way and it worked, my dataView retrieves a list with results from database and displays the number of results I want per page.
(Looks like this << <1 2 3 4 5> >> )
final DataView<RequestEntity> dataView = new MyDataView();
linksContainer.add(new PagingNavigator("pageNavigator", dataView));
<a wicket:id="pageNavigator"></a>
Now I want to retrieve data from database only when the next page is clicked (kind of lazy loading/ lazy pagination). So I modified my DAOObject like this:
It is the same query like before but this time it will take the amount of results I want per page.
And it works, it retrieves as much entries as I want per page. The problem is that I don't know how to display another page. It appears just one page with the first entries from the query. (Looks like this << 1 >>)
My idea is to use links instead of AjaxPagingNavigator to display pages from 1 to 5 and when the link is clicked the query is executed. I don't think my idea is good. Can you help me? I hope my question isn't too stupid.
Done! All I needed to do is to create IDataProvider that knows everything. If you create it you don't need to worry about the size( about tricking it to show more pages).
IDataProvider dataProvider = new IDataProvider<RequestEntity>() {
RequestEntityDAOExtra requestEntityDAOExtra =
((MyApp) getApplication()).getMyRequestDAO();
public Iterator<? extends RequestEntity> iterator(long first, long count) {
List<RequestEntity> entitiesByDomainList = requestEntityDAOExtra.getEntityByDomain(
domainInput.getModelObject(), (int) count, (int) first);
return entitiesByDomainList.iterator();
public long size() {
return requestEntityDAOExtra.getEntityByDomainCount(domainInput.getModelObject());
public IModel<RequestEntity> model(final RequestEntity requestEntity) {
return new LoadableDetachableModel() {
protected RequestEntity load() {
return requestEntity;
public void detach() {
final DataView<RequestEntity> dataView = new MyDataView(dataProvider, 10);
private class MyDataView extends DataView<RequestEntity> {
public MyDataView(IDataProvider dataProvider, int i) {
super("linksList", dataProvider, i);
protected void populateItem(final Item<RequestEntity> item) {

windows phone 7 how to pass Array value from one scree to another screen

///first I have crated Popular class for storing values
public class Popular
public string trk_mnetid,trk_title , art_mnetid, art_name, image_url;
/// create popularplaylist class
public partial class PopularPlaylist : PhoneApplicationPage
Popular popobj = new Popular();
List<Popular> pop = new List<Popular>();
/* call json parsing it and show only "titles" in List form when i m click on perticular title i need to show details in next screen which i paser and store in popular popularplaylist class.
i use navigationservice call new screen
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Popular_Module/PopularPlaylist.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
// plz tell me how to get list data in next screen
Use querystring.
Passing Value: In MainPage.xaml.cs add the following
The easiest way to pass a parameter is just to use a string, something like:
private void btnNavigate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string url=String.Format("/Page1.xaml?parameter={0}",popular);
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(url, UriKind.Relative));
Getting Value: In Page.xaml.cs add the following
Note: It is important to override the OnNavigatedTo and after that you can use the NavigationContext to get the passed parameter.
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
List<string> parameterValue = NavigationContext.QueryString["parameter"];
Another popular syntax to get the value of the parameter is:
List<string> parameter = string.Empty;
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("parameter", out parameter))
//do something with the parameter

ASP.NET MVC3 Get Last Modified time of any part of view?

I want to get the last modified time of any part of a view prior to it rendering. This includes layout pages, partial views etc.
I want to set a proper time for
to properly handle http caching. Currently I have this working for the view itself however if there are any changes in the layout pages, or child partial views those are not picked up by
var viewLastWriteUtcTime = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(
(ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, ViewBag.HttpMethod, null)
.View as BuildManagerCompiledView)
Is there any way I can get the overall last modified time?
I don't want to respond with 304 Not Modified after deployments that modified a related part of the view as users would get inconsistent behavior.
I'm not going to guarantee that this is the most effective way to do it, but I've tested it and it works. You might need to adjust the GetRequestKey() logic and you may want to choose an alternate temporary storage location depending on your scenario. I didn't implement any caching for file times since that seemed like something you wouldn't be interested in. It wouldn't be hard to add if it was ok to have the times be a small amount off and you wanted to avoid the file access overhead on every request.
First, extend RazorViewEngine with a view engine that tracks the greatest last modified time for all the views rendered during this request. We do this by storing the latest time in the session keyed by session id and request timestamp. You could just as easily do this with any other view engine.
public class CacheFriendlyRazorViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
protected override IView CreateView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath)
UpdateLatestTime(controllerContext, GetLastModifiedForPath(controllerContext, viewPath));
var pathToMaster = masterPath;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathToMaster))
pathToMaster = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; // TODO: derive from _ViewStart.cshtml
UpdateLatestTime(controllerContext, GetLastModifiedForPath(controllerContext, pathToMaster));
return base.CreateView(controllerContext, viewPath, masterPath);
protected override IView CreatePartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string partialPath)
UpdateLatestTime(controllerContext, GetLastModifiedForPath(controllerContext, partialPath));
return base.CreatePartialView(controllerContext, partialPath);
private DateTime GetLastModifiedForPath(ControllerContext controllerContext, string path)
return System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(controllerContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(path)).ToUniversalTime();
public static void ClearLatestTime(ControllerContext controllerContext)
var key = GetRequestKey(controllerContext.HttpContext);
public static DateTime GetLatestTime(ControllerContext controllerContext, bool clear = false)
var key = GetRequestKey(controllerContext.HttpContext);
var timestamp = GetLatestTime(controllerContext, key);
if (clear)
return timestamp;
private static DateTime GetLatestTime(ControllerContext controllerContext, string key)
return controllerContext.HttpContext.Session[key] as DateTime? ?? DateTime.MinValue;
private void UpdateLatestTime(ControllerContext controllerContext, DateTime timestamp)
var key = GetRequestKey(controllerContext.HttpContext);
var currentTimeStamp = GetLatestTime(controllerContext, key);
if (timestamp > currentTimeStamp)
controllerContext.HttpContext.Session[key] = timestamp;
private static string GetRequestKey(HttpContextBase context)
return string.Format("{0}-{1}", context.Session.SessionID, context.Timestamp);
Next, replace the existing engine(s) with your new one in global.asax.cs
protected void Application_Start()
System.Web.Mvc.ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new ViewEngines.CacheFriendlyRazorViewEngine());
Finally, in some global filter or on a per-controller basis add an OnResultExecuted. Note, I believe OnResultExecuted in the controller runs after the response has been sent, so I think you must use a filter. My testing indicates this to be true.
Also, note that I am clearing the value out of the session after it is used to keep from polluting the session with the timestamps. You might want to keep it in the Cache and set a short expiration on it so you don't have to explicitly clean things out or if your session isn't kept in memory to avoid the transaction costs of storing it in the session.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class UpdateLastModifiedFromViewsAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
var cache = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Cache;
cache.SetLastModified(CacheFriendlyRazorViewEngine.GetLatestTime(filterContext.Controller.ControllerContext, true));
Finally, apply the filter to the controller you want to use it on or as a global filter:
public class HomeController : Controller

wicket - Implement Ajax add/remove items ListView

Im getting crazy about this issue. I implemented a ListView which you can add/remove TextField dinamically, but only the last TextField is removed.
An example:
// Object type which is used in the list
public class ExampleObject implements Serializable{
private String keyword;
public String getKeyword() {
return this.keyword;
public void setKeyword(String s) {
keyword = s;
List<ExampleObject> keywordList = new ArrayList<ExampleObject>();
keywordList.add(new ExampleObject());
ListView keywordView = new ListView("keywordView", keywordList) {
protected void populateItem(final ListItem item) {
ExampleObject model = (ExampleObject) item.getModelObject();
item.add(new TextField("subKeyword", new PropertyModel(model, "keyword")));
// keyword remove link
AjaxSubmitLink removeKeyword = new AjaxSubmitLink("removeKeyword", myForm)
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
ExampleObject selected = (ExampleObject) item.getModelObject();
// I also tried deleting by index. println shows the
// selected object is the element I want to remove, so why always
// remove last object of the list?
if (target != null) {
// keyword add link
AjaxSubmitLink addKeyword = new AjaxSubmitLink("addKeyword", metadataForm)
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
keywordList.add(new ExampleObject());
if (target != null) {
Any help would be very appreciate, because I thing this issue is really a very stupid mistake but I cant get it!
It might be as simple as getting rid of the line
The reuseItems flag is an efficiency so that the page does not rebuild the ListView items unnecessarily, but it can lead to confusion such as what you're seeing.
ListView really wasn't made for use with forms though, and you'll probably be better off with another tactic entirely.
This blog entry on building a list editor form component might be useful. It will need some changes if you're not on Wicket 1.4, but similar stuff is definitely possible in Wicket 1.3, and the comments have some hints.
Read the javadoc of ListView#setReuseItems():
"But if you modify the listView model object, than you must manually call listView.removeAll() in order to rebuild the ListItems."
You can not use a ListView this way. Either use the members of ListView provided:
removeLink(java.lang.String id, ListItem<T> item)
newItem(int index)
but, I never used those. If I have to display a List and be able to add remove Items dynamically, I prefer the RefreshingView.
If you do use FormComponents inside a RefreshingView, make sure you set a Reusestartegy (setItemReuseStrategy())
