PowerShell equivalent of LINQ Any()? - linq

I would like to find all directories at the top level from the location of the script that are stored in subversion.
In C# it would be something like this
.Any(x => x == "_svn" || ".svn"));
I'm having a bit of difficulty finding the equivalent of "Any()" in PowerShell, and I don't want to go through the awkwardness of calling the extension method.
So far I've got this:
Get-ChildItem | ? {$_.PsIsContainer} | Get-ChildItem -force | ? {$_.PsIsContainer -and $_.Name -eq "_svn" -or $_.Name -eq ".svn"
This finds me the svn directories themselves, but not their parent directories - which is what I want. Bonus points if you can tell me why adding
| Select-Object {$_.Directory}
to the end of that command list simply displays a sequence of blank lines.

To answer the immediate question with a PowerShell v3+ solution:
(Get-ChildItem -Force -Directory -Recurse -Depth 2 -Include '_svn', '.svn').Parent.FullName
-Directory limits the matches to directories, -Recurse -Depth 2 recurses up to three levels (children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren), Include allows specifying multiple (filename-component) filters, and .Parent.FullName returns the full path of the parent dirs. of the matching dirs., using member-access enumeration (implicitly accessing a collection's elements' properties).
As for the bonus question: select-object {$_.Directory} does not work,
because the \[System.IO.DirectoryInfo\] instances returned by Get-ChildItem have no .Directory property, only a .Parent property; Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parent should have been used.
In addition to only returning the property value of interest, -ExpandProperty also enforces the existence of the property. By contrast, Select-Object {$_.Directory} returns a custom object with a property literally named $_.Directory, whose value is $null, given that the input objects have no .Directory property; these $null values print as empty lines in the console.
As for the more general question about a PowerShell equivalent to LINQ's .Any() method, which indicates [with a Boolean result] whether a given enumerable (collection) has any elements at all / any elements satisfying a given condition:
Natively, PowerShell offers no such equivalent, but the behavior can be emulated:
Using the PowerShell v4+ intrinsic.Where() method:
Caveat: This requires collecting the entire input collection in memory first, which can be problematic with large collections and/or long-running input commands.
(...).Where({ $_ ... }, 'First').Count -gt 0
... represents the command of interest, and $_ ... the condition of interest, applied to each input object, where PowerShell's automatic $_ variable refers to the input object at hand; argument 'First' ensures that the method returns once the first match has been found.
For example:
# See if there's at least one value > 1
PS> (1, 2, 3).Where({ $_ -gt 1 }, 'First').Count -gt 0
Using the pipeline: Testing whether a command produced at least one output object [matching a condition]:
The advantage of a pipeline-based solution is that it can act on a command's output one by one, as it is being produced, without needing to collect the entire output in memory first.
If you don't mind that all objects are enumerated - even if you only care if there is at least one - use Paolo Tedesco's helpful extension to JaredPar's helpful answer.
The down-side of this approach is that you always have to wait for a (potentially long-running) command to finish producing all output objects, even though - logically - the determination whether there are any output objects can be made as soon as the first object is received.
If you want to exit the pipeline as soon as one [matching] object has been encountered, you have two options:
[Ad-hoc: Easy to understand, but cumbersome to implement]
Enclose the pipeline in a dummy loop and use break to break out of the pipeline and that loop (... represents the command whose output to test, and $_ ... match the condition):
# Exit on first input object.
[bool] $haveAny = do { ... | % { $true; break } } while ($false)
# Exit on first input object that matches a condition.
[bool] $haveAny = do { ... | % { if ($_ ...) { $true ; break } } } while ($false)
[Use a PowerShell v3+ self-contained utility function that is nontrivial to implement]
See the implementation of function Test-Any below.
It can be added to scripts or, for use in interactive sessions, to your $PROFILE file.
PowerShell v3+: Optimized utility function Test-Any
The function is nontrivial, because as of PowerShell (Core) v7.2.x, there is no direct way to exit a pipeline prematurely, so a workaround based on .NET reflection and a private type is currently necessary.
If you agree that there should be such a feature, take part in the conversation in GitHub issue #3821.
#requires -version 3
Function Test-Any {
[ScriptBlock] $Filter,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InputObject
process {
if (-not $Filter -or (Foreach-Object $Filter -InputObject $InputObject)) {
$true # Signal that at least 1 [matching] object was found
# Now that we have our result, stop the upstream commands in the
# pipeline so that they don't create more, no-longer-needed input.
(Add-Type -Passthru -TypeDefinition '
using System.Management.Automation;
namespace net.same2u.PowerShell {
public static class CustomPipelineStopper {
public static void Stop(Cmdlet cmdlet) {
throw (System.Exception) System.Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Cmdlet).Assembly.GetType("System.Management.Automation.StopUpstreamCommandsException"), cmdlet);
end { $false }
if (-not $Filter -or (Foreach-Object $Filter -InputObject $InputObject)) defaults to true if $Filter wasn't specified, and otherwise evaluates the filter (script block) with the object at hand.
The use of ForEach-Object to evaluate the filter script block ensures that $_ binds to the current pipeline object in all scenarios, as demonstrated in PetSerAl's helpful answer here.
The (Add-Type ... statement uses an ad-hoc type created with C# code that uses reflection to throw the same exception that Select-Object -First (PowerShell v3+) uses internally to stop the pipeline, namely [System.Management.Automation.StopUpstreamCommandsException], which as of PowerShell v5 is still a private type.
Background here:
A big thank-you to PetSerAl for contributing this code in the comments.
PS> #() | Test-Any false
PS> Get-EventLog Application | Test-Any # should return *right away* true
PS> 1, 2, 3 | Test-Any { $_ -gt 1 } # see if any object is > 1 true
Background information
JaredPar's helpful answer and Paolo Tedesco's helpful extension fall short in one respect: they don't exit the pipeline once a match has been found, which can be an important optimization.
Sadly, even as of PowerShell v5, there is no direct way to exit a pipeline prematurely.
If you agree that there should be such a feature, take part in the conversation in GitHub issue #3821.
A naïve optimization of JaredPar's answer actually shortens the code:
function Test-Any() { process { $true; break } end { $false } }
The process block is only entered if there's at least one element in the pipeline.
Small caveat: By design, if there's no pipeline at all, the process block is still entered, with $_ set to $null, so calling Test-Any outside of a pipeline unhelpfully returns $true. To distinguish between between $null | Test-Any and Test-Any, check $MyInvocation.ExpectingInput, which is $true only in a pipeline: Thanks, PetSerAl
function Test-Any() { process { $MyInvocation.ExpectingInput; break } end { $false } }
$true, written to the output stream, signals that at least one object was found.
break then terminates the pipeline and thus prevents superfluous processing of additional objects. HOWEVER, IT ALSO EXITS ANY ENCLOSING LOOP - break is NOT designed to exit a PIPELINEThanks, PetSerAl
If there were a command to exit the pipeline, this is where it would go.
Note that return would simply move on to the next input object.
Since the process block unconditionally executes break, the end block is only reached if the process block was never entered, which implies an empty pipeline, so $false is written to the output stream to signal that.

Unfortunately there is no equivalent in PowerShell. I wrote a blog post about this with a suggestion for a general purpose Test-Any function / filter.
function Test-Any() {
begin {
$any = $false
process {
$any = $true
end {
Blog post: Is there anything in that pipeline?

A variation on #JaredPar's answer, to incorporate the test in the Test-Any filter:
function Test-Any {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $ObjectToTest)
begin {
$any = $false
process {
if (-not $any -and (& $EvaluateCondition $ObjectToTest)) {
$any = $true
end {
Now I can write "any" tests like
> 1..4 | Test-Any { $_ -gt 3 }
> 1..4 | Test-Any { $_ -gt 5 }

You can use the original LINQ Any:

It's actually quite simple - just select first $true (formatted for clarity):
[bool] ($source `
| foreach { [bool] (<predicate>) } `
| where { $_ } `
| select -first 1)
Alternative way:
($source `
| where { <predicate> } `
| foreach { $true } `
| select -first 1)

My approach now was:
gci -r -force `
| ? { $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -match "^[._]svn$" } `
| select Parent -Unique
The reason why
select-object {$_.Directory}
doesn't return anything useful is that there is no such property on a DirectoryInfo object. At least not in my PowerShell.
To elaborate on your own answer: PowerShell can treat most non-empty collections as $true, so you can simply do:
$svnDirs = gci `
| ? {$_.PsIsContainer} `
| ? {
gci $_.Name -Force `
| ? {$_.PSIsContainer -and ($_.Name -eq "_svn" -or $_.Name -eq ".svn") }

I ended up doing it with a count:
$directoryContainsSvn = {
(Get-ChildItem $_.Name -force | ? {$_.PsIsContainer -and $_.Name -eq "_svn" -or $_.Name -eq ".svn"} | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1
$svnDirs = Get-ChildItem | ? {$_.PsIsContainer} | ? $directoryContainsSvn

You can tighten this up a bit:
gci -fo | ?{$_.PSIsContainer -and `
(gci $_ -r -fo | ?{$_.PSIsContainer -and $_ -match '[_.]svn$'})}
Note - passing $__.Name to the nested gci is unnecessary. Passing it $_ is sufficent.

I recommend the following solution:
Tests if any object in an array matches the expression
#( "red", "blue" ) | Where-Any { $_ -eq "blue" } | Write-Host
function Where-Any
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
begin {
[bool]$isMatch = $False
process {
if (& $Condition $Item) {
[bool]$isMatch = $true
end {
Write-Output $isMatch
# optional alias
New-Alias any Where-Any

This is the best method that I found so far (does not iterate over all elements if already found a true, and does not break the pipeline):
From LINQ Any() equivalent in PowerShell
It’s possible to use a built-in $input variable that contains the whole pipeline in a scope of function.
So, the desired code could look like the following:
function Test-Any([scriptBlock] $scriptBlock = {$true}, [scriptBlock] $debugOut = $null)
if ($debugOut)
Write-Host(“{0} | % {{{1}}}” -f $input, $scriptBlock)
$_ret = $false;
$_input = ($input -as [Collections.IEnumerator])
if ($_input)
while ($_input.MoveNext())
$_ = $_input.Current;
Write-Host $_
if ($debugOut)
Write-Host(“Tested: [{0}]” -f (&$debugOut))
if (&$scriptBlock)
if ($debugOut)
Write-Host(“Matched: [{0}]” -f (&$debugOut))
$_ret = $true

I think that the best answer here is the function proposed by #JaredPar, but if you like one-liners as I do I'd like to propose following Any one-liner:
# Any item is greater than 5
$result = $arr | %{ $match = $false }{ $match = $match -or $_ -gt 5 }{ $match }
%{ $match = $false }{ $match = $match -or YOUR_CONDITION }{ $match } checks that at least one item match condition.
One note - usually the Any operation evaluates the array until it finds the first item matching the condition. But this code evaluates all items.
Just to mention, you can easily adjust it to become All one-liner:
# All items are greater than zero
$result = $arr | %{ $match = $false }{ $match = $match -and $_ -gt 0 }{ $match }
%{ $match = $false }{ $match = $match -and YOUR_CONDITION }{ $match } checks that all items match condition.
Notice, that to check Any you need -or and to check All you need -and.

I took a more linq-style approach.
I know this question is probably super old. I used this to accomplish my needs:
PS> $searchData = "unn"
PS> $StringData = #("unn", "dew", "tri", "peswar", "pymp")
PS> $delegate = [Func[string,bool]]{ param($d); return $d -eq $searchData }
PS> [Linq.Enumerable]::Any([string[]]$StringData, $delegate)
Taken from here:


Powershell using Foreach-ObjectFast and Where-ObjectFast

I never really worked with Powershell, so I am quite stuck with this. My goal is to merge multiple CSV's into 1, more specifically 3 at the moment.
Using Import-Csv and Foreach-Object I managed to achieve this, however super-incredibly slow. I have discovered this article so I gave it a try. Incredible fast iteration.
Unfortunately I am too dumb with Powershell to understand why I cannot use Where-ObjectFast properly, it won't match anything.
My code example:
Measure-Command { $CSV1 = Import-CSV -Path .\CSV1.csv }
Measure-Command { $CSV2 = Import-CSV -Path .\CSV2.csv }
Measure-Command {
Import-Csv -Path .\CSV3.csv | Foreach-ObjectFast {
$row = $_;
$match = $CSV1 | Where-ObjectFast -FilterScript { $_.name -eq $row.'name' }
$dbg1 = 'Matched: {0}' -f $match; Write-Host $dbg1 -foreground Cyan;
# continued... } }
What I need to do basically is to match "name" from CVS3 with "name" from CSV1, and other fields as needed, then do the same for CSV2 and output to a final file.
It seems that when using Where-ObjectFast $_ is empty (?).
Please advise what I am doing wrong here, I would really appreciate it.
The problem you're having is not with the overhead from ForEach-Object binding and processing the input - so replacing ForEach-Object with ForEach-ObjectFast is not going to have a significant impact.
If you want to pivot on the name column (or any other column), build index tables with a hashtable/dictionary:
$CSV1 = #{}
Import-Csv -Path .\CSV1.csv |ForEach-Object { $CSV1[$_.name] = $_ }
$CSV2 = #{}
Import-Csv -Path .\CSV2.csv |ForEach-Object { $CSV2[$_.id] = $_ }
Now you don't need to wait for Where-Object to search through each collection:
Import-Csv -Path .\CSV3.csv |ForEach-Object {
$row = $_
# This is going to be MUCH faster than ... |Where-Object { ... }
$csv1match = $CSV1[$row.name]
$csv2match = $CSV1[$row.id]
# join $row,$csv1match,$csv2match here

How to assign multiple 'where' conditions to variable in Powershell

I am working on a Powershell script (with a GUI) to help my colleagues easier find redundant and disabled AD accounts.
Here is a little preview...
$props = "Name, Enabled, PasswordExpired, Company,passwordNeverExpires, Office"
$propsAsArray = $props -split ',\s*'
Get-ADUser -filter * -properties $propsAsArray | where {$_.Enabled -eq $true} | where {$_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false}| where {$_.passwordexpired -eq $false} | Select-Object $propsAsArray | Export-csv -Path "C:\report.csv"
This all works fine and outputs a CSV report.
The snag though is how to assign all the possible combinations and permutations of AD account status to a variable and later substitute in the variable into the Get-ADUser cmdlet (depending on which radio button the user clicks in the GUI).
I've tried all can think of but only ever get back the error Expressions are only allowed as the first element of a pipeline.
I'm sure that $accountStatus = "where {$_.Enabled -eq $true} | where {$_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false}" (or subtle variants) are not how it is done.
I'm relatively new to Powershell and am eager to get experience. Thanks, William.
Note: This answer addresses the question as asked, using a generalized Where-Object-based solution based on script blocks ({ ... }), but in the case at hand a string-based solution based on Get-ADUser's -Filter parameter, which efficiently filters at the source, as shown in the second command in Thomas' answer, is preferable.
Store an array of script blocks ({ ... }) representing the conditionals in a variable, and use an array of indices to select which conditionals to apply situationally, based on the user's GUI selections:
# All individual conditions to test, expressed as an array of script blocks.
# Note: No need for `-eq $true` to test Boolean properties, and
# `-eq $false` is better expressed via the `-not` operator.
$blocks =
{ $_.Enabled },
{ -not $_.PasswordNeverExpires },
{ $_.PasswordExpired }
# Select the subset of conditions to apply using AND logic, using
# an array of indices, based on the GUI selections.
$indices = 0..2 # e.g., all 3 conditions (same as: 0, 1, 2)
Get-ADUser -Filter * -properties $propsAsArray | Where-Object {
# The following is equivalent to combining the conditionals of interest
# with -and (AND logic):
foreach ($block in $blocks[$indices]) { # Loop over selected conditionals
if (-not (& $block)) { return $false } # Test, and return $false instantly if it fails.
$true # Getting here means that all conditions were met.
Note how each block is executed via &, the call operator.
You can condense your multiple Where-Object calls by concatenating each condition with and:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties $propsAsArray | Where-Object {(($_.Enabled -eq $true) -and ($_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false)) -and ($_.passwordexpired -eq $false)} | Select-Object $propsAsArray | Export-csv -Path "C:\report.csv"
But as Olaf already pointed out in the comments, it is even better to already use the -Filter parameter of Get-ADUser. There, you can use a similar combination of your conditions:
Get-ADUser -Filter {((Enabled -eq $true) -and (PasswordNeverExpires -eq $true)) -and (passwordexpired -eq $false)} -Properties $propsAsArray | Select-Object $propsAsArray | Export-csv -Path "C:\report.csv"

Strip all lines from a file that match a pattern, except the first occurrence

I have a directory of .txt files that look like this:
I'd like to remove all occurrences of [LINETYPE]S except the first, which happens to always be 00:00:00 and on the first line, and then re-save the file to a new location.
That is, [LINETYPE]S[STARTTIME]00:00:00 must always be present, but the other lines that start with [LINETYPE]S need to be removed.
This is what I came up with, which works except it removes all [LINETYPE]S lines, including the first. I can't seem to figure out how to do that part after Googling for a while, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks for your help!
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples" -Filter *.txt | ForEach-Object {
Get-Content $_.FullName | Where-Object {
$_ -notmatch "\[LINETYPE\]S"
} | Set-Content ('C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples\Final\' + $_.BaseName + '.txt')
i couldn't figure out how to do this via a pipeline [blush], so i went with a foreach loop and a compound test.
# fake reading in a text file
# in real life, use Get-Content
$InStuff = #'
'# -split [System.Environment]::NewLine
$KeepFirst = '[LINETYPE]S'
$FoundFirst = $False
$FilteredList = foreach ($IS_Item in $InStuff)
if ($IS_Item.StartsWith($KeepFirst))
if (-not $FoundFirst)
$FoundFirst = $True
output ...
at that point, you can send the new collection out to a file. [grin]
Try the following:
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples" -Filter *.txt |
Foreach-Object {
$count = 0
Get-Content $_.FullName |
Where-Object { $_ -notmatch '\[LINETYPE\]S' -or $count++ -eq 0 } |
Set-Content ('C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples\Final\' + $_.BaseName + '.txt')
The script block passed to Where-Object runs in the same scope as the caller, so variable $count can be directly updated.
The 1st line that does contain [LINETYPE]S is included, because $count is 0 at that point, after which $count is incremented ($count++); subsequent [LINETYPE]S are not included, because $count is then already greater than 0.

Return to outer loop in PowerShell when matching conditions

I'm writing a simple PowerShell script to get all the users from a specific OU in Active Directory (AD) and all the folders from a directory, then compare each username with each foldername to verify that the user has a folder there, and do something.
The script shown below works fine, but when it matches the strings, I want it to break and return to the outer For-EachObject, switching the username. (It's not necessary to verify the rest of the list if it already found one), but the break is breaking the entire script, it just ends.
$PerfilFolder = Get-ChildItem $FileServerPath | Sort
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $SB -Filter * | Sort SamAccountName | % {
$UserName = $_.SamAccountName
$PerfilFolder | % {
if($UserName -match (($_.Name).Split(".")[0])){
#Do something
I already tried return and continue, but all of them have the same behavior. What should I do?
Also general improvements tips are welcome :)
Use a Do{} While() loop:
$PerfilFolder = Get-ChildItem $FileServerPath | Sort
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $SB -Filter * | Sort SamAccountName | % {
$UserName = $_.SamAccountName
$NoMatch = $true
Do{$PerfilFolder | % {
if ($UserName -match (($_.Name).Split(".")[0])){
#Do something
$NoMatch = $false
} While($NoMatch)
I am pretty sure that'll end your loop where you want it to. That answers the question, but it really doesn't solve your problem if that's what you're really trying to do. I think including a Where statement would serve you better:
Do{$PerfilFolder | Where{$UserName -match (($_.Name).Split(".")[0])} |
#Do something
$NoMatch = $false
} While($NoMatch)
That may well make the Do{} While() unnecessary.
Check smeltplate's answer to this question. It seems your break perfectly exits the foreach loop, but not the pipeline.
I usually avoid this by setting up two sets of objects, and then filtering one on the property of the other.
$PerfilFolder = Get-ChildItem $FileServerPath | Sort
foreach ($user in Get-ADUser -SearchBase $SB -Filter * | Sort SamAccountName){
$matchingFolder = $PerfilFolder | ? {$user.SamAccountName -match (($_.Name).Split(".")[0])
if (($matchingFolder | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0){
#do something to $matchingFolder | Select -First 1
else {
# Do something else

PowerShell's equivalent of LINQ All, or how can I verify all the items in the collection are equal to specific value?

I have a collection of items, which I build from a regex match, like this:
$collection = $input | foreach {
if ($_ -match $regex) {$matches} else { return }
} |
Select-Object –Property #{name='command'; expression={$_.command} },
#{name='id'; expression={$_.id} }
(sorry if that's not the best way to do this, I'm learning PowerShell :))
What I'd like to do is to make sure all the command properties in this $collection are equal to the same command, e.g. "myCommand", how can I do that?
ff this were C#, I'd probably do something like:
if (collection.All(item => item.Key == "myCommand")) { ... }
What's the idiomatic way to do this in PowerShell?
The following snippet returns $true when all items in array are equal. What it does is:
iterate through an array of objects using ForEach-Object
compare each one with the previous using the Compare-Object cmdlet.
If Compare-Object returns non-null at least once, which means that the two objects being compared are different, the snippet will return $false, otherwise $true.
Applying the snippet to the array #(1,1,1,1,1,2) will return $false because of the last item.
#(1,1,1,1,1,2) |
ForEach-Object -Begin { $last = $null; $result = $true } {
if ($last -ne $null -and $result -and (Compare-Object $last $_) -ne $null) {
$result = $false
$last = $_
} -End { $result }
I was pointed to this LINQ Module for PowerShell, which allowed me to do simply:
$collection | Linq-All { $_.command -eq "myCommand" }
Which is just what I needed! More examples here.
