Linq to Sql Update not working - linq

I have somewhere around 20 tables that I am working with. I can update the User table just fine, however, when I try to update my Address table, nothing happens. I don't receive an exception and the method looks like it executes ok but when I check my data, the values are still the same.
I'm thinking that it has to do with the fact that I moved my database out from under a server and onto my local SQL lite instance. I did change the connection strings in the config and thought that it would take care of the problem (as i stated, I can still select from all of the tables using linq). Has anyone encountered this before or have some idea of what might be going on?
Edit 1 - I'm not very familiar with relocating databases with linq. I do know that SQLMETAL, when I run it, removes all of the customization that i have done inside of my datacatalog. Does just changing the connection in the config work or do I actually have to use SQLMETAL every time the db moves (the structure doesn't change)

When I did this I had to hand modify the constructor to use a different connection string in the File that Visual Studio generates for your instance of the database. I had the same issue as you did and this fixed the problem for me.


Strange situation with Oracle RAC database

We had a very unusual situation at work. Giving a bit of context first, the setup is: we have a Java application, using Spring Boot and Hibernate, connected to an Oracle RAC database.
We added an item to one of the database tables using that application. We could SELECT this object, and we could UPDATE it... but only for a couple of minutes. Then it simply vanished.
We though it could have been removed by someone, but according to the DBA logs, there wasn't any INSERT in that table during that whole day; although, the person which added the item happened to be recording her screen, so we know for sure that it happened, and when it happened.
How could this situation happen? There were no errors in the application logs indicating that there could have been an error during commit. And during the times we updated the item, it had to be listed first, using a SELECT.
Also, we never had a situation like that one before, and we have been using that same database, and that same application, together, for over a year.
In case I missed any relevant details, just ask.

Apex/Oracle: When creating a new page, the tables I've created won't show up

I am creating an application in Oracle for a piece of coursework.
I've been using it for a few weeks and have just come across an issue;
I need to submit this on friday, and it's a mess, so I created a new application and tried to add a new page, but none of the tables that I have created are available to choose... I've tried dropping all my previous tables and objects etc. and then re-inserted everything back in. My SQL queries etc work fine.
All of my tables appear in the SQL Browser. I've even tried creating a new application a few times and trying different combinations of thing, but to no avail.
I have searched and searched google and online help for Oracle etc, but with no results
I am using my Universitys local oracle apex, but this is happening on the normal apex as well....
Any help would be appreciated... freaking out as this is due in less than 2 days!
After consulting one of my lectures, he informed me that as I am referencing an object table, that they won't show up on the drop down list - you need to reference it using SQL instead

oracle - Schemas issues when migration from discoverer to OBIEE

I'm working on migrating some reports from Oracle Discoverer to OBIEE. I've already exported the layouts from discoverer to OBIEE. I have all I need in the OBIEE Admin tool now, but when I try to perform this operation:
I got this message:
I've read in many forums that this is because of the query (enter link description here) but I've executed the query in SQL Developer and all is fine.
Any idea?
I can see from the icon on your object that it is an Opaque View that your trying to run View Data on.
This is probably because of a syntax issue in your opaque view. Make sure the code in the opaque view doesn't end with a semi-colon or slash, that will cause problems. Try eliminating any blank lines, if there are any. However, without knowing exactly the syntax of the code it's impossible to say exactly what the cause is.
It's also possible that there is a connection script attached to the connection pool you are using to View Data, running on connection or before execution with bad syntax.
Otherwise have a look in the Admin Tool log to see if there's more information about what is causing the error. It will usually contain more detailed information than is passed back through the GUI.

ADO showing "hidden columns" with SQL Native Client

I'm working on a legacy application using VB6 and Classic ASP. We're using disconnected ADO recordsets to pass data back and forth. Normally this works. But what has started happening recently is for any inner/outer join, ADO is including these in the available records to choose from. So when were specifying a column to update (in the cases it errors out, the primary key column), it in turns updates the wrong column (with the same name). I know it's normal for ADO to pull the primary keys for any joined tables, but the default for this is for ADO to hide them. In our case ADO isn't hiding them.
What I've narrowed it down to is the SQL Native Client driver is not working correctly. I can go back to the SQL Server driver (SQL 2000) and it works great, but as soon as I switch back to SQL Native Client, it exhibits the behavior above. I've checked the properties on the open connection and the properties of the recordsets themselves, they match in every instance except one (the count of how many hidden columns there are which makes sense, as SQL Native isn't hiding them).
I've tried everything from deleting the MSADC folder from IIS and re-adding it, I've uninstalled SQL Native and reinstalled it (and subsequently upgraded it to the newest version). I've recreated the ODBC connection several times as well in the process of troubleshooting it. At this point I'm at a loss.
Also one thing to add, it appears SQL Native Client works fine on our other servers and no one else is having this issue. Anyone might have an idea of what could be happening? Thanks!
Edit : Example of what's happening (this occurs on for any query (stored procedures if it matters) and with >= 1 joins of any kind)
select temp_id, temp_value on temp_test
inner join another_table on another_table.temp_id = temp_test.temp_id
inner join yet_another_table on yet_another_table.another_id = another_table.another_id
this'll produce in the ado recordset :
SQL Native Client
(0) temp_id
(1) temp_value
(2) temp_id (primary key of another_table)
(3) another_id (primary key of yet another_table)
SQL Server driver
(0) temp_id
(1) temp_value
SQL Server 2005 will show it as it should be as : temp_id, temp_value
this occurs on for any query (stored procedures if it matters)
It's not the issue described here is it? :
If a change in the connection string changes the behavior, I would suppose that you have two different schemas, and then two versions of the same stored procedure; and the one that is executed with SQL Nativ Client is the incorrect one.
I have exactly the same scenario, and have had it for over a year on our servers and servers at our client. I never found a solution and as a result we simply have to use the SQL Server driver, which is a shame as SQL Native seems to connect significantly faster.
It's nothing to do with different schemas or different versions of the same stored proceedure as suggested above. I use a file dsn and simply changing the driver name changes the behaviour to/from that mentioned above. It seems to happen to all views (probably stored proceedures too as indicated)
If anyone does find a solution I'd be keen to hear about it.

Trace MS Access DB activity

I have an Access application with a SQL server back-end, mixed with quite a few DB objects local to the Access app. I've tried running SQL Profiler, but I got very little except a cryptic sp_execute 2,4288,4289,4290,4291,4292,4293,4294,4295,4296,4297.
I would like a trace tool that is local to the Access DB, so I also pick up any activity that doesn't go back to the SQL server.
As far as I know there is no such facility within Access but, depending on your case, you could try these few things:
Write a wrapper against SQL executables: that would mean replacing all calls to Execute, OpenRecordset etc within your VBA to an alternative version that would log the query.
This isn't going to catch everything obviously but it could help.
Move your local tables to another database and use ODBC to relink them to your original Access application. You can then use ODBC's logging facilities.
This could be the best altenative as it's fairly easy to setup for debugging.
It's not the best solution for a production environment though as all your calls to local tables will in fact go through ODBC, but again, it's a temporary solution for debugging.
Use ShowPlan and ISAMStats to view how Jet/ACE interprets your queries and get other database activity stats.
It's easy to setup by writing a key to the registry and you'll end-up with a log describing how your queries are analysed.
It's more useful for optimisation than logging but again, it could help.
Use Flextracer, a shareware, free for 30 days or so. My colleague here has just found this for us as we were going through a similar situation. Problem solved.
Pedro Carneiro Jr.
