Enable zsh using 8th bit as Meta without warning - shell

In my quest to configure my shell to work exactly how I want it with respect to the alt/meta key I am having some trouble. Recently I added "bindkey -m" to my .zshrc and now whenever I start a zsh shell (ie open a terminal window) I get this error "warning: `bindkey -m' disables multibyte support".
Now since I don't care much about multibyte support atm, is there a way I can disable just this warning? Even better would be a way to use 8th-bit meta as well as multibyte. Also note that this happens on a clean zsh install on 4.3.9 and 4.3.10
My reasoning for wanting bindkey -m
vim: alt mappings (my own personal commands/mappings)
zsh: alt mappings (such as Alt-. to recall the last argument of the previous command)
emacs: alt mappings (lots of built-ins)
So, is there any way to disable this warning or otherwise accomplish what I'm trying to do?

You can sweep the message under the rug:
bindkey -m 2>/dev/null
Don't mappings to escape (\[) also work for Alt for you? Alt-. works for me, for example, by default.
Also, unless you're talking about the command line editing modes, vim and emacs handle their own keyboard mapping. Settings in zsh won't affect them.


Ctrl-P doesn't work on vi mode of command line editing on mac terminal

said we could do set -o vi to use vi mode instead of emacs mode for command line editing.
And the help: ex-edit-index sais
c_CTRL-P CTRL-P after using 'wildchar' with multiple matches:
go to previous match, otherwise: recall older
command-line from history.
However when I press CTRL-P I just got ^P
May I know why ?
Readline's "vi mode" is neither vi nor Vim. It is a partial emulation of vi shoehorned into the command line context.
That <C-p> you are referring to is a Vim command so there is no reason whatsoever to expect it to do anything in that context. Vim's documentation is totally irrelevant in this case.
Search for Vim Mode bindings in $ man readline for the actual bindings at your disposal in that "mode".

How do I get out of ESC mode in zsh?

When using zsh, I sometimes accidentally press Escape out of habit, expecting it to clear the entire line as it does in Windows. Instead, it goes into a mode that I'm not sure how to get out of. The cursor goes back one character, and some keys perform some special commands, but all I really want to do is get out of this mode and be able to press Ctrl+U to clear the line.
Searching around has been tough - I get results for escaping characters.
Short answer: press a.
Medium answer: press a, then enter bindkey -e.
Long answer: Like a lot of UNIX shells, zsh has an emacs-like mode and a vi-like mode. You're in vi-like mode, and ESC takes you out of the vi-like insert mode. a puts you back into insert mode, with the cursor after the current character. (Sorry for the two different uses of "mode," but it is the accepted terminology in both cases.)
bindkey -e overrides the settings from the rc files and puts zsh into emacs mode, which only has one mode (i.e., no "ESC mode"), so this won't bother you any more. Unfortunately, it won't carry over to your next shell invocation. bindkey -v would switch from emacs mode back to vi mode.
In the absence of any other configuration, zsh defaults to emacs mode, so unless there's something in one of the rc files, the likely culprit is that the EDITOR variable is some form of vi, which causes zsh to default to vi mode. If you don't like vi mode, then you should probably hunt down what part of the system-wide or user-specific configuration is causing zsh to default to vi mode and turn it off by removing it or overriding it in one of those rc files.
If everything else fails, when you're in ESC mode, type :w then Enter to save, and then :q to exit. You can also type :wq and Enter

Why is my mac terminal acting buggy when I use the up arrow key?

I normally use the up arrow key to scroll through previous commands in my terminal. I've noticed that over the past few months, when I do this, I do not get previous commands but instead a 'buggy behavior'. For example, when I press the up arrows key, it might enter gibberish and apparently random spaces and a small part of my command. Does anybody have any ideas as to what might be causing this? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work. It's starting to get very annoying. (fyi, I'm using yosemite and osx if that has any relevance)
I know this is an old question, but I recently had the same issue. The problem is likely your PS1 prompt. You may not be fully enclosing your non-printing characters with \[ ... \]
To solve:
in your terminal echo $PS1 - this will show you your current PS1 setting.
Make sure that any options (such as color options) are enclosed by \[ and \] and set it. e.g. PS1='\[\e[95m\]\u \[\e[93m\]\w:\[\e[92m\]\$'
Save your new PS1 permanently in your .bash_profile or wherever you keep your bash settings.
My faulty PS1 was \[\e[95m\]\u \[\e[93m\]\w: \e[92m\]\$
I was missing the opening encloser, \[ after the \w:
My corrected PS1 is \[\e[95m\]\u \[\e[93m\]\w:\[\e[92m\]\$
In my case, the up-arrow stopped working properly for me in OSX shortly after I changed my .bashrc to use "HISTSIZE=-1". My unconfirmed guess is that the bash version is too old to handle the -1 option, so bash stopped recording a history entirely. My up-arrow key was being interpreted correctly, but there was no history to retrieve. Once I changed my HISTSIZE, the up-arrow (and the history command) in new terminals started working again.
To be clear, I can't say if your problem is from the same cause. I don't recall getting gibberish in the history, though I did see some odd behavior such as an errant "." somehow appearing in ls commands. Still, if someone is having problems with using the up-arrow to retrieve previous bash commands, it seems worth a shot. Try checking your HISTSIZE setting, and/or invoke the history command directly, to make sure that you have a history for the up-arrow to retrieve.
I've had this problem for a while myself on my work computer I was able to resolve it when changed from ksh shell to the bash shell.
I'd recommend this Lynda course it explains most of what you need but simply type bash to change shell.

Zsh tab completion duplicating command name

I'm on OS X Mountain Lion, running the included ZSH shell (4.3.11) with Oh-My-ZSH installed over the top.
When using tab completion with commands such as homebrew, when ZSH lists the available commands, it is also duplicating the command. For example:
$ brew {tab}
will result in:
$ brew brew
[list of homebrew commands]
I'm unsure what is causing this error, as when I resize the terminal window, the first instance of the command name disappears.
If I hit backspace when the duplicates are displayed, I can only delete the second instance of the command, zsh won't let me backspace any further. Also, if I do remove the duplicate with backspace, zsh then acts as if there is no command typed at all.
My .zshrc along with all my other .configuration files can be found at https://github.com/daviesjamie/dotfiles
UPDATE: I found this post about someone having the same problem on Ubuntu. However, I don't understand the given solution, and I'm not even sure if it applies to my set up?
This effect also could be reproduced if you use any of fancy UTF-8 characters like arrow, "git branch" character and so on.
Just remove this chars from prompt and duplication will not occur.
Also adding
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
to ~/.profile can help
The problem is likely to arise from misplaced %{ %} brackets that tell zsh that text inside has zero width. The only things that should be enclosed in them are escape sequences that change color or boldness of the text. If you are using new zsh (>=4.3.{unknown version}) I would even suggest to use %F{color}...%f, %K{color}...%k, %B...%b instead of %{${fg[green]}%} or what you have there.
The problem with them is that there is no way to query the terminal with a question like “Hey, I outputted some text. Where is the cursor now?” and zsh has to compute the length of its prompt by itself. When you type some text and ask zsh to complete zsh will say terminal to move cursor to specific location and type completed cmdline there. With misplaced %{%} brackets this specific location is wrong.
If you use iTerm on Mac, be sure to check "Set locale variables automatically" in your profile preferences. I had it unchecked for an SSH connection and it resulted in the same bug and I fixed it by leaving that option checked.
It's an old thread but I faced similar issue in my zsh setup with oh-my-zsh configuration.
Setting export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 fixed the issue.
A lot of answers in a lot of places suggest the export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 solution. This, however did not work for me. I continued to have this issue using oh-my-zsh on both Arch linux and PopOS.
The only solution that worked for me was this suggestion by romkatv on an issue on the oh-my-zsh github repository.
It turns out, at least in my case, that the autocomplete duplication issue would only show up if there was a non-ASCII character somewhere on the line (like an emoji). And ZSH would incorrectly assume that this non-ASCII character needs to take up 2 character spaces instead of 1.
So the solution that worked was to open up the .zsh-theme file of whatever theme you're using, find all non-ASCII characters and use %{%G%} to tell ZSH to only use one character width for that character
For example, the default oh-my-zsh theme robbyrussel contains 2 non-ASCII characters. The '➜' character in the prompt
PROMPT="%(?:%{$fg_bold[green]%}➜ :%{$fg_bold[red]%}➜ )"
and the '✗' character in the prompt for git directories
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$fg[blue]%}) %{$fg[yellow]%}✗"
Using %{%G<character>%} around the 2 non-ASCII characters like this
PROMPT="%(?:%{$fg_bold[green]%}%{%G➜%} :%{$fg_bold[red]%}%{%G➜%} )"
and this
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$fg[blue]%}) %{$fg[yellow]%}%{%G✗%}"
is what finally fixed the issue for me.
So all you need to do is make a copy of the theme file you want to use and edit all the non-ASCII characters as shown above and you should hopefully never see the duplication issue again.
My solution to make both local and ssh work is something like a combination of #Marc's and #neotohin's answers:
Set export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 (simply uncomment that part in the template .zshrc; exporting LC_ALL, as in #neotohin's answer, instead of LANG may also work, I didn't try)
Uncheck "Set locale environment variables on startup" in the Terminal profile's "Advanced" section (reason: that setting sets LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 instead of en_US.UTF-8, which brakes the locale for me in ssh)

macvim shell (:sh) only displays character codes / escape sequences

Just compiled MacVim with homebrew. Here's what it looks like when I :sh and then type ls:
As you can see, it's just character codes.
I run oh-my-zsh
Tried installing the plugin named here:
Didn't seem to help
Upon removing my zsh syntax highlighting plugin It seems to work ok. Is there a way to turn off zsh plugins when using oh-my-zsh only when it's a vim 'dumb terminal'?
When you do :sh in GVim or MacVim, you don't get a real terminal emulator.
It's "dumb" and there's no way to make it understand those escape sequences. You better get used to it or ask (with convincing arguments and a ready-made patch) on the vim-dev mailing list.
You might want to try the ConqueTerm plugin which does its best to interpret ANSI sequences, even inside MacVim.
Just for the reference, :h guioptions now support the following flag:
'!' External commands are executed in a terminal window. Without
this flag the MS-Windows GUI will open a console window to
execute the command. The Unix GUI will simulate a dumb
terminal to list the command output.
The terminal window will be positioned at the bottom, and grow
upwards as needed.
Set :set go+=!, run :sh, and be surprised :).
What you see is actually not just character codes, but your usual shell prompt which contains color codes. You can probably disable it by redefining PS1 or remove your modified definition in ~/.bashrc.
If you would like to use a color prompt on the command line, but not in MacVim you can fix this in ~/.bashrc by setting PS1 differently when inside vim (from here)
if [ $VIM ]; then
export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
You could try the following, instead of ls, type command ls; it shouldn't show the escapes codes.
If it works you can simple create a new file in a folder in your path, say vls, with the following contents:
command ls $#
after that chmod +x vls and again, if it is in your path, you should be able to use that from vim.
