How do i change my DNS host name using WIX - installation

How do i set my dns hostname for a iis website i am installing using WIX?
everything installs fine but i have to go to path
I want to be able to change it so i can get to the site by going
how do i do that using WIX?
is it part of the
iis:WebApplication, or
iis:WebDirProperties tags?

I would suggest to create new sub website using iis:WebSite and make sure to assign to it the correct host name you want to map in using iis:WebAddress


sentry onpremise how to set domain name?

We have been using old sentry (like 6.*)
We are trying to use the latest onpremise sentry with docker
We don't care about old data, starting fresh is fine.
When I go to the setting page for client-dsn, it has our server's domain name set.
Where did the docker pick this up? and how can I change it?
As far as I have seen th FQDN is taken automatically by Sentry. When doing the first login you are able to set the Root name and there you can change it.
Edit-21.07.2020: As I currently need to do some digging i came across the function:
sentry config set system.url-prefix
or you can set it inside these files:
The below command is deprecated now,
sentry config set system.url-prefix
The better option to edit vim ~/.sentry/config.yml.
Add the below line at the end of vim ~/.sentry/config.yml & restart the sentry.
system.url-prefix: ''

Move shop to a other and new domain

iā€™m stuck.
I want to move a magento shop to a new domein.
Example: From to
I worked like this so the old shop on was able to keep running while building a new store on a testplace.
How can i move the shop to the ??
I made a sql backup from the testshop; this is a file of 15MB.
In the file there are references to Offcource; i need to replace them by
This replacing takes along time and mostly end ups in crashing file.
Is there another way to move a shop to a new domain ??
dont play with your sql file just import it as it is. if you only have 1 store view you only have to change 2 values to make you shop running.
Copy all file to you new webserver
Make the media and the var folder writeable by the webserver
Edit 'app/etc/local.xml' normally you only have to edit the database connection
With you favorite mysql tool edit the values under these paths: web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url set them to your new domain like if you have an ssl certificate use https for the secured one if not use normal http.
Now very important clear the cache. normally the cache is under var/cache but in case this one is not writable magento switches to the tmp folder of you server. So check you tmp folder for something like /tmp/magento and remove it
If you need to COPY installation of Magento to another server use the manual by Fantus here. Beware of different php.ini configuration, and OS (from Win to Unix set correct the rights by chmod)
If you have the same installation and ONLY CHANGING ENTRANCE DOMAIN to the same installation of Magento:
configure your domain A record to IP adress of your server
configure a vitual host of your ewb server (apache or etc) to reverse domain to magento folder
change configuration of new domain in magento/app/local.xml
Clear the magento/var/ folder (not neesesary)

Add site bindings to IIS 7.5 programmatically

I have a web application that requires multiple domains to point to the same site in IIS. I would like to be able to do this from a web interface but that would mean adding site bindings programmatically.
Im sure applications like Plesk access some sort of Windows API to do it, I just dont know how.
A related post is this one but it doesnt solve this specific problem.
I'm not sure if this is what you're after, but if you are using .NET you can use ServerManager class from the Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace you can add bindings like so:
using (ServerManager manager = ServerManager.OpenRemote("serverName"))
manager.Sites["mySiteName"].Bindings.Add("*", "http");
So in the example above the * means the IP to match to, 80 is the port, and is the host header. To add https bindings is a bit more involved and you need to load the certificate programatically.

How to override ajax base url?

I'm developing two projects under one solution API and Web application.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and ports for each project are different when debugging, e.g. localhost:32335 and localhost:21890, so now each time I need to use api I need to set localhost with that port.
I come up with solution to set default port to for example 1337, and in host file set to localhost:1337, so now I just need to use
What I want to do is set base url in ajax so I don't have to retype in my code, so basically I just need to type /api/someaction and ajax call will now to use by default, not localhost:33181.
Start to work with your iis. create a different application with different domain name and edit your hosts file to use that address. don't use with the cassini. for each application , create an application in the iis. add a binding , and create the different domain names in the hosts file.
Use jquery ajaxSetup:
url: 'ping.php'

Manual Url Culture Rewriting in DotNetNuke Request

I'm working with dotnetnuke 7.
I'm not using any rewriting modules and don't want to use them.
When content localization is enabled, url has the following view:
I want to change manually the display url so, that instead of full culture in query, the two letter culture (neutral culture) will show:
Does anyone have similar problem ?
If you ever change your mind about using a rewriting module, UrlMaster is the module for that. If not, then DNN 7.1 now adds support for creating url providers as extensions. More details at
I am using Open URL Rewriter for DNN - it does exactly what you ask for with it's default installation - no further config required.
And it's open source in comparison with UrlMaster.
In case of you use version 1.3.1 of Open URL Rewriter with DNN 7.04 to get two letters only for multilingual sites you have to make sure:
you create site aliases for each language with the two letter part you desire and
enable those entries as primary aliases (you need one primary alias for each language), for example for two languages (en & fr) you need to set three primary aliases like the following:
āœ” us-US
āœ” fr-FR
