Display image in NSTableView - cocoa

Now can I display an image in a table view. The big thing is there will be multiple data sources and each one has a different image. I'm using pubsub to get the data.
data source 1
data source 2
image 1
-data 2
-data 3

You need a controller object that is set as the datasource of the table view. It is the job of that single controller to tell the table view what to display. You don't implement multiple data sources for a table view.
Your controller should aggregate the data from the various sources and display it in your desired layout by returning appropriate values from the various NSTableDataSource methods. How you do this is up to you.

Drag the image cell from IB's Library palette into the table column where you want to show images. Then, serve up those images from your data source (singular, as Rob Keniger notes).


How to cross update of view between nattable and Jface view

Eclipse RCP View Communication ,where one view contains nattable and another views contains jface controls like button, dropdown.
Currently for example there is 3 view/Editor as shown below
View1 - contains employee details which is a Nattable and
it's cell contains data like String, Long, boolean, date value.
each row represent one data,and other views are corresponding data of
selected row
View2 - shows Address which is corresponding to the selected row in the View 1,
User can modify data of view2.
View3 - shows department details of employe, which can also be modified
So all 3 views present data of one model say Employee
|_City Name
|_Department Details
I want to know what is best way of communcation between views1 and other view such that
On selection of row in view1 then other two view should be update correspondingly;
If any data changes in view2/view3 then view 1 should get notification for data change in other view
when condition 2 occurs then I want to show dirty row in view1.
The typical approach for inter view communication in an E4 application related to your described scenario is to use the ESelectionService to trigger handling of a selection for opening another view, and to communicate back via the Eclipse 4 event system.
For scenario one to open a view based on the selection in a NatTable you could use the E4SelectionListener in the NatTable Eclipse 4 Extension Feature. It is a ILayerListener that forwards the selection to the ESelectionService. An example can be found in the NatTable examples.
To inform view 1 about changes in another view, I would suggest to use the IEventBroker to send an event from view2/view3 and react on the event in view1. This way the views are decoupled as much as possible. Eclipse 4 event system is a good starting point for learning about the event system.

How to get data from server in Nativescript gridview?

I am able to load data from sqlServer using mat table in angular, but have no clue how to do same in nativescript?. I think GridView will work,but cant find source to load dynamic data.
If GridLayout is what you mean by GridView, it's just layout not responsible for loading data.
If you are looking to load list of items on screen, then ListView is what you need. If you like to show table kind of layout with multiple columns then you must design your item template with a GridLayout.
If you go with RadListView, you have different layouting option too.

Drupal: View list inside view

I have created 2 content types; Episode which has actual episode information and Channel which has a channel description which includes a few fields specific to the channel plus an Entity Reference to Episodes.
While entering data, you can select "Add new episode" and are able to add as many episodes as you wish. The data is all visible and correct in View Content.
I need now to create a view which looks something like this:
Channel Name
Channel Info
 Ep 1
  Ep 1 content
 Ep 2
  Ep 2 content
I can create a view of Channels or a view of Episodes, just don't know how to integrate the one into the other.
Having the darndest time figuring out what I am doing wrong. perhaps it's as much about terminology as anything else as I come from a different CMS background. TIA
This can be achieved using the display suite module and linking the entities using a custom view mode, and then rendering a rendered entity in your view.
So Install the Display Suite Module.
Setup a custom View Mode, and enable the custom view in the "Parent" content type, and select single column layout.
Add the Entity Reference Field to your columns, and select rendered entity.
Then Create a new View, referencing the "Parent" Content Type, and the views output, select rendered entity and choose the custom view mode you created.
I was over-thinking the solution. In the Manage Display for the Channel, set Episodes to display as Rendered Entity. From that point, I was able to then modify the Manage Display for the Episode content type. This was all that was necessary.

Image in a NSPopUpButtonCell with NSArrayController and Core Data

This is the scenario: A Core Data model with an entity which contains a relationship to a second entity. The latter entity contains an attribute which is an image and a second attribute with is a name (NSString).
The GUI is a NSTableView which is bound to a NSArrayController. One column of the table is a NSPopUpButtonCell. It is setup so that it currently contains the names of the second entity. It works well so far.
The problem is that I would like to show the image instead of the name. NSPopUpButtonCell is basically able to show images but I'm not able to setup the proper bindings. Setting the bindings directly in the cell doesn't work and the column binding of the table view doesn't feature an image as binding.
It's a little bit complicated but maybe someone can gibe me a hint!
Thanks in advance,

How to create a table-view control

how to develop a scrolling table with rows which will have more than one dynamic data in one row ? It should take data from web browser.
You can create the table like view as described by Matt Lacey. For dynamic data you can create data-template for your table and bind them to your data source. When you click items in a list you can modify ur data source so that it will be reflected in your table.Note: Make sure to implement INotifyPropertyChanged so the changes in your data are reflected correctly on the UI.
To create a table, simply use a list where each item is a row in the grid and then template the item to display data inside a single row grid.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to set a fixed width on each cell so that all rows look the same and aren't resized independently.
