Can't sort table with associative indexes - sorting

Why I can't use table.sort to sort tables with associative indexes?

In general, Lua tables are pure associative arrays. There is no "natural" order other than the as a side effect of the particular hash table implementation used in the Lua core. This makes sense because values of any Lua data type (other than nil) can be used as both keys and values; but only strings and numbers have any kind of sensible ordering, and then only between values of like type.
For example, what should the sorted order of this table be:
unsortable = {
[function() return 17 end] = function() return 42 end,
[math.pi] = "pi",
[ {} ] = {},
12, 11, 10, 9, 8
It has one string key, one boolean key, one function key, one non-integral key, one table key, and five integer keys. Should the function sort ahead of the string? How do you compare the string to a number? Where should the table sort? And what about userdata and thread values which don't happen to appear in this table?
By convention, values indexed by sequential integers beginning with 1 are commonly used as lists. Several functions and common idioms follow this convention, and table.sort is one example. Functions that operate over lists usually ignore any values stored at keys that are not part of the list. Again, table.sort is an example: it sorts only those elements that are stored at keys that are part of the list.
Another example is the # operator. For the above table, #unsortable is 5 because unsortable[5] ~= nil and unsortable[6] == nil. Notice that the value stored at the numeric index math.pi is not counted even though pi is between 3 and 4 because it is not an integer. Furthermore, none of the other non-integer keys are counted either. This means that a simple for loop can iterate over the entire list:
for i in 1,#unsortable do
Although that is often written as
for i,v in ipairs(unsortable) do
In short, Lua tables are unordered collections of values, each indexed by a key; but there is a special convention for sequential integer keys beginning at 1.
Edit: For the special case of non-integral keys with a suitable partial ordering, there is a work-around involving a separate index table. The described content of tables keyed by string values is a suitable example for this trick.
First, collect the keys in a new table, in the form of a list. That is, make a table indexed by consecutive integers beginning at 1 with keys as values and sort that. Then, use that index to iterate over the original table in the desired order.
For example, here is foreachinorder(), which uses this technique to iterate over all values of a table, calling a function for each key/value pair, in an order determined by a comparison function.
function foreachinorder(t, f, cmp)
-- first extract a list of the keys from t
local keys = {}
for k,_ in pairs(t) do
keys[#keys+1] = k
-- sort the keys according to the function cmp. If cmp
-- is omitted, table.sort() defaults to the < operator
-- finally, loop over the keys in sorted order, and operate
-- on elements of t
for _,k in ipairs(keys) do
It constructs an index, sorts it with table.sort(), then loops over each element in the sorted index and calls the function f for each one. The function f is passed the key and value. The sort order is determined by an optional comparison function which is passed to table.sort. It is called with two elements to compare (the keys to the table t in this case) and must return true if the first is less than the second. If omitted, table.sort uses the built-in < operator.
For example, given the following table:
t1 = {
a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3,
then foreachinorder(t1,print) prints:
a 1
b 2
c 3
and foreachinorder(t1,print,function(a,b) return a>b end) prints:
c 3
b 2
a 1

You can only sort tables with consecutive integer keys starting at 1, i.e., lists. If you have another table of key-value pairs, you can make a list of pairs and sort that:
function sortpairs(t, lt)
local u = { }
for k, v in pairs(t) do table.insert(u, { key = k, value = v }) end
table.sort(u, lt)
return u
Of course this is useful only if you provide a custom ordering (lt) which expects as arguments key/value pairs.
This issue is discussed at greater length in a related question about sorting Lua tables.

Because they don't have any order in the first place. It's like trying to sort a garbage bag full of bananas.


Sorting a Lua table by key

I have gone through many questions and Google results but couldn't find the solution.
I am trying to sort a table using table.sort function in Lua but I can't figure out how to use it.
I have a table that has keys as random numeric values. I want to sort them in ascending order. I have gone through the Lua wiki page also but table.sort only works with the table values.
t = { [223]="asd", [23]="fgh", [543]="hjk", [7]="qwe" }
I want it like:
t = { [7]="qwe", [23]="fgh", [223]="asd", [543]="hjk" }
You cannot set the order in which the elements are retrieved from the hash (which is what your table is) using pairs. You need to get the keys from that table, sort the keys as its own table, and then use those sorted keys to retrieve the values from your original table:
local t = { [223]="asd", [23]="fgh", [543]="hjk", [7]="qwe" }
local tkeys = {}
-- populate the table that holds the keys
for k in pairs(t) do table.insert(tkeys, k) end
-- sort the keys
-- use the keys to retrieve the values in the sorted order
for _, k in ipairs(tkeys) do print(k, t[k]) end
This will print
7 qwe
23 fgh
223 asd
543 hjk
Another option would be to provide your own iterator instead of pairs to iterate the table in the order you need, but the sorting of the keys may be simple enough for your needs.
What was said by #lhf is true, your lua table holds its contents in whatever order the implementation finds feasible. However, if you want to print (or iterate over it) in a sorted manner, it is possible (so you can compare it element by element). To achieve this, you can do it in the following way
for key, value in orderedPairs(mytable) do
print(string.format("%s:%s", key, value))
Unfortunately, orderedPairs is not provided as a part of lua, you can copy the implementation from here though.
The Lua sort docs provide a good solution
local function pairsByKeys (t, f)
local a = {}
for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end
table.sort(a, f)
local i = 0 -- iterator variable
local iter = function () -- iterator function
i = i + 1
if a[i] == nil then return nil
else return a[i], t[a[i]]
return iter
Then you traverse the sorted structure
local t = { b=1, a=2, z=55, c=0, qa=53, x=8, d=7 }
for key,value in pairsByKeys(t) do
print(" " .. tostring(key) .. "=" .. tostring(value))
There is no notion of order in Lua tables: they are just sets of key-value pairs.
The two tables below have exactly the same contents because they contain exactly the same pairs:
t = { [223] = "asd" ,[23] = "fgh",[543]="hjk",[7]="qwe"}
t = {[7]="qwe",[23] = "fgh",[223] = "asd" ,[543]="hjk"}

how to print a dictionary sorted by a value of a subdictionary?

I have a dictionary inside a dictionary and I wish to print the whole dictionary but sorted around a value in the sub dictionary
Lesson = {Name:{'Rating':Rating, 'Desc':Desc, 'TimeLeftTask':Timeleft}}
Lesson = {'Math':{'Rating':11, 'Desc':'Exercises 14 and 19 page 157', 'TimeLeftTask':7}, 'English':{'Rating':23, 'Desc':'Exercise 5 page 204', 'TimeLeftTask':2}}
I want to print this dict for example but sorted by 'Rating' (high numbers at the top)
I have read this post but i don't fully understand it.
If you could keep it simple it would be great.
And yes i'm making a program to sort and deal with my homework
Thanks in advance
def sort_by_subdict(dictionary, subdict_key):
return sorted(dictionary.items(), key=lambda k_v: k_v[1][subdict_key])
Lesson = {'Math':{'Rating':11, 'Desc':'Exercises 14 and 19 page 157', 'TimeLeftTask':7}, 'English':{'Rating':23, 'Desc':'Exercise 5 page 204', 'TimeLeftTask':2}}
print(sort_by_subdict(Lesson, 'Rating'))
As there is no notion of order in dictionary, we need to represent the dictionary as a list of key, value pair tuples to preserve the sorted order.
The so question you mention sorts the dictionary using the sorted function such that it returns a list of (k, v) tuples (here k means key & v means value) of top level dictionary, sorting by the desired value of sub dictionary v.

What is a HASH TABLE when doing HASH JOIN?

In HASH JOIN method of oracle, HASH TABLE will be built on one of the tables and other will be joined depending on the values in the hash table.
Could you please let me know what is Hash table? What is the structure of hash table? how will it be created?
A hash table is a table where you can store stuff by the use of a key. It is like an array but stores things differently
a('CanBeVarchar') := 1; -- A hash table
In oracle, they are called associative arrays or index by tables. and you make one like this:
TYPE aHashTable IS TABLE OF [number|varchar2|user-defined-types] INDEX BY VARCHAR2(30);
myTable aHashTable;
So, what is it? it's just a bunch of key-value pairs. The data is stored as a linked list with head nodes that group the data by the use of something called HashCode to find things faster. Something like this:
a -> b -> c
Any Bitter Class
Array Bold Count
Say you are storing random words and it's meaning (a dictionary); when you store a word that begins with a, it is stored in the 'a' group. So, say you want this myTable('Albatroz') := 'It's a bird', the hash code will be calculated and put in the A head node, where it belongs: just above the 'Any'. a, has a link to Any, which has a link to Array and so on.
Now, the cool thing about it is that you get fast data retreival, say you want the meaning of Count, you do this definition := myTable('Count'); It will ignore searching for Any, Array, Bitter, Bold. Will search directly in the C head node, going trhough Class and finally Count; that is fast!
Here a wikipedia Link:
Note that my example is oversimplified read with a little bit of more detail in the link.
Read more details like the load factor: What happens if i get a LOT of elements in the a group and few in the b and c; now searching for a word that begins with a is not very optinmal, is it? the hash table uses the load factor to reorganize and distribute the load of each node, for example, the table can be converted to subgroups:
From this
a b -> c
Any Bitter Class
Anode Bold Count
To this
an -> ar b -> c
Any Array Bitter Class
Anode Arrays Bold Count
Anti Arrow
Now looking for words like Arrow will be faster.

checking if all values of a hash are correct values (from a predefined value set) in ruby

I have a hash table with multiple values being passed to a function I dont know the names of the keys but i know that the values of the keys must be equal to characters A S or X.
How can i easily check that all values in the hash table are equal to those characters?
NullUserException is good, you could also
match_values = %w(A S X)
hash.values.all? { |value| match_values.include?(value) }

Associatively sorting a table by value in Lua

I have a key => value table I'd like to sort in Lua. The keys are all integers, but aren't consecutive (and have meaning). Lua's only sort function appears to be table.sort, which treats tables as simple arrays, discarding the original keys and their association with particular items. Instead, I'd essentially like to be able to use PHP's asort() function.
What I have:
items = {
[1004] = "foo",
[1234] = "bar",
[3188] = "baz",
[7007] = "quux",
What I want after the sort operation:
items = {
[1234] = "bar",
[3188] = "baz",
[1004] = "foo",
[7007] = "quux",
Any ideas?
Edit: Based on answers, I'm going to assume that it's simply an odd quirk of the particular embedded Lua interpreter I'm working with, but in all of my tests, pairs() always returns table items in the order in which they were added to the table. (i.e. the two above declarations would iterate differently).
Unfortunately, because that isn't normal behavior, it looks like I can't get what I need; Lua doesn't have the necessary tools built-in (of course) and the embedded environment is too limited for me to work around it.
Still, thanks for your help, all!
You seem to misunderstand something. What you have here is a associative array. Associative arrays have no explicit order on them, e.g. it's only the internal representation (usually sorted) that orders them.
In short -- in Lua, both of the arrays you posted are the same.
What you would want instead, is such a representation:
items = {
{1004, "foo"},
{1234, "bar"},
{3188, "baz"},
{7007, "quux"},
While you can't get them by index now (they are indexed 1, 2, 3, 4, but you can create another index array), you can sort them using table.sort.
A sorting function would be then:
function compare(a,b)
return a[1] < b[1]
table.sort(items, compare)
As Komel said, you're dealing with associative arrays, which have no guaranteed ordering.
If you want key ordering based on its associated value while also preserving associative array functionality, you can do something like this:
function getKeysSortedByValue(tbl, sortFunction)
local keys = {}
for key in pairs(tbl) do
table.insert(keys, key)
table.sort(keys, function(a, b)
return sortFunction(tbl[a], tbl[b])
return keys
items = {
[1004] = "foo",
[1234] = "bar",
[3188] = "baz",
[7007] = "quux",
local sortedKeys = getKeysSortedByValue(items, function(a, b) return a < b end)
sortedKeys is {1234,3188,1004,7007}, and you can access your data like so:
for _, key in ipairs(sortedKeys) do
print(key, items[key])
1234 bar
3188 baz
1004 foo
7007 quux
hmm, missed the part about not being able to control the iteration. there
But in lua there is usually always a way.
Thats a start. Now you would need to replace the pairs() that the library uses. That could be a simples as pairs=my_pairs. You could then use the solution in the link above
PHP arrays are different from Lua tables.
A PHP array may have an ordered list of key-value pairs.
A Lua table always contains an unordered set of key-value pairs.
A Lua table acts as an array when a programmer chooses to use integers 1, 2, 3, ... as keys. The language syntax and standard library functions, like table.sort offer special support for tables with consecutive-integer keys.
So, if you want to emulate a PHP array, you'll have to represent it using list of key-value pairs, which is really a table of tables, but it's more helpful to think of it as a list of key-value pairs. Pass a custom "less-than" function to table.sort and you'll be all set.
N.B. Lua allows you to mix consecutive-integer keys with any other kinds of keys in the same table—and the representation is efficient. I use this feature sometimes, usually to tag an array with a few pieces of metadata.
Coming to this a few months later, with the same query. The recommended answer seemed to pinpoint the gap between what was required and how this looks in LUA, but it didn't get me what I was after exactly :- which was a Hash sorted by Key.
The first three functions on this page DID however :
I did a brief bit of Lua coding a couple of years ago but I'm no longer fluent in it.
When faced with a similar problem, I copied my array to another array with keys and values reversed, then used sort on the new array.
I wasn't aware of a possibility to sort the array using the method Kornel Kisielewicz recommends.
The proposed compare function works but only if the values in the first column are unique.
Here is a bit enhanced compare function to ensure, if the values of a actual column equals, it takes values from next column to evaluate...
With {1234, "baam"} < {1234, "bar"} to be true the items the array containing "baam" will be inserted before the array containing the "bar".
local items = {
{1004, "foo"},
{1234, "bar"},
{1234, "baam"},
{3188, "baz"},
{7007, "quux"},
local function compare(a, b)
for inx = 1, #a do
-- print("A " .. inx .. " " .. a[inx])
-- print("B " .. inx .. " " .. b[inx])
if a[inx] == b[inx] and a[inx + 1] < b[inx + 1] then
return true
elseif a[inx] ~= b[inx] and a[inx] < b[inx] == true then
return true
return false
return false
