Remotely debug Linux Kernel from Windows? - linux-kernel

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to remotely debug the Linux kernel running under VMWare (and if so, if there's a way to do it in Windows since linux kind of scares me...). Both are x86. I know VMWare has support for this (I saw a post about remote debugging via gdb), but if there was a way to do it from Windows (i.e. Eclipse CDT or something) that'd be awesome.

You're not going to debug the Linux kernel (particularly remotely) using anything but gdb with { kdb | kgdb } extensions in-kernel, unless you write your own debug hooks.

According to Linus, he would prefer if you do not use a kernel debugger, even on Linux. Good luck getting one to work from Windows :)
Granted, this posting is from several years ago. Maybe he has changed his mind since then???

There's a thread where someone got 95% of the way here: The one part he's missing is that the source files can't be found, but CDT supports setting a source path different from the symbol file. A bit of messing around and it seems to be working (i.e. I can set breakpoints, see the entire address space, etc.)

I would recommend debugging one Linux VM from another linux VM, if you only have one machine running Windows available.
You're going to have enough difficulty just getting that working, without throwing in something that is as unsupported and untested as what you're currently asking for.


how can i run the debug command from windows 64x

I need to use the debug command in Windows 64x for learning purposes. When I type the command debug in the cmd, I get the following message:
'debug' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
As I understand from some previous posts that debug does not work in 64x systems. Is there any work around for this issue?
I am trying to write assembly code for learning. I am not allowed to use any other option for writing assembly code. I have to use DEBUG.
debug.exe is not available in any of the 64 bit windows versions. What are you trying to accomplish? One option for you may be gnu debug -
I know this is an ancient thread, but others might have the same question.
In general to use legacy software, the CLEANEST way to do it is to use the build in Hyper-V. And then have PC-DOS 3.30 (or any suitable 16 or 32 bit OS) on that.
Make sure to use a DYNAMIC disk (vhdx). This allows the disk to be mounted in Windows simply by clicking the vhdx (when not in use by Hyper-V - no sharing), so this allows for simple transfers, without complex net-setup.
There are other alternatives such as DOSBOX, though to my experience their emulation have some bugs (e.g. on the ancient FCB-system - older than file-handles)
I know it's a very long answer, but I just saw your post now. Use the vDosPlus ( or vDos ( software to run 16-bit (MS-DOS) programs on Windows 64-bit.

simple gui based gdb debugging over ssh

I ssh into a linux VM which is setup remotely. I use Vim to write my code. For debugging however, I use netbeans through X11 which can sometimes be painfully slow. I tried using gdb buts its an efficiency killer. I love to hover over my variable and get to now their value rather that doing p variable_name , plus I like see and navigate through the code. Is there something light simple gui based debugging tool I can use. I have tried to use clewn , but that doesnt work because it has a missing netbeans_intg feature. Is there any other similar vim gui based debugging tool ?
You can try ddd
which is a gui for gdb, I think it's lighter than netbeans.
cgdb is an interface to gdb but it is not a graphical one. It does not offer the possibility of hovering over a variable, but it shows you a window with the source code.
Well, I was in sort of your situation sometime ago, and you can have a look at my question about using gdb with remote sources.
First of all, your problem with netbeans_intg feature is related to vim which has been compiled with no support for it. If you can rebuild vim yourself, you can then enable it. Otherwise, as you can see in the answer that I gave myself to my question, you can leverage clewn's remote-vim capabilities.
In a nutshell, you can have a "local" vim (i.e. on a desktop/laptop machine presumably), which must still be built with netbeans_intg support, but now it is a vim under your complete control (i.e. it's on "your" machine), while clewn will run on the linux host where gdb and your debuggee will run.
You can then keep the source files on your desktop/laptop and have the remote clewn sort of "drive" your local vim to the proper source files while debugging.
IOW: clewn will get information out of gdb to know exactly which file/line you're into and connect to remote vim and tell it: "hey, go grab this file and show it around this line", highlighting current line, breakpoints etc.
This is a great solution for when you have far-away deployed systems and you need to debug them with minimum impact on the host where they are running, and presumably no option to transfer there all of your source files.
I don't know if this fits in any way with what you're trying to do, but it did really change things for me.
Check out GDB server. Theoretcially, you should be able to start gdb on your linux machine in server mode and connect via GUI of your choice. As long as that GUI supports remote gdb connections, which Netbeans does.

Delphi program & Windows 64-bit compatibility issue

I have some customers/candidate who complained that my program doesn't work on their Windows 7 64 bit version (confirmed with screenshots). The errors were strange, for example:
in the trial version i am
getting a error message whenever i
click on \"mark\" \"delete\" \"help\".
error msg is: Access violation at
address 0046C978 in module
\'ideduper.exe.\' read of address
windows 7 ultimate 64bit. i7 920
#2.67GHz 9gb or ram
'Mark', 'delete' and 'help' are just standard TToolButton on TToolbar.
The other example is failing to get a thumbnail from IExtractImage.
I have told them to try Compatibility mode but still doesn't work.
The problem is when I tested it on Windows 7 HP 64-bit on my computer (which I've done it before released it actually) it just works fine! So I don't know what causing it
Do you have any advice ?Are different Windows package (home basic,premium,ultimate,etc) treating 32 bit prog differently ?Are the newer version of Delphis (I use 2006) more compatible with 64 bit Windows ? Do I need to wait until 64 bit compiler out?
Thanks in advance
Your best bet in my opinion is to add MadExcept or EurekaLog or something similar to your application and give it to the customer to try again. MadExcept will generate log with stack trace, which will give you a clearer view of what is happening there.
To answer 2nd part of the question, 32bit Delphi programs work fine on 64bit Windows 7. I think it's more likely you have some memory management problems and the customer just happens to stumble upon them while you don't. Use FastMM4 to track those down.
Your applications is trying to access an invalid pointer. Changing environment may surface issues that are hidden in others. Check your application, and use FastMM + JCL+JCVL/MadExcept/EurekaLog to get a detailed trace of the issue. Some Windows APIs may have some stricter call requisites under 7 and/or 64 bit, but we would have to know what your app actually cals.
A free alternative to MadExcept is JCL Debug stuff. However it is less thorough and doesn't include the cool dialog box to send the stack trace to you via email, or as a file you can attach and manually email.
MadExcept is worth the money, and it is free for non-commercial use. You could try it first on your own PC, observe its functionality, and be sure it functions the way you want, and then buy it.
If buying Delphi is worth it (and it is!) then buying mad Except is a no brainer. But if you insist on rolling your own, JCLDebug (part of jedi code library) is also pretty nice.
Give them a stripped down version of your app and see when the problem goes away. I am betting it is your code as I never had any problems with my (hundreds of) W7/64 clients.
I'd be willing to bet it's an issue in your code. The reason it's failing on your customer's machine and not yours is that your machine probably has the default Data Execution Protection (DEP) enabled (which is turned on only for essential Windows programs and services), while your customer's computer is actually using DEP as intended (turned on for all programs and services).
The default setting (which is compatible with older versions of Windows, like 95/98/ME), allows software to execute code from what should be data segments. The more strict setting won't allow this, and raises a system-level exception instead.
You can check the settings between the two by looking at System Properties. I'm not at a Win7 machine right now, but on WinXP you get there by right-clicking on My Computer, choosing Properties, clicking on Performance Options, and then selecting the "Data Execution Prevention" tab. Find it on Vista/Win7 by using the Help; search for Data Execution Protection.
The solution, as previous answers have told you, is to install MadExcept or EurekaLog. You can also get a free version as part of JEDI, in JCLDebug IIRC. I haven't used it, so I can't vouch for it personally. I've heard it's pretty good, though.
If you don't want to go that route, set a breakpoint somewhere in the startup portion of your app (make sure to build with debugging info turned on). Run your app until the breakpoint is hit, and then use the IDE's Search->Goto Address (which is disabled until the breakpoint is hit). Enter the address from the exception dialog (not the one that's almost all zeros, but the 0046C978 address, prefixed with $ to indicate it's in hex) as in $0046C978. You'll probably end up in the CPU window looking at assembly code, but you can usually pick out a line of Delphi code of some sort that can sometimes give you a place to start looking.
In addition to all previous suggestions, I'll add the difference in accessing Registry under WOW64 compared to Win32. If your application is accessing Registry to read or write some settings, you should be aware of this. First, take a look at this and this page in the MSDN. On this page you will find 2 flags that determine the access you get to Registry from 32- or 64-bit application. KEY_WOW64_64KEY is the one that you should use.
In any case, I agree with others about using madExcept (or any other similar tool) to be able to find the exact cause of your problems.

Tool to Debug Guest OS in Virtual Box

I'm just cross posting the same question I did on
If not breaking any rule, I'd appreciate to kwon more about it since stackoverflow promisses to be more dynamic!
I did some search and could not find any tool to debug a guest system from the early boot in virtual box. Although, I came across JCP, a x86 emulator in java that is not so powerful and beautyful but has a debug mode where one can view the Physical Memory, the CPU registers along other things. It also makes it possible to execute CPU instructions step by step and set break points, watchpoints and conditional ones. There's such thing in Virtual Box?
I think would be amazing to have it and be able to inspect the system while its running. For learn about PC architecture or as a tool to develop a kernel as well.
In the case you think its good idea (I think it is) how can it be achieved? I'm interested in develop such sort o things and would like to know if it is feasible if not already implemented somewhere."
EDT: Are modern x86 able to interrupt its execution just after a cpu cycle and pass execution addres to another code to just do this? Yes, the trap flag can be set to put the processor in step by step execution mode. x86 will execute one instruction and call INT 3.
Contrary to what is stated above, VirtualBox now contains a (limited) debugger. Add --dbg to the command line when starting the VM. For more information consult:
12.1.3. The built-in VM debugger
The OSDev wiki has some useful information on debugging a guest operating system, though according to this page VirtualBox doesn't have a debugger at present. I've been using QEmu with the GDB stub and it works quite nicely, so you might like to give that a go instead.

Gnu Debugger & Linux Kernel

I have compiled my own Kernel module and now I would like to be able to load it
into the GNU Debugger GDB. I did this once, a year ago or so to have a look
at the memory layout. It worked fine then, but of course I was too silly to
write down the single steps I took to accomplish this... Can anyone enlighten
me or point me to a good tutorial?
Thank you so much
For kernels > 2.6.26 (i.e. after May 2008), the preferred way is probably to use "kgdb light" (not to be confused with its ancestor kgdb, available as a set of kernel patches).
"kgdb light" is now part of the kernel (in by default in current Ubuntu kernels, for instance), and it's capabilities are improving fast (Jason Wessel is working on it - possible google key).
Drawback: You need two machines, the one you're debugging and the development machine (host) where gdb runs. Currently, those two machines can only be linked through a serial link.
kgdb runs in the target machine where it handles the breakpoints, stepping, etc. and the remote debugging protocol use to talk with the development machine.
gdb runs in the development machine where it handles the user interface.
An USB-to-serial adapter works OK on the development machine, but currently, you need a real UART on the target machine - and that's not so frequent anymore on recent hardware.
The (terse) kgdb documentation is in the kernel sources, in
I suggest you google around for "kgdb light" for the complete story.
Again, don't confuse kgdb and kgdb light, they come together in google searches but are mostly different animals. In particular, info from relate to the "ancestor" kgdb, so try queries like:
kgdb module debugging -""
and discard articles prior to May 2008 / 2.6.26 kernel.
Finally, for module debugging, you need to manually load the module symbols in the dev machine for all the code and sections you are interested in. That's a bit too long to address here, but some clues there, there and there.
Bottom line is, kgdb is a very welcome improvement but don't expect this trip to be as easy as running gdb in user mode. Yet. :)
It has been a while since I was actively developing drivers for Linux, so maybe my answer is a bit out of date. I would say you cannot use GDB. If at all, only to debug post mortem on dump files. To debug you should rather use a kernel debugger. Build the kernel with a kernel debugger enabled (there is one out-of-the box debugger for 2.6, which was lacking at the time I was active). I used the kernel patches for KDB from Sun, which I was quite happy with. A user space tool won't be of much use unless new gdb communicate somehow with the internal kernel debugger (which anyway you would have to activate)
I hope this gives you at least some hints, while not being a detailled answer. Better than no answer at all. Regards.
I suspect what you did was
gdb /boot/vmlinux /proc/kcore
Of course you can't actually do any debugging, but it's certainly good enough to have a poke around the kernel.
