Would a multithreaded Java application exploit a multi-core machine very well? - performance

If I write a multi-threaded java application, will the JVM take care of utilizing all available cores? Do I have to do some work?

Unless you use a JVM that has so-called "green" threads (which is very few these days), Java threads are run by OS threads, so multiple threads get run on different cores by default.

To follow up, I see 100% usage on both cores when I run this code on my dual core. If I bring the number of threads from two to one, one core goes to 100% and another about 4%.
package test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ThreadTest
public void startCPUHungryThread()
Runnable runnable = new Runnable(){
public void run()
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
public static void main(String[] args)
ThreadTest thread = new ThreadTest();
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)

All modern JVMs will take advantage of as many cores as your hardware has. An easy way to illustrate this is to download and run the DaCapo benchmark on your machine. The lusearch benchmark uses 32 threads. If you run this on your desktop or server, you should see all of your CPUs hit 100% utilization during the test.

On the flip of that, it is sometimes useful to "bound"/set affinity for a Java process to only use a set of cores/sockets, though done via OS semantics. As previously answered, most runtimes indeed employ all cpus and with highly threaded apps can eat up more resources than you might expect.


It is possible background works for every 1 minutes in ios?

Hello firstly I am so sorry about my bad english level.
I have an application.
Basically my application works for every 1 minutes use get method for getting some json data from server.
It is possible in android side and i created with foreground service.
But for xamarin.ios side how i can create?
actually my question is it is possible for in ios?
Before doing that , you can have a research with backgrond tasks in iOS .
The biggest change in iOS 7 with regard to background tasks is not how the tasks are implemented, but when they run.
Recall that pre-iOS 7, a task running in the background had 600 seconds to complete. One reason for this limit is that a task running in the background would keep the device awake for the duration of the task:
iOS 7 background processing is optimized for longer battery life. In iOS 7, backgrounding becomes opportunistic: instead of keeping the device awake, tasks respect when the device goes to sleep, and instead do their processing in chunks when the device wakes up to handle phone calls, notifications, incoming emails, and other common interruptions. The following diagram provides insight into how a task might be broken up:
Because the task run time is not longer continuous, tasks that perform network transfers must be handled differently in iOS 7. Developers are encouraged to use the NSURlSession API to handle network transfers. The next section is an overview of background transfers.
If you can keep the device not be killed , you can have a try with using System.Threading.Timer class to use Timer to implement what your want:
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
private static Timer timer;
static void Main(string[] args)
var timerState = new TimerState { Counter = 0 };
timer = new Timer(
callback: new TimerCallback(TimerTask),
state: timerState,
dueTime: 1000,
period: 2000);
while (timerState.Counter <= 10)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff}: done.");
private static void TimerTask(object timerState)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff}: starting a new callback.");
var state = timerState as TimerState;
Interlocked.Increment(ref state.Counter);
class TimerState
public int Counter;
In addition , the first doc share the Background Transfers notes .The backbone of background transfers in iOS 7 is the new NSURLSession API.

Guaranteed way to cancel a hanging Task?

I often have to execute code on a separate thread that is long running, blocking, instable and\or has a potential to hang forever. Since the existence of TPL the internet is full of examples that nicely cancel a task with the cancellation token but I never found an example that kills a task that hangs. Code that hangs forever is likely to be expected as soon as you communicate with hardware or call some third party code. A task that hangs cannot check the cancellation token and is doomed to stay alive forever. In critical applications I equip those tasks with alive signals that are sent on regular time intervals. As soon as a hanging task is detected, it is killed and a new instance is started.
The code below shows an example task that calls a long running placeholder method SomeThirdPartyLongOperation() which has the potential to hang forever. The StopTask() first checks if the task is still running an tries to cancel it with the cancellation token. If that doesn’t work, the task hangs and the underlying thread is interrupted\aborted old school style.
private Task _task;
private Thread _thread;
private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource;
public void StartTask()
_cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
_task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoWork(_cancellationTokenSource.Token), _cancellationTokenSource.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
public void StopTask()
if (_task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
_task.Wait(2000); // Wait for task to end and prevent hanging by timeout.
catch (AggregateException aggEx)
List<Exception> exceptions = aggEx.InnerExceptions.Where(e => !(e is TaskCanceledException)).ToList(); // Ignore TaskCanceledException
foreach (Exception ex in exceptions)
// Process exception thrown by task
if (!_task.IsCompleted) // Task hangs and didn't respond to cancellation token => old school thread abort
if (!_thread.Join(2000))
if (_task.IsCompleted)
private void DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Thread.CurrentThread.Name)) // Set thread name for debugging
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "DemoThread";
_thread = Thread.CurrentThread; // Save for interrupting/aborting if thread hangs
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Although I’ve been using this construct for some years now, I want to know if there are some potential mistakes in it. I’ve never seen an example of a task that saves the underlying thread or gives it a name to simplify debugging, so I’m a bit unsure if this is the right way to go. Comment on any detail is welcome!
Code that hangs forever is likely to be expected as soon as you communicate with hardware or call some third party code.
Communication: absolutely not. There's always a way to timeout with communication APIs, so even with misbehaving hardware, there's no need to force-kill an I/O operation.
Third-party code: only if you're paranoid (or have high demands such as 24x7 automation).
Here's the bottom line:
There's no way to force-kill a task.
You can force-kill a thread, but this can easily cause serious problems with application state, possibility if introducing deadlocks in other parts of the code, and resource leaks.
You can force-kill an appdomain, which solves a large portion of app state / deadlock issues with killing threads. However, it doesn't solve them all, and there's still the problem of resource leaks.
You can force-kill a process. This is the only truly clean and reliable solution.
So, if you choose to trust the third-party code, I recommend that you just call it like any other API. If you require 100% reliability regardless of third-party libraries, you'll need to wrap the third-party dll into a separate process and use cross-process communication to call it.
Your current code force-kills a thread pool thread, which is certainly not recommended; those threads belong to the thread pool, not to you, and this is still true even if you specify LongRunning. If you go the kill-thread route (which is not fully reliable), then I recommend using an explicit thread.
The question is why is this task even hanging at all? I think there's no universal solution to this problem but you should focus on the task to be always responsible and not on forcing to interrupt it.
In this code, it looks like you're looking for a simple thread rather than a task - you shouldn't link tasks to threads - it's very likely that the task will switch to another thread after some async operations and you will end up on killing an innoccent thread that is not connected to your task anymore. If you really need to kill the whole thread then make a dedicated one just for this job.
You shouldn't also name or do anything with any thread that is used for tasks' default pool. Consider this code:
static void Main(string[] args)
static async Task sth()
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "My name";
await Task.Delay(1);
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name ?? "No name");
the output is:
No name

Releasing memory back to OS when JVM is idle

We have a simple microservice setup, based on Spring Boot and Java 8 on Windows servers.
Many of the services have a low load, since they serve as integrations to all kinds of external partners. So they are idle a lot of the time.
The problem is that the JVM only releases memory back to the OS, when a garbage collection is triggered. So a service might start using 32mb, then serve a single request and allocate 2GB of memory. If there is no other activity on that service, it will not GC and other services on the server will suffer.
Triggering a GC externally or internally with a System.gc works just fine and I have figured out how to use -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio and -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio with -XX:+UseG1GC to control when the heap should expand and release memory to the OS.
My question is: What is the best way to ensure that memory is relased back to the OS when the JVM is idle?
One idea would be to have the service monitor itself and trigger a System.gc efter a period of idleness, but that might be tricky and errorprone. So hoping for better suggestions.
You can reproduce by running X instances of this program. About 10 made my Windows machine with 8GB give up.
import java.util.*;
public class Load {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("enter to gc ");
System.out.println("enter to exit");
private static void alloc() {
ArrayList<String[]> strings = new ArrayList<>();
int max = 1000000;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
strings.add(new String[500]);
c:\> java -server -XX:+UseG1GC -Xms32m -Xmx2048m Load
Edit: This was marked as a duplicate two times, but it is not a duplicate of the linked questions. The first question is a 2010 version of the same question, but that question is on why the GC does not release memory back to the OS (which was not possible at that time). The other question is about basic GC settings, that I already wrote that I understand. I wish a discussion of how to trigger the garbage collector when the system is idle. So running System.gc every five seconds is not acceptable, because that would have a high risk of colliding with valid requests and ruin the response times.
If calling System.gc() fulfills your needs, I would recomend to use spring scheduler to run a periodic task every x sedonds.
This is quite easy to implement, some annotations
#Scheduled(cron = "...")
is all you need.
See spring scheduling for details.
Calling System.gc() gives only suggests to start the garbage collection, its still up to the JVM to decide when to do it or not.
To find out, if your system is idle or not, you could use the spring metrics.
There are some sub classes of
like TomcatPublicMetrics or SystemPublicMetrics that give you information about the system.
You can get them injected using #Autowire and call mertics() to get single values. Based on that you might be able to decide, if your system is idle or not,

How can I make this less cpu intensive?

I have a thread which is running in a loop and executing tasks.
outTask::Task* task;
while (!m_out_stop) {
while (m_outQueue.pop(task)) {
How can I make this less CPU intensive? I could make the thread sleep between each task, but that would cause a delay, and is therefore not an ideal solution.
Ps. Print statements are for debugging purposes.
If you are working in windows could use SetThreadPriority:
outTask::Task* task;
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL);
while (!m_out_stop) {
It makes run slowest your working thread, but not stop it

Which method is the least obtrusive for generating thread dumps in java?

I am aware of the following methods for generating thread dumps in java:
kill -3
JMX from inside the JVM
JMX remote
JPDA (remote)
Of these methods, which is the least detrimental to the JVM's performance?
If you just need to dump all stack traces to stdout, kill -3 and jstack should be the cheapest. The functionality is implemented natively in JVM code. No intermediate structures are created - the VM prints everything itself while it walks through the stacks.
Both commands perform the same VM operation except that signal handler prints stack traces locally to stdout of Java process, while jstack receives the output from the target VM through IPC (Unix domain socket on Linux or Named Pipe on Windows).
jstack uses Dynamic Attach mechanism under the hood. You can also utilize Dynamic Attach directly if you wish to receive the stack traces as a plain stream of bytes.
import com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine;
import sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine;
import java.io.InputStream;
public class StackTrace {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String pid = args[0];
HotSpotVirtualMachine vm = (HotSpotVirtualMachine) VirtualMachine.attach(pid);
try (InputStream in = vm.remoteDataDump()) {
byte[] buf = new byte[8000];
for (int bytes; (bytes = in.read(buf)) > 0; ) {
System.out.write(buf, 0, bytes);
} finally {
Note that all of the mentioned methods operate in a VM safepoint anyway. This means that all Java threads are stopped while the stack traces are collected.
The most performant option is likely to be the use of the ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads() API rather than requesting a text thread dump written to disk:
Of course, whether you can use that depends on whether you need a thread dump file, or just the data.
