JBoss doesn't process JMS messages - jms

Although JBoss seem to receive the JMS messages (I can list them through jmx-console) it doesn't process them. They stayed queued forever. What might be the reason for that?

Do you have a message consumer running to process the queue?
This could be something like a message driven bean, or another JMS client connecting to the queue.


Spring Rabbit mq Listner complete the process even if is killed

I have integrated rabbitmq in a spring application.In my application i am doing indexing on solr using rabbit mq.
On my every queue i have set only one listner.
I want to stop the listner on message progess.But the problem is that when i am going to stop the listner by registry.stop the rabbit mq ui and logs showing that the listner is stopped. but the message on which it works sucessfully index on solr.
As per my knowledge after killing the listner, the message also not going to further process.
That's not correct. It just stops to consume more messages from the queue. Currently in-flight messages are processed gracefully. Why would one want do not do that? You would lose the data which was consumed and acknowledged on the broker.

need spring rabbitmq send a message to all customers - disable round robin for one queue

I have a couple of queues and I need to do the following with ONE of them:
A producer should send a message to this queue, but ALL consumers should receive it. So, if I have 5 spring listeners on this queue, each of them should receive the message, but not the producer. I do that because I have a tomcat cluster and rabbitmq asynchronous messages, and if I get response from the worker, I don't know how to dispatch it to the correct tomcat node. So I decided to broadcast all worker replies to all tomcat nodes. Each tomcat cluster node listens the same output queue. Then, if it's a correct tomcat instance, it will be processed, all other copies will be lost, and it's ok. How to implement it? How make consumers on tomcat's end to receive the same message the same time?
Ok, found the solution here:
RabbitMQ / AMQP: single queue, multiple consumers for same message?
It's impossible to do in rabbitmq, need to create a couple of queues for each consumer.

How to monitor message queue message using JMX

I am developing an application in which I have jms message queue.
There is a producer which enqueue message to the queue and a consumer to dequeue the message.
There might be cases when consumer is not running. If a message is not consumed by the consumer within a certain amount of time I need to catch that from producer.
I want to use JMX to monitor message queue's message whether it is expired.
Any suggestion or sample code how to this.....
It depends on the JMX implementer... Some servers provide JMX implementations to monitor its resources. If its not provided, then you will need to write the JMX implementation that uses the API provided by the MQ implementer.
An easier way to solve this problem is to use the request-response pattern with expiry. The consumer needs to respond in a specified internal of time. If it can't then the message on the queue can expire. If the response is not received the producer can take further action. JMS selector with correlation ID can be used to relate the responses with the request.

Spring JMS consumer pull

I need to implemt a pulling consumer.
Most of the examples I see are the producer pushing a message to the consumer; Assuming consumer is always up.
I want the producer to push messages to a queue and the consumer to consume those messages on its own schedule.
My consumer has a off hours calender and cannot process requests during off hours.
How would I configure that in spring.
Use message driven POJOs and JMS.
The onMessage is a server push, The message is processed as soon as it is delivered to the client. I want the client to decide when it wants to pull the message and process it.

Queue consumer clusters with ActiveMQ

How to configure cluster of Consumers in ActiveMQ?
I created a simple embedded ActiveMQ application with two consumers of one Queue, consumers are working in separate threads. But when I send a message to the Queue, JMS delivers it to first consumer no matter how long it sleeps after receiving.
I think you're trying to explain that the first consumer is receiving all the messages. There is a FAQ entry for this type of problem available here:
