Magento Store - Get Base URL in Static Block - magento

I have a static block in Magento with this content:
<li>Contact Us</li>
I would like to replace the # with the site's base url. I want it to retrieve this dynamically.

Try adding this to your static block:
Link to Base URL
That should create a link to your store's base URL.

you can use this {{store direct_url="contacts"}}
For example:
contact us

For those that are still looking for a solution, the following should do the trick for you...
For the unsecured base URL:
{{config path='web/unsecure/base_url'}}
Or for the secured base URL:
{{config path='web/secure/base_url'}}

Try this
Contact Us

You can add store URL in static block:
Your link

A bit more clear and practical scenario (for all level of users) would be:
Suppose, we have added a static-block in footer-area/elsewhere. In that static-block we have words like this: Contact Us
And we want to add a cms-page link of that words(Contact Us).
Nice and simple way with elaborated steps:
Step-1: Create a page through CMS>Pages. In 'Page Information' Tab section we set URL Key* page-contact-us
Necessary Text can be written through the content tab area.
Step-2: After opening up our Static-block through CMS>Static Blocks, we have to write the code like this way:
Contact Us
That's all, the Base URL of that Static-block is now activated and can be retrieved dynamically.


Smarty getting page content

I need to edit a page on prestashop, I've found that code
<ul id="idTab2" class="bullet">{$agencies->content}</ul>
And where should i search for that $agencies variable ?
I have found the text which is being displayed into that place in CMS.
However I'd that variable need to be define somewhere, am I right ? Anyone knows where should i search for that ? I'm new to prestashop.
Why am i asking for this ? I need to add another page for example
<ul id="idTab2" class="bullet">{$test->content}</ul>
- but I can't just simply add another page called test.
The {$agencies} variable is being set in a object derived from either the Controller or Module classes but to be honest it looks like you're working with code that has been customised (via a class override or a module) making it impossible to provide a definitive answer to your question without knowing more detail.
If you can locate the term 'agencies' in a file located under \controllers, \modules or \override in your installation, then you will be closer to finding your answer. It will be contained in a function call similar to:
$this->context->smarty->assign('agencies' , [some-variable]);
Note that the parameters to the function may also be passed as an array for multiple assignments.

Different URL keys for different language CMS pages

I'm currently setting up a Magento shop that will support a few different languages.
One issue that I ran into is that I can't find out how to link two CMS pages together, so that when a user switches their language, they are automatically forwarded to the current CMS page but in their preferred language. One option would be to use the same URL key for both pages, but that wouldn't be very user friendly as some users would then see URL keys not in their native language.
Let me give you an example:
I have an "About us" page. In the English version of the store, the URL of that page is /about-us. Now a German user lands on that page and switches his language. But because the German equivalent to "About us" is "Über uns", the German version of that page is at /ueber-uns, so the user would be presented a 404 page because no German version of /about-us exists.
Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
Update: Did some more research and found nothing. I can't believe I am the only one with this problem? The go-to solution, using the same URL key for all languages, seems very ugly and not very user friendly!
So, the only solution that I found was to manually create a redirect for each page in the Magento Rewrite Rules. Do do that, go to Catalog -> URL Rewrite Management and add each page in the following format:
So if a user is using the Francais store view and requests /url-in-english, the redirect will kick in and redirect the user to /url-in-french.
This is of course not an ideal solution, it would be preferred if two pages could be "linked" directly, but I suppose I will have to use this for the moment. If anybody comes up with a better solution feel free to add yours!
I have seen this bug in Magento CE The problem here was a wrong assignment in \app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Url\Rewrite\Request.php.
To solve this problem it is sufficient to change the assignment of $fromStore in the protected function _rewriteDb() within the Mage_Core_Model_Url_Rewrite_Request class from
$fromStore = $this->_request->getQuery('___from_store');
$fromStore = Mage::getModel('core/store')->load($this->_request->getQuery('___from_store'), 'code')->getId();
with the result that we can access the $stores array with the right key (with the store id instead of the store code). With this the if statement
if (!empty($stores[$fromStore])) {
works in the right way.
As a reminder: Do not modify core files. Just copy \app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Url\Rewrite\Request.php to \app\code\local\Mage\Core\Model\Url\Rewrite\Request.php before any change.
You will find this answer in German here: Rewrite von Seiten in verschiedenen Sprachen und verschiedenen URL Keys in Magento
Above solution works but takes a while. We just did the following to rewrite the language changer url when on a cms page to go to the base url:
Add the following code to app/design/frontend/default/template_name/template/page/switch/languages.html after the part where the $url variable is filled (on our it was like
$url = /*explode( '?',*/$_lang->getCurrentUrl()/*);*/;
so we added the following:
if(($this->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'cms') && strpos($url,'.com/')){$url = strstr($url, '.com/', true) . '.com/';}
elseif(($this->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'cms') && strpos($url,'.de/')){$url = strstr($url, '.de/', true) . '.de/';}
elseif(($this->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'cms') && strpos($url,'.nl/')){$url = strstr($url, '.nl/', true) . '.nl/';}
What I did here is check if on a cms page and check if the url contains either .com/ ; .de/ or .nl and strip the part before then add the domain extension back.
in our example: will become
Hope this helps someone out..

Sitecore global url to specific url

Currently I am facing the following problem:
A website, which I have to make for a company, has different locations. But the content of a few pages is for all locations the same. Now I have created a global folder with the items for all the locations. But now I am facing the following problem: when accessing the global items from the website of a specific location I get the global url. But what I want is that the specific location url remains the same structure, for example:
Now it is
And what I want is
Does anybody have any solution(s)/suggestion(s) for this problem?
Does anybody also have a solution for creating a menu to insert these global items but also to insert the location specific items?
Some more information about my Sitecore content structure
Global: contains the global items for alle locations
Corporate: the corporate website of the company
Location1: the website of location1
Location2: the website of location2
Adam Weber was right, cloning is your best solution:
Create your Global section, with all the child items you need
For each of your local sections, clone the global section and place it where you'd like it to appear within your local menu
If I understand you correctly, this is what I'd do. It might not be the prettiest solution. But it'll work.
You have your "data" items in /global/subfolder/itemname
then just create some templates, which are "dummy" pages, that only contain a link to the global item (and perhaps the few fields that could differ (perhaps contact email for the specifik location).
Then you make a sublayout that bascially jsut gets the referenced item and uses that instead of Sitecore.Context.Item.
Then create an instance of the "dummy" template in /location1/subfolder/itemname and reference it to /global/subfolder/itemname
That way you URLs will be correct and the data will be the same.
Another and probably smarter solution (if you have enabled proxies) is to create a proxy that takes
/global/subfolder/itemname as source and points to /location1/subfolder/ as target (or you could take /global/subfolder and check "include children".
Here is a Guide on how to use proxies in 5.3:,-d-,3.aspx

How do you create relative links in CodeIgniter?

Example I have the following code in Controller:
class Main extends CI_Controller {
public function index()
public function create ()
If I want to create a relative link to create, how do I accomplish that? The following link in view doesn't always work. What is apporpiate way to create relative links in CodeIngiter?
or simply:
<?= anchor('/main/create', 'Create'); ?>
Make sure you have loaded the URL Helper.
You don't have to do anything special or load any helpers, just keep in mind that paths will be relative to the url and not the filesystem or controller.
Assuming your installation is in the root directory of your domain, let's say your current URL is http://localhost/class/method/var:
Will work from anywhere
Will go to http://localhost/class/method/var/create
Will go to http://localhost/class/method/create
Relative paths are not your friend in Codeigniter, you are better off sticking with full urls (typically using the helper functions like base_url() and site_url()), or to use the forward slash (relative from root). People have mentioned using the <base> html tag, but I don't personally recommend it. You are going to have some very wacky urls if you use ../../relative paths when you get deeper into the url segments. Example:
If you are here:
A link might look like this:
Probably not what you want, but it's an option you may choose. I recommend using one of the other two.
Just to point another alternative, if you dont like the idea of writing a php fragment in each href, and if the other approaches don't satisfy you. You can use put a common <BASE > tag in your html header (for example that points to the root of your application), and then remember that every relative url in your pages will be with respect with that url.

Wordpress: How do I convert a generated URL (permalink) to a pretty URL?

In a plugin, I am generating a paginated link to a category,
i.e. http://localhost/?cat=17&paged=5. The category is known by slug and id.
Is there a way to have this URL converted to the user defined "nice permalink" format,
i.e. http://localhost/category/foo/page/5?
(Assuming we're running Wordpress 2.8/2.9+)
Edit: Since there are some misunderstandings about what I'm trying to achieve, here's what I have:
The category ID
The page number (i.e. the fifth page of that category's archive)
With these data I can create the URL to that page, which would be, for example, http://localhost/?cat=17&paged=5, and that works well. The problem is of a visual nature: If the user has pretty permalinks enabled, then this won't fit in very well.
Question is: How do I get the correct, pretty permalink (i.e. http://localhost/category/foo/page/5) from (or for) the information I have?
Edit 2: Obviously if a user has pretty permalinks disabled, then there are no pretty permalinks. I know that, and that is really not subject of the question ... For the moment, let's just assume the user has an arbitrary permalink setting. I generate a link, and it should look like the user wants it to.
Have you looked at the WP_Rewrite?
Does All In One SEO meet your requirements? I actually bought the "pro" version for like $30 USD and it was well worth it.
My Wordpress installation (2.9.2) does this automatically - canonical URLs have been built into Wordpress for some time. Maybe your plugin is disabling this feature?
I'm guessing you already figured it out but I just wanted to put this out for others. I think I understand your situation. If I've read your question correctly, changing admin permalink settings does not apply.
You can get the category ID then use get_category_link() function to get the 'pretty' permalink. Then append the pagination to the end.
You could explode the permalink to get the category ID and pagination number, then use the step above to put it together.
Is this what you were looking for?
The correct way to generate the link would be to use get_category_link and add_query_arg
In your example, the following would work:
$category_link = add_query_arg( array('paged' => 5), get_category_link($category->term_id));
This will generate the URL and Wordpress will redirect to the correct page.
check this page out, it explains pretty permalinks pretty good.
You should find these settings in
I think
in the direction what you want
You can also try to redirect your url using htaccess, here are some examples:
Sorry darf bis jetzt nur ein link posten pfft... :-(
kind regards,
