windows version of the GDB frontend DDD - windows

Is there a native (not cygwin) version of DDD available for download somewhere?

DDD has not been ported to Windows AFAIK. But there ARE native gdb, which can be perfectly built using MingW32.
You can also build Insight natively using Mingw32.
You can also give a try to BeaverDbg

There is also a GDB front-end for MS Visual Studio, called WinGDB. It supports both Cygwin and MinGW. You use it just like built-in debugger in VS. It's also possible to debug remotely on Linux via SSH.

Try the Affinic Debugger GUI. It is a native Windows application and is similar to DDD. It uses GDB as the backend.

For a cross-platform gdb frontend, Qt Creator comes to mind. It also does "native" cdb on Windows, but I am not sure that's what you are looking for.

Since there is no native windows (not cygwin) gdb, there can't be a native windows (not cygwin) ddd.


VS2010 with C++11 all feature support using QT creator

I would like to ask a question about VS2010 IDE environment with all the C++11 features. Currently we need to build our software where some libraries need C++11 all feature support but we are now still running VS2010 environment and currently we are not upgrading our VS2010 to VS2017 at this moment.
So Is there any way to build these library with alternative mentods like installing QT creator on Windows platform so that can use g++ 4.9.3 or later same as on linux ubuntu? I found some website mentioning about Cygwin installed on Windows but seems not clear how to do.
Thanks for your help!
The QT installer provides binary versions built with MinGW as well as MinGW itself, so just use those.

How to debug in Qt Creator under Windows?

I want to have the same developing environment either in Linux and in Windows so I decided to use Qt Creator. But for some unknown reason I cannot trace my project in Qt Creator under Windows 7. I compile my program as DEBUG target, the resulting executable contains all debug info. After that I press F10 key to step over main function but instead of stepping it just brings program to run. Stepping into via F11 does the same thing.
Firstly I tried gdb shipped with MinGW but Qt Creator refused even to run it complaining that it should be Python capable. After that I have downloaded and installed gdb with Python support from
as Qt Creator manual recommends but it just made that Qt Creator is able to start the debugger and nothing more, I could not do source level debugging anyway.
Qt Creator under Linux works fine with the same project, it traces, steps and shows the sources Ok. I run MinGW 4.8.1 and Qt Creator 3.1.1 under Windows 7 64bit and the same Qt Creator 3.1.1 version under Fedora Linux 64bit. How can I achieve source level debugging under Windows like under Linux I do?
The best thing is to use Visual studio express compiler and then install the windows debugging tools like specified here and configure qt-creator
Recent GDB builds shipped with MinGW are Python-enabled, and work out-of-the-box in Qt Creator. The link you found seems outdated.

Is it possible to run applications compiled by Visual Studio 2008 on Linux?

Is it possible to run applications compiled by Visual Studio 2008 on Linux? Is there plugin that can convert my project exe to a Linux runnable file?
As far as I know, there is no software that allows Visual Studio to generate non-Windows executables.
If it's a native executable (not .NET) you can try running it under WINE and see if that works. If it doesn't I'd guess the options are either to make it work with WINE or see if you can build it as a native Linux application. The latter will be rather painful if it's a GUI application, obviously, and I'd question if it is worth it. Porting a command line app might be doable but don't underestimate the work involved.
if you use dot net there is a MONO library that enables running some dot net application on linux.
but it not fully compatible.
Otherwise you can do it, (maybe using silverlite you would...)
Mono Project

Is it possible to compile Windows binaries on a Linux machine?

At my work, all of the project data resides on an NFS that is accessible from both Linux and Windows machines (using Samba). All of the work is done on Linux, but I'm toying with the idea of compiling some of tools for Windows so that I can debug with Visual Studio.
I already have a nice makefile that can build the code for both 32-bit or 64-bit Linux using different targets. Assuming I have Windows versions of all the external libraries somewhere on the NFS, and assuming the code is clean enough to compile under Windows, is it possible to compile and link my program for Windows using the existing makefile, on Linux? Ideally I'd like to call the makefile once and have it build all three of 32-bit Linux, 64-bit Linux and Windows.
An added plus would be the option to compile it with any Visual Studio metadata to make it easy to debug.
Yes, you can achieve that with MinGW for example.
However, you will probably have to adapt one or two options in your makefile.
There are a number of possibilities I can think of:
You might try running Visual Studio under Wine. If Visual Studio does not run, you may still be able to run the command-line tools.
Run a full installation of Windows in a Virtual Machine. I have done this with Linux on Windows, but not the other way around, but I am certain that it is possible.
Use VNC to access a separate Windows PC from the Linux PC
Use a cross-build of GCC instead of Visual Studio
You need a cross-compilation package. You can also use the Wine lib.

GNU CC and Windows

I'm a bit confused about the options for using GNU CC on Windows.
If I want to primarily develop console applications (as opposed to GUI apps) what do I need? Where do Cygwin and MinGW figure? For example, if I use the NetBeans IDE C/C++ option, that requires installation of Cygwin.
Are there any options which would allow Console application development without Cygwin?
Both MinGW & Cygwin give you the gcc compiler but if you use MinGW you don't need to install Cygwin because it uses native Windows libraries rather than Cygwin libraries
Cygwin is more than just compilers, it tries to provide a UNIX programming environment by building a lot of UNIX libraries on top of Windows SDK.
You could install CodeBlocks IDE oder DevCPP ide. If you do not require special posix api's then you do not need to install cygwin.
You really really should check out Visual C++ Express. It makes developing on windows A LOT easier. I it is free and the Visual C++ is the preferred way to develop windows apps. ANd yes, you can make console applications too.
That clarifies things. I'm not particularly interested in a *nix-like environment. I was more interested in getting a GNU C compiler that conforms closely with C99 (which I believe the latest GCC compiler does) and using it as a C learning exercise (hence console rather than GUI apps)
It appears to me that NetBeans IDE/Cygwin option installs an earlier version of the compiler.
So, it appears that MinGW is what I am looking for if I want to use GNU C. Incidentally, the free Pelles C compiler/IDE has a very full C99 implementation.
You can use vc express for concole apps if you wish, or really any compiler for win platform.
MinGW can support many languages as well as GNU C Compiler. It also comes with msys package that you can simulate UNIX environment. Cygwin does the same thing as msys does. I'd advice you to install MinGW with full msys support.
