How do you find the current user in a Windows environment? - windows

When running a command-line script, is it possible to get the name of the current user?

You can use the username variable: %USERNAME%

You can get a complete list of environment variables by running the command set from the command prompt.

Just use this command in command prompt
C:\> whoami

It should be in %USERNAME%. Obviously this can be easily spoofed, so don't rely on it for security.
Useful tip: type set in a command prompt will list all environment variables.

%USERNAME% is the correct answer in batch and other in Windows environments.
Another option is to use %USERPROFILE% to get the user's path, like C:\Users\username.

The answer depends on which "command-line script" language you are in.
In the old cmd.exe command prompt or in a .bat or .cmd script, you can use the following:
%USERNAME% - Gets just the username.
%USERDOMAIN% - Gets the user's domain.
In the PowerShell command prompt or a .ps1 or .psm1 script, you can use the following:
[System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name - Gives you the fully qualified username (e.g. Domain\Username). This is also the most secure method because it cannot be overridden by the user like the other $Env variables below.
$Env:Username - Gets just the username.
$Env:UserDomain - Gets the user's domain.
$Env:ComputerName - Gets the name of the computer.
Any Shell
whoami - Gets the user's domain and username in the format "domain\username".
This also works on Unix systems as well, not just Windows, so it's a nice cross-platform solution.

%USERNAME% will get you the username of the currently running process. Depending on how you are running your batch file, this is not necessarily the same as the name of the current user. For example, you might be running your batch file through a scheduled task, from a service, etc.
Here is a more sure way of getting the username of the currently logged on user by scraping the name of the user that started the explorer.exe task:
for /f "TOKENS=1,2,*" %%a in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq explorer.exe" /FO LIST /V') do if /i "%%a %%b"=="User Name:" set _currdomain_user=%%c
for /f "TOKENS=1,2 DELIMS=\" %%a in ("%_currdomain_user%") do set _currdomain=%%a & set _curruser=%%b

I use this method in writing batch files for testing.
echo %userdomain%\%username%
Since you must include the password in plain text if authentication is required, I will only use it in a completely private environment where other users cannot view it or if a user seeing the password would bear no consequences.
Hope this helps someone out.

In most cases, the %USERNAME% variable will be what you want.
However, if you're running an elevated cmd shell, then %USERNAME% will report the administrator name instead of your own user name. If you want to know the latter, run:
for /f "tokens=2" %u in ('query session ^| findstr /R "^>"') do #echo %u

It's always annoyed me how Windows doesn't have some of more useful little scripting utilities of Unix, such as who/whoami, sed and AWK. Anyway, if you want something foolproof, get Visual Studio Express and compile the following:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("%s", GetUserName());
And just use that in your batch file.

Just type whoami in command prompt and you'll get the current username.

This is the main difference between username variable and whoami command:
C:\Users\>echo %username%
DOMAIN = bios name of the domain (not fqdn)

Via powershell (file.ps1)
I use the following
$username = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name
It returns the name of the user in the "Domain\Username" format.
If you just want the username just write
$username = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name.Split("\")[1]
The advantage is that It works with windows 10 windows 8 server 2016. As far as I remember with also other OS like Win7 etc. (not older)
. And yeah via batch you can simply use
$username = &whoami

In a standard context, each connected user holds an explorer.exe process: The command [tasklist /V|find "explorer"] returns a line that contains the explorer.exe process owner's, with an adapted regex it is possible to obtain the required value. This also runs perfectly under Windows 7.
In rare cases explorer.exe is replaced by another program, the find filter can be adapted to match this case. If the command return an empty line then it is likely that no user is logged on. With Windows 7 it is also possible to run [query session|find ">"].

As far as find BlueBearr response the best (while I,m running my batch script with eg. SYSTEM rights) I have to add something to it.
Because in my Windows language version (Polish) line that is to be catched by "%%a %%b"=="User Name:" gets REALLY COMPLICATED (it contains some diacritic characters in my language) I skip first 7 lines and operate on the 8th.
#for /f "SKIP= 7 TOKENS=3,4 DELIMS=\ " %%G in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq explorer.exe" /FO LIST /V') do #IF %%G==%COMPUTERNAME% set _currdomain_user=%%H


How to stop a service in cmd only knowing the name of the .exe file?

I need to stop a windows service in a batch file without knowing the name of the service. The only thing I know is that the file running is called SomeServer.exe but the SC command requires the actual name of the service.
Currently I have to scan a config file and perform ugly string operations but I hope there is a smarter way.
Any suggestions?
for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%a in (
'wmic service get name^,pathname^,state /format:csv ^| findstr /i /r /c:"SomeServer\.exe.*Running$"'
) do sc stop "%%a"
It retrieves the system name, service name, path name and state of the services in csv format. The list is filtered for the required executable name in Running state, splitted using the comma as separator, and the second field (the service name) is used to stop the service
this may be helpfull
If you’ve ever used Unix, you’ll no doubt be well-aquainted with the
commands ps and kill. On Windows, the graphical Task Manager performs
these roles pretty well, but if you ever find yourself needing to
resort to the command line to kill a process (e.g. for some reason on
the Vista machine I am writing this on Task Manager just sits in the
system tray flashing instead of opening), the Windows equivalents of
ps and kill are tasklist and taskkill:
tasklist /v - equivalent to ps aux
taskkill /f /im ncover* - equivalent to kill -9 ncover*
and there is also pslist
for services use psservice
or use the method described here (using the registry)

Batch file to uninstall a program

I'm trying to uninstall a program EXE via batch file and am not having any success.
The uninstall string found in the registry is as follows:
C:\PROGRA~1\Kofax\Capture\ACUnInst.exe /Workstation
C:\PROGRA~1\Kofax\Capture\UNWISE.EXE /U
If I run that from CMD or batch it does nothing.
If I run C:\PROGRA~1\Kofax\Capture\UNWISE.EXE /U from CMD it will open up a dialog box to point to the INSTALL.LOG file and then proceed to uninstall.
At the end, it will ask me to click finish.
I need this to be silent, can you point me in the right direction? This is on XP and 7.
Every program that properly installs itself according to Microsoft's guidelines makes a registry entry in either HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (for machine installs) or HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (for user profile installs). Usually, the key for the program will be its GUID, or else the name of the program. Within that key will be an entry called UninstallString. This contains the command to execute to uninstall the program.
If you already know ahead of time what you will be uninstalling, it should be easy enough to just put that in your batch file. It gets tricky when you try to automate that process though. You can use the reg command to get data from the registry, but it returns a lot of text around the actual value of a given key, making it hard to use. You may want to experiment with using VBscript or PowerShell, as they have better options for getting data from the registry into a variable.
This might help you further.....
How to Create a script via batch file that will uninstall a program if it was installed on windows 7 64-bit or 32-bit
I've had the same problem and this is what I came up with.
Before you start using this method though, you might wanna look up the name of the application on WMIC using CMD so..
First you wanna do: WMIC product > C:\Users\"currentuser"\Desktop\allapps.txt
I'd recommend to output the command to an TXT file because it's really confusing to read it in the Cmd prompt, plus is easier to find the data you are looking for.
Now what you wanna do is find the actual name of the app... If you look at the code I put in, the app name says SkypeT because skype has "™" in the end of it and the command prompt can't interpretate that as it is.
After you got the app name, just put in the find in the 4th line and substitute, a few lines which contain my examples with skype...
Also you can probably creat a variable called %APP% and not worry as much, but at it's current it works just fine...
One thing to note! with me the msi /quiet command did not work, the program would not install or uninstall so I used /passive, which lets the users see what's going on.
#Echo off
CD %cd%
for /f "tokens=12,*" %%a in ('wmic product list system ^| Find /I "SkypeT"') do (
if Errorlevel = 0 (
Echo Skype is installed! )
if Errorlevel = 1 ( Echo Skype is not installed, proceding to the installation!
Ping localhost -n 7 >nul
goto :Reinstall )
tasklist /nh /fi "IMAGENAME eq "APP.exe" | find ":"> nul
if errorlevel = 1 goto :force
goto :Uninstall
echo We are killing the proccess... Please do not use the application during this process!
Ping localhost -n 7 > nul
taskkill /F /FI "STATUS eq RUNNING" /IM APP* /T
echo The task was killed with success! Uninstalling...
Ping localhost -n 7 > nul
for /f "tokens=12,*" %%a in ('wmic product list system ^| Find /I "SkypeT"') do (
set %%a=%%a: =%
msiexec.exe /x %%a /passive /norestart
Tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq msi*" /fi "STATUS eq RUNNING" | Find ":" >nul
if errorlevel = 1 (
echo Installation in progress
Goto :DoWhile
echo Skype is Uninstalled
msiexec.exe /i SkypeSetup.msi /passive /norestart
Tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq msi*" /fi "STATUS eq RUNNING" | Find ":" >nul
if errorlevel = 1 (
echo Installation in progress
goto :reinstallLoop
echo Skype is installed
color 0A
Echo Done!
One last thing. I used this as an Invisible EXE task, so the user couldn't interact with the command prompt and eventually close the window (I know, I know, it makes the whole echoes stupid, but it was for testing purposes).for that I used BAT to EXE converter 2.3.1, you can put everything to work on the background and it will work very nicelly. if you want to show progress to users just write START Echo "info" and replace the info with whatever you want, it will open another prompt and show the info you need.
Remember, Wmic commands sometimes take up to 20 seconds to execute since it's querying the conputer's system, so it might look like it's doing nothing at first but it will run! ;)
Good luck :)
We needed a batch file to remove a program and we couldn't use programmatic access to the registry.
For us, we needed to remove a custom MSI with a unique name. This only works for installers that use msi or integrate such that their cached installer is placed in the Package_Cache folder. It also requires a unique, known name for the msi or exe. That said, it is useful for those cases.
dir/s/b/x "c:\programdata\packag~1\your-installer.msi" > removeIt.bat
set /p RemoveIt=< removeIt.bat
echo ^"%RemoveIt%^" /quiet /uninstall > removeIt.bat
This works by writing all paths for 'your-installer.msi' to the new file 'removeIt.bat'
It then assigns the first line of that bat file to the variable 'RemoveIt'
Next, it creates a new 'removeIt.bat' that contains the path/name of the .msi to remove along with the needed switches to do so.
Finally, it runs the batch file which executes the command to uninstall the msi. This could be done with an .exe as well.
You will probably want to place the 'removeIt.bat' file into a known writable location, for us that was the temp folder.

Attaching the windows debugger in VS2010 from a batch file?

Is it possible to attach the windows debugger in VS2010 to a process from a batch file?
preferably by giving it a process name
Since you presumably already have the process running, you would use vsjitdebugger.exe /p 1234 where 1234 is the PID of the process you want to debug. If you don't know it, you would have to use some other method to figure it out.
If you have the debugging tools for windows available, the tlist.exe utility will yield the process ID for a process name. If that is available, then the following will attach to a given process:
rem Get the process ID
for /f %%f in ('tlist -p %1') do set mypid=%%f
rem attach to it with selected debugger
vsjitDebugger -p %mypid%
Edit If tlist is not available, I think tasklist will work. It's a bit uglier, but the following worked for me (you know ... it works my on my system :) Note too that I edited the command previous example to work in a cmd.exe prompt (I use tcc, which does require as many % signs).
rem Get the process ID
for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%f in ('tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq %1"' ) do set mypid=%%f
rem attach to it with selected debugger
vsjitDebugger -p %mypid%
Specifying a /Command switch on devenv.exe 's command-line will make it run a specified command on open. You could specify the Debug.AttachToProcess command. Don't know if you can specify a pid, though, when you execute that command.

In Windows cmd, how do I prompt for user input and use the result in another command?

I have a Windows .bat file which I would like to accept user input and then use the results of that input as part of the call to additional commands.
For example, I'd like to accept a process ID from the user, and then run jstack against that ID, putting the results of the jstack call into a file. However, when I try this, it doesn't work.
Here's my sample bat file contents:
#echo off
set /p id=Enter ID:
echo %id%
jstack > jstack.txt
and here's what shows up in jstack.txt:
Enter ID: Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Try this:
#echo off
set /p "id=Enter ID: "
You can then use %id% as a parameter to another batch file like jstack %id%.
For example:
set /P id=Enter id:
jstack %id% > jstack.txt
The syntax is as such: set /p variable=[string]
Check out or for a more deep dive into user input with the different versions of Windows OS batch files.
Once you have set your variable, you can then go about using it in the following fashion.
#echo off
set /p UserInputPath=What Directory would you like?
cd C:\%UserInputPath%
note the %VariableName% syntax
set /p choice= "Please Select one of the above options :"
echo '%choice%'
The space after = is very important.
I am not sure if this is the case for all versions of Windows, however on the XP machine I have, I need to use the following:
set /p Var1="Prompt String"
Without the prompt string in quotes, I get various results depending on the text.
#echo off
set /p input="Write something, it will be used in the command "echo""
echo %input%
if i get what you want, this works fine. you can use %input% in other commands too.
#echo off
echo Write something, it will be used in the command "echo"
set /p input=""
echo %input%
There is no documented /prompt parameter for SETX as there is for SET.
If you need to prompt for an environment variable that will survive reboots, you can use SETX to store it.
A variable created by SETX won't be usable until you restart the command prompt. Neatly, however, you can SETX a variable that has already been SET, even if it has the same name.
This works for me in Windows 8.1 Pro:
set /p UserInfo= "What is your name? "
setx UserInfo "%UserInfo%"
(The quotation marks around the existing variable are necessary.)
This procedure allows you to use the temporary SET-created variable during the current session and will allow you to reuse the SETX-created variable upon reboot of the computer or restart of the CMD prompt.
(Edited to format code paragraphs properly.)
#echo off
set /p var1="Enter first number: "
You can try also with userInput.bat which uses the html input element.
This will assign the input to the value jstackId:
call userInput.bat jstackId
echo %jstackId%
This will just print the input value which eventually you can capture with FOR /F :
call userInput.bat
There are two possibilities.
You forgot to put the %id% in the jstack call.
jstack %id% > jstack.txt
So the whole correct batch file should be:
#echo off
set /p id=Enter ID:
echo %id%
jstack %id% > jstack.txt
And/Or 2. You did put it in the code (and forgot to tell us in the question) but when you ran the batch file you hit the Enter key instead of typing an ID (say 1234).
What's happening is the result of these two mistakes:
jstack is supposed to be called with the id that you supply it.
But in your case (according to the code you supplied in the question) you called it without any variable. You wrote:
jstack > jstack.txt
So when you run jstack with no variable it outputs the following:
Terminate batch file Y/N?
Your second mistake is that you pressed Enter instead of giving a value when the program asked you: Enter ID:. If you would have put in an ID at this point, say 1234, the %id% variable would become that value, in our case 1234. But you did NOT supply a value and instead pressed Enter. When you don't give the variable any value, and if that variable was not set to anything else before, then the variable %id% is set to the prompt of the set command!! So now %id% is set to Enter ID: which was echoed on your screen as requested in the batch file BEFORE you called the jstack.
But I suspect you DID have the jstack %id% > jstack.txt in your batch file code with the %id (and omitted it by mistake from the question), and that you hit enter without typing in an id. The batch program then echoed the id, which is now "Enter ID:", and then ran jstack Enter ID: > jstack.txt
Jstack itself echoed the input, encountered a mistake and asked to terminate.
And all this was written into the jstack.txt file.
I have a little cmd I use when preparing pc to clients: it calls the user for input, and the rename the pc to that.
#ECHO "remember to run this as admin."
SET /P _inputname= Please enter an computername:
#ECHO Du intastede "%_inputname%"
#ECHO "The pc will restart after this"
wmic computersystem where name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call rename name="%_inputname%"
shutdown -r -f
Dollar signs around the variable do not work on my Vista machine, but percent signs do.
Also note that a trailing space on the "set" line will show up between the prompt and user input.
Just added the
set /p NetworkLocation= Enter name for network?
echo %NetworkLocation% >> netlist.txt
sequence to my netsh batch job. It now shows me the location I respond as the point for that sample. I continuously >> the output file so I know now "home", "work", "Starbucks", etc. Looking for clear air, I can eavulate the lowest use channels and whether there are 5 or just all 2.4 MHz WLANs around.
Just to keep a default value of the variable. Press Enter to use default from the recent run of your .bat:
#echo off
set /p Var1=<Var1.txt
set /p Var1="Enter new value ("%Var1%") "
echo %Var1%> Var1.txt
rem YourApp %Var1%
In the first run just ignore the message about lack of file with the initial value of the variable (or do create the Var1.txt manually).
One other way which might be interesting. You can call a powershell script from where you can do pretty much anything, and send the data bach to cmd or do other stuff with something like this.
set var=myvar;
call "c:\input2.cmd" %var%.
Its kind of more flexible (You can send the data the same way with powershell).
So in your cmd, write this considering the ps script is in C::
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "& {. C:\Input.ps1}"
And in your input.ps1 script, write this:
$var = Read-Host -Prompt "Your input"
Write-Host "Your var:",$var
#Do stuff with your variable

Why does batch file FOR fail when iterating over command output?

I have a batch file that uses this idiom (many times) to read a registry value into an environment variable:
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Path\To\Key" /v ValueName') DO SET MyVariable=%%B
(There's a tab character after delims=)
This works fine on thousands of customer's computers. But on one customer's computer (running Windows Server 2003, command extensions enabled),
it fails with 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Path\To\Key" /v ValueName' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.' Running the "reg query" command alone works fine. Reg.exe is present in C:\Windows\System32.
I was able to work around the problem by changing the code to
REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Path\To\Key" /v ValueName > temp.txt
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN (temp.txt) DO SET MyVariable=%%B
This got the customer up and running, but I would like to understand why the problem occurred so I can avoid it in the future.
Slightly off the primary topic - a more direct way to get a registry value (string or DWORD) into an environment variable would also be useful.
I would check:
The customer's role on the machine - are they an admin?
Where is reg.exe on the box - is there more than one copy of copy of reg.exe in the path?
Is there any locale difference on the customer's machine from the machines where this normally works?
Basically, enumerate everything that differs between this machine and machines where it works as expected. Include service packs, domain membership, etc.
Wow, that is odd.
If the same commands work when split into two lines, then I'd guess it has something to do with the way the command gets run in a subshell in the FOR command.
If you were really dying to figure out why it's dying in this particular case, you could run commands like "SET > envvars.txt" as the FOR command and compare that with the top shell.
Or maybe start off simple and try running the REG command via CMD /C to see if that does anything?
One quick guess here, what's the values of COMSPEC and SHELL ?
I had a similar situation to this. In my case it was a bad value in COMSPEC. I fixed that and the script started working as expected.
The /F switch needs command extensions to be turned on. Usually they are turned on by default, but I'd check that. On XP systems you can turn them on doing something like
cmd /e:on
or checking the registry under
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\EnableExtensions
Dunno about Windows Server.
Doing help for and help cmd could provide some hints as well.
