How to avoid debugger-only variables? - debugging

I commonly place into variables values that are only used once after assignment. I do this to make debugging more convenient later, as I'm able to hover the value on the one line where it's later used.
For example, this code doesn't let you hover the value of GetFoo():
return GetFoo();
But this code does:
var foo = GetFoo();
return foo; // your hover-foo is great
This smells very YAGNI-esque, as the functionality of the foo's assignment won't ever be used until someone needs to debug its value, which may never happen. If it weren't for the merely foreseen debugging session, the first code snippet above keeps the code simpler.
How would you write the code to best compromise between simplicity and ease of debugger use?

I don't know about other debuggers, but the integrated Visual Studio debugger will report what was returned from a function in the "Autos" window; once you step over the return statement, the return value shows up as "[function name] returned" with a value of whatever value was returned.
gdb supports the same functionality as well; the "finish" command executes the rest of the current function and prints the return value.
This being a very useful feature, I'd be surprised if most other debuggers didn't support this capability.
As for the more general "problem" of "debugger-only variables," are they really debugger-only? I tend to think that the use of well-named temporary variables can significantly improve code readability as well.

Another possibility is to learn enough assembly programming that you can read the code your compiler generates. With that skill, you can figure out where the value is being held (in a register, in memory) and see the value without having to store it in a variable.
This skill is very useful if you are ever need to debug an optimized executable. The optimizer can generate code that is significantly different from how you wrote it such that symbolic debugging is not helpful.

Another reason why you don't need intermediate variables in the Visual Studio debugger is that you can evaluate the function in the Watch Window and the Immediate window. For the watch window, just simply highlight the statement you want evaluated and drag it into the window.

I'd argue that it's not worth worrying about. Given that there's no runtime overhead in the typical case, go nuts. I think that breaking down complex statements into multiple simple statements usually increases readability.

I would leave out the assignment until it is needed. If you never happen to be in that bit of code, wanting a look at that variable, you haven't cluttered up your code unnecessarily. When you run across the need, put it in (it should be a trivial Extract Variable refactoring). And when you're done with that debugging session, get rid of it (Inline Variable). If you find yourself debugging so much - and so much at that particular point - that you're weary of refactoring back and forth, then think about ways to avoid the need; maybe more unit tests would help.


Beckhoff PLC using ENUM's in CASE OF question

When I use an enum in a switch statement in C#, I am used to add a debug break statement to the Default case to prevent adding items to the enum which are not covered by the switch. During debugging, the code will then break if it hits the Default case.
Now I am programming a beckhoff PLC and want to do the same in a CASE .. OF ELSE ...END CASE in STL. Is this possible and/or normal in PLC programming?
I don’t think you can. Also it wouldn’t be desirable to stop a PLC program and prevent it from executing machine relevant code.
Instead you could use the ADSLOGSTR function to log to the event logger. Or show a message box. This will work in both TC2 and TC3.
You can set breakpoints when you are in online-mode, but as pboedker pointed out as soon as the breakpoint is reached (unless you have a special configuration, but this is another subject) your ethercat master will timeout, your safety module will produce a com error and your drives will need a reset aswell.
If you don't have real hardware and an ethercat master attached in your project you can use breakpoints without any worries.
I personally take another approach.
I always build a separate Debug-Visualization in the plc together with a special Debug FunctionBlock which helps me to track bugs in the project.
In your case for example I would simply call a special method of the Debug-FunctionBlock with an errror code and a string when the program flow reaches the default-case.
The error code and the string would then be visualized in the Debug-Visualization.
Even if it's a little more effort than simply calling adslogstr I would rather implement a separate Debug-FunctionBlock for 3 reasons:
You need more logic than simply calling adslogstr anyway because if by any chance adslogstr is called cyclically, you end up spamming the event logger.
Reuse in other projects
You can expand the Debug-Visualization to a Test-Suite if needed, which can come in handy
You can find more info about the beckhoff visualization here:
Breakpoints are possible like Filippo said. You can prevent outputs from being reset during breakpoint by setting KeepOutputsOnBP (see this:
You could also set error/warning/note message to your Visual Studio when that happens by using ADSLOGSTR(see this: So add a ADSLOGSTR call to your CASE ELSE with appropriate message and you will see it in error list / TwinCAT console.
Edit: Somehow missed pboedkers answer, he already answered the ADSLOGSTR.
I like the solution of Filippo. Is could be easy to change the behavior of the debug function in the future without touching the code to much.
I was thinking to much in the C# solutions :)

Can I mark some code as optional while debugging in Visual Studio 2012?

I'm not sure how to really put my question into words so let me try to explain it with an example:
Let's say my program runs into some weird behavior at a specific action. I already find some code which is the cause of this weird behavior. When disabling this sequence I don't run into this behavior. Unfortunately, I need this code because something else is not working then.
So, what I gonna do next is figuring out why something is going different when that code excerpt is active.
In order to better understand what's going on I sometimes want to run the whole action including the 'bad code' and sometimes without. Then I can compare the outcome, for example what happens in the UI or what my function returns.
The first approach which comes to my mind is to run my program with the code enabled, do whatever I want, then stop my program, comment out the code, recompile and run again. Um... that sounds dumb. Especially if I then again need to turn on that code to see another time the other behavior, and then again turn off, and on, and off and so on.
It's not an option for me to use breakpoints and influence the statement order or to modify values so that I run or not run into if-statements, for-loops etc. Two examples:
I debug a timing critical behavior and when I halt the program the timing changes significantly. Thus, the first breakpoint I can set must be at the end of the action. 1
I expect a tooltip or other window to appear which is 'suppressed' when focus is given to VS. Thus, I cannot use any breakpoints at all. Neither in the beginning nor at the end of the action.1
Is there any technique in Visual Studio 2012 which allows me to mark this code to be optional and I can decide whether or not I want to run this code sequence before I execute the action? I think of something like if(true|false) on a higher level.
I'm not looking for a solution where I need to re-run my program several times. In that case I could still doing the simple approach of simply commenting out the code with #if false.
1 Note that I, of course, may set a breakpoint when I need to look into a specific variable at a certain position (if I haven't written the value into output) but will turn off breakpoints again to run the whole action in one go.
In the Visual Studio debugger you can set a breakpoint right in front of your "code in question". When the code stops at that point, you can elect to let it continue or you can right-click on any other line and select Set Next Statement.
It's kind of a weird option, but I've come to appreciate it.
The only option I can think of is to add something to your UI that only appears when debugging, giving you the option to include/exclude the operations in question.
While you're at it, you might want to enable resetting the application to a "known state" from the UI as well.
I think of something like if(true|false) on a higher level.
Why "on a higher level"? Why not use exactly this?
You want a piece of code sometimes executed, sometimes not, and the switch should be changed at run time, not at compile time - this obviously leads to
// code in stake
The catch here is what kind of condition you will use - maybe a variable you set to true in the release version of your code, and to false sometimes in your debug version. Maybe the value is taken from a configuration file, maybe from an environment variable, maybe calculated by some kind of logic in your program, whatever and whenever you like.
EDIT: you could also introduce a boolean variable in your code for condition, initialize it to true by default and change its value using the debugger whenever you like.
Preprocessor Directives might be what you're after. They're bits of code for the compiler to execute, identifiable by starting with a # character (and stylistically, by default they don't follow the indent pattern of your code, instead always residing firmly at the left-hand edge of the editor):
public void MyMethodWithDodgyBits() {
In this case, if #define INCLUDE_DODGY_CODE was included, the myDodgyMethod() call will be compiled into your program. Otherwise, the call will be skipped by the compiler and will simply not exist in your binary.
There are a couple of options for debugging as you ask.
Visual Studio has a number of options to directly navigate through code. You can use the Set Next Statement feature to move directly to a particular statement. You can also directly edit values through the Immediate Window the QuickWatch and the tooltip that hovers over variables while debugging.
Visual Studio also has the ability to playback the execution history. Take a look at IntelliTrace to get started. It can be helpful when you have multiple areas of concern that are interacting and generating the error condition.
You can also wrap your sections of code within conditional blocks, and set the conditional variables as appropriate. That could be while you're debugging, or you could pass parameters in through a configuration file. Using conditional checks may be easier than manually stepping through code if there are a number of statements you wish to exclude.
It sometimes depends on the version of VS and the language, but you can happily edit the code (to comment it out, or wrap it in a big #ifdef 0) then press alt+F10 and the compiler will recompile, relink and continue execution as if you'd never fiddled with it.
But while that works beautifully in VC++ (since VS v6 IIRC), C# can have issues - I find (with VS2010) that I cannot edit and continue in this way with functions containing any lambda (mainly linq) statements, and 64-bit code never used to do this too. Still, its worth experimenting with as its really useful sometimes.
I have worked on applications that have optional code used for debugging alone that should not appear in the production environment. This segment of optional code was easiest for us to control using a config file since it didn't require a re-compile to change.
Such a fix might not be the end all be all for your end result, but it might help get through it until a fix is found. If you have multiple optional sections that need to be tested in combination this style of fix could require multiple keys in the config file, which could be a downside and a pain to keep track of.
Your question isn't exactly clear, which is possibly why there are so many answers which you think are invalid. You may want to consider rewording it if no one seems able to answer the question.
With the risk of giving another non-valid answer I'll add some input on how I've dealt with the issue in the past.
The easiest way is to place any optional code within
//Optional code here
That way, when you run in debug mode the code is implemented and when you run in release mode it's not. Switching between the two requires clicking one button.
I've also solved the same problem in a similar way with a simple flag:
bool runOptionalCode = false;
if (runOptionalCode)
//Place optional code here
Again, switching between modes requires changing one word, so is a simple task. You mention this in your question but discount it for reasons that are unclear. As I said, it requires very little effort to switch between the two.
If you need to make changes between the code while it's running the best way is to use a UI item or a keystroke which modifies the flag mentioned in the example above. Depending on your application though this could be more effort than it's worth. In the past I've found that when I have a key listener already implemented as part of the project, having a couple of key strokes decide whether to run my debug (optional) code works best. In an application without key listeners I'd rather stick with one of the previous methods.

Difference between putting a break point and calling DebugBreak()

Does anyone know what's the difference between using breakpoints and calling DebugBreak() func. for example in windows platforms ?
The obvious difference is that putting a breakpoint in is an interactive process - it has to be done manually (by each developer who wants to break at a certain point). This is flexible, but manual.
On the other hand, as DebugBreak is programmatic, it means that it affects all developers who run through that code (which may be appropriate if you always want developers to stop at that point as it means something's about to go wrong, for example) - but you won't be able to add breakpoints as flexibly while the code is executing.
Use each technique in its place - personally I don't use programmatically-forced break points very often at all.

Modifying code during a debugging session.

Does anyone know of a Debugger or Programming Language that allows you to set a break point, and then modify the code and then execute the newly modified code.
This is even more useful if the Debugger also had the ability for reverse debugging. So you could step though the buggy code, stack backwards, fix the code, and then step though it again to see if you fixed the bug. Now that's sexy, is anyone doing this?
I believe the Hot Code Replace in eclipse is what you meant in the problem:
The idea is that you can start a debugging session on a given runtime
workbench and change a Java file in your development workbench, and
the debugger will replace the code in the receiving VM while it is
running. No restart is required, hence the reference to "hot".
But there are limitations:
HCR only works when the class signature does not change; you cannot
remove or add fields to existing classes, for instance. However, HCR
can be used to change the body of a method.
The totalview debugger provides the concept of Evaluation Point which allows user to "fix his code on the fly" or to "patch it" or to examine what if scenario without having to recompile.
Basically, user plants an Evaluation Point at some line and writes a piece of C/C++ or Fortran code he wants to execute instead. Could be a simple printf, goto, a set of if-then-else tests, some for loops etc... This is really powerful and time-sparing.
As for reverse-debugging, it's a highly desirable feature, but I'm not sure it already exists.
The link is for VS 2005 but applies to 2008 and 2010 as well.
Edit, 2015: Read chapters 1 and 2 of my MSc thesis, Combining reverse debugging and live programming towards visual thinking in computer programming, it answers the question in detail.
The Python debugger, Pdb, allows you to run arbitrary code while paused (like at a breakpoint). For example, let's say you are debugging and have paused at the following line in your program, where the variable hasn't been declared in the program itself :
print (x)
so that moving forward (i.e., running that line) would result in :
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
You can define that variable in the debugger, and have the program continue executing with it :
(Pdb) 'x' in locals()
(Pdb) x = 1
(Pdb) 'x' in locals()
If you meant that the change should not be provided at the debugger console, but that you want to change the original code in some editor, then have the debugger automatically update the state of the live program in some way, so that the executing program reflects that change, that is called "live programming". (Not to be confused with "live coding" which is live performance of coding -- see TOPLAP -- though there is some confusion.) There has been an interest in research into live programming (and live coding) in the last 2 or 3 years. It is a very difficult problem to solve, and there are many different approaches. You can watch Bret Victor's talk, Inventing on Principle, for some examples of that. Note that those are prototypes only, to illustrate the idea. Hot-swapping of code so that the tree is drawn differently in the next loop of some draw() function, or so that the game character responds differently next time, (or so that the music or visuals are changed during a live coding session), is not that difficult, some languages and systems cater for that explicitly. However, the state of the program is not necessarily then a true reflection of the code (as also in the Pdb example above) -- if e.g. the game character could access an area based on some ability like jumping, and the code is then swapped out, he might never be able to access that area in the game any longer should the game be played from the start. To solve change propagation for general programming is difficult -- you can see that his search example re-runs the code from the start each time a change is made.
True reverse execution is also a tricky problem. There are a number of commercial projects, but almost all of them only record trace data to browse it afterwards, called omniscient debugging (but they are often called reverse-, back-in-time, bidirectional- or time-travel-debuggers, also a lot of confusion). In terms of free and open-source projects, the GNU debugger, gdb, has two modes, one is process record and replay which also only records the program for browsing it afterwards, the other is true reverse debugging which allows you to reverse in a live program. It is extremely slow, as it undoes single machine instruction at a time. The extended python debugger prototype, epdb, also allows for true reversing in a live program, and is much faster as it uses a snapshot/checkpoint and replay mechanism. Here is the thesis and here is the program and the code.

`global` assertions?

Are there any languages with possibility of declaring global assertions - that is assertion that should hold during the whole program execution. So that it would be possible to write something like:
global assert (-10 < speed < 10);
and this assertion will be checked every time speed changes state?
eiffel supports all different contracts: precondition, postcondition, invariant... you may want to use that.
on the other hand, why do you have a global variable? why don't you create a class which modifies the speed. doing so, you can easily check your condition every time the value changes.
I'm not aware of any languages that truly do such a thing, and I would doubt that there exist any since it is something that is rather hard to implement and at the same time not something that a lot of people need.
It is often better to simply assert that the inputs are valid and modifications are only done when allowed and in a defined, sane way. This concludes the need of "global asserts".
You can get this effect "through the backdoor" in several ways, though none is truly elegant, and two are rather system-dependent:
If your language allows operator overloading (such as e.g. C++), you can make a class that overloads any operator which modifies the value. It is considerable work, but on the other hand trivial, to do the assertions in there.
On pretty much every system, you can change the protection of memory pages that belong to your process. You could put the variable (and any other variables that you want to assert) separately and set the page to readonly. This will cause a segmentation fault when the value is written to, which you can catch (and verify that the assertion is true). Windows even makes this explicitly available via "guard pages" (which are really only "readonly pages in disguise").
Most modern processors support hardware breakpoints. Unless your program is to run on some very exotic platform, you can exploit these to have more fine-grained control in a similar way as by tampering with protections. See for example this article on another site, which describes how to do it under Windows on x86. This solution will require you to write a kind of "mini-debugger" and implies that you may possibly run into trouble when running your program under a real debugger.
