xmlaccess deploy portlet with library reference - websphere

I have problem with deploying JSR168 portlet using xmlaccess. I have no problem with deploy and join to conrete page but I would like to add shared library reference automatically. Is it possible?? I added shared library named 'libshared' using IBM WS console. Can I add this reference in input xml using by xmlaccess?

I don't think you can do this in xmlaccess. But you may try putting a reference to the library under the Manifest.MF file of the META-INF directory of your portlet's war file.
Or could just put the shared jar file under your /shared/ext directory. Or you could put it inside your wps.ear file. Mind you, either of these two solutions would share your library with the entire portal installation, rather than just select portlets.

You can deploy the application using wsadmin or similar and use that to update the classpath (i.e. for the shared library), you can then use xmlaccess to deploy the portlets and reference the previously deployed application - although I think this may only work in WebSphere Portal 6.1.
Give me a shout if you need further details.

I encountered this as well, a while ago... and researched it to the max, including spending some time chatting with IBM's support in various levels.
The XMLAccess protocol doesn't provide for such "system-level" configuration alongside Portlet application deployment; it can only be used to install, customize and uninstall Portlet applications and related artifacts.
If your deployment strategy involves deploying WAR files directly through XMLAccess, then you will have to manually add the shared-library to the application through the WAS admin console; this will have to be done manually because, when deploying WAR files through XMLAccess, an EAR with some random name is being created by WebSphere Portal to "host" your WAR file; hence you can't script the attachment of a shared library.
(alternatively, you may wish to add the shared library to the server's (WebSphere_Portal) classpath)
If your deployment strategy, instead, involves deploying Portlet applications packaged as EARs, then you're in a better position; you could automate the shared-library attachment as part of your EAR deployment process, then use XMLAccess to inform WebSphere Portal about the location, in the EAR, of your Portlet applications (which is what Michael mentioned above; it works in WebSphere Portal 6.0 as well).
Good luck.


Register Jar from the lib-Folder as an Application in Spring Data Flow

I'm trying to create a self-contained application with Spring Data Flow (Mesos). To do that i want to register sinks/processors/sources that are maven-dependencies of my project.
I know that spring-data-flow accepts classpath:// as a scheme for references but it appears to be unable to find any jar located in the resource folder or (optimaly) the lib folder.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [lib/spring-cloud-starter-stream-source-ftp-1.0.0.M1.jar] cannot be opened because it does not exist
How can i reference files from within my self-contained jar properly?
I'm trying to create a self-contained application with Spring Data Flow (Mesos)
What are the reasons behind "self-contained" solution? Why not register the apps from our repository directly?
There's already a way to register the OOTB applications using the "bitly" links that we provide. Please review the stream registration section from the reference guide.
More importantly, the latest release of SCDF's Mesos-server does not support maven artifacts. You'd have to use docker images instead. The docs linked above includes the "bitly" link for docker apps, too.

How can I include a resource file (logback.xml) in a project when building JAR but not when embedded in a WAR?

I'm working on a project that uses two maven projects (named core and webapp); core is built with JAR packaging and used for two different purposes: as a stand-alone app (essentially an executable JAR), and also embedded into webapp.
For its purpose as a stand-alone app, core needs to have its own logback configuration (a logback.xml file) that needs to be included on the classpath. Normal Maven convention would have me put it in src/main/resources/logback.xml. That works fine, but causes a problem when the core JAR is included in webapp. webapp needs to have its own logback configuration, but the container (tc Server or Jetty) is picking up the one from core.jar first.
I realize that logback can be told about a custom config location via a system property (-D on the command line) but that's not viable in a app container like Tomcat or Jetty.
I've read some other people asking about this situation, but none of the solutions I've seen sits well with me. One solution involved setting up a context listener that runs early in the webapp initialization and explicitly configures logback based on a <context-param>. That's a bit brutish in my opinion, and probably a hard sell to my fellow dev team when log4j "just works" in this situation.
I'm far from a Maven expert, so I'm hoping there is some elegant way to get Maven to help me here. Or perhaps some logback extension or add-on that makes it more web-app friendly. Or even a clever idea that I haven't thought of.
There are a number of possible solutions, but the easiest is to put the file in its own module and mark the dependency as provided. The, conspire to have it on the classpath when running the standalone version of the app.
The solution that we ended up using was to leave only the common "non-app" pieces (code and configuration) in core and then extract the other "app" pieces into a new module (batch-app).
The logging configuration only lives in the 2 app projects (webapp and batch-app) that depend on core. core has a logback-test.xml configuration in it, but that's excluded from the JAR that maven builds (since it's in the src/test/resources folder).

Externalizing static content from a WAR and serve both on jetty

In my project I use Maven to package a web application to a WAR which is later deployed to Jetty using a custom Maven plugin on CentOS. The custom plugin is used by every project that deployes to a production environment. There is now a requirement that all static content (like web site text, properties) is packed outside of the WAR so that it can be changed in production without requiring a new release cycle. I am unsure how to achieve this externalization.
The Jetty server has the directory structure described in Jetty quick start guide. Currently, the web application already offers some .properties files which can be altered externally, and these reside in the resources/ directory. These files are moved here by the custom Maven plugin. The WAR resides in the webapp/ folder. One option for my problem is to use <packagingExcludes> of maven-war-plugin to not include e.g. *.xhtml and *.properties in the WAR. Later, I can use the custom Maven plugin to move excluded files to resources/ directory. But, I have a feeling this is not the correct way to externalize static content... Shouldn't xhtml files live in webapp/ folder while the only the properties file live in resources/ folder?
I have also researched the option of deploying the WAR as exploded, but I am unsure of the implications of such. Clearly, the changes in the exploded WAR files will be overwritten in the next deploy, but the idea is to do static changes both in development and production. Also, I am not sure how to achieve WAR "explosion", is it something that Jetty does for your WAR if configured in jetty.xml or do I have to extract the WAR before deploying?
Lastly, how do people serve static content in Jetty which can be altered in production? Do both the WAR and static files live side by side
The Jetty resources folder should not be used for application files. A J2EE web application (war) should be self-contained -- and in Jetty, reside only on the /webapps folder -- and its only binding to the container (Jetty servlet engine) is via the web.xml deployment descriptor.
Since property files may be read from the classpath and the Jetty resources folder is part of the system classpath, a property file there could be read by the web application class loader. Note that there are other ways to read property files as well and the Jetty resources folder should not be used for application properties. Also, the application may not be portable as other application servers have different forms of webapp classloader isolation.
If the below architecture approach does not work for you, then your only approach would be to expand (explode the war) in the /webapps folder and hope for the best when files are edited.
Tackling this from a different angle,
- if your web application depends on .properties and .xhtml files in order to function properly, then these files are probably not 'content'. The fact that there is a business process that requires them to to be updated ad hoc does not make them content.
- 'content' is something like text, images, and videos that is added, edited and removed by an administrative user. The application does not depend on it for correct execution, it merely reads and passes it on the browser.
I would suggest that you deploy your application every time there is a change to the .xhtml or .properties files change. If the editors of these files are power business users, you might think of a git push-pull tool for them and a continuous build hook, so that when they make changes and push them to the git repository, the application gets tagged with a newer version and gets built and deployed. If there is a problem (tag not closed in xhtml), then it would be easy to roll back to the last tag.
Alternately, if the changes are minor (such as text descriptions), then modify the application to read them from an arbitrary external file (outside the webapp) -- a location that is provided to the webapp on startup. You can then package a 'default' version of the file in the webapp, but the code would attempt to look in the specified external location first.
I discovered that you can add HTML tags to properties and later use <h:outputFormat> to fetch these properties with parameters. Also, you can do pretty neat stuff with property files as described in MessageFormat API.
My solution was to keep the .xhtml files inside the WAR, but use simple HTML snippets properties from the default resource bundle which is based on a .properties file. These properties were included in the .xhtml using <h:outputFormat>and <h:outputText>. This allows the user to add simple styling like bold and underline to the snippets.
The properties file are copied to the Jetty resource folder using the custom Maven plugin, so I have kept the .properties files in the WAR. For some reason the Jetty resource folder has precedence over the packed .properties files, so this works out fine. Also, as Akber pointed out, I will have the default versions of the properties available if for some reason the WAR was moved to some other application server where the resource folder is not available.
Of course, with this approach the code can break if malformed HTML is placed inside the snippet properties, as pointed out by Akber, but it works for our application as it is very small. I may never have done this if this was a much larger application, but then I might have gone for a database based solution for adding static text (like Joomla/Drupal/Wordpress).

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/aspectj/weaver/reflect/ReflectionWorld$ReflectionWorldException

I am using aspectJ in my project and added dependencies in my POM file. When i am running my application on Websphere Application Server Liberty Profile, in the library folder aspectj.jar is not getting added/created. I am very new to using spring and never used server's to run a application. When i am trying to run the application on the server i am getting the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.aspectj.weaver.reflect.ReflectionWorld$ReflectionWorldException
Can anyone please team whats going on wrong with the application ?
You'll need to make sure that aspectj is available to your application at runtime. The two basic approaches for this are to package it up with your application zip, or to make it available as a shared library in the server. The first approach has the advantage that you don't need to do any extra config, and no matter where you run your application, the dependency will be there. However, it has the disadvantage of bloating your application. If you end up running multiple applications on the server, it could also cause the apps to use more memory than they would if they were just using a shared copy.
For the first approach, if your dependency has the default scope in the pom, maven should automatically copy it to WEB-INF/lib (assuming your application is a war).
For the second approach, you can configure it in Liberty as a global library (available to all applications) by copying it to a wlp/usr/shared/config/lib/global folder in your Liberty install.

Websphere Application Server v8.5 force to use the jar inside the libs folder

Is there a way to make the Websphere Application Server use the jar places inside the application's WEB-INF/libs folder and ignore the one that available within the server's plugin folder.
I am using EMF in my application and the version provided in the server doesn't include support for EMF GenericType, so I want to make the application use the jar file inside the libs folder.
Thanks for any help
This is quite possible. You need to change the classloading order from parent first to parent last. This will cause it to consult the server runtimes version of the code after your application. This is documented in the infocenter.
Another approach you might want to consider is to use an isolated shared library. There is a good introduction for those in IBM Education Assistant. These are more complex to setup, but using parent last classloading order can sometimes cause unexpected side effects that don't occur with isolated shared libraries.
