Source code control for Oracle Forms/Reports Builder - oracle

Am looking and testing all the source control solutions to use with Oracle Forms/Reports builders. but, none of the existing solutions works well with Oracle products. Any one out there did a similar practice? and how do you control the source codes of Oracle Forms/Reports?

What we used to do (I no longer work with Forms or Reports) is convert the forms and reports to text files (.fmt files for Forms, I forget the file extension for Reports) and put those text files into the version control system (which was PVCS).

In Forms 11g developer one option is available to create .txt file of the form source. We are doing baseline in SVN this .txt file.
File->Admin->object list report


How to use Subversion with HelpNDoc

I am writing a documentation for a project that involves multiple developers. We use Subversion (SVN) to work on our code base.
I wrote the first draft of the documentation document using HelpNDoc, which I like for the nice tree-view and easy of use; the problem is that there is a single file, so I don't know how to use SVN to allow other developers to contribute to the documentation and update it.
Do you know if it's possible? If not, can you advice a nice software, easy to use, with a tree-view of the documentation that can be used with SVN or makes it possible for multiple users to update it? We use Windows.
HelpNDoc projects are binary files based on the SQLite open source database engine. The advantage is that the whole documentation stored in a single file so it can easily be copied, moved, shared, backed-up...
However one drawback is that it has to be checked-in as binary content in any version control system including Subversion: diff and merge are not possible on those files.
One possible solution would be to use external documents in HelpNDoc's library: each user works on her own document (which can be a Word document, and HTML web-page...) and a master HelpNDoc project is created to include those documents at generation time. See "Include a file at generation time" in the following step by step guide: How to add an item to the library
Amount of files doesn't matter, real format (text/* or binary) - does. If SVN|any VCS can merge two HelpNDoc files with diverged history (just try it by hand), you'll be happy
I once used Helpinator for software documentation, it's pretty close to HelpnDoc but it's storage format is more suitable for version control.

binary files in team foundation server

We recently switched to team foundation server 2010 for our source code management, everything works just fine, except for some legacy code written in FoxPRO 7 and 9, source code files are some sort of tables. For Forms, there are two kind of files, one ending in .scx and another in .sct, both can be explored using the fox studio but there is no way to open them in a text editor.
does anyone have any experience getting the fox code to work/merge... on TFS ?
I'm not aware of all of the ins and outs for source control and FoxPro, but if some of the source is binary, you can configure file extensions to disallow merges.
Right-click on the collection (root node) in the TeamExplorer window. Go to Team Project Collection Settings | File Types.
You should be able to add the extensions (like .sct), and specify that merging and multiple checkout is not allowed for those files.
The downside will be that only 1 person at a time can check those files out, but since the forms are FoxPro tables, I would imagine that's the same problem that you would have with any source control tool.
For merging you can set up a merge tool that is capable of merging those files. This must be done on every developer station (Tools->Source Control->VS Team Foundation Server->Configure User Tools).
It may be that VS uses a server-side merge tool to do auto-merges, I don't know if or where you can change that.
I've worked with VFP since it was FoxBase back in late 80's. Visual Foxpro used .dbf files (renamed extensions) for purposes of building forms (.scx/.sct) and visual class libraries (.vcx/.vct) and reports (.frx/.frt).
I've written some code to run through a given project and dump out a text version of all the code as if it was all text-based. All the controls are dumped in alpha order, embedded procedures, etc too. List all property settings in same place too.
Its not PERFECT, but I've used over the years in comparing source code versions when dealing with other developers who liked to change things and not notify me (or others) of such changes and finding later by other horrendous means.
If this is something you might be interested in, I can strip-down the code (some) and send it to you via an email, but would need an email address. The code is written in VFP as a .prg file, so nothing compiled that you would need to worry about any viruses or anything.
At least this way, you COULD get a text version associated with the binary pair's of files used within VFP.

How to generate a PDF within application with no reporting framework

I need to create pdf reports in my app. I'm using mvc3. What's the best way to do this? I don't really want to use a reporting framework if i can avoid it, it's just a few reports, table layout, groupings, pagination possibly, totals, ability to merge pdfs into 1 pdf....any ideas? what would be ideal is if i could convert my html view into a pdf simply...
There is nothing built into .NET allowing to create PDF files. So you have two possibilities: write one yourself from scratch or use one that exists.
In case you decide to go with the second you may take a look at flying-saucer which along with ikvmc.exe could be used to convert XHTML files into PDF. I have blogged about some of the required steps in order to get this working.
Some possibilities:
I think you can do this with SQL Server reporting services (in SQL rather than a 3rd party reporting framework)
Low level PDF libraries that can be used: PDFSharp, iTextSharp.
You could print an html file to a postscript driver using word automation, then convert the PS to PDF via GhostScript

Should I include my SDF file (SQL CE 3.5) as an item when adding solution to source control?

I have a visual studio 2010 solution that uses a SQL CE fiel (SDF) for storing data in one of the projects.
I am wondering, is it a good practice to add this SDF file to the source control so that whenever I make any changes in the database, I commit it to source control?
Sometimes all i do is a name change for example, then I have to commit a 1 MB file to source control.
Does it make sense?
What are you experiences about this?
If you can't build/run your project by taking a fresh check-out due to a file being missing then you need to add it to source control.
Yes, it is a binary file and you can't do diffs on it but as you change column names over time, your code must change to work with that schema. It makes sense to store everything in source control as they need to match up.
If you really can't handle putting it into source control as a binary then consider scripting it and having your application build the database on boot if no db exists. The following tool will intergrate in sql management studio to enable scripting.

Disabling default XML Schemas in Visual Studio?

I have recently started using CAML.NET IntelliSense for SharePoint with Visual Studio 2008; which works great; however whenever I create a new project using STSDev 2008 (and thus generate feature.xml and WebParts.xml) the default schemas include the CAML.NET IntelliSense and the built-in (relatively incomplete) schemas:
All found in web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML. The existence of both of these schemas for the file causes a large number of warnings, notifying me that a specific schema entry is already declared in one of the above files. Disabling them for each file individually works great, however in a SharePoint solution whit 40 or 50 XML files this quickly becomes laborious.
Is it possible to disable these built-in Schemas, selecting "Do not use selected schemas" does not work for future XML files only the current one?
Well, if you really don't want them - you could remove the schemas from the xsd path (%VsInstallDir%\xml\Schemas) - and perhaps disable download (Options->TextEditor->Xml->Miscellaneous). My machine isn't in a suitable state to try it, but it should work in theory...
