Oracle date function - oracle

I am executing the below query,It returns me the blank row.However there are records in the table having upd_time = '12-MAR-08'.I don't understand why it is not returning the date '12-MAR-08'.Please help me out??
SELECT br_data.upd_time FROM BANKREC.br_data
where br_data.upd_time = '12-MAR-08';

It's likely that upd_time isn't exactly 12-MAR-08. The date format is not showing the time component, but it's probably there (DATE data type in Oracle can contain both date and time components).
Try this (it will allow you to see the time components):
alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS';
SELECT br_data.upd_time FROM BANKREC.br_data
where br_data.upd_time >= to_date('12-MAR-08','DD-MON-YY')
and br_data.upd_time < to_date('13-MAR-08','DD-MON-YY');

Is it the same if you do a
SELECT br_data.upd_time FROM BANKREC.br_data
where trunc(br_data.upd_time) = '12-MAR-08';
It could be that the upd_time is not a date, but a timestamp, so it actually contains for instance '12-MAR-08 05:30' which wouldn't be the same thing. trunc() removes the time part of the timestamp.
Since it doesn't return an error, I assume that it parses the date correctly, but otherwise you could try with to_date('12-MAR-08','DD-MON-YY')

You should use Oracle's function to convert your string properly into a date using
to_date('12-MAR-08', 'DD-MMM-YY')
Then you have to take into account that the Oracle "Date" datatype also contains time information to the nearest second. This means that the date that was constructed in the first step is actually midnight on March 12th. So you have to make sure that the upd_time is truncated to midnight:
trunc(upd_time, 'DAY') = to_date('12-MAR-08', 'DD-MMM-YY')
Your full query becomes
SELECT br_data.upd_time
WHERE trunc(upd_time, 'DAY') = to_date('12-MAR-08', 'DD-MMM-YY');
There are other ways to skin this cat (you could transfer your updTime column to a proper char field with to_char(upd_time, 'DD-MMM-YY')), but it's usually advisable make the data you are looking for similar to what you can find in the database as that increases your chances of using an index for the lookup.

i don't have access to an oracle db at the moment but i remember using to_char.
SELECT br_data.upd_time FROM BANKREC.br_data where to_char(br_data.upd_time, 'DD-MON-YY') = '12-MAR-08';


Date format in Oracle- fetching Date of certain range

I have a date table in my db in Oracle. When I run a query I get the date format as '01-05-2015' but when I run a similar query in BIRT, I get the date format as '01-MAY-2015 12:00 AM'. How can I get the date format in dd/mm/yyy by keeping the data type of date field as date.
here is sample of my database.
also my query is :
select to_date(to_char(to_date(enquiry_dt,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YY'),'DD/MM/YY') as q from xxcus.XXACL_SALES_ENQ_DATAMART where to_date(to_char(to_date(enquiry_dt,'DD/MM/YY'),'DD/MM/YY'),'DD/MM/YY')>'21-06-2012' order by q
I am getting error of NOT A VALID Month also
If enquiry_dt is already a date column, why are you trying to convert it to date (and then to char and to date again)?
SELECT to_char(enquiry_dt, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS q
FROM xxcus.xxacl_sales_enq_datamart
WHERE enquiry_dt > to_date('21-06-2012', 'dd-mm-yyyy')
ORDER BY enquiry_dt
In birt, where you place the field on the report, set the field type to date. Then in properties for that field , go to format date time, and finally specify the date formatting you want for that field .
I prefer to always use pass date parameters as strings to BIRT, using a known date format. This is for report parameters as well as for DataSet parameters.
Then, inside the query, I convert to date like this:
with params as
( select to_date(pi_start_date_str, 'DD.MM.YYYY') as start_date_incl,
to_date(pi_end_date_str, 'DD.MM.YYYY') + 1 as end_date_excl
from dual
select whatever
from my_table, params
where ( my_table.event_date >= params.start_date_incl
my_table.end_date < params.start_date_excl
This works independent of the time of day.
This way, e.g. to select all events for january 2016, I could pass the query parameters '01.01.2016' and '31.01.2016' (I'm using german date format here).

Searching first condition first and only if not available then second condition

I am writing an SQL query where the query should first search the first value, and only if this value is missing the query should search for the second value.
I have two tables. One of these tables contains the modification date (this is not always filled and can be null) and a creation date which is always filled.
Now what I want is that the query first looks in the table with the modification date and only if it is null looks at the table with the creation date.
Example of the query:
Select *
from all_articles
where to_char(modification_date, 'YYYYMMDD') = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD')-1
-- if this is an empty record then
to_char(creation_date, 'YYYYMMDD') = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD')-1
Can anyone help me with this query?
Almost all the major RDBMS' available have in built functions to handle such a situation.
The Oracle DB has NVL function which works as follows:
NVL(Modified_dt, Create_dt);
The above will return Modified_dt column data by default. However, if that isn't available, it will return Create_dt.
See here for details:

Oracle - Another way for month query?

first... sorry for my english.
I have a query like this:
Select *
From tableA
Where (
TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(dateA(+),'SYYYY')) = 2013
AND TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(dateA(+),'MM')) = 02
AND to_number(to_char(dateA(+),'dd')) <= 25
and retrieve me the data from each date until last number that I give as parameter, in this case the day 25. This working but delay very much because the form of "Where" statement... anybody know another way that retrieve the data so fast and with the same functionality?
It sounds like you want
FROM tableA
WHERE dateA BETWEEN trunc( date '2013-02-26', 'MM' ) AND date '2013-02-26'
This will return all the rows where dateA is between the first of the month and the specified date. If there is an index on dateA, Oracle would be able to use it for this sort of query (though whether it actually would is a separate issue).

Dynamic order by date data type in Oracle using CASE

My code in the stored procedure:
my_table ir
--where clause goes here
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Id' AND p_sort_order='ASC' THEN IR.ID end,
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Id' AND p_sort_order='DESC' THEN IR.ID end DESC,
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Date' AND p_sort_order='ASC' THEN TO_CHAR(IR.IDATE, 'MM/dd/yyyy') end,
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Date' AND p_sort_order='DESC' THEN TO_CHAR(IR.IDATE, 'MM/dd/yyyy') end DESC;
Problem is that sorting is done based on the char, which comes out wrong for the date case. CASE statement, however, won't allow any other datatype other than char. So what is the solution in this case? I need to be able to pass the p_order_by_field into the stored procedure.
Should be simple - just use ISO date format in your case:
TO_CHAR(IR.IDATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
and you should be fine.
Another problem could occure when you want to sort on the date difference (let say number of days between two days).
For example such a sort would return number 13 (days) before 9 (days).
The solution is that you concatenate length of date difference and the difference itself:
length(trunc(date2) - trunc(date1)) || to_char(date2 - date1)

DATEDIFF (in months) in linq

select col1,col2,col3 from table1
where(DATEDIFF(mm, tblAccount.[State Change Date], GETDATE()) <= 4
I want to convert this sql query to LINQ. but I dont know any DateDiff alternative in LINQ. can you please suggest me?
You're looking for SqlMethods.DateDiffMonth.
EDIT: In EF4, use SqlFunctions.DateDiff.
Putting aside your original question for a moment, in your query you use:
where(DATEDIFF(mm, tblAccount.[State Change Date], GETDATE()) <= 4
This query would always cause a full table scan, since you're comparing the result of a function call against a constant. It would be much better if you calculate your date first, then compare your column value against the calculated value, which would allow SQL to use an index to find the results instead of having to evaluate every record in your table.
It looks like you're trying to retrieve anything within the past 4 months, so in your application code, try calculating the date that you can compare against first, and pass that value into your Linq2Entities expression:
DateTime earliestDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddMonths(-4);
var results = from t in context.table1
where t.col3 >= earliestDate
select t;
In EF6, the class to use is DbFunctions. See, for example, DbFunctions.DiffMonths.
I solved this problem in another manner: I calculated the date from code:
theDate = Date.Now.AddMonths(-4)
And in EF change the condition:
tblAccount.[State Change Date] < theDate
