Find all folders excluding some paths - visual-studio

In visual studio when searching for files, how can I find all files that do not contain a certain string in their directory path or file name?
For example:
I want to find all files that have the word MainRegion but I do not want files such as:
So I want to exclude file names with "Fixture" in and directory paths with "tests" in.

should match files that contain Fixture in the file name (but not in the path).
should match files that contain tests in the path, but not in the filename.


Replace files in multiple folders, whose name includes destination folder name

I have very little experience with the command line and I'm trying to do something very complicated (to me).
I have a directory with A LOT of subfolders and files in them. All file names contain the parent folder name, e.g.:
In another folder (all in one directory), I have a new version of all the data_FolderX.csv files and I need to replace them in the original folders. I cannot give them another name because of later analyses. Is there a way to replace the files in the original folders with the new version, in the command line?
I tried this Replacing a file into multiple folders/subdirectories but didn't work for me. Given that I have many .csv files in the derectories, I don't want to replace them all, so I don't think I should do it based on the file extension. I would also like to note that the name "FolderX" contains several other _, so in principal, I want to replace the .csv file starting with data in the FolderX.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!

Why does cmd DIR search include files that start with the 3 searched letters but then differ?

If in a directory I have two files, and, and I run dir /s *.pro to find all files with the .pro extension, it lists both files. However, when I run dir /s *.pr, it lists neither. Why does searching for a three-letter file extension list files with extensions that start with the three letters? How can I search for ONLY .pro files using dir?
The command DIR lets the file system search for file system entries (file names, directory names, reparse points (links)) matching the wildcard pattern *.pro in long name or in short 8.3 name on short name management also enabled for the file system of current drive.
The short file name of is TEST.PRO.
The short file name of is TEST~1.PRO.
Therefore the wildcard pattern *.pro matches and TEST~1.PRO displayed with long file name
The wildcard pattern *.pr does not match with the two file names because of the file extension is pro respectively properties and not just pr. The wildcard pattern *.pr? would also find the file names and TEST~1.PRO displayed with long file name
There can be used %SystemRoot%\System32\where.exe /R . *.pro to find recursively in current directory and all its subdirectories files with file extension .pro not matching file names with a longer file extension beginning with pro because of WHERE applies the wildcard pattern only on long file names.
DIR and also FOR use the Windows file I/O function which directly searches with the wildcard pattern *.pro for suitable file system entries. WHERE uses the Windows file I/O function to search for * to get a list of long names of all file system entries and then applies the wildcard pattern itself on each string returned by the file system. For that reason the usage of the wildcard pattern *.pro returns a positive result only on and not on on using WHERE.

Finding and copying files in subfolders to a unique folder giving them their path names

I need to do a bash script in order to copy all files which are in various subfolders and sub-subfolders of a main directory to a unique another folder while giving them a new name indicating their source.
Source paths and files are like:
... Etc
Destination folder with renamed files would be:
What I know is that there is only 2 levels but the names of the subfolders, the subsubfolders, the files, and their extensions could be anything.

Chilkat unzip files only from root directory

With this syntax I can unzip every Xml in every directory from my zip file and create the same directory structure.
But how can I unzip only the xml in the root directory?
I cannot understand how to write the filter.
I tried with "/*.xml" but nothing is extracted.
If I write "*/*.xml" I only extract xml files from subdirectory (and I skip the xml in the root directory!).
Can anyone help me?
example of a zip files content:
with unzipmatching("qa_output","*.xml", true) I extract all this files with the original directory structure, but I want to extract only a1.xml, b1.xml and c1.xml.
Is there a way to write filter to achieve this result, or a different command, or a different approach?
I think what you want is to call UnzipMatchingInto: All files (matching the pattern) in the Zip are unzipped into the specfied dirPath regardless of the directory path information contained in the Zip. This has the effect of collapsing all files into a single directory. If several files in the Zip have the same name, the files unzipped last will overwrite the files already unzipped.

copy files from different locations and with different names into one target directory

i really looke for solutions for this , but all solutions just assume that either the file names are similar (like file1,file2, file 3...) so a regular expression can be used, or a FIND can look for the files with a certain name. But in my case i have different file names:
assume i have
file1 in E:\dir1\, input99 in C:\dir2 , result3 in F:\dir3
so these three files reside in different locations, different drive names, but still local
is it possible to use cp with absolute pathnames ?
cp /dir1/file1, /dir2/input99, /dir3/result3 /targetdirectory
cp accepts a list of source files (specified either as absolute paths or relative paths) and copies all of them to the target directory (the last parameter). So:
cp E:\dir1\file1 C:\dir2\input99 F:\dir3\result3 C:\targetdirectory
