What kind of events should be created for a CRUD application? - events

I have an application that is centered around a database (ORM is LINQ-SQL) that has a table called Assignment. I am using the repository pattern to manipulate the database. My application is basically going to perform CRUD operations. I am new to delegates and events and I am asking you what events I should create (like maybe AssignmentCreating, AssignmentCreated) and what kind of delegate to use (like maybe a custom delegate or just an EventHandler)? UPDATE: My application has a ListView with some columns that show some data. On the right side, I have a panel with textboxes binded to the values of the currently selected assignment. Like a textbox for Score, one for title, etc. and they are all editable. That deals with the Read and Update. Then I have a custom dialog box that has the same kinds of textboxes, and the dialog Creates new assignments. Then users can just select an assignment and Delete it via the Delete button, or a context menu.


Can I add a custom/email domain column in Outlook?

Sometimes in Outlook I want to be able to see the last few emails I received or sent to a client.
As there can be several individual email addresses per client, the only way to reliably identify emails as belonging to a client is to look at the domain part of the email address, eg the company in person#company.com
How can I add this as a sortable column in the main views (Inbox, Sent Items, etc)?
Almost found what I want from here (I've improved on the formula).
Add a new column to a view from the Show Columns dialog, click New Column and enter a new formula based column:
IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail], "#") = 0, "", Mid([SearchFromEmail], InStr([SearchFromEmail], "#") + 1))
Similar question was asked here https://superuser.com/questions/703013/outlook-how-to-display-sender-email-address-in-inbox/703035#703035
Be aware, the ItemAdd event of the Items class is not fired when multiple items are added to the folder at the same time.
You can handle the NewMailEx event of the Application class which is fires when a new message arrives in the Inbox and before client rule processing occurs. You can use the Entry ID returned in the EntryIDCollection array to call the NameSpace.GetItemFromID method and process the item.
In the event handler you can add a user property which can be user in the UI for sorting items (MailItem.UserProperties.Add). The CurrentView property of the Folder class returns a View object representing the current view.
The View object allows you to create customizable views that allow you to better sort, group and ultimately view data of all different types. There are a variety of different view types that provide the flexibility needed to create and maintain your important data.
- The table view type (olTableView) allows you to view data in a simple field-based table.
- The Calendar view type (olCalendarView) allows you to view data in a calendar format.
- The card view type (olCardView) allows you to view data in a series of cards. Each card displays the information contained by the item and can be sorted.
- The icon view type (olIconView) allows you to view data as icons, similar to a Windows folder or explorer.
- The timeline view type (olTimelineView) allows you to view data as it is received in a customizable linear time line.
Views are defined and customized using the View object's XML property. The XML property allows you to create and set a customized XML schema that defines the various features of a view.
Not out of the box. You can process all your existing emails (and automatically process all new items using MAPIFolder.Items.ItemAdd event on the folders that you want to process) to set a user property (MailItem.UserProperties.Add) to the value extracted by your code. If you modify the folder views to include your property, you will be able to see it.

Cocoa bindings issue with three tableviews

im a osx-dev noob that is trying to build an application with three table views that will show the content of a core data store entity. But each table view is filtered on the attribute "status" of the entity.
the problem occurs when i also want to show the selected entity in textfields. I'm using three different array controllers with different fetch predicates. But in a textfield i can only bind the value to one array controller.
should i ditch the bindings and do it all programaticly or is there a simple solution to this? :)
here is an screenshot so you can grasp my app description.
Keep bindings to populate the text fields if it satisfies what you want to do with this GUI. I'd add an NSObjectController to control the one entity those fields represent. If you want the user's changes to those fields persisted, bindings are still awesome.
But I think with three tables that might control what's displayed in the text fields, you're going to need to have some sort of non-binding glue code that determines which of the tables wins. You can probably do everything you want by implementing some of the NSTableViewDelegate protocol.
If the text fields should display the last entity that the user clicked in any of the tables, simply have each table call the same tableViewSelectionDidChange delegate function. All three tables could have the same delegate. You can then call setContent on the NSObjectController from that function.
You could also use similar glue code to prevent more than one selection in any of the three tables, by having the same delegate function deselect everything in the other tables either through the view or the controller. But that's up to you and needs consideration of whether you want multiple selection, etc.

How to add a new item to a dropdownlist in a create form in MVC 3?

I have a Form to create a new model object and persist it. That form is displayed in a lightbox or popup.
Some fields are dropdownlist showing related info that lives in another table (other model object related to the main model).
What I need to achieve is without leaving the creation form, create a new item of the related type and update the DropDownList in order to continue filling fields and finaly submit the form.
I have done this in winforms but not really sure which is the best approach in MVC 3:
Trigger another popup with a small form?
Use some kind of editable dropdownlist?
Place a small hidden form right next/after the DDL to allow entering the info to create an item in DDL (and to DB also)?
What do you thing is the best option?
There is no editable dropdown list in HTML. There are some toolkits that simulate it, but in general these are clumbsy and really complex. It's a lot easier to stick with basic controls.
You would proably do best to have a small + sign next to the field, and then popup an editing field that inserts the element into the combobox and sends it to the controller via ajax to add to the database.
An alternative to a second pop up is having a toggle add button. When toggled, then show a small area where you can enter the name. Using ajax, save the name, and then refresh your dropdown. This works well if you only have a few attributes to fill in.

Cocoa-Binding : Submit changes manually?

in my application I have a NSTableView bound to an ArrayController (arrangedObjects). I also have a Details-View (just some textfields) bound to the same Controller (selection).
Now every time I edit a textfield the changes are automatically send to the ArrayController and the Table changes as well. How can I avoid this? What I want is a "Submit-Button". Changes on the data should only be send to the controller when I press the button and not automatically every time I do an edit.
There are really two answers to this question. The first is more philosophical: in most cases you want updates to the model to occur instantaneously. For the most part users shouldn't have to be bothered with saving, committing, etc. changes the make. Binding's pervasive integration with the NSUndoManager means that anything the user does can be undone (or should be undoable). All user actions should be "low risk" such that making a change and then undoing does not cause unnecessary "harm" to the user's data or the application state. If you're using Core Data for your model layer, you can always roll-back or save a set of changes programmatically using the NSManagedObjectContext's methods. Unless there's a really good reason why the user needs a "Submit" button, don't put one in. In line with this philosophy is Gmail's "Undo Send" functionality. Even sending an email should be undoable (within reason).
The second answer is more practical. Of course there are situations where you're dealing with a backend system that isn't as forgiving of undos as Cocoa. In that case, the best option is to create a temporary model object that serves as the model for the UI (think a View-Model in the Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) architectore). When the user submits the changes, you can copy the temporary model object into the persistent model. In Core Data, you can use an in-memory persistent store backing a separate managed object context to hold these temporary instances and then merge changes from this temporary context into your main context on submit.
This might be enough:
Select the text fields in Interface Builder.
Switch to the "Text Field Attributes" pane of the Inspector panel (hit Cmd-1).
Change the Action popup box to "Sent On Enter Only".

Populating a subform with different displays as a GUI in Access 2007

This is my first time building a UI in Access (using Access 2007), and I'm wondering what is the Right Way (TM) of going about this.
Essentially, I have several different queries that I'd like to display as pivot charts, pivot tables, tables, and reports. Eventually I'm also going to have to build forms to manipulate the data as well, but the application's primary function is to display data.
I'm thinking of having a button for each different display down the left side of the main window, and having the rest of the window display each button's corresponding contents (e.g. a pivot chart).
I have an idea that this can be accomplished using a single subform in the main form, and setting the subform's Source Object property within a function such as this one:
Public Function SetSubformSourceObject(newSourceObject) As Variant
subform.SourceObject = newSourceObject
End Function
Then, for each button I'd set its OnClick property to call this function with the name of the query I'd like to run.
Now, I have no idea if this is the best way of going about things, and would really appreciate some input :)
The principle seems fair to me. You have to give it a try. You do not even need a form-subform structure. You can set your sourceObject at the form level, and have your buttons in a commandBar instead of having them as controls on the form, so you do not have any 'form specific' code (like "onCLick") and controls. action/command controls on a form are space, code and maintenance consuming, while commandbars are more generic and are THE object that can hold all your action controls.
