Create a sorted array out of 2 arrays - algorithm

There are 2 arrays given for ex.
A = [20,4,21,6,3]
B = [748,32,48,92,23......]
assuming B is very large and can hold all the elements of array A.
Find the way in which array B is in (containing all the elements of array A as well) sorted order.
Design an algorithm in the most efficient way.

This sounds like merge sort algorithm. You will find tons of examples here. You can then modify to suit.

Given that your array is integer array, you can use Radix sort algorithm to sort B in linear time, O(n). Wikipedia has a nice write-up and sample python code.
Radix sort is linear with respect to the number of elements. While it also has a dependence on the size of the array, you take it as a constant; just like you take the comparison operator to be constant as well. When sorting bignum for instance, the comparison operator would also depend on the integer size!

Smells like homework. Basically, write into array B starting from the end, keeping track of the place you are reading from in both A and B.

Just try it out :
Merge the array A into B .
Use quick sort algorithm.

Before adding elements from A to B check if by doing that if you exceed the size of the array, if not Merge A into B
Then do a quick sort,
But if you just want to merge both arrays into a new arrays where new array has the combine length of both. Here is a jump start for you, try if you can go forward from here...
public double[] combineArrays(double[] first, double[] second) {
int totalLenth = first.length + second.length;
double[] newDoubles = new double[totalLenth];
for (int i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
newDoubles[i] = first[i];
for (int j = first.length; j < newDoubles.length; j++) {
newDoubles[j] = second[j - first.length];
return newDoubles;
Hope this helps, Good Luck.

You can also modify an insertion sort idea:
0) do all necessary tests: if arrays are null, if bigger array has enough space
1) add small array at the end of the big array
2) do normal insertion sort, but start it at the beginning of the small array
here if you do quick_sort or some other "quickiest" O(n*log_n) sort, the problem is that you are not using the fact, that both array are sorted. With the insertion sort you are using the fact, that array B is sorted (but not the fact that A is sorted, so maybe we should develop the idea and modify insertion sort to use that fact as well).


Algorithm: find the missing element from 2 given arrays, second array is duplicate

Find the missing element from the given 2 arrays, second array is duplicate.
array 1: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
array 2: [1,3,4,5,6,7]
I read about using hashmaps and other complex approaches, but I believe the best solution is:
1) Add all elements of array1 and array2 separately, such that we have sum1 and sum2, then the answer is |sum2 - sum1|
2) XOR all elements of array1 and array2 separately, such that we have xor1 and xor2. Here xor1 is always from the complete array. The missing element will be xor2 XOR xor1 (from XOR applications
Edit: arrays not sorted
Am I correct?
First answer may cause an integer overflow in case of very large numbers.
Second options is better from all aspects. In addition, 1st array does not have to be the containing one. You can start XOR'ing from the beginning of the first array until the last element of the second. You will end up with the unique element in union of both arrays. It costs for O(n) complexity.
Yes, your algorithm is correct, assuming the array contains integers. The proof easily follows from the fact that x^x=0 if and only if x=x. It even works in the case the array contains duplicates.
Proof sketch. Let A be an array of n integers and let B be a copy of A with one element removed. Define xorA := A[0] ^ A[1] ^ ... ^ A[n-1] and xorB := B[0] ^ ... ^ B[n-2]. Since each element, except the missing one, appears even number of times, xorA ^ xorB will equal the missing element which appears odd number of times---all others cancel out because x^x=0.
I coded for filtering the missing numbers for arrays containing items that has more than one frequency .But time limit is exceeded for size 10^5.Any logic to reduce time complexity is appreciated.
// Missing numbers
// Write your code here
public static List<Integer> missingNumbers(List<Integer> arr,List<Integer> brr){
Set<Integer> list = new HashSet<>();
for(int s:brr){
ArrayList<Integer> list1= new ArrayList<>(list);
return list1;

abstract inplace mergesort for effective merge sort

I am reading about merge sort in Algorithms in C++ by Robert Sedgewick and have following questions.
static void mergeAB(ITEM[] c, int cl, ITEM[] a, int al, int ar, ITEM[] b, int bl, int br )
int i = al, j = bl;
for (int k = cl; k < cl+ar-al+br-bl+1; k++)
if (i > ar) { c[k] = b[j++]; continue; }
if (j > br) { c[k] = a[i++]; continue; }
c[k] = less(a[i], b[j]) ? a[i++] : b[j++];
The characteristic of the basic merge that is worthy of note is that
the inner loop includes two tests to determine whether the ends of the
two input arrays have been reached. Of course, these two tests usually
fail, and the situation thus cries out for the use of sentinel keys to
allow the tests to be removed. That is, if elements with a key value
larger than those of all the other keys are added to the ends of the a
and aux arrays, the tests can be removed, because when the a (b) array
is exhausted, the sentinel causes the next elements for the c array to
be taken from the b (a) array until the merge is complete.
However, it is not always easy to use sentinels, either because it
might not be easy to know the largest key value or because space might
not be available conveniently.
For merging, there is a simple remedy. The method is based on the
following idea: Given that we are resigned to copying the arrays to
implement the in-place abstraction, we simply put the second array in
reverse order when it is copied (at no extra cost), so that its
associated index moves from right to left. This arrangement leads to
the largest element—in whichever array it is—serving as sentinel for
the other array.
My questions on above text
What does statement "when the a (b) array is exhausted"? what is 'a (b)' here?
Why is the author mentioning that it is not easy to determine the largest key and how is the space related in determining largest key?
What does author mean by "Given that we are resigned to copying the arrays"? What is resigned in this context?
Request with simple example in understanding idea which is mentioned as simple remedy?
"When the a (b) array is exhausted" is a shorthand for "When either the a array or the b array is exhausted".
The interface is dealing with sub-arrays of a bigger array, so you can't simply go writing beyond the ends of the arrays.
The code copies the data from two arrays into one other array. Since this copy is inevitable, we are 'resigned to copying the arrays' means we reluctantly accept that it is inevitable that the arrays must be copied.
Tricky...that's going to take some time to work out what is meant.
Tangentially: That's probably not the way I'd write the loop. I'd be inclined to use:
int i = al, j = bl;
for (int k = cl; i <= ar && j <= br; k++)
if (a[i] < b[j])
c[k] = a[i++];
c[k] = b[j++];
while (i <= ar)
c[k++] = a[i++];
while (j <= br)
c[k++] = b[j++];
One of the two trailing loops does nothing. The revised main merge loop has 3 tests per iteration versus 4 tests per iteration for the one original algorithm. I've not formally measured it, but the simpler merge loop is likely to be quicker than the original single-loop algorithm.
The first three questions are almost best suited for English Language Learners.
a(b) and b(a)
Sometimes parenthesis are used to tell one or more similar phrases at once:
when a (b) is exhausted we copy elements from b (a)
when a is exhausted we copy elements from b,
when b is exhausted we copy elements from a
What is difficult about sentinels
Two annoying things about sentinels are
sometimes your array data may potentially contain every possible value, so there is no value you can use as sentinel that is guaranteed to be bigger that all the values in the array
to use a sentinel instead of checking the index to see if you are done with an array requires that you have room for one extra space in the array to store the sentinel
We programmers are never happy to copy (or move) things around and leaving them where they already are is, if possible, better (because we are lazy).
In this version of the merge sort we already gave up about trying to not copy things around... we resigned to it.
Given that we must copy, we can copy things in the opposite order if we like (and of course use the copy in opposite order) because that is free(*).
(*) is free at this level of abstraction, the cost on some real CPU may be high. As almost always in the performance area YMMV.

Algorithm to find duplicate in an array

I have an assignment to create an algorithm to find duplicates in an array which includes number values. but it has not said which kind of numbers, integers or floats. I have written the following pseudocode:
FindingDuplicateAlgorithm(A) // A is the array
for int i <- 0 to i<A.length
if A[i] == A[i+1]
return A[i]
have I created an efficient algorithm?
I think there is a problem in my algorithm, it returns duplicate numbers several time. for example if array include 2 in two for two indexes i will have ...2, 2,... in the output. how can i change it to return each duplicat only one time?
I think it is a good algorithm for integers, but does it work good for float numbers too?
To handle duplicates, you can do the following:
if A[i] == A[i+1]:
result.append(A[i]) # collect found duplicates in a list
while A[i] == A[i+1]: # skip the entire range of duplicates
i++ # until a new value is found
Do you want to find Duplicates in Java?
You may use a HashSet.
HashSet h = new HashSet();
for(Object a:A){
boolean b = h.add(a);
boolean duplicate = !b;
// do something with a;
The return-Value of add() is defined as:
true if the set did not already
contain the specified element.
I know HashSet is optimized for inserts and contains operations. But I'm not sure if its fast enough for your concerns.
I've seen you recently added the homework-tag. I would not prefer my answer if itf homework, because it may be to "high-level" for an allgorithm-lesson
Your answer seems pretty good. First sorting and them simply checking neighboring values gives you O(n log(n)) complexity which is quite efficient.
Merge sort is O(n log(n)) while checking neighboring values is simply O(n).
One thing though (as mentioned in one of the comments) you are going to get a stack overflow (lol) with your pseudocode. The inner loop should be (in Java):
for (int i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) {
Then also, if you actually want to display which numbers (and or indexes) are the duplicates, you will need to store them in a separate list.
I'm not sure what language you need to write the algorithm in, but there are some really good C++ solutions in response to my question here. Should be of use to you.
O(n) algorithm: traverse the array and try to input each element in a hashtable/set with number as the hash key. if you cannot enter, than that's a duplicate.
Your algorithm contains a buffer overrun. i starts with 0, so I assume the indexes into array A are zero-based, i.e. the first element is A[0], the last is A[A.length-1]. Now i counts up to A.length-1, and in the loop body accesses A[i+1], which is out of the array for the last iteration. Or, simply put: If you're comparing each element with the next element, you can only do length-1 comparisons.
If you only want to report duplicates once, I'd use a bool variable firstDuplicate, that's set to false when you find a duplicate and true when the number is different from the next. Then you'd only report the first duplicate by only reporting the duplicate numbers if firstDuplicate is true.
public void printDuplicates(int[] inputArray) {
if (inputArray == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input array can not be null");
int length = inputArray.length;
if (length == 1) {
System.out.print(inputArray[0] + " ");
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (inputArray[Math.abs(inputArray[i])] >= 0) {
inputArray[Math.abs(inputArray[i])] = -inputArray[Math.abs(inputArray[i])];
} else {
System.out.print(Math.abs(inputArray[i]) + " ");

Fastest sorting algorithm for a specific situation

What is the fastest sorting algorithm for a large number (tens of thousands) of groups of 9 positive double precision values, where each group must be sorted individually? So it's got to sort fast a small number of possibly repeated double precision values, many times in a row.
The values are in the [0..1] interval. I don't care about space complexity or stability, just about speed.
Sorting each group individually, merge sort would probably be easiest to implement with good results.
A sorting network would probably be the fastest solution:
Good question because this comes down to "Fastest way to sort an array of 9 elements", and most comparisons between and analysis of sorting methods are about large N. I assume the 'groups' are clearly defined and don't play a real role here.
You will probably have to benchmark a few candidates because a lot of factors (locality) come into play here.
In any case, making it parallel sounds like a good idea. Use Parallel.For() if you can use ,NET4.
I think you will need to try out a few examples to see what works best, as you have an unusual set of conditions. My guess that the best will be one of
sorting network
insertion sort
quick sort (one level -- insertion sort below)
merge sort
Given that double precision number are relatively long I suspect you will not do better with a radix sort, but feel free to add it in.
For what its worth, Java uses quick sort on doubles until the number of items to be sorted drops below 7, at which is uses insertion sort. The third option mimics that solution.
Also your overall problem is embarrassingly parallel so you want to make use of parallelism when possible. The problem looks too small for a distributed solution (more time would be lost in networking than saved), but if set up right, your problem can make use of multiple cores very effectively.
It looks like you want the most cycle-stingy way to sort 9 values. Since the number of values is limited, I would (as Kathy suggested) first do an unrolled insertion sort on the first 4 elements and the second 5 elements. Then I would merge those two groups.
Here's an unrolled insertion sort of 4 elements:
if (u[1] < u[0]) swap(u[0], u[1]);
if (u[2] < u[0]) swap(u[0], u[2]);
if (u[3] < u[0]) swap(u[0], u[3]);
if (u[2] < u[1]) swap(u[1], u[2]);
if (u[3] < u[1]) swap(u[1], u[3]);
if (u[3] < u[2]) swap(u[2], u[3]);
Here's a merge loop. The first set of 4 elements is in u, and the second set of 5 elements in in v. The result is in r.
i = j = k = 0;
while(i < 4 && j < 5){
if (u[i] < v[j]) r[k++] = u[i++];
else if (v[j] < u[i]) r[k++] = v[j++];
else {
r[k++] = u[i++];
r[k++] = v[j++];
while (i < 4) r[k++] = u[i++];
while (j < 5) r[k++] = v[j++];

Algorithm to tell if two arrays have identical members

What's the best algorithm for comparing two arrays to see if they have the same members?
Assume there are no duplicates, the members can be in any order, and that neither is sorted.
[a, b, c, d],
[b, a, d, c]
) ==> true
[a, b, e],
[a, b, c]
) ==> false
[a, b, c],
[a, b]
) ==> false
Obvious answers would be:
Sort both lists, then check each
element to see if they're identical
Add the items from one array to a
hashtable, then iterate through the
other array, checking that each item
is in the hash
nickf's iterative search algorithm
Which one you'd use would depend on whether you can sort the lists first, and whether you have a good hash algorithm handy.
You could load one into a hash table, keeping track of how many elements it has. Then, loop over the second one checking to see if every one of its elements is in the hash table, and counting how many elements it has. If every element in the second array is in the hash table, and the two lengths match, they are the same, otherwise they are not. This should be O(N).
To make this work in the presence of duplicates, track how many of each element has been seen. Increment while looping over the first array, and decrement while looping over the second array. During the loop over the second array, if you can't find something in the hash table, or if the counter is already at zero, they are unequal. Also compare total counts.
Another method that would work in the presence of duplicates is to sort both arrays and do a linear compare. This should be O(N*log(N)).
Assuming you don't want to disturb the original arrays and space is a consideration, another O(n.log(n)) solution that uses less space than sorting both arrays is:
Return FALSE if arrays differ in size
Sort the first array -- O(n.log(n)) time, extra space required is the size of one array
For each element in the 2nd array, check if it's in the sorted copy of
the first array using a binary search -- O(n.log(n)) time
If you use this approach, please use a library routine to do the binary search. Binary search is surprisingly error-prone to hand-code.
[Added after reviewing solutions suggesting dictionary/set/hash lookups:]
In practice I'd use a hash. Several people have asserted O(1) behaviour for hashes, leading them to conclude a hash-based solution is O(N). Typical inserts/lookups may be close to O(1), and some hashing schemes guarantee worst-case O(1) lookup, but worst-case insertion -- in constructing the hash -- isn't O(1). Given any particular hashing data structure, there would be some set of inputs which would produce pathological behaviour. I suspect there exist hashing data structures with the combined worst-case to [insert-N-elements then lookup-N-elements] of O(N.log(N)) time and O(N) space.
You can use a signature (a commutative operation over the array members) to further optimize this in the case where the array are usually different, saving the o(n log n) or the memory allocation.
A signature can be of the form of a bloom filter(s), or even a simple commutative operation like addition or xor.
A simple example (assuming a long as the signature side and gethashcode as a good object identifier; if the objects are, say, ints, then their value is a better identifier; and some signatures will be larger than long)
public bool MatchArrays(object[] array1, object[] array2)
if (array1.length != array2.length)
return false;
long signature1 = 0;
long signature2 = 0;
for (i=0;i<array1.length;i++) {
if (signature1 != signature2)
return false;
return MatchArraysTheLongWay(array1, array2);
where (using an addition operation; use a different commutative operation if desired, e.g. bloom filters)
public long CommutativeOperation(long oldValue, long newElement) {
return oldValue + newElement;
This can be done in different ways:
1 - Brute force: for each element in array1 check that element exists in array2. Note this would require to note the position/index so that duplicates can be handled properly. This requires O(n^2) with much complicated code, don't even think of it at all...
2 - Sort both lists, then check each element to see if they're identical. O(n log n) for sorting and O(n) to check so basically O(n log n), sort can be done in-place if messing up the arrays is not a problem, if not you need to have 2n size memory to copy the sorted list.
3 - Add the items and count from one array to a hashtable, then iterate through the other array, checking that each item is in the hashtable and in that case decrement count if it is not zero otherwise remove it from hashtable. O(n) to create a hashtable, and O(n) to check the other array items in the hashtable, so O(n). This introduces a hashtable with memory at most for n elements.
4 - Best of Best (Among the above): Subtract or take difference of each element in the same index of the two arrays and finally sum up the subtacted values. For eg A1={1,2,3}, A2={3,1,2} the Diff={-2,1,1} now sum-up the Diff = 0 that means they have same set of integers. This approach requires an O(n) with no extra memory. A c# code would look like as follows:
public static bool ArrayEqual(int[] list1, int[] list2)
if (list1 == null || list2 == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid input");
if (list1.Length != list2.Length)
return false;
int diff = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list1.Length; i++)
diff += list1[i] - list2[i];
return (diff == 0);
4 doesn't work at all, it is the worst
If the elements of an array are given as distinct, then XOR ( bitwise XOR ) all the elements of both the arrays, if the answer is zero, then both the arrays have the same set of numbers. The time complexity is O(n)
I would suggest using a sort first and sort both first. Then you will compare the first element of each array then the second and so on.
If you find a mismatch you can stop.
If you sort both arrays first, you'd get O(N log(N)).
What is the "best" solution obviously depends on what constraints you have. If it's a small data set, the sorting, hashing, or brute force comparison (like nickf posted) will all be pretty similar. Because you know that you're dealing with integer values, you can get O(n) sort times (e.g. radix sort), and the hash table will also use O(n) time. As always, there are drawbacks to each approach: sorting will either require you to duplicate the data or destructively sort your array (losing the current ordering) if you want to save space. A hash table will obviously have memory overhead to for creating the hash table. If you use nickf's method, you can do it with little-to-no memory overhead, but you have to deal with the O(n2) runtime. You can choose which is best for your purposes.
Going on deep waters here, but:
Sorted lists
sorting can be O(nlogn) as pointed out. just to clarify, it doesn't matter that there is two lists, because: O(2*nlogn) == O(nlogn), then comparing each elements is another O(n), so sorting both then comparing each element is O(n)+O(nlogn) which is: O(nlogn)
Converting the first list to a hash table is O(n) for reading + the cost of storing in the hash table, which i guess can be estimated as O(n), gives O(n). Then you'll have to check the existence of each element in the other list in the produced hash table, which is (at least?) O(n) (assuming that checking existance of an element the hash-table is constant). All-in-all, we end up with O(n) for the check.
The Java List interface defines equals as each corresponding element being equal.
Interestingly, the Java Collection interface definition almost discourages implementing the equals() function.
Finally, the Java Set interface per documentation implements this very behaviour. The implementation is should be very efficient, but the documentation makes no mention of performance. (Couldn't find a link to the source, it's probably to strictly licensed. Download and look at it yourself. It comes with the JDK) Looking at the source, the HashSet (which is a commonly used implementation of Set) delegates the equals() implementation to the AbstractSet, which uses the containsAll() function of AbstractCollection using the contains() function again from hashSet. So HashSet.equals() runs in O(n) as expected. (looping through all elements and looking them up in constant time in the hash-table.)
Please edit if you know better to spare me the embarrasment.
Pseudocode :
if A.length != B.length then return false;
foreach objA in A
H = objA;
if H is not found in C.Keys then
C.add(H as key,1 as initial value);
C.Val[H as key]++;
foreach objB in B
H = objB;
if H is not found in C.Keys then
return false;
C.Val[H as key]--;
if(C contains non-zero value)
return false;
return true;
The best way is probably to use hashmaps. Since insertion into a hashmap is O(1), building a hashmap from one array should take O(n). You then have n lookups, which each take O(1), so another O(n) operation. All in all, it's O(n).
In python:
def comparray(a, b):
sa = set(a)
return len(sa)==len(b) and all(el in sa for el in b)
Ignoring the built in ways to do this in C#, you could do something like this:
Its O(1) in the best case, O(N) (per list) in worst case.
public bool MatchArrays(object[] array1, object[] array2)
if (array1.length != array2.length)
return false;
bool retValue = true;
HashTable ht = new HashTable();
for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++)
if (ht.Contains(array2[i])
retValue = false;
return retValue;
Upon collisions a hashmap is O(n) in most cases because it uses a linked list to store the collisions. However, there are better approaches and you should hardly have collisions anyway because if you did the hashmap would be useless. In all regular cases it's simply O(1). Besides that, it's not likely to have more than a small n of collisions in a single hashmap so performance wouldn't suck that bad; you can safely say that it's O(1) or almost O(1) because the n is so small it's can be ignored.
Here is another option, let me know what you guys think.It should be T(n)=2n*log2n ->O(nLogn) in the worst case.
private boolean compare(List listA, List listB){
if (listA.size()==0||listA.size()==0) return true;
List runner = new ArrayList();
List maxList = listA.size()>listB.size()?listA:listB;
List minList = listA.size()>listB.size()?listB:listA;
int macthes = 0;
List nextList = null;;
int maxLength = maxList.size();
for(int i=0;i<maxLength;i++){
for (int j=0;j<2;j++) {
nextList = (nextList==null)?maxList:(maxList==nextList)?minList:maList;
if (i<= nextList.size()) {
MatchingItem nextItem =new MatchingItem(nextList.get(i),nextList)
int position = runner.indexOf(nextItem);
if (position <0){
MatchingItem itemInBag = runner.get(position);
if (itemInBag.getList != nextList) matches++;
return maxLength==macthes;
public Class MatchingItem{
private Object item;
private List itemList;
public MatchingItem(Object item,List itemList){
this.itemList = itemList
public boolean equals(object other){
MatchingItem otheritem = (MatchingItem)other;
return otheritem.item.equals(this.item) and otheritem.itemlist!=this.itemlist
public Object getItem(){ return this.item}
public Object getList(){ return this.itemList}
The best I can think of is O(n^2), I guess.
function compare($foo, $bar) {
if (count($foo) != count($bar)) return false;
foreach ($foo as $f) {
foreach ($bar as $b) {
if ($f == $b) {
// $f exists in $bar, skip to the next $foo
continue 2;
return false;
return true;
