Drawing triangles with CUDA - algorithm

I'm writing my own graphics library (yep, its homework:) and use cuda to do all rendering and calculations fast.
I have problem with drawing filled triangles. I wrote it such a way that one process draw one triangle. It works pretty fine when there are a lot of small triangles on the scene, but it breaks performance totally when triangles are big.
My idea is to do two passes. In first calculate only tab with information about scanlines (draw from here to there). This would be triangle per process calculation like in current algorithm. And in second pass really draw the scanlines with more than one process per triangle.
But will it be fast enough? Maybe there is some better solution?

You can check this blog: A Software Rendering Pipeline in CUDA. I don't think that's the optimal way to do it, but at least the author shares some useful sources.
Second, read this paper: A Programmable, Parallel Rendering Architecture. I think it's one of the most recent paper and it's also CUDA based.
If I had to do this, I would go with a Data-Parallel Rasterization Pipeline like in Larrabee (which is TBR) or even REYES and adapt it to CUDA:
http://home.comcast.net/~tom_forsyth/larrabee/Standford%20Forsyth%20Larrabee%202010.zip (see the second part of the presentation)

I suspect that you have some misconceptions about CUDA and how to use it, especially since you refer to a "process" when, in CUDA terminology, there is no such thing.
For most CUDA applications, there are two important things to getting good performance: optimizing memory access and making sure each 'active' CUDA thread in a warp performs the same operation at the same time as otehr active threads in the warp. Both of these sound like they are important for your application.
To optimize your memory access, you want to make sure that your reads from global memory and your writes to global memory are coalesced. You can read more about this in the CUDA programming guide, but it essentially means, adjacent threads in a half warp must read from or write to adjacent memory locations. Also, each thread should read or write 4, 8 or 16 bytes at a time.
If your memory access pattern is random, then you might need to consider using texture memory. When you need to refer to memory that has been read by other threads in a block, then you should make use of shared memory.
In your case, I'm not sure what your input data is, but you should at least make sure that your writes are coalesced. You will probably have to invest some non-trivial amount of effort to get your reads to work efficiently.
For the second part, I would recommend that each CUDA thread process one pixel in your output image. With this strategy, you should watch out for loops in your kernels that will execute longer or shorter depending on the per-thread data. Each thread in your warps should perform the same number of steps in the same order. The only exception to this is that there is no real performance penalty for having some threads in a warp perform no operation while the remaining threads perform the same operation together.
Thus, I would recommend having each thread check if its pixel is inside a given triangle. If not, it should do nothing. If it is, it should compute the output color for that pixel.
Also, I'd strongly recommend reading more about CUDA as it seems like you are jumping into the deep end without having a good understanding of some of the basic fundamentals.

Not to be rude, but isn't this what graphics cards are designed to do anyway? Seems like using the standard OpenGL and Direct3D APIs would make more sense.
Why not use the APIs to do your basic rendering, rather than CUDA, which is much lower-level? Then, if you wish to do additional operations that are not supported, you can use CUDA to apply them on top. Or maybe implement them as shaders.


Design of convolution kernel CUDA

I am trying to design a convolution kernel code for CUDA. It will take relatively small pictures (typically for my application a 19 * 19 image)
In my research , i found most notably this paper : https://www.evl.uic.edu/sjames/cs525/final.html
I understand the concept of it, but I wonder, for small images, does using
a block by pixel of the original image, and using the threads of that block as the pixels to fetch , then do a block wide reduction, fast enough ? I made a basic implementation that makes global memory access coalescent, so, is it a good design for small pictures ? Or should I follow the "traditional" method ?
It all depends upon your eventual application for your program. If you intend to only convolute a few "relatively small pictures", as you mention, then a naive approach should be sufficient. In fact, a serial approach may even be faster due to memory transfer overhead between the CPU and GPU if you're not processing much data. I would recommend first writing the kernel which accesses global memory, as you mention, and if you will be working with a larger dataset in the future, it would make sense to attempt the "traditional" approach as well, and compare runtimes.

what's make GPU programs non-preemptible?

Modern operating systems have no support for GPUs, treating them more or less as a normal I/O device.there some researches in that areas attempt to managing GPUs at operating system level,but they claim that the GPU programs are non-preemptible: once a work unit has been started, it’s impossible to interrupt it without destroying the channel’s data.
so what i am asking is:
Is it true that it's non-preemtible?
If it's non-preemtible ,what make it non-preemtible ,is it because of hardware
design or what is the reason?
If it non-preemtible what we need to make it preemtible?
i'll be highly appreciated if someone can give a clear explanation.
GPU preempt themselves all the time, but only with other work items from the same kernel. If a compute unit is waiting on a memory read or write it will execute other work items. It's single instruction multiple threads essentially. However, it doesn't make sense to stop a job part way through and switch to a different job. You'd need to keep track of an enormous amount of state (unlike a serial processor that just has a register set, you'd have all that multiplied by the number of compute units). GPU jobs are all designed to run quickly, so cycling jobs through the system is more efficient that switching between partially complete jobs. That all said, some modern GPUs divide up the hardware and can have different parts working on different jobs at the same time.
At the risk of over simplification:
Let's say I have a solid object defined within the GPU. For simplicity, let's say that the object is a cube and that the GPU maintains 8 vertices (and that the GPU is VERY slow).
Let me start a rotation. I have do a matrix multiplication on each vertex. I do 3 of them. Then I get preempted.
My cube is no longer a cube.
If you wanted it preemtable, you'd need some kind of transaction processing with rollback (slowing things down) and hardware support giving a preemptable interface.

Is this simulation appropriate for CUDA or OpenCL?

I'm asking on behalf of a friend working in numerical astrophysics.
Basically what he's doing is simulating a cloud of gas. There are a finite number of cells and the timestep is defined such that gas cannot cross more than one cell each step. Each cell has properties like density and temperature. Each timestep, these (and position) need to be calculated. It's mainly position that's the issue I believe as that is affected primarily by the interactions of gravity among the cells, all of which affect each other.
At the moment he's running this on a cluster of ~150 nodes but I wondered, if it's parallelizable like this, could it be run faster on a few GPUs with CUDA? At the moment it takes him a couple of days to finish a simulation. As GPUs generally have ~500 cores, it seemed like they could provide a boost.
Maybe I'm totally wrong.
Yes this sounds like a decent application for a GPU. GPU processing is most effective when it's running the same function on a large data set. If you've already got it running in parallel on a cluster computer, I'd say write it and test it on a single graphics card, and see if that's an improvement on a single cluster, then scale accordingly.
The task you describe is a good fit for the GPU. GPUs have successfully been used for dramatically improving the performance in areas such as particle, aerodynamics and fluid simulations.
Without knowing more details about the simulation it's impossible to say for sure whether it would gain a performance boost. Broadly speaking, algorithms that are memory bound ( that is, relatively few arithmetic operations per memory transaction ) tend to benefit most from offloading to the GPU.
For astrophysics simulations specifically, the following link may be of use : http://www.astrogpu.org/

parallel processing multiple evaluations of a sequential task on a large data set -- a task for GPU computing?

I am working on some signal processing code in SciPy, and am now trying to use a numerical optimizer to tune it. Unfortunately, as these things go, it is turning out to be quite a slow process.
The operations I must perform for this optimization are the following:
Load a large 1-d data file (~ 120000 points)
Run optimizer, which:
Executes a signal processing operation, does not modify original data, produces 120000 new data points.
Examines difference between original signal and new signal using various operations,
One of which includes FFT-based convolution
Generates a single "error" value to summarise the result -- this is what should be minimized
Looks at error and re-runs operation with different parameters
The signal processing and error functions take under 3 seconds, but unfortunately doing it 50,000 times takes much longer. I am experimenting with various more efficient optimisation algorithms, but no matter what it's going to take thousands of iterations.
I have parallelised a couple of the optimisers I'm trying using CPU threads, which wasn't too difficult since the optimiser can easily perform several scheduled runs at once on separate threads using ThreadPool.map.
But this is only about a 2x speed-up on my laptop, or maybe 8x on a multicore computer. My question is, is this an application for which I could make use of GPU processing? I have already translated some parts of the code to C, and I could imagine using OpenCL to create a function from an array of parameters to an array of error values, and running this hundreds of times at once. -- Even if it performs the sequential processing part slowly, getting all the results in one shot would be amazing.
However, my guess is that the memory requirements (loading up a large file and producing a temporary one of equal size to generate every data point) would make it difficult to run the whole algorithm in an OpenCL kernel. I don't have much experience with GPU processing and writing CUDA/OpenCL code, so I don't want to set about learning the ins and outs if there is no hope in making it work.
Any advice?
Do you need to produce all 120,000 new points before analysing the difference? Could you calculate the new point, then decide for that point if you are converging?
How big are the points? A $50 graphics card today has 1Gb of memory - should be plenty for 120K points. I'm not as familiar with openCL as Cuda but there may also be limits on how much of this is texture memory vs general memory etc.
edit: More familiar with CUDA than OpenCL but this probably applies to both.
The memory on GPUs is a bit more complex but very flexible, you have texture memory that can be read by the GPU kernel and has some very clever cache features to make access to values in a 2d and 3d arrays very fast. There is openGL memory that you can write to for display and there is a limited (16-64k ?) cache per thread
Although transfers from main memory to the GPU are relatively slow ( few GB/s) the internal memory bus on the graphics card is 20x as fast as this

why are draw calls expensive?

assuming the texture, vertex, and shader data are already on the graphics card, you don't need to send much data to the card. there's a few bytes to identify the data, and presumably a 4x4 matrix, and some assorted other parameters.
so where is all of the overhead coming from? do the operations require a handshake of some sort with the gpu?
why is sending a single mesh containing a bunch of small models, calculated on the CPU, often faster than sending the vertex id and transformation matrices? (the second option looks like there should be less data sent, unless the models are smaller than a 4x4 matrix)
First of all, I'm assuming that with "draw calls", you mean the command that tells the GPU to render a certain set of vertices as triangles with a certain state (shaders, blend state and so on).
Draw calls aren't necessarily expensive. In older versions of Direct3D, many calls required a context switch, which was expensive, but this isn't true in newer versions.
The main reason to make fewer draw calls is that graphics hardware can transform and render triangles much faster than you can submit them. If you submit few triangles with each call, you will be completely bound by the CPU and the GPU will be mostly idle. The CPU won't be able to feed the GPU fast enough.
Making a single draw call with two triangles is cheap, but if you submit too little data with each call, you won't have enough CPU time to submit as much geometry to the GPU as you could have.
There are some real costs with making draw calls, it requires setting up a bunch of state (which set of vertices to use, what shader to use and so on), and state changes have a cost both on the hardware side (updating a bunch of registers) and on the driver side (validating and translating your calls that set state).
But the main cost of draw calls only apply if each call submits too little data, since this will cause you to be CPU-bound, and stop you from utilizing the hardware fully.
Just like Josh said, draw calls can also cause the command buffer to be flushed, but in my experience that usually happens when you call SwapBuffers, not when submitting geometry. Video drivers generally try to buffer as much as they can get away with (several frames sometimes!) to squeeze out as much parallelism from the GPU as possible.
You should read the nVidia presentation Batch Batch Batch!, it's fairly old but covers exactly this topic.
Graphics APIs like Direct3D translate their API-level calls into device-agnostic commands and queue them up in a buffer. Flushing that buffer, to perform actual work, is expensive -- both because it implies the actual work is now being performed, and because it can incur a switch from user to kernel mode on the chip (and back again), which is not that cheap.
Until the buffer is flushed, the GPU is able to do some prep work in parallel with the CPU, so long as the CPU doesn't make a blocking request (such as mapping data back to the CPU). But the GPU won't -- and can't -- prepare everything until it needs to actually draw. Just because some vertex or texture data is on the card doesn't mean it's arranged appropriately yet, and may not be arrangeable until vertex layouts are set or shaders are bound, et cetera. The bulk of the real work happens during the command flush and draw call.
The DirectX SDK has a section on accurately profiling D3D performance which, while not directly related to your question, can supply some hints as to what is and is not expensive and (in some cases) why.
More relevant is this blog post (and the follow-up posts here and here), which provide a good overview of the logical, low-level operational process of the GPU.
But, essentially (to try and directly answer your questions), the reason the calls are expensive isn't that there is necessarily a lot of data to transfer, but rather that there is a large body of work beyond just shipping data across the bus that gets deferred until the command buffer is flushed.
Short answer: The driver buffers some or all of the actual the work until you call draw. This will show up as a relatively predictable amount of time spent in the draw call, depending how much state has changed.
This is done for a few reasons:
to avoid doing unnecessary work: If you (unnecessarily) set the same state multiple times before drawing it can avoid doing expensive work each time this occurs. This actually becomes a fairly common occurrence in a large codebase, say a production game engine.
to be able to reconcile what internally are interdependent states instead of processing them immediately with incomplete information
Alternate answer(s):
The buffer the driver uses to store rendering commands is full and the app is effectively waiting for the GPU to process some of the earlier work. This will typically show up as extremely large chunks of time blocking in a random draw call within a frame.
The number of frames that the driver is allowed to buffer up has been reached and the app is waiting on the GPU to process one of them. This will typically show up as a large chunk of time blocking in the first draw call within a frame, or on Present at the end of the previous frame.
