Using RestructuredText and Sphinx to include a preformatted file - documentation-generation

I'm trying to make this fragment work:
Version History
These are the versions over time::
.. include:: ../../CHANGES.txt
That is, use the include directive so that a file is included as a block quote. Once inside a block quote, the directive is quoted. I want the contents of the file in a block quote.
Any idea how to do this?

I think the .. literalinclude:: directive should give you what you want.


RST conditional directives don't work using standard syntax

I've defined a conditional tag in my makefile so I can use the ONLY directive to conditionally remove blocks of text.
Makefile entry:
set BUILDDIR=_build
sphinx-build -t internal
I have a single LINE of information that I need to make disappear for a specific docs build. Here is the instance:
workspace: "xxx"
<first indented list items>
.. only:: internal
xt-team-name: "phoenix" # for use with XT Grok - exclude this line otherwise **
<following list items - must stay put>
The 'internal' directive works, BUT it wipes out everything following the single line of text, that I DID NOT want to wipe out for this build. I have no spacebar characters or tab stops after the excluded text line - just a bare newline. I thought the newline would end the conditional operation?
What's the trick to get it to work on just the one piece? Can't move anything - it would disrupt the logic of the preceding and following indented sections of information. Tweaked the example to make it clearer.
White space has meaning in reStructuredText.
Indent the content that you want to hide for internal under the only directive.
Do not indent the content that you want to show.
workspace: "xxx"
.. only:: internal
xt-team-name: "phoenix" # for use with XT Grok - exclude this line otherwise **
<following body of information>
Upon realizing that you want a list of items, not paragraphs, you can still get this to work with proper indentation.
List of Items
* One
* Two
.. only:: internal
* Two and one-half (hidden)
* Three
sphinx-build -b html . _build
sphinx-build -b html -t internal . _build
Also if you do not want "Two and one-half (hidden)" to be a member of a nested list, but of its parent list, then you can dedent it and its only directive.

Why doesn't 'text{$variable}' work for me?

I'm using the latest stable version of Smarty and can't get this string to work. I've looked at other questions for solution to do this but none seem to work.
This is a template file (TPL), and doesn't contain any PHP at all. Note that the TPL file is compiled to a PHP script and then sent to the browser. It's not a PHP file.
Current code:
which outputs as:
instead of the value of $bar.
What am I doing wrong?
If you use any variables within text you have to use double-quotes " instead of single quotation marks '. Text within single quotation marks is not parsed for variables in PHP.

How to embed shell snippets in doxygen documentation

When installing my package, the user should at some point type
./wand-new "`cat wandcfg_install.spell`"
Or whatever the configuration file is called. If I put this line inside \code ... \endcode, doxygen thinks it is C++ or... Anyway, the word "new" is treated as keyword. How do I avoid this is in a semantically correct way?
I think \verbatim is disqualified because it actually is code, right?
(I guess the answer is to poke that Dimitri should add support for more languages inside a code block like LaTeX listings package, or at least add an disableparse option to code in the meantime)
Doxygen, as of July 2017, does not officially support documenting Shell/Bash scripting language, not even as an extension. There is an unofficial filter called bash-doxygen. Simple to setup: only one file download and three flags adjustments:
Edit the Doxyfile to map shell files to C parser: EXTENSION_MAPPING = sh=C
Set your shell script file names pattern as Doxygen inputs, like
e.g.: FILE_PATTERNS = *.sh
Mention doxygen-bash.sed in either the INTPUT_FILTER or the
FILTER_PATTERN directive of your Doxyfile. If doxygen-bash.sed is in
your $PATH, then you can just invoke it as is, else use sed -n -f /path/to/doxygen-bash.sed --.
Please note that since it uses C language parsing, some limitations apply, as stated in the main README page of bash-doxygen, one of them, at least in my tests, that the \code {.sh} recognises shell syntax, but all lines in the code block begin with an asterisk (*), apparently as a side-effect of requiring that all Doxygen doc sections have lines starting with double-hashes (##).

How to add comments to an Exuberant Ctags config file?

What character can I use to put comments in an Exuberant Ctags .ctags file?
I would like to add comments with explanations, and perhaps to disable some regexps.
But I can't find any comment character which ctags-exuberant accepts!
I keep getting the warning:
ctags: Warning: Ignoring non-option in /home/joey/.ctags
which is better than an error, but still a little annoying.
I have tried # // /* ... */ and ; as comments, but ctags tries to parse them all!
Here is an example file with some comments which ctags will complain about:
# Add some more rules for Javascript
--regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*var ([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*).*$/\1/v,variable/
--regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*this\.([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)[ \t]*=.*$/\1/e,export/
--regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*):.*$/\1/p,property/
--regex-javascript=/^\<function\>[ \t]*([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)/\1/f,function/
# Define tags for the Coffeescript language
--regex-coffee=/^class #?([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)( extends [a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)?$/\1/c,class/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*(#|this\.)([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*).*$/\2/e,export/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*#?([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*):.*[-=]>.*$/\1/f,function/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)[ \t]+=.*[-=]>.*$/\1/f,function/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)[ \t]+=[^->\n]*$/\1/v,variable/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*#?([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*):.*$/\1/p,property/
You can't! I looked through the source code (thanks to apt-get source). There are no checks for lines to ignore. The relevant code is in parseFileOptions() in options.c
But sometimes comments are a neccessity, so as a workaround I put a comment in as a regexp, in such as way that it is unlikely to ever match anything.
--regex-coffee=/^(COMMENT: Disable next line when using prop tag)/\1/X,XXX/
The ^ helps the match to fail quickly, whilst the ( ) wrapper is purely for visual effect.
Your comment should be a valid regexp, to avoid warnings on stderr. (That means unescaped /s must be avoided, and if you use any [ ] ( or )s they should be paired up.) See Tom's solution to avoid these restrictions.
As #joeytwiddle points out, comments are not supported by the parser, but there is a work-around.
Example .ctags file:
--regex-C=/$x/x/x/e/ The ctags parser currently doesn't support comments
--regex-C=/$x/x/x/e/ This is a work-around which works with '/' characters
--regex-C=/$x/x/x/e/ You can add whatever comment text you want here.
You can use '#' as the start of comment if you are using Universal-ctag(
Given that comments don't work, what about a .ctags.readme file...
For most things you don't actually need a comment, e.g. you don't really need the comment below.
# Define tags for the Coffeescript language
I can see however that you might want to add comments explaining some mind bending regex, so for each line that absolutely needs it you can copy paste it into the .ctags.readme file as a markdown file:
Forgive me father for I have regexed
It was purely because I wanted some lovely coffee properties
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*#?([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*):.*$/\1/p,property/
Keeping .ctags.readme and .ctags in sync
You could have a block at the bottom of the ctags file separated with a line break, then delete this final block.
If you only have the one line break in your .ctags file this sed will delete all the lines after the line break.
Then do some grepping for the --regex lines to append the lines from .ctags.readme into .ctags.
sed -i '/^\s*$/,$d' .ctags
grep "^--regex" .ctags.readme >> .ctags

Makefile problem with files beginning with "#"

I have a directory "FS2" that contains the following files:
I have a makefile with the following contents.
Template:sh= ls ./FS2/*
#all: $(Template)
echo "Template is: $(Template)"
touch all
When I run "clearmake -C sun" and the file "all" does not exist, I get the following output:
"Template is: ./FS2/#ARGH# ./FS2/that ./FS2/this"
Modifying either "this" or "that" does not cause "all" to be regenerated. When run with "-d" for debug, the "all" target is only dependent on the directory "./FS2", not the three files in the directory. I determined that when it expands "Template", the "#" gets treated as the beginning of a comment and the rest of the line is ignored!
The problem is caused by an editor that when killed leaves around files that begin with "#". If one of those files exists, then no modifications to files in the directory causes "all" to be regenerated.
Although, I do not want to make compilation dependent on whether a temporary file has been modified or not and will remove the file from the "Template" variable, I am still curious as to how to get this to work if I did want to treat the "#ARGH#" as a filename that the rule "all" is dependent on. Is this even possible?
I have a directory "FS2" that contains the following files: #ARGH# ...
Therein lies your problem. In my opinion, it is unwise using "funny" characters in filenames. Now I know that those characters are allowed but that doesn't make them a good idea (ASCII control characters like backspace are also allowed with similar annoying results).
I don't even like spaces in filenames, preferring instead SomethingLikeThis to show independent words in a file name, but at least the tools for handling spaces in many UNIX tools is known reasonably well.
My advice would be to rename the file if it was one of yours and save yourself some angst. But, since they're temporary files left around by an editor crash, delete them before your rules start running in the makefile. You probably shouldn't be rebuilding based on an editor temporary file anyway.
Or use a more targeted template like: Template:sh= ls ./FS2/[A-Za-z0-9]* to bypass those files altogether (that's an example only, you should ensure it doesn't faslely exclude files that should be included).
'#' is a valid Makefile comment char, so the second line is ignored by the make program.
Can you filter out (with grep) the files that start with # and process them separately?
I'm not familiar with clearmake, but try replacing your template definition with
Template:sh= ls ./FS2/* | grep -v '#'
so that filenames containing # are not included in $(Template).
If clearmake follows the same rules as GNU make, then you can also re-write your target using something like Template := $(wildcard *.c) which will be a little more intelligent about files with oddball names.
If I really want the file #ARGH# to contribute to whether the target all should be rebuilt as well as be included in the artifacts produced by the rule, the Makefile should be modified so that the line
Template:sh= ls ./FS2/*
is changed to
Template_files:sh= ls $(Template)
This works because $(Template) will be replaced by the literal string ./FS2/* after all and in the expansion of $(Template_files).
Clearmake (and GNU make) then use ./FS2/* as a pathname containing a wildcard when evaluating the dependencies, which expands in to the filenames ./FS2/#ARGH# ./FS2/that ./FS2/this and $(Template_files) can be used in the rules where a list of filenames is needed.
