Tell if a user has SUed in a shell script? - shell

I have a script which executes a git-pull when I log in. The problem is, if I su to a different user and preserve my environment with an su -lp, the script gets run again and usually gets messed up for various reasons because I'm the wrong user. Is there a way to determine in a shell script whether or not I'm currently SUing? I'm looking for a way that doesn't involve hard coding my username into the script, which is my current solution. I use Bash and ZSH as shells.

You could use the output of the who command with the id command:
WHO=`who am i | sed -e 's/ .*//'`
ID_WHO=`id -u $WHO`
ID=`id -u`
if [[ "$ID" = "$ID_WHO" ]]
echo "Not su"
echo "Is su"

if test "$(id -u)" = "0";
: # commands executed for root
: # commands executed for non root

If you are changing user identities with an suid executable, your real and effective user id will be different. But if use use su (or sudo), they'll both be set to the new user. This means that commands that call getuid() or geteuid() won't be useful.
A better method is to check who owns the terminal the script is being run on. This obviously won't work if the process has detached from it's terminal, but unless the script is being run by a daemon, this is unlikely. Try stat -c %U $(tty). I believe who am i will do the same thing on most Unix-like OSes as well.

You can use "$UID" environment variable.
If its value is ZERO, then the user has SUDOed.. Bcos root as $UID==0

Well.... on linux, if I su to another user the process su is in the new user's process list.
sudo... doesn't leave such pleasant things for you.
I'm using zsh... but I don't think anything in this is shell specific.
%ps | grep " su$"
returns anything, then you're running in an su'd shell.
Note: there is a space before su$ in that to exclude command simply ending in su. Doesn't guard against any custom program/script called su, though.


Using Expect to fill a password in a bash script

I am relatively new to working in bash and one of the biggest pains with this script I have to run is that I get prompted for passwords repeatedly when running this script. I am unable to pass ssh keys or use any options except expect due to security restrictions but I am struggling to understand how to use expect.
Does Expect require a separate file from this script to call itself, it seems that way looking at tutorials but they seem rather complex and confusing for a new user. Also how do I input into my script that I want it to auto fill in any prompt that says Password: ? Also this script runs with 3 separate unique variables every time the script is called. How do I make sure that those are gathered but the password is still automatically filled?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
zero=`echo $2`
TMPIP=`python bin/ $zero`
IP=`echo $TMPIP`
folder1=`echo $zero | cut -c 1-6`
folder2=`echo $zero`
mkdir $folder1
cd $folder1
mkdir $folder2
cd $folder2
scp $1#`echo $IP`:$3 .
Embedding expect code in an shell script is not too difficult. We have to be careful to get the quoting correct. You'll do something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
IP=$(python bin/ "$zero")
mkdir -p "${zero:0:6}/$zero"
cd "${zero:0:6}/$zero"
export user IP files
expect <<<'END_EXPECT' # note the single quotes here!
set timeout -1
spawn scp $env(user)#$env(IP):$env(files) .
expect {assword:}
send "$env(my_password)\r"
expect eof
Before you run this, put your password into your shell's exported environment variables:
export my_password=abc123
bash joe zero bigfile1.tgz
bash joe zero bigfile2.tgz
Having said all that, public key authentication is much more secure. Use that, or get your sysadmins to enable it, if at all possible.

How to use STDOUT inside /etc/ssh/sshrc without breaking SCP

I want to call a program when any SSH user logs in that prints a welcome message. I did this by editing the /etc/ssh/sshrc file:
ip=`echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d " " -f 1`
echo $USER logged in from $ip
For simplicity, I replaced the program call with a simple echo command in the example
The problem is, I learned SCP is sensitive to any script that prints to stdout in .bashrc or, apparently, sshrc. My SCP commands failed silently. This was confirmed here:
Lots of solutions offered quick ways to check if the user is in an interactive terminal:
if [[ $- != *i* ]]; then return; fi link
Fails becase [ is not linked
case $- in *i* link
Fails because in is not recognized?
Use tty program (same as above)
tty gave me a bizarre error code when executed from sshrc
While all of those solutions could work in a normal BASH environment, none of them work in the sshrc file. I believe that is because PATH (and I suspect a few other things) aren't actually available when executing from sshrc, despite specifying BASH with a shebang. I'm not really sure why this is the case, but this link is what tipped me off to the fact that sshrc is running in a limited environment.
So the question becomes: is there a way to detect interactive terminal in the limited environment that sshrc executes in?
Use test to check $SSH_TTY (final solution in this link):
test -z $SSH_TTY || echo $USER logged in from $ip

Effective Methods of changing Shells in UNIX

I used to work with UNIX a couple years ago, and I am just starting to get back into it again. I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question.
For example, if I am in bash, I say chsh --shell /bin/tcsh after this I am prompted to enter my password. If I try to say echo $SHELL it will not tell me I have changed shells. It still tells me I am in bash, not C shell. So I have to exit and restart. Once I log back it, then it tells I am in C shell.
Is there a more effective method to change shells? One that does not require me having to log in and out?
Thank you in advance.
chsh(1): change your login shell
Once you change your shell with chsh, it should automatically login to that shell every time you open a terminal.
If you want to use a different shell temporary, just run that shell directly: "tcsh", "zsh", etc..
If you want to use a particular shell for a script use shebang "#!".
Example -- The following on the first line of a shell script will ensure the script is run with sh (and you can do this for any shell available on your system):
Always check your current shell by using :
echo $0
That way you will get the exact process ( your current shell ) you are running. If you print $SHELL it will return to you the default shell that will be open when you login to the server which unless that's what you need its not reliable.
ubuntu$ echo $SHELL
ubuntu$ echo $0
ubuntu$ sh
\[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[m\]$ echo $SHELL
\[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[m\]$ echo $0

Check if possible to run command as sudo in Bourne shell?

I'm writing a Bourne shell deployment script, which runs some commands as root and some as the current user. I want to not run all commands as root, and check upfront if the commands I'll need are available to root (to prevent aborted half-done deployments).
In order to do this, I want to make a function that checks if a command can be run as root. My idea was to do this:
sudo_command() {
sudo sh -c 'type "$1"'
And then to use it like so:
required_sudo_commands="cp rm apt"
for command in $required_sudo_commands do
sudo_command "$command" || (
echo "missing required command: $command;
exit 1;
As you might guess by my question here: it doesn't work. Does any of you see what I'm doing wrong here?
I tried running the command inside sudo_command by itself, but that miraculously (to me) did work. But when I put the command into a separate file, it didn't work.
There are two immediate problems:
The $1 not expanding in single quotes.
You can semi-fix this by expanding it in double quotes instead: sudo sh -c "type '$1'"
Your command not exiting. That's easily fixed by replacing your || (..) with || {..}.
(..) creates a subshell that limits the scope of everything inside it including exit. To group commands, use {..}
However, there is also the fundamental problem of trying to use sh -c 'type "$1" to do anything.
One of the major points of sudo is the ability to limit what a user can and can't do. You're assuming that a user has complete, unrestricted access to run arbitrary commands as root, and that any problems are due to root not having these commands available.
That may be a valid assumption for you, but you may want to instead run e.g. sudo apt --version to get a better (but still incomplete) picture of whether you're allowed and able to run apt with sudo without requiring complete and unrestricted access.

Spawning background process under different user in bash

I know I can run this command to spawn a background process and get the PID:
PID=`$SCRIPT > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!`
and to run a command under different user:
su - $USER -c "$COMMAND"
I don't want the script to run as root and I can't quite figure out how to combine the two and get the PID of the spawned process.
I think you want the runuser command. General syntax:
runuser -l userNameHere -c 'command'
I suspect that if you set your $SCRIPT variable to the above (with appropriate changes), your first command will do what you want.
To elaborate on: See the following: -…
See particularly the following quote from Chris Dodd:
Unfortunately there's no easy way to do this prior to bash version 4, when $BASHPID was
introduced. One thing you can do is to write a tiny program that prints its parent PID:...
If you have bash 4 and BASHPID, see $$ in a script vs $$ in a subshell
I don't have version 4, so I can't provide an example of it's usage.
Or write a tiny C program which execvs it's arguments and make it setuid to USER.
Or even make a setuid shell script (not generally recommended). Hopefully the USER is fixed; if not, get the source for runuser, this is essentially what runuser (not a POSIX command) does.
PID=`su - $USER -c "$SCRIPT > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!"`
The problems with the your use of su (above) include:
the $! is being executed in the context of the -c sub-shell of su, not the current shell where PID is,
you're requesting that your SCRIPT be run as a login shell, so you don't even know if USER's shell supports $!,
you have no control over the parent-child process chain that su (and the user's shell) create.
IOW, when you use
PID=`$SCRIPT > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!`
there's only one program involved, bash, and two (maybe three?) processes that you pretty much have complete control over. When you throw su into the mix, that changes things much more than is apparent on the surface -- bash and su support similar arguments, right?!?
For obvious reasons, su does mucho magic to protect it and its' children's environment from attacks; it doesn't even like being put in the background....
It's kind of late, but here is a two liner will work, seems to need to be two so that it doesn't wait for the $SCRIPT to complete:
su $USER -c "$SCRIPT 2>&1 & >> $LogOrNull echo $! > /some/writeable/path"
PID="$(cat /some/writeable/path)"
/some/writeable/path will need to be writeable by $USER
And the user running these commands will need to have read access
