Parsing Mod-Rewrite - mod-rewrite

I'm trying to get two parameters with mod-rewrite. I tried to split them with "-" but unfortunately it returns last word as second parameter.
should be the URLs, "ilkogretim" will be the first parameter and the rest of it will be the second parameter. (After first "-")
My rules as follows:
RewriteRule ^ders/(.*)-(.*)/?$ /ogretmenler.php?sinif=$1&ders=$2 [QSA,L]
I hope I could explain the problem..
Thanks in advance...

Your . is only capturing a single character - you need a quantifier on there.
I've also made the first group capture any character except -:
ders/([^-]+)-(.*)/?$ /ogretmenler.php?sinif=$1&ders=$2 [QSA,L]

The problem is the single dots (.)-(.) will only match a single character. You probably want something like
The first group will match zero or more non - characters, followed by the single - and then the 2nd group will match zero or more of any character (you could restrict this more if desired).


Regex Expression for Hashtags

This is the current expression i use. It works fine except the dash - is not allowed. I need this: #what-ever to be captured.
How can i add the dash to this expression ?
Just add the pattern which was present inside the first capturing group that is \w plus - into a character class. So that it would capture a word character or a - symbol. + after the character class makes the previous token to repeat one or more times.

Firefox showing an odd string of characters in the location bar

I've seen this a few times recently, but never paid attention to it. Now that it's causing problems, though I need to figure it out.
Sometimes when I visit a site in Firefox 13 on the Mac I get this strange string attached to the end of the URL in the location bar.
It always starts with "#.T_" and is usually something like "#.T_3HiHDevA8".
For the life of me I can't figure out what's causing it. It only comes up on the first load
I do have a bit of rewriting going on, but I don't understand how that could be adding things to the location bar. Here's my .htaccess file.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_]+)/?$ / [QSA]
Thanks for any help.
'qsappend|QSA' (query string append)
This flag forces the rewrite
engine to append a query string part of the substitution string to the
existing string, instead of replacing it. Use this when you want to
add more data to the query string via a rewrite rule.
The QSA flag indicates to append the query string of the subsitution string.
Taking a futher look:
^ = Beginning of URL
( ) = Groups a series of pattern elements
[ ] = Denotes a set of possible matches
a-zA-Z_ = Alpha-numerical characters and underscore '_' only
+ = indicates there is one or more of the preceding element
/ = Forward slash in URL
? = Match preceeding 0 or 1 times
$ = End of URL
Apply the above logic to your rule: RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_]+)/?$ / [QSA] will redirect the matches per the breakdown above to '/' and append the query string, assuming the URL does not eqaul to '/'.

Rewriting URLs with mod_rewrite for languages

I need some URL rewriting for my website using mod_rewrite but I can't figure out the regular expressions.
Here is what the current URLs may look like:
xyz may contain different strings, e.g. legal, about, etc.
And that's how I'd like the URLs to be used:
I should mention that only de and en shall be possible. Any other strings shall be rerouted to de.
Could somebody help me please? :-)
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^zenphoto/pages/([a-z]+)\?locale=(en|de)_[A-Z]{2}$ /zenphoto/$2/pages/$1
RewriteRule ^zenphoto/gallery_([0-9])\?locale=(en|de)_[A-Z]{2}$ /zenphoto/$2/gallery_$1
For the first example, I say: "If the URL starts (^) with "zenphoto/pages/" then have a sequence of lowercase letters (+ means "one or more", and [a-z] means "a letter in [a, b, ..., y, z]"), which is my first group (there is parentheses -> it's a group). Then it's followed by "?locale=", then by "en" or (| means "or") "de", and this is my second group, then it's followed by an underscore ("_") and two uppercase letters, and there is nothing after ($ means it's the end of the URL)".
I write a space, and the new URL I want, and I use $n to use the n-th group.
The second URL is the 'pretty one', and the first is the real.
You have to use backslashes before special chars like ?,+,{,},(,),[,],*,.,| if you want to use one in your URL.
If you want to avoid infinite loops, you should add the flag [L] (L = Last) at the end of each line.

Getting last part of URL into variable with Url Rewriter

I'm using Url Rewriter to create user-friendly URLs in my web app and have the following rule set up
<rewrite url="/(?!Default.aspx).+" to="/letterchain.aspx?ppc=$1"/>
How do I replace $1 so that it is the last part of the URL?
So that the following
would transform to
I've read the docs but can't find anything.
The $1 in the to portion of the group refers to the first capture group defined (eg the part in the brackets).
The part that you actually want injecting into the $1 is the .+ which isnt in a capture group.
I'm not sure but I think because of the (?! ) "match if suffix is absent" query this isnt counted as numbered capture group $1 so this should work:
<rewrite url="/(?!Default.aspx)(.+)" to="/letterchain.aspx?ppc=$1"/>
If it doesnt then just try inserting the second capture group into your to string instead:
<rewrite url="/(?!Default.aspx)(.+)" to="/letterchain.aspx?ppc=$2"/>
Please note that if you are developing for IIS 7+ is a module from Microsoft that performs faster rewrites with lower footprint.
BTW, your regex has a small problem, you need to escape the dot character, that is "/(?!Default.aspx)(.+)"

ReWrite RegEx, URL having at least one character

I have the following RewriteRule:
RewriteRule ^/people/([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]*)/?$ /people/people_details.cfm?person=$1 [I,L] works great for forwarding my rule, but I want to make sure that the regex only picks it up if it has more than one character. So really, I need to have my regex...
...have an additional rule to say that there has to be at least one character. Right now if I go to...
/people/ should go to the default document index.cfm, but because of the rule, it still tries to forward to my people_details.cfm
Any help?
Your regular expression that you put in your question already ensures that there must be at least one character. The + means "1 or more", as opposed to * which means "zero or more". Just change the * to a +. should go to the default document index.cfm, but because of the rule, it still tries to forward to my people_details.cfm
Thats because you have the "/" as optional at the end, which is probably not what you wanted.
