Visual Studio 2008/2010 & SQL Server 2008 on Windows 7 Home Premium - visual-studio

Are there any limitations with respect to developing ASP.NET and WPF apps using VS 2008/2010 and SQL Server 2008 on Windows 7 Home Premium?
I know you can run IIS 7.5 on Home Premium. I Googled and Binged on Home Premium and VS/SQL Server and couldn't find much. It doesn't look like the features missing from Home Premium, domain joining, xp mode, etc... shouldn't prevent one from running and developing in VS/SQL Server.
I did discover one limitation w/IIS 7.5 and it applies to all versions of Windows 7 I think. You can't create your own self signed SSL certificate specifying a name other than the machine name. You're stuck with your machine name which isn't that big a deal, but it is a change from previous versions.
Update II
You can't do remote debugging on Home Premium. msvsmon won't run at all. I can't even get it to do remote debugging natively.

Visual studio will run fine. You will be "limited" to either SQL Server Express, or SQL Server Developer edition as the mssql installer checks the OS version and will refuse to install the higher end editions on desktop OSes. Note that developer edition is the exact same as the higher end editions, except with a different license, you can only use it for development, not to run real databases.

Yes, you can, and you won't have any trouble with it.
In general, application compatibility is not affected by the edition (not version) of Windows.

I would consider what the target infrastructure (Windows/IIS, .net, SQL Server etc versions) would be if you want to deploy it...


SharePoint 2010 Development on Virtual Machine - Windows 7 or Server 2008?

I recently switched to a MacBook Pro for my development machine (for many reasons). I want to setup a Virtual Machine for ASP.NET, IIS, and Visual Studio 2010 development. I also have need to do some development work with SharePoint 2010.
What I am wondering is if I should use Windows 7 (64 bit) or Windows Server 2008 (64 bit) as the OS for my development virtual machine. I don't really need most of the services running in Server 2008 so I felt that Windows 7 would probably run faster in the VM environment however I am fairly new to SharePoint 2010 so I am not sure if Windows 7 (64 bit) can be used as a development environment for it.
Thanks for any input.
much easier is to install SharePoint 2010 on Win Server than on Windows 7 - on Windows 7 you need to install SharePoint manually (extract installation files, install prerequisites, install additional patches etc). Here is a link how to do it:
Services will not make a difference. Look at all the stuff you need for Sharepoint - this is not a low capacity environment. So, 00mb will not make a difference. Between SQL Server, Sharepoint server and Visual Studio I would say you ASK for about 6-8gb anyway ;)
I do not think it makes a difference now. Sharepoint 2010 was explicitly optimized for being installable on Win 7 - and this is a fully supported development model (contrary to 2007 where you basically were at the end of a bad line as developer). Win 7 should be good. That said, you can tune Windows server to be as good as Win 7 UI wise (for development work and playing music in the background).
I would go with Windows 7 for the time being - and possibly install Sharepoint on a separate Win 2008 when needed. THe main problem here is that Sharepoint is heavy in mem useage, and I woud hate carrying it around all the other time.
A MacBook Pro may be a bad choice for that - make sure you have at least 8gb memory for real sharepoint development work.
I work with people that use SharePoint in a VM on a Mac and their life is much harder. Among other things copying and pasting code between the guest and host machine doesn't work, and they're forced to dedicate one monitor to the VM. You should really consider Boot Camp and Windows 7.
Boot Camp + Windows 7 should get you:
Ability to use multiple monitors (Visual Studio's multi-monitor support is really wonderful)
Ability to hibernate (which you wouldn't necessarily get in Boot Camp + Server 2008 R2)
Use of all of your memory (SharePoint 2010 is a memory hog, running in a VM won't help the situation)
Fewer inconveniences like copy and paste problems
If for whatever reason Boot Camp isn't an option I'd go with Windows 7 in a VM. One of the big pros over Server 2008 is it has all of the features that you need already enabled. It ends up being a lot of work to debug why something isn't working in Server 2008 R2 only to find some obscure feature or service wasn't installed or activated out of the box.

Is Windows 7 Home Premium edition sufficient for software development?

Is the Windows 7 Home Premium sufficient for software development?
Development would be in Visual Studio 2010.
I'm on a budget so would rather purchase 'Home Premium' rather than 'Professional' or 'Ultimate'.
The Microsoft site says there is next to nothing functionality wise between them that developers would miss. Can anyone confirm or deny?
BTW. Does it come with a version of IIS?
I realize that this is not a technical question. But it is important to me and I'm sure other developers wonder the same thing.
-- Lee
Yes. I write software using VS 2010 in WIndows 7 Home Premium without any trouble.
Basically, yes, it's totally sufficient.
A big upside to professional edition, though, is that it comes with Windows XP mode, essentially a virtual machine with a built-in XP installation (and included license). That can come in handy if you do web development (test things in IE6/7) or need to test applications in the old XP GUI.
Windows XP mode can also be a lifesaver if you need to run older applications that won't run properly in 7. I personally would consider choosing the Professional Edition for that reason.
Don't purchase either, instead buy a MAPS subscription from them. In the UK these cost £199 p.a. (I imagine less in the states) for which you get virtually everything you're likely to need except Visual Studio. Currently you get
10 licences for MS Office 2007
10 for Project
10 for Visio
10 for Outlook
10 for Mappoint (North America only)
1 for Office Communications Server plus 10 CALS
10 for Windows 7 Professional
1 for Windows 7 Ultimate
1 for Windows Server 2008 R2, plus 10 Server CALS and 10 Terminal Server CALS
1 for Windows Web Server 2008 R2
1 for Windows Home Server 2008 R2
1 for Windows Business Server
1 for Windows Exchange server plus 10 CALS
1 for Windows Office Sharepoint, plus 10 CALS
1 for WIndows SQL Server standard plus 10 CALS
Plus a bunchload of other odds and sods servers and products of lesser interest.
MAPS is such good value - and I'm by no means a Microsoft fan - that purchase is pretty much a no-brainer for any software developer who runs Windows in any form.
UPDATE: Since I wrote this Microsoft now offer a Developer version of MAPS which replaces some of the more esoteric servers with Visual Studio. You still get the Office, Windows and SQL Server licences, which makes it just about perfect for any developer.
What you won't find on the Microsoft site, but on Wikipedia, is a nice Comparison Chart.
Compared to Professional, the Home Premium edition lacks:
support for more than 16 GB of memory: start worrying about that in a few years' time
network support in the Backup and Restore Center: not a problem if you handle your own backups
Remote Desktop server: not a problem if you develop only locally
some advanced disk management stuff: not a problem
features for a company network environment: not a problem
Windows XP mode: handy if you want to test on XP, but can be replaced by e.g. VMWare running an XP installation
Multilingual User Interface support: handy if you want to develop and test multilingual desktop applications
In conclusion: Professional may have some additional value if you develop Windows desktop applications for a diverse audience. If not, go for Home Premium.
Since you specifically asked:
Installing IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic, or Home Starter (TechNet)
I guess in the past there were issues with developing for IIS on XP Home, but it looks like you can install IIS 7.5 on ANY version of Windows 7, including Starter, which I am surprised to see. I thought Starter was short of being useless for developers.
I agree with Pekka about XP Mode in Pro and Ultimate coming in handy if you need it. Sounds like Brian is already doing it and its working fine (I'm on Vista Ultimate until next week).
Yes. The OS you use really has little to do with development, unless you're targetting something specific to a version or edition of Windows (rare).

How to set up a SharePoint 2010 developer machine?

As the release date for the public beta of SharePoint 2010 is coming closer and closer, I'm wondering how to set up a developer machine for it. I've heard that for developing on SharePoint a 64 bit system is needed and that Microsoft advises to use Windows 7 64 bit and install SharePoint 2010 on it.
I think that won't be an option for me as I only have one computer here at work and I don't like to install SharePoint on the same machine that I use for my normal office work (email stuff, writing concept papers, ...).
Am I right that I only have two other options? Using Server 2008 as a desktop operating system and install SharePoint 2010 on a virtual machine or using Windows 7 64 and use VMWare to host the SharePoitn 2010.
So I'm wondering if there are any other options and which one you chose? What experiences have you already made?
If you decide to install 2010 on your Vista/Windows 7 machine, make sure you have at least 4GB of RAM (I'd personally want at least 6, if not 8), and follow the instructions from MSDN: "Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint Server"
Yes, you are right there are only three options:
Install SharePoint onto the OS natively (new for 2010 and aimed at developers)
Install SharePoint into a VM you run on your machine
Get a second machine and install SharePoint on it.
In addition you will need Visual Studio 2010 for the developer experience to be complete.
I would highly recommend trying the install native route as it will provide a great development experience and will run fairly light. Also at worst you can have two batch files, one of which starts and the other stops the services so there will be zero impact except disk.
I am doing some SP2010 development at the moment. I have:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with Sharepoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 installed, running on Hyper-V. I just connect to it via Remote Desktop. Works a treat. I do all my dev in the VS2010 instance running on the VM, leaving my physical work computer free for everything else. I back up my work using TFS, so if I mess up the Sharepoint install (somehow), I can just roll back to a previous snapshot.
hope that helps. :D
Sharepoint 2010 development takes a lot of hardware resources. You can't use Hyper-V on Windows 7 but if you have the Enterprise version of the OS, you can build and boot directly from VHD, taking normal advantage of hardware resources. To learn how, you can visit this post:

How to transform Win2K3 into a Workstation Developement OS?

Here is a question not directly related to programming.
Being fed up with Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and the lots of eye-candy, I want to try Microsoft Windows Server 2003 as the main OS on my development PC. (The other reason is a better version of IIS than 5.1). And knowing that Win2K3 was originally designed as a Server OS, I think that I should make it somehow more "workstation friendly".
My question is: How do I transform Win2K3 (Standard Edition most probably) into a Workstation OS? Any articles or links are highly appreciated.
PS: My development PC must run mainly MS Visual Studio 2008, MS SQL Server 2008, MS Expression Studio 2, different Oracle software (10gR2, ExpressEdition, 11g) and other little utilities (a testing framework, a subversion tool - TFS, a web browser, a bittorrent client, etc). All of this are compatible with Win2K3, as I previously checked.
I only server OS as my workstation, I had Server 2003 before I switched to Server 2008. There's a guide you can find here
You shouldn't run into any problems. Most of windows xp drivers will work on server 2003, however, some apps won't. Especially those that check for the OS version before installing. But you shouldn't have any problems with VS2008, Expression and anything you posted.
For me the only thing that was troublesome was running iTunes on server 2003, it doesn't look as good.
And if you like the eye candy you can turn it on by starting the Theme service and changing a few settings.
You shouldn't run into any issues running those applications on Server 2003.
The last time I personally ran 2003 on a workstation the only real big change was changing the security settings of internet explorer.
If you run one of the free anti-virus software packages you may find that they will not install on a Server OS.
edit: As another poster has suggested I would also go straight to server 2008 if it is an options. Server 2008 runs very well as a workstation OS and if you're hardware supports it the virtual server works very well.
Here's links for turning 2003 into workstation:
If you'd like use Windows Server 2008 as a workstation, runs much better (faster) than a regular Vista install:
or try getting your hands on Windows 7 RC1 which runs quite well.
None of the software types you've listed has any workstation-biased dependencies that I'm aware of. Expression Blend may suffer a bit depending on your hardware and drivers, as WPF is a little more demanding of visual goo than most other development tools for Windows forms.

Installing Team Foundation Server

What are the best practices in setting up a new instance of TFS 2008 Workgroup edition?
Specifically, the constraints are as follows:
Must install on an existing Windows Server 2008 64 bit
TFS application layer is 32 bit only
Should I install SQL Server 2008, Sharepoint and the app layer in a virtual instance of Windows Server 2008 or 2003(I am already running Hyper-V) or split the layers with a database on the host OS and the app layer in a virtual machine?
Edit: Apparently, splitting the layers is not recommended
This is my recipe for installing TFS 2008 SP1.
There is no domain controller in this scenario, we are only a couple of users. If I was to do it again, I would consider changing our environement to use a active directory domain.
Host Server running Windows Server 2008 with 8GB RAM and quad processor
Fresh install of Windows Server 2008 32bit in a VM under Hyper-V
Install Application Server role with IIS
Install SQL Server 2008 Standard edition
Use a user account for Reporting Services and Analysis Services
Create a slipstreamed image of TFS 2008 with SP1 and install TFS
Install VSTS 2008
Install Team System Explorer
Install VSTS 2008 SP1
Install TFS Web Access Power tool
After installing everything, reports were not generated. Found this forum post that helped resolve the problem.
Open p://localhost:8080/Warehouse/v1.0/warehousecontroller.asmx
Run the webservice (see above link for details), it will take a little while, the tfsWarehouse will be rebuilt
It is very important to do things in order, download the installation guide and follow it to the letter. I forgot to install the Team System Explorer until after installing SP1 and ventured into all sorts of problems. Installing SP1 once more fixed that.
One critical thing you has to keep in mind about TFS, is that it likes to have the machine all to it self. So if you have to create a separate instance on Hyper-V do it using the proven Windows Server 2003 platform with SQL Server 2005.
I am sure Microsoft has done a great job getting it to work under Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008, however you don't get any additional features with this newer install and it is currently unproven in the wild.
So my recommendation is to stick with what is known until the next release of TFS comes out.
Also splitting the layers is definitely not recommended, especially in the workgroup edition where you will only be allowed to have 5 licensed users. Those 5 users will never exceed the server's needs. Also my recommendation is to not update Sharepoint if you don't need to. In my environment, we don't really use Sharepoint all that much, so I left it alone. Sharepoint is usually, in my experience, where most of the problems come from with TFS.
I just upgraded our team to TFS 2008, from TFS 2005. The hardest part was upgrading SharePoint 2.0 to 3.0, so I would make sure to do that first, if you have not already installed TFS 2008. We had a couple of other difficulties, but they were all either related to the SharePoint upgrade, or to the fact that we were using an aftermarket Policy package - Scrum for TeamSystem. We are on SQL Server 2005, so I cannot address SQL Server 2008. As for splitting the layers, we did not do this either, as we are running on Windows Server 2003 and everything ran under the host OS.
Splitting the layers is only needed for more than 450 users.
I would also recommend having the Build Server on a completely seperate machine. Building is very file system intensive. SQL Server performs best when it has complete control of a file system - so having build and TFS on the same machine may create performance issues while builds are executing.
Perhaps this can be alleviated with proper tuning and seperate physical drives - but I'd think in the long run it would be a lot simpler to just either use some old hardware - or spin up a small virtual machine on a seperate host for your builds
