How do I access a session variable from APP_CODE? - session

I have seen lots of posts here and elsewhere stating that one can access session variables from app_code. I want to access an already created session.
this code errors out because of a null exception.
string myFile = HttpContext.Current.Session["UploadedFile"];
this creates a null session variable.
System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
It looks like I can create a new session variable but not access an already created one. Anyone have any idea what might be giving me problems?

I was having ths same problem, but I was able to fix it because I controlled where in the event lifecycle I was attempting to leverage HttpContect.Current.Session... it makes a difference because Session isn't available, for example, on construction.
Maybe that will help you.


coldfusion session variable not defined

Ive been monitoring the log files of my application recently and its got quite a few references of a certain session variable apparently not existing.
I Know its been defined, as its been part of the application since we built the very first version around 4 or 5 years ago.
So what Im wondering is... if CF throws an error stating that the session variable is undefined. is this an example of a race condition in CF ?
Or is there any other thing that could be causing this generally ?
The session variable is defined when the user logs in as part of their login credentials using a struct containing the users profile information.
At the point of adding an item to the users shopping cart, we must leverage a particular key of this struct to post to a legacy system.
From time to time we see that this variable is not defined. Which is really strange as its definitely there because if it wasnt, the struct that it resides in wouldnt exist.
This application is an application that has been migrated from CF 8 to CF10 and it could be the reason as to the cause of the issue.

Why Does Session Abandon Not Work?

I have following code
Session("Login") = "demo"
cx5_logout.asp :
Session("Login") = ""
response.redirect "c5x_login.asp?C5xName=Login"
I want to know if Session.Abandon will remove Session("Login")?
Currenly, I am check for Session("Login") to determinate if the user is login or not.
But it doesn't work.
User login
User logout
I print value from Session("Login") and it's still have value.
I have called Session.Abandon but why Session("Login") still have value?
Is it related with ASPSESSIONID cookie?
I try to remove that cookie manually and it's work.
Any explanation for this?
What Neel say's isn't wrong but it isn't right either, the problem is and constantly tends to be either question askers or people answering confusing Classic ASP with ASP.Net.
If your question is Classic ASP related then when talking about the Session object you need to consider the following.
Session.Abandon() should be used to completely dispose a session including the Session.SessionID.
But there is a cavert;
Quote from the MSDN Library - Session.Abandon()
"When the Abandon method is called, the current Session object is queued for deletion but is not actually deleted until all of the script commands on the current page have been processed. This means that you can access variables stored in the Session object on the same page as the call to the Abandon method but not in any subsequent Web pages."
This means that within the context of the current page your Session is still available, it isn't until you move on to another page that the Session object is actually disposed.
If you don't redirect after your log out page your Session will still be accessible but rest assured that any attempt to access it after leaving that page will fail.
As a test don't automatically redirect after logout but give the users a link to press and see if you get the same behaviour.

Joomla - Unset multiple session variables not working

I thought this would be simple but I guess there's a catch somewhere...
I'm developing a custom part of code for a Joomla installation and I need to unset some session variables before executing my code. So, naturally, I have
but the page appears totally blank and nothing happens. Any suggestions?
Assuming that you got the $session variable like this:
$session = JFactory::getSession();
If you are getting a blank page, you probably some error in your code. Do you have access to some kind of error log? If not, you can try to force displaying errors from your code if it's not a production environment (although it's not the best way to do it) or enable debug mode from the joomla administrator.
You can also try to run the php file in your browser, and if everything is ok and there are no parse errors in the file, you should see a message like 'Restricted access' or similar.
Besides, if the script is not crashing, you can check what value is returning each call to $session->clear( 'xxx' ) (It should return the value you just cleared.
The last thing that comes to my mind is that the vars you have stored in session are in a different "context". When you get/set data to session, you can pass a "namespace" as an additional parameter, so these vars are stored in that "namespace" (in fact, it's stored inside another index inside the session. So if possible, you should check if these variables are stored in session using a different "namespace":
$session->set( 'var1', $value, 'another_namespace' );
If so, you should clear it like this:
$session->clear( 'var1', 'another_namespace' );
P.S.: I said "namespace" because it's the parameter name that Joomla uses in these session methods, but don't get confused with PHP namespaces.
I hope it helped!

Using Session Vars in a MVC Domain Model library

I have a IQueryable function. In that function, I need to store and retrieve data to Session; can you guys point me in the right direction.
I've looked at the HttpSessionStatBase where the session is usually taken from HttpContext.Current but this doesnt seem possible to do in the library. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
I would avoid having a dependency on the static HttpContext. My preferred strategy would be to extract the information from the session in the controller and pass it as parameters (or set as properties) on your data access layer/repository. If you feel that you must use the Session directly, then I would provide it to the DAL/repository in the same manner -- as a property or as a parameter. Note, however, that you are increasing the coupling between your DAL/repository and the controller. This will make it much more difficult to re-use in a non-web setting, i.e., you'd have to create a fake session just to interact with the DAL/repository if you ever needed to work with it from a windows service or console app, for example.

Session not ending in ASP.NET

I have created an application in which i have used global.asax. I have created a static class which stores user information such as LoginID, CompanyID etc using properties. A property IsLoggedIn indicates whether user logged in or not. I have created a method ResetAll() within the same class to reset those properties.
The problem is that if the user directly closes the browser window without logging off the property values are not resetted. Therefore if the user opens a new browser window, the user is logged in automatically. I have also called ResetAll() within from Session_End() but still it is not working. Could someone explain me whats wrong with that or simply how to reset the property values if the user directly closes the browser window.
If I am reading this correctly and you have a class with static members, then you are going to run into issues. With an ASP.NET web app, static members are static for the entire AppDomain, not just for an individual user, so the values would be the same no matter where the request has come from.
It sounds like what you really need to think about doing is storing an instance of the user information class in the session. That way the information is specific to that particular user. Also, that should solve your issue as the session cookie is normally removed when the browser window is closed, forcing a new session when the browser window is re-opened.
So something like:
Dim thisUser As New UserInformation()
thisUser.LoginID = someValue
Session("UserInformation") = thisUser
You cannot make the class static. Worse than keeping the user logged in across sessions is the fact you cannot have multiple users in your system. They will all share the same login information. You should read about static.
What you want is to store an instance of that class in the session and access it whenever you need.
