Capturing Groups From a Grep RegEx - bash

I've got this little script in sh (Mac OSX 10.6) to look through an array of files. Google has stopped being helpful at this point:
for f in $files
echo $f | grep -oEi '[0-9]+_([a-z]+)_[0-9a-z]*'
echo $name
So far (obviously, to you shell gurus) $name merely holds 0, 1 or 2, depending on if grep found that the filename matched the matter provided. What I'd like is to capture what's inside the parens ([a-z]+) and store that to a variable.
I'd like to use grep only, if possible. If not, please no Python or Perl, etc. sed or something like it – I would like to attack this from the *nix purist angle.
Also, as a super-cool bonus, I'm curious as to how I can concatenate string in shell? Is the group I captured was the string "somename" stored in $name, and I wanted to add the string ".jpg" to the end of it, could I cat $name '.jpg'?

If you're using Bash, you don't even have to use grep:
for f in $files # unquoted in order to allow the glob to expand
if [[ $f =~ $regex ]]
echo "${name}.jpg" # concatenate strings
name="${name}.jpg" # same thing stored in a variable
echo "$f doesn't match" >&2 # this could get noisy if there are a lot of non-matching files
It's better to put the regex in a variable. Some patterns won't work if included literally.
This uses =~ which is Bash's regex match operator. The results of the match are saved to an array called $BASH_REMATCH. The first capture group is stored in index 1, the second (if any) in index 2, etc. Index zero is the full match.
You should be aware that without anchors, this regex (and the one using grep) will match any of the following examples and more, which may not be what you're looking for:
To eliminate the second and fourth examples, make your regex like this:
which says the string must start with one or more digits. The carat represents the beginning of the string. If you add a dollar sign at the end of the regex, like this:
then the third example will also be eliminated since the dot is not among the characters in the regex and the dollar sign represents the end of the string. Note that the fourth example fails this match as well.
If you have GNU grep (around 2.5 or later, I think, when the \K operator was added):
name=$(echo "$f" | grep -Po '(?i)[0-9]+_\K[a-z]+(?=_[0-9a-z]*)').jpg
The \K operator (variable-length look-behind) causes the preceding pattern to match, but doesn't include the match in the result. The fixed-length equivalent is (?<=) - the pattern would be included before the closing parenthesis. You must use \K if quantifiers may match strings of different lengths (e.g. +, *, {2,4}).
The (?=) operator matches fixed or variable-length patterns and is called "look-ahead". It also does not include the matched string in the result.
In order to make the match case-insensitive, the (?i) operator is used. It affects the patterns that follow it so its position is significant.
The regex might need to be adjusted depending on whether there are other characters in the filename. You'll note that in this case, I show an example of concatenating a string at the same time that the substring is captured.

This isn't really possible with pure grep, at least not generally.
But if your pattern is suitable, you may be able to use grep multiple times within a pipeline to first reduce your line to a known format, and then to extract just the bit you want. (Although tools like cut and sed are far better at this).
Suppose for the sake of argument that your pattern was a bit simpler: [0-9]+_([a-z]+)_ You could extract this like so:
echo $name | grep -Ei '[0-9]+_[a-z]+_' | grep -oEi '[a-z]+'
The first grep would remove any lines that didn't match your overall patern, the second grep (which has --only-matching specified) would display the alpha portion of the name. This only works because the pattern is suitable: "alpha portion" is specific enough to pull out what you want.
(Aside: Personally I'd use grep + cut to achieve what you are after: echo $name | grep {pattern} | cut -d _ -f 2. This gets cut to parse the line into fields by splitting on the delimiter _, and returns just field 2 (field numbers start at 1)).
Unix philosophy is to have tools which do one thing, and do it well, and combine them to achieve non-trivial tasks, so I'd argue that grep + sed etc is a more Unixy way of doing things :-)

I realize that an answer was already accepted for this, but from a "strictly *nix purist angle" it seems like the right tool for the job is pcregrep, which doesn't seem to have been mentioned yet. Try changing the lines:
echo $f | grep -oEi '[0-9]+_([a-z]+)_[0-9a-z]*'
to the following:
name=$(echo $f | pcregrep -o1 -Ei '[0-9]+_([a-z]+)_[0-9a-z]*')
to get only the contents of the capturing group 1.
The pcregrep tool utilizes all of the same syntax you've already used with grep, but implements the functionality that you need.
The parameter -o works just like the grep version if it is bare, but it also accepts a numeric parameter in pcregrep, which indicates which capturing group you want to show.
With this solution there is a bare minimum of change required in the script. You simply replace one modular utility with another and tweak the parameters.
Interesting Note: You can use multiple -o arguments to return multiple capture groups in the order in which they appear on the line.

Not possible in just grep I believe
for sed:
name=`echo $f | sed -E 's/([0-9]+_([a-z]+)_[0-9a-z]*)|.*/\2/'`
I'll take a stab at the bonus though:
echo "$name.jpg"

This is a solution that uses gawk. It's something I find I need to use often so I created a function for it
function regex1 { gawk 'match($0,/'$1'/, ary) {print ary['${2:-'1'}']}'; }
to use just do
$ echo 'hello world' | regex1 'hello\s(.*)'

str="1w 2d 1h"
regex="([0-9])w ([0-9])d ([0-9])h"
if [[ $str =~ $regex ]]
echo $week --- $day ---- $hour
1 --- 2 ---- 1

A suggestion for you - you can use parameter expansion to remove the part of the name from the last underscore onwards, and similarly at the start:
Then name will have the value abc.
See Apple developer docs, search forward for 'Parameter Expansion'.

I prefer the one line python or perl command, both often included in major linux disdribution
echo $'
<a href="">
<a href="">
' | python -c $'
import re
import sys
for i in sys.stdin:
if g is not None:
and to handle files:
ls *.txt | python -c $'
import sys
import re
for i in sys.stdin:
for j in f:
if g is not None:

The follow example shows how to extract the 3 character sequence from a filename using a regex capture group:
for f in 123_abc_123.jpg 123_xyz_432.jpg
echo "f: " $f
name=$( perl -ne 'if (/[0-9]+_([a-z]+)_[0-9a-z]*/) { print $1 . "\n" }' <<< $f )
echo "name: " $name
f: 123_abc_123.jpg
name: abc
f: 123_xyz_432.jpg
name: xyz
So the if-regex conditional in perl will filter out all non-matching lines at the same time, for those lines that do match, it will apply the capture group(s) which you can access with $1, $2, ... respectively,

if you have bash, you can use extended globbing
shopt -s extglob
shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s nocaseglob
for file in +([0-9])_+([a-z])_+([a-z0-9]).jpg
set -- $file
echo "This is your captured output : $2"
ls +([0-9])_+([a-z])_+([a-z0-9]).jpg | while read file
set -- $file
echo "This is your captured output : $2"


Is there an elegant regex to grep a MAC address accounting for various delimiters?

I will occasionally search aggregate logs files on my syslog server for a specific MAC address. Since each source uses a different format for MAC addresses, I usually use this command:
less syslog.log | grep -i -E '56[:-\.]?ea[:-\.]?b6[:-\.]?a6[:-\.]?82[:-\.]?5e'
Which will find the address regardless of the format or case (56eab6a6825e, 56ea.b6a6.825e, 56:ea:b6:a6:82:5e, 56-EA-B6-A6-82-5E).
I have this command saved in text file so I can just replace each hex pair with the relevant digits and paste it in, but is there an elegant way format my regex where I can have the whole address together? For example:
less syslog.log | grep -i -E '56eab6a6825e[:-\.]?(anywhereinthestring)'
I basically want to be more lazy when searching, but I don't understand lookarounds enough to know if they are applicable in this case. Is this even possible?
Simply store the mac-address to search in a variable and use Bash's replace expanded value to generate the Regex for grep:
# Compose a regex on-the fly by replacing all colons with [:.-]?
grep -iE "${mac//:/[:.-]?}"
Or same as a function:
grepmac() {
# Usage:
# grepmac MAC_ADDRESS FILE [FILE]...
# Parses input argument 1 as mac-address
# regardless if it uses delimiters or not.
# Returns failure if input argument 1 is not a mac-address.
[[ $1 =~ ([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2}) ]] || return 1
# Sets delimiter locally to : to join matches with colon
local -- IFS=:
# Joins matches except first to get a colon-delimited mac-address
# Shifts out first argument away to only keep remaining file paths
# Composes a regex by replacing colons in mac-address by [:.-]?
# which matches optional delimiter with : . or -
# Performs the actual search
grep -iE "$regex" "$#"
Traced execution of grepmac:
$ set -x; grepmac 56eab6a6825e
+ grepmac 56eab6a6825e
+ [[ 56eab6a6825e =~ ([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2})[:.-]?([[:xdigit:]]{2}) ]]
+ IFS=:
+ mac=56:ea:b6:a6:82:5e
+ shift
+ regex='56[:.-]?ea[:.-]?b6[:.-]?a6[:.-]?82[:.-]?5e'
+ grep --color=auto -iE '56[:.-]?ea[:.-]?b6[:.-]?a6[:.-]?82[:.-]?5e'
Here's a function that takes a MAC address—uppercase or lowercase, with or without punctuation—and constructs a regex from it. You can run it just like grep, with either a list of files or nothing to read from stdin.
grep-mac() {
local mac="$1"
local files=("${#:2}")
# Strip punctuation from the input MAC.
# Create a regex by inserting `[:-\.]?` in between every two characters.
local regex="${mac:0:2}$(sed -E 's/../[:-\\.]?\0/g' <<< "${mac:2}")"
# Call `grep` with the regex and files we were passed.
grep -iE "$regex" "${files[#]}"
Example usage:
❯ grep-mac 56:ea:b6:a6:82:5e syslog.log | less
❯ grep-mac 56EAB6A6825E syslog.log | less
You can put it in your ~/.bashrc if you want easy access.
You can try this grep
$ grep -Ei '56[[:alnum:]:.-]+5e' <(less syslog.log)

Find string then from there pull numbers

Im starting to code bash and not the best but i have a situation. I have an output like:
Configuration file 'hello2.conf' is in use by process 735.
I want to extract the process ID 735.
I seen answers were to extract ONLY numbers from outputs but then i am left with 2735?
How can i go about extracting 735 from the output? I was thinking search for process then grab number after perhaps?
Use GNU grep with its Perl Compatible Regular Expression capabilities enabled with the -P flag and print only the matching entry using -o flag.
grep -Po 'process \K[0-9]+' <<<"Configuration file 'hello2.conf' is in use by process 735."
Use it in a command line as
.. | grep -Po 'process \K[0-9]+'
where the \K escape sequence stands for
\K: This sequence resets the starting point of the reported match. Any previously matched characters are not included in the final matched sequence.
RegEx Demo
You might want to use a regular expressions:
[[ "$line" =~ ([0-9]+)\.$ ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
This should match any number at the end of the line, select the number part, and print it!
Good Luck!
If you line remains the same, use cut -d" " -f 9
sed can extract only the numbers at the specific location of the message (using \(...\) match grouping and \1 replacement).
... | sed "s#^Configuration file '.*' is in use by process \([0-9]*\)\.#\1#"

How to get line WITH tab character using tail and head

I have made a script to practice my Bash, only to realize that this script does not take tabulation into account, which is a problem since it is designed to find and replace a pattern in a Python script (which obviously needs tabulation to work).
Here is my code. Is there a simple way to get around this problem ?
nline=$(cat / | wc -l) # find the line length of the file
echo $nline
for ((c=0;c<=${nline};c++))
res=$( tail -n $(($(($nline+1))-$c)) | head -n 1 | awk 'gsub("="," ",$1){print $1}' | awk '{print$1}')
#echo $res
if [ $res == 'pressure_run' ]
echo "pressure_run='${pressure}'" >>
echo $( tail -n $(($nline-$c)) | head -n 1) >>
Basically, it finds the line that has pressure_run=something and replaces it by pressure_run=$pressure. The rest of the file should be untouched. But in this case, all tabulation is deleted.
If you want to just do the replacement as quickly as possible, sed is the way to go as pointed out in shellter's comment:
sed "s/\(pressure_run=\).*/\1$pressure/"
For Bash training, as you say, you may want to loop manually over your file. A few remarks for your current version:
Is / really in the root directory? Later, you don't refer to it at that location.
cat ... | wc -l is a useless use of cat and better written as wc -l <
Your for loop is executed one more time than you have lines.
To get the next line, you do "show me all lines, but counting from the back, don't show me c lines, and then show me the first line of these". There must be a simpler way, right?
To get what's the left-hand side of an assignment, you say "in the first space-separated field, replace = with a space , then show my the first space separated field of the result". There must be a simpler way, right? This is, by the way, where you strip out the leading tabs (your first awk command does it).
To print the unchanged line, you do the same complicated thing as before.
A band-aid solution
A minimal change that would get you the result you want would be to modify the awk command: instead of
awk 'gsub("="," ",$1){print $1}' | awk '{print$1}'
you could use
awk -F '=' '{ print $1 }'
"Fields are separated by =; give me the first one". This preserves leading tabs.
The replacements have to be adjusted a little bit as well; you now want to match something that ends in pressure_run:
if [[ $res == *pressure_run ]]
I've used the more flexible [[ ]] instead of [ ] and added a * to pressure_run (which must not be quoted): "if $res ends in pressure_run, then..."
The replacement has to use $res, which has the proper amount of tabs:
echo "$res='${pressure}'" >>
Instead of appending each line each loop (and opening the file each time), you could just redirect output of your whole loop with done >
This prints literally ${pressure} as in your version, because it's single quoted. If you want to replace that by the value of $pressure, you have to remove the single quotes (and the braces aren't needed here, but don't hurt):
echo "$res=$pressure" >>
This fixes your example, but it should be pointed out that enumerating lines and then getting one at a time with tail | head is a really bad idea. You traverse the file for every single line twice, it's very error prone and hard to read. (Thanks to tripleee for suggesting to mention this more clearly.)
A proper solution
This all being said, there are preferred ways of doing what you did. You essentially loop over a file, and if a line matches pressure_run=, you want to replace what's on the right-hand side with $pressure (or the value of that variable). Here is how I would do it:
# Regular expression to match lines we want to change
# Read lines from
while IFS= read -r line; do
# If the line matches the regular expression
if [[ $line =~ $re ]]; then
# Print what we matched (with whitespace!), then the value of $pressure
# Print the (potentially modified) line
echo "$line"
# Read from, write to
done < >
For a test file that looks like
the result is
Recommended reading
How to read a file line-by-line (explains the IFS= and -r business, which is quite essential to preserve whitespace)

BASH Palindrome Checker

This is my first time posting on here so bear with me please.
I received a bash assignment but my professor is completely unhelpful and so are his notes.
Our assignment is to filter and print out palindromes from a file. In this case, the directory is:
The word lengths range from 3 to 45 and are supposed to only filter lowercase letters (the dictionary given has characters and uppercases, as well as lowercase letters). i.e. "-dkas-das" so something like "q-evvavve-q" may count as a palindrome but i shouldn't be getting that as a proper result.
Anyways, I can get it to filter out x amount of words and return (not filtering only lowercase though).
grep "^...$" /usr/share/dict/words |
grep "\(.\).\1"
And I can use subsequent lines for 5 letter words and 7 and so on:
grep "^.....$" /usr/share/dict/words |
grep "\(.\)\(.\).\2\1"
But the prof does not want that. We are supposed to use a loop. I get the concept but I don't know the syntax, and like I said, the notes are very unhelpful.
What I tried was setting variables x=... and y=.. and in a while loop, having x=$x$y but that didn't work (syntax error) and neither did x+=..
Any help is appreciated. Even getting my non-lowercase letters filtered out.
If you're providing a solution or a hint to a solution, the simplest method is prefered.
Preferably one that uses 2 grep statements and a loop.
Thanks again.
Like this:
for word in `grep -E '^[a-z]{3,45}$' /usr/share/dict/words`;
do [ $word == `echo $word | rev` ] && echo $word;
Output using my dictionary:
As pointed out in the comments, reading in most of the dictionary into a variable in the for loop might not be the most efficient, and risks triggering errors in some shells. Here's an updated version:
grep -E '^[a-z]{3,45}$' /usr/share/dict/words | while read -r word;
do [ $word == `echo $word | rev` ] && echo $word;
Why use grep? Bash will happily do that for you:
is_pal() {
local w=$1
while (( ${#w} > 1 )); do
[[ ${w:0:1} = ${w: -1} ]] || return 1
while read word; do
is_pal "$word" && echo "$word"
Save this as banana, chmod +x banana and enjoy:
./banana < /usr/share/dict/words
If you only want to keep the words with at least three characters:
grep ... /usr/share/dict/words | ./banana
If you only want to keep the words that only contain lowercase and have at least three letters:
grep '^[[:lower:]]\{3,\}$' /usr/share/dict/words | ./banana
The multiple greps are wasteful. You can simply do
grep -E '^([a-z])[a-z]\1$' /usr/share/dict/words
in one fell swoop, and similarly, put the expressions on grep's standard input like this:
echo '^([a-z])[a-z]\1$
^([a-z])([a-z])[a-z]\2\1$' | grep -E -f - /usr/share/dict/words
However, regular grep does not permit backreferences beyond \9. With grep -P you can use double-digit backreferences, too.
The following script constructs the entire expression in a loop. Unfortunately, grep -P does not allow for the -f option, so we build a big thumpin' variable to hold the pattern. Then we can actually also simplify to a single pattern of the form ^(.)(?:.|(.)(?:.|(.)....\3)?\2?\1$, except we use [a-z] instead of . to restrict to just lowercase.
for i in $(seq 1 22); do
grep -P "^${head%|})?$tail$" /usr/share/dict/words
The single grep should be a lot faster than individually invoking grep 22 or 43 times on the large input file. If you want to sort by length, just add that as a filter at the end of the pipeline; it should still be way faster than multiple passes over the entire dictionary.
The expression ${tail+:)?} evaluates to a closing parenthesis and question mark only when tail is non-empty, which is a convenient way to force the \1 back-reference to be non-optional. Somewhat similarly, ${head%|} trims the final alternation operator from the ultimate value of $head.
Ok here is something to get you started:
I suggest to use the plan you have above, just generate the number of "." using a for loop.
This question will explain how to make a for loop from 3 to 45:
How do I iterate over a range of numbers defined by variables in Bash?
for i in {3..45};
* put your code above here *
Now you just need to figure out how to make "i" number of dots "." in your first grep and you are done.
Also, look into sed, it can nuke the non-lowercase answers for you..
Another solution that uses a Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE) with recursion, heavily inspired by this answer:
grep -P '^(?:([a-z])(?=[a-z]*(\1(?(2)\2))$))++[a-z]?\2?$' /usr/share/dict/words

Grep characters before and after match?

Using this:
grep -A1 -B1 "test_pattern" file
will produce one line before and after the matched pattern in the file. Is there a way to display not lines but a specified number of characters?
The lines in my file are pretty big so I am not interested in printing the entire line but rather only observe the match in context. Any suggestions on how to do this?
3 characters before and 4 characters after
$> echo "some123_string_and_another" | grep -o -P '.{0,3}string.{0,4}'
grep -E -o ".{0,5}test_pattern.{0,5}" test.txt
This will match up to 5 characters before and after your pattern. The -o switch tells grep to only show the match and -E to use an extended regular expression. Make sure to put the quotes around your expression, else it might be interpreted by the shell.
You could use
awk '/test_pattern/ {
match($0, /test_pattern/); print substr($0, RSTART - 10, RLENGTH + 20);
}' file
You mean, like this:
grep -o '.\{0,20\}test_pattern.\{0,20\}' file
That will print up to twenty characters on either side of test_pattern. The \{0,20\} notation is like *, but specifies zero to twenty repetitions instead of zero or more.The -o says to show only the match itself, rather than the entire line.
I'll never easily remember these cryptic command modifiers so I took the top answer and turned it into a function in my ~/.bashrc file:
cgrep() {
# For files that are arrays 10's of thousands of characters print.
# Use cpgrep to print 30 characters before and after search pattern.
if [ $# -eq 2 ] ; then
# Format was 'cgrep "search string" /path/to/filename'
grep -o -P ".{0,30}$1.{0,30}" "$2"
# Format was 'cat /path/to/filename | cgrep "search string"
grep -o -P ".{0,30}$1.{0,30}"
} # cgrep()
Here's what it looks like in action:
$ ll /tmp/rick/scp.Mf7UdS/Mf7UdS.Source
-rw-r--r-- 1 rick rick 25780 Jul 3 19:05 /tmp/rick/scp.Mf7UdS/Mf7UdS.Source
$ cat /tmp/rick/scp.Mf7UdS/Mf7UdS.Source | cgrep "Link to iconic"
1:43:30.3540244000 /mnt/e/bin/Link to iconic S -rwxrwxrwx 777 rick 1000 ri
$ cgrep "Link to iconic" /tmp/rick/scp.Mf7UdS/Mf7UdS.Source
1:43:30.3540244000 /mnt/e/bin/Link to iconic S -rwxrwxrwx 777 rick 1000 ri
The file in question is one continuous 25K line and it is hopeless to find what you are looking for using regular grep.
Notice the two different ways you can call cgrep that parallels grep method.
There is a "niftier" way of creating the function where "$2" is only passed when set which would save 4 lines of code. I don't have it handy though. Something like ${parm2} $parm2. If I find it I'll revise the function and this answer.
With gawk , you can use match function:
x="hey there how are you"
echo "$x" |awk --re-interval '{match($0,/(.{4})how(.{4})/,a);print a[1],a[2]}'
ere are
If you are ok with perl, more flexible solution : Following will print three characters before the pattern followed by actual pattern and then 5 character after the pattern.
echo hey there how are you |perl -lne 'print "$1$2$3" if /(.{3})(there)(.{5})/'
ey there how
This can also be applied to words instead of just characters.Following will print one word before the actual matching string.
echo hey there how are you |perl -lne 'print $1 if /(\w+) there/'
Following will print one word after the pattern:
echo hey there how are you |perl -lne 'print $2 if /(\w+) there (\w+)/'
Following will print one word before the pattern , then the actual word and then one word after the pattern:
echo hey there how are you |perl -lne 'print "$1$2$3" if /(\w+)( there )(\w+)/'
hey there how
If using ripgreg this is how you would do it:
grep -E -o ".{0,5}test_pattern.{0,5}" test.txt
You can use regexp grep for finding + second grep for highlight
echo "some123_string_and_another" | grep -o -P '.{0,3}string.{0,4}' | grep string
With ugrep you can specify -ABC context with option -o (--only-matching) to show the match with extra characters of context before and/or after the match, fitting the match plus the context within the specified -ABC width. For example:
ugrep -o -C30 pattern testfile.txt
1: ... long line with an example pattern to match. The line could...
2: ...nother example line with a pattern.
The same on a terminal with color highlighting gives:
Multiple matches on a line are either shown with [+nnn more]:
or with option -k (--column-number) to show each individually with context and the column number:
The context width is the number of Unicode characters displayed (UTF-8/16/32), not just ASCII.
I personally do something similar to the posted answers.. but since the dot key, like any keyboard key, can be tapped or held down.. and I often don't need a lot of context(if I needed more I might do the lines like grep -C but often like you I don't want lines before and after), so I find it much quicker for entering the command, to just tap the dot key for how many dots / how many characters, if it's a few then tapping the key, or hold it down for more.
e.g. echo zzzabczzzz | grep -o '.abc..'
Will have the abc pattern with one dot before and two after. ( in regex language, Dot matches any character). Others used dot too but with curly braces to specify repetition.
If I wanted to be strict re between (0 or x) characters and exactly y characters, then i'd use the curlies.. and -P, as others have done.
There is a setting re whether dot matches new line but you can look into that if it's a concern/interest.
