Reading code of real production projects. How to find? [closed] - model-view-controller

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I really like the idea of reading others people code to improve your design skills. Open source can help here a lot.
This can teach you basic OO principles. But I'm not writing frameworks, I'm writing code for real customers with quite complicated domain logic.
There are lots of manuals of different MVC frameworks(like Create a blog with Ruby on rails in 15 minutes). But hey it is difficult to mess with small pet project.
How can I get a possibility of reading real production code dealing with complicated business domain logic?
I'm interested in any MVC frameworks(any languages).

ASP.NET quickly offers a pretty comprehensive case study of an MVC implementation at the end of the book.

Django is both object oriented and MVC based framework written in Python. The Chapter 5: Models of the free Django book explains the MVC pattern as applied to Django.
Also look at this SO question.


How do websites achieve the 'Web 2.0' look and feel? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm not sure that I'm using the correct language here so I will give some examples of web sites which I believe have 'Web 2.0'look and feel
They all have big text, big buttons, plus very slick and tasteful AJAX/CSS. My question is how is this look and feel assembled? Some possible ideas I have had:
. Underlying library such as jQuery/GWT
. Handled by web framework such as Rails/Django
. Coded completely from scratch
To me all the sites have sufficient similarity that there does seem to be some type of underlying common mechanism. The reason I'm asking is that as a developer I'm wondering if I can assemble a Web 2.0 looking site using some type of tool kit.
There are common frameworks and tools to help with the development, sure. You mention two of them. However, a tool alone isn't going to do it. Not unless you just entirely conform to some kind of brown-and-serve framework. (I don't know of any off-hand.)
Good look and feel comes from good UI/UX design. I'll bet that each of those example sites you gave has a talented graphic designer behind it (either on staff or contracted for making the site) who is proud of their creative work, and simply used some tools to help facilitate that work.
I have just discovered Bootstrap and this is exactly what I was looking for

Resources for learning how to design good API wrappers in ruby [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'd like to learn how to design good API wrappers in ruby. I'm looking for:
blog articles
best code and library to learn from the code directly (well commented and designed)
... and also,
what are some of your favorite API wrappers and what makes them special?
Any source is welcome Thanks in advance
UPDATE jun 29 2011
Building a Platform API on Rails
UPDATE: 13/06/2011
have a look at great post on how to develop an an API wrapper/interface client:
since testing is one part of a good API wrapper I recommend this for a start on the topic.
Writing an API Wrapper in Ruby with TDD
Chapter 2 of Ruby Best Practices might be helpful. You can read it for free here.
Take a look at Instagram Ruby Client.
It should give you a fair idea on how to write modular third party API wrappers in Ruby.

Exemplary open-source Spring projects [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to the Spring Framework. With Spring Core course recently taken, what would be some good example projects to download and learn good design from?
Perfect would be a well designed project, small enough to read through and understand, big enough to have a structure that can scale well.
Spring ships with a very comprehensive example application called PetClinic. It was originally inspired by the PetStore J2EE example application, demonstrating just how much easier things were in Spring.
This is intended to represent "best practice" for Spring development. You can find it in the distribution package.
Spring distribution has the samples which are very good to start with. The petclinic application is where I start with.

Where are good examples of Web applications built for skilled and intense use? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have spent most of my development career writing backend code, or front-end apps for used as daily business tools, by at least semi-skilled staff, e.g. order-tracking, sales capture, etc. That those I helped build peformed their tasks well is comfort enough, but I am still seeking excellence in the building of these kind of apps, versus the trendy emphasis on more personal relationships with the UI.
Can anyone recommend reading on this type of application (LOB?) on the web today? Any available examples to study?
I suggest that you read Don't Make me Think. Don't think that engaging UIs are not efficient. I would suggest the opposite.
Actually this answer has many useful links.

ASP.NET MVC 2 - Implementing custom Metadata and Validator Providers [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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With the preview 2 release of ASP.NET MVC 2, we now have base classes to implement our own custom providers for metadata and validation. Specifically, with ModelMetadataProvider and ModelValidatorProvider.
There isn't a lot of documentation on these yet (just released yesterday as a preview, so I'm neither surprised nor disappointed).
Has anyone gotten custom implementations of either of these working? A very simple example (metadata and validator for just "Required") would be great!
Perhaps a lot of people have the same idea, but I'd like to use IronRuby to inject the metadata, and I'm looking for any example to get started.
Edit: Sounds like Brad Wilson (of fame) has some blog posts coming for this exact thing! If he doesn't answer here, I'll create an answer with links when those posts are ready.
Edit2: Sankarsan Bose over at CodingNDesign also has posts on the subject. (ModelValidator at the moment). Including here for future reference.
