TeamCity Alternatives [closed] - windows

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I write a lot of little projects, and I'd like to use something like TeamCity for my build server(s). My problem with just using TeamCity itself is that the Professional version of only seems to allow for, at most, 20 projects. And since these projects are generally not-sellable, the price tag for the Enterprise edition is a bit much.
The projects are written in various languages, both managed and unmanaged and for various platforms (user- and kernel-land in both Windows and *nix).
The features that I'm looking for:
To be able to manage projects for the multiple platforms that I support.
Integration with Subversion repositories.
For the Windows projects, I'd really like to just be able to point the software at my solution file (and not have to resort to building a series of commands that invoke cl or similar). (Bonus points)
Could someone suggest an alternative that would also work?
Update: Hudson looks pretty great. I just installed it on an Ubuntu box, is there a nice way for it to build my Windows projects? TeamCity does that whole build-agent thing, is there something similar with Hudson?
Thanks Again!

Team City has an Open Source licensing option if that is what you mean by non-sellable. If not, look at Hudson.
EDIT: Here are the instructions for running a slave on Windows.

You can try Hudson or Crusie Control. We are moving from CC.Net to Hudson.

We use CruiseControl.NET. It's a bit hard to configure comparing to TeamCity (you'll need to edit XML config, which is error-prone), but has a lot of features.
It can work with SVN (and many other VCSs), detect changes and start build automatically, you can set it up to run tests, display coverage analysis etc.
And it supports many build engines, such as NAnt and MSBuild (which is used in Visual Studio for its solutions). Note that for VC++ projects to build you'll need to deploy Windows SDK on your build machine.
It is also very simple to write plugins if necessary.

To answer the "Update:" portion of the question, yes, Hudson supports build agents:
"Hudson supports the "master/slave" mode, where the workload of building projects are delegated to multiple "slave" nodes, allowing single Hudson installation to host a large number of projects, or provide different environments needed for builds/tests."

CruiseControl is quite nice. For .net, check For Ruby, CruiseControl.rb

You can try jenkins.
Which support 100


Windows GUIs for git [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am aware of this question, but it is a bit old now, and some of the answers seem outdated.
Question: please write one answer per GUI you have used, including pros and cons (for example, as far as I can tell, with git gui, you can't manage the stash).
(This is not exactly a "Windows" standalone Git GUI, but still quite advanced)
Considering that since then, Eclipse is in the process of mirroring all its projects in Git repositories, EGit (based on JGit) have made some progress and are part of the Eclipse ecosystem, and is on par with its Mercurial counterpart.
You can contribute to EGit there.
This Tutorial is quite complete.
alt text
So far I've been happiest with Git Extensions.
Fairly complete access to git commands
Doesn't hide git specifics like the index (unlike Tortoise)
Good branch visualization
Visual Studio integration in addition to standalone GUI or shell integration
Actively developed
UI is rough around the edges in looks and usability.
As for the GitHub for Windows - I have used it for a little time and it's pretty nice. Very esthetic and quite straight forward. It's even better when working with repositories located on GitHub (however I used it with other targets as well).
Today I switched to completely new client for Windows made by Bitbucket named SourceTree. As I understand it's a port from Mac client and thanks to that it looks and feels great. It has LOADS of options and tools (I have not familiarized myself with many of them) and it's constantly developed ( ). They released the Beta version on 19.03.2013 and they have some really nice plans for future (Mercurial support as well!). I do think that it's worth a look.
Have a look at Atlassian SourceTree. It's a free Git Client for Windows & Mac.
I'm using it since the beta. And it's really the best tool ive ever used for git in my opinion.
Say goodbye to the command line – use the full capability of Git and Mercurial in the SourceTree desktop app. Manage all your repositories, hosted or local, through SourceTree's simple interface.
More informations under:
I've been using SmartGit for a few days now, and I have to say I'm very impressed. I'm not a git-genius, but so far I haven't had to break out the CLI for anything.
And the UI is just... pleasant, frictionless. There aren't any of the "couldn't they just have done this?" annoyances that I've found with others.
Another option now is Github for windows. But only really if you are syncing with GitHub. I've been using this for a few weeks, and I do find I need to fire up a shell from time to time. Its also unclear what commands its actually issuing. I keep ending up in the middle of a broken rebase - but I have no idea why its rebasing! But for frictionless use 99% of the time its great.
I've used the following
GitHub for Windows - required me to download installer which took a long time for me to install. UI was too basic for me and at that time was very slow even when using a local repository.
SourceTree - UI looks goods but under delivers on features when compared to GitEye and SmartGit.
Collabnet GitEye (site) - UI is famililar to Eclipse users just like me. Worked great and especially had a credential store (SecureStore) which inspired some confidence in how it handles storing of passwords plus SSH key management.
SmartGit (site) - offers personal and commercial versions but even the personal version is an absolute pleasure to use. Staging files, looking at logs, reverting, committing, pushing etc. The features were sufficient for me.
I'd recommend the last two especially SmartGit since the UI is user friendly and pushing to more than 1 repository is much easier.
My answer is not really that verbose but please try to download and see for yourself.
With visual studio there is Git Source Control Provider which is a Visual Studio Extension. More into in this SO question Using Git with Visual Studio

What is the most common version control software for Windows? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Coming from a UNIX background, with some knowledge of CVS and git, I have gotten my Windows development skills up in just about every area. But I still have no idea if there is a single VCS that Windows devs "have" to know.
Is there one used above all others?
The makers of FinalBuilder used to do a survey every year of their (mostly Windows-based) customers. I can't find anything more recent than their 2008 survey, but here's what it looked like then.
As you can see, there isn't just one you have to know. However, you'd be a fool not to familiarize yourself with Subverion and Sourcesafe.
If I were to predict how it has changed since then, I'd guess that Subversion has added users, SourceSafe has lost a bit of ground to Team Foundation, and that Git now shows up, but with only minor numbers.
TortoiseSVN (svn) has tight integration with explorer, and most devs I know that run Windows and use subversion also use Tortoise.
Not really specific to Windows I think, but Subversion (SVN) is a must.
Short answer, is SVN.
For free:
CVS is pretty much dead.
Subversion has the best integration with windows (explorer, visual studio, eclipse, command line, WebDAV, etc...) it also has GUI's for other platforms.
With Git you're relegated to use the command line exclusively.
Not Free:
Perforce is okay, but whatever you do, don't use Visual Sourcesafe and risk your entire repository getting corrupted at some point in time and not realizing it until much later.
Yes, TortioseSVN runs quite well on windows. There's also a Tortoise for git! Though I am not too sure if it's as easy as its SVN cousin.
In general, the same types of source control that you use on UNIX may also be used on windows. There are certainly ones to avoid on windows - VSS immediately comes to mind.
Before DVCS, all the cool kids used SVN; everyone else used VSS or TFS.
DVCS is turning into an interesting competition as Git clearly has the edge in functionality but Mercurial has the edge in Windows integration. Poor Bazaar doesn't seem to be getting a look in.
VisualSVN ties into VS as well and uses TortoiseSVN for a backend. It's $50 per license iirc. Works pretty well. If you're looking for a good tie-in with Visual Studio also check out AnkSVN.
We use msys-git quite successfully on windows. The GUI tools are not great. I use the command-line and it works fine. My colleagues use git-extensions which integrate into visual studio. It seems to work ok.
The other option to me would be SVN. It has great windows support.
I would agree: Subversion. But I an quite sure, it will be succeeded by git some day.

Continuous integration with .net and svn [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We're currently not applying the automated building and testing of continous integration in our project. We haven't bothered this far as we're only 2 developers working on it, but even with a team of 2 I still think it would be valuable to use continous integration and get a confirmation that our builds don't break or tests start failing.
We're using .Net with C# and WPF. We have created Python-scripts for building the application - using MSbuild - and for running all tests. Our source is in SVN.
What would be the best approach to apply continous integration with this setup? What tool should we get? It should be one which doesn't require alot of setup. Simple procedures to get started and little maintanance is a must.
Have a look at JetBrains' TeamCity. Free for a small team like yours. Easy to install and minimal fuss. And it looks good. Far better than CruiseControl.NET.
CruiseControl.NET is good too, but definitely requires more work to get setup.
I've been using Hudson (open source software) and found it really flexible. It's more popular in the Java community, but there are MSBuild and MSTest plug-ins available. Hudson also makes it easy to schedule builds or run builds when changes are checked into svn. I found this blog very useful as a starting point.
Cruise Control .NET
Try Cruise ( (the re-write of CruiseControl.NET) by Thoughtworks. Its very sexy, much easier to get going and very nice to use. Great feedback too. And its free for teams of less than 10.
Even with two its a great tool to have and once you've done it once its much easier to set up other projects. Having it build, fresh, from SVN when you check in and then tell you everything is ok is a really nice feeling thats easy to get used to.
Allow a good two days though for any build system to wire it all up, thats not installing thats just getting everyhing wired up as it should be. Trick is to do baby steps, get it checking out your code and add more and more layers as you go. Once you have a base set up you can add the other bells and whistles when you get time until after a week or two you have the whole thing singing and dancing. Sounds like a lot of work but its well worth it.

Do you believe the Firefox project should be forked into a developer targeted version? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've just got this idea that there is a need for a forked version of Firefox that would provide right out of the box tools for web development. Like FireBug, YSlow, FireCookie, LiveHTTPHeaders, etc.
Maybe the fork should only include those extensions or take a further step and implement them in existing chrome.
The reason I'm thinking about this is that right now I have two Firefox profiles. A "browsing" one which has only one extension and a "development" one which has lots and lots of extensions. The advantage is obviously that the former is faster than the latter. Maybe if aimed from the beginning at developers, a forked version would bring some speed improvements and other niceties.
What do you think? Any volunteers?
Adding functionality to FireFox via extensions is IMO the reason why it is such a popular browser. If you take that freedom 'away' from people by providing them 'pre-baked' solutions, that will not be for the best.
What advantage would that give over extensions? You don't actually believe, that someone will port code to C?
I fear that pulling mentioned extensions into an official, maybe even Mozilla-branded, distribution would cause a slowdown in the development of those extensions because their authors would have to worry about coordinating their development with the provider of the browser distribution.
You can always prepare your own Firefox installator...
I think it is unnecessary to fork for that, because you can both things already - that is, have multiple profiles, and have all the developer tools as extensions.
You could even install two different profiles and run them from two different executables (portable Firefox makes this easy) allowing you to have a completely different plugin set as well as extension set for both.
Thinking about this more, I can't see how it would help.
Say you fork Firefox into a dev version, that is then used by extension developers.
But what is the target platform? The dev-platform (okay, then) or the "standard" platform -- if the latter, they aren't using it, and so dev and testing be be doubled or worse. Just imaging targetting Gnu Emacs but doing the dev in XEmacs.
Develop and test on your target platform, or face unpleasant surprises....

Software for managing medium sized projects [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So, at my current job we're usually 1-3 developers, 1-2 art directors and 1 project manager on each project, with the smallest ones just being one of each and the larger ones being three developers and two art directors.
I'm looking for a software, combination of softwares or some type of service that will allow us to manage our projects individually, it's important that we're able to manage several projects at once within one system/piece of software (without going through a too complicated setup process for each project) since we usually have 2-3 ongoing projects in parallel.
We need to be able to integrate with SVN, Track bugs/features/request, Put up milestones and some type of agile management a´la SCRUM would be nice.
Preferably it should be able to run on Windows (without to much hassle, ever tried to put up Apache+Python+Svn+Trac on the same Windows 2003 server and get them all to run together? not fun.) since we mostly do .NET development and most of our servers run Windows 2003.
Since you seem to have a maximum of six people working in a single room - I'd give serious consideration to not using software at all.
A whiteboard & cork board for each project, plus a whole lot of index cards / stickies can go a long, long way towards meeting the project management needs of one or two small projects.
(Failing that - I've found basecamp a fairly lightweight tool for small projects - although it doesn't do any sort of source control integration. I've also heard good things about the latest FogBugz - but I've had such bad personal experiences of earlier versions I've not tried it yet myself) covers your requirements and is available for Windows. However it is targeted at larger organizations (>20 employees), so that you might find it overkill for a group of 6.
I personally use BaseCamp for my company and have had great luck with it!
Edit oops, I didn't notice the SVN requirement, BaseCamp can help with the other stuff.
You might want to try out Mantis ( It is a little cumbersome at first, but with a little bit of customization, it will work for you. It has SVN integration, and a bunch of other stuff which I haven't used yet... :|... such as Mobile support, Wiki support, etc.
And it's OSS (Open Source Software). Written in PHP, works with MySQL, or PostgreSQL. Just check it out, it's good.
Atlassian's Jira Studio sounds like exactly what you need. It's hosted, so there's nothing to install.
If you want something that is quick and easy to work with that integrates well with Windows I would suggest Microsoft Office Groove. I have been using it on my current project and it also easily allows you to start new projects and add members.
It is not the best solution in the world, but it is included with Office '07 and it has tools to help with project management, bug reporting, calendar, meeting summaries, etc.
The one major problem I have found with it is that version control is not included by default. From what I understand you have to setup a SharePoint server to have version control in Groove, but I have not done this yet and have been hoping that my backups will work fine.
+1 for starting out with a whiteboard, stickies and whatever other office supplies you can think of. Being able to visualize the state of your project in a big visible wall can be really useful, more so than software-based tracking, IMHO.
You need to make sure the team is committed to keeping it up-to-date, though.
