Only allow one NSWindow to be selectable until action is completed (Cocoa) - cocoa

I have a program with many windows open. I want all windows to be visible, but only one window can be interactable, until a certain event has occured. e.g. pressing a button.
At the moment, I can still click another window, and interact with it, how do I only allow interaction with ONE window, until a certain event occurs?
Imagine this as the program:
I want only the frontmost Window to be selectable, if I try to select any of the other windows behind it, it should not work.
Does anoybody know how to do this?

It sounds like you want a modal window.


After FlashWindow, click the window and the taskbar remains highlight (orange)

When I click the application shortcut, if the program is already open, I will show the program and enable FlashWindow. (FlashWindow(true);)
After blinking once, the taskbar is highlighted.
Theoretically, clicking on the application window would unhighlight the taskbar.
But it doesn't.
There is no problem when the window is minimized.
But it doesn't work when the window is already displayed.
I tried to get all the window handles of the application based on the process id and activated them one by one, but that didn't work either.
For this step I printed the log and used GetForegroundWindow to confirm that the change did happen.
How to solve this problem?
Is there any other way to make the taskbar blink only once without keeping it highlighted?

Hidden window takes all input

I have other application's fullscreen direct-x window, which I need to hide. I found the way to hide it by hooking direct-x create device and changing window parameters so it is not fullscreen. This works ok on XP but on Win-7 I can't use any other application because it looks like application is switching it to be foreground window so all clicks and keyboard input goes to that window. However if I click fast I can make some action. This make me think that this app is using some function to direct input to itself, or to focus, dunno what.
The other thing is that if I resize the window and don't hide it, all works ok.
I tried to hook SetCapture, SetForegroundWindow, SetActiveWindow and SetWindowPos and none of this helped.
Do you have some idea how can I hide window in other way, or what can cause this focusing to invisible window?

How do I create a custom modal NSWindow?

I want to create a custom NSWindow that acts as a modal dialog. By custom I mean it has normal user controls in the window, with a "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. The dialog will contain read only information, and have a few checkboxes, secure edit fields, etc.
The MainMenu.xib file will have the normal Window visible at launch, plus include the custom NSWindow (which is NOT visible at launch).
I am trying to find example code to launch the window in modal mode (after the app initializes and launches main window), and on "OK" run a process, and on success of that process hide the dialog. Or on failure, keep the dialog up, but show an error sheet on the dialog.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
You want to look at NSApplication’s -runModalForWindow: and/or -runModalSession: methods. Note that using modal windows is generally a bad idea and if it’s at all possible to avoid doing so, you should; that said, sometimes needs must.
As far as launching a process, waiting for it to finish and so on, you can probably do what you need with NSTask, although you don’t provide sufficient detail to be certain. You’d probably want to observe NSTaskDidTerminateNotification to tell you when the task had finished.
for more on NSTask and
for more about modal NSWindow usage.
Have a look at NSApplication's -runModalForWindow: method, and "Using Application-Modal Dialogs."

Is there a way to make changes to the titlebar with GTK2?

I have a desktop application written in Ruby that is using GTK2. It's just a small test application to play with GTK2, but I'm having problems achieving what I want to do. Is there any way using GTK2 to get at the titlebar (apart from setting the title), specifically to either add a button to it (beside the min/max/etc, B in the below diagram) or to add an option to the menu that pops up when you click the icon on the titlebar (A in the below diagram)?
I'm thinking there might not be because GTK is meant to work with many many different window managers, but I just wondered if there was. As a side question, what event does clicking the 'cross' button fire? At the moment if the user clicks that the window disappears but the program doesn't end - I need to capture that event and quit the program.
Thanks for any help, including hitting me over the head and telling me how silly I am.
Note that this is possible in GTK 3.10 and up, by using gtk_window_set_titlebar(). It replaces the window manager's title bar with a custom one. GtkHeaderBar is a good custom title bar class to use.
You can't, however, make it look just like the window manager would, because you won't know which window manager the user is running.
No, the title bar is owned by the window manager and you will typically not have direct access to it.
When the user tries to close the window by clicking the window manager's button, the window will receive the delete event.

Interact with main window while modal window is active

I want to be able to interact with main window of applications like Firefox or Word, while modal window is active.
What I mean by interact is to:
Copy text
Move window
Close window (by pressing x button)
Are these possible under Windows environment?
No, the modal windows hide the parent's messaging loop so no events get processed by them.
If you want to do it programmatically, you can. SendMessage will invoke the target window's message handler when the target isn't expecting it, so you'd better be very careful what you do.
If you want to do it as a user, operating the mouse and keyboard, then your question belongs on a different web site even though Blindy answered that question for you.
