oracle express sytem Invalid Login Credentials - oracle

I just installed oracle express, I'm trying to login at database homepage. trying with user sys and system with the password I gave at the installation but I cant log in.
message: Invalid Login Credentials at SQL command line trying to
connect ora-01017 invalid username/password; logon denied
I don't know how to modify the password or just try to uninstall and reinstall?

You can try this from the DOS command line:
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba;
alter user sys identified by newpass;
Make sure the Oracle bin folder is on your path, but XE installation usually modifies that for you automatically.

I have solved that by doing all the installation and configuration again. I have followed this tutorial:

my friends, this problem happend when you try connect to localhost:8080/apex/ and over linux, ubuntu or opensuse , if your answer is yes then ,please do it .
Firts login as oracle user:
sudo su - oracle .
then , read the next steps .
on , all credits are to Mr Mahardika Dwi Hananto , thanks for this amazing hack.


Oracle 11g XE - Can't login and database is down

Just installed Oracle 11g XE (Windows), but can't connect in SQL Developer or run any command in CLI.
When try to connect in CLI using SYS or SYSTEM with password defined during the install, get the following error:
ORA-12638: credential retrieval failed
When I tray to connect via SQL Developer (tried via SID and Service Name, hostname=localhost, port=1521, SID=xe), get this error:
Status : Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in
connect descriptor
Already tried change SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) to (NONE) in sqlnet.ora file. When I do this, get the following error when try to connect with the SYS or SYSTEM user and password:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Already tried every solution in Google results, like reinstall, stop and start services... Mostly ask for first connect in CLI to make some changes, but even this I can't accomplish.
Any suggestions on how connect to the database?
Found the solution:
I was installing in my company Windows user domain.
First uninstall any instance of Oracle XE 11g.
Switch to a local administrator Windows user and install Oracle XE 11g.
Sign off and back to company Windows user.
Edit the file C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\network\ADMIN\sqlnet.ora (or equivalent to your installation path). Change SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (TNS) to SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NONE).
This change will allow you connect to database from you company Windows user.
As seen here: Error ORA-12638 in Oracle Database 11g
Try the following: Open command window, cd to Oracle bin directory, enter sqlplus /nolog. If you get a prompt enter connect / as sysdba. If you get connected then you can try "startup".
- -
Did you try to start the Oracle RDBMS service via Services (services.msc)?
Do you use an spfile? Check the registry for ORA_SID_NAME_PFILE that is different from default location of $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. Also check the default location. Use only the default location or the registry entry removing either the registry entry or the file in the default location depending on which you want to use.

Default username and password for SQL*Plus in Ubuntu 14.04?

I followed the instructions mentioned to install SQL*Plus from Oracle Instant Client and How to Install SQLPlus.
SQL*Plus is successfully installed on my system but I cannot login and use it. There is a similar question here and here, but it is does not solve my problem.
On googling, most sources said that we enter a password upon installation, but I was neither prompted nor displayed any password. (I can attach terminal screen shots if it is required)
Is there any way I can login and start using SQL*Plus? Is there any default username or password?
I am stuck here: sqlplus username/password#//dbhost:1521/SID
I need a valid username and password. scott/tiger was of no help.
sqlplus / as sysdba gives this -> ERROR: ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified and prompts me to enter username and password which I don't have.
I originally asked this question on AskUbuntu feeling its more appropriate there. If this question does not belong here, please comment and I will remove it.
I executed these statements after reading from here:
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle; export ORACLE_HOME
Now, On executing sqlplus / as sysdba I get the error message
ERROR: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
On executing sqlplus64 scott/tiger#//dbhost:1521/SID I get the error message
ERROR: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
It does not have anything to do with Ubuntu. When you enter sqlplus / as sysdba sqlplus tries to connect to the local database, which sid and oracle home should be specified by the environment variables ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME. You, obviously, have not defined these variables.
All you need is to get the username, password, host name, where your database is located, port for the listener (the default port is 1521) and the Oracle SID. Then connect with sqlplus username/password#//dbhost:1521/SID. If you know the password for SYS user and have orapwSID file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory on the server side, you can connect with sys with the following command: sqlplus sys/password#//dbhost:1521/SID as sysdba.
moving everything into instant_client_11_* directory worked for me.

ORA-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable but telnet and tnsping works

Last days i stay face to face with a strange oracle problem.
I have defined database in tnsnames.ora. Oracle client is installed , client and client/bin have been added to PATH.
Ping works, tnsping works, I can connect to host by database port with telnet.
When I try to run application that tries to connect to db I got
ORA-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable
It is the same situation when I try to connect by sqlplus
sqlplus username/password#TNSNAME
Situation occurred only on one workstation, it's mean in common it should works.
WS is windows 7 64 bit.
Database :
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
I was having the same problem, I resolved it by changing my password and removing "#" character. It worked for me.
# is to tell SQL plus which connection identifier (service name/sid) we want to connect. In short, avoid using this character in password.
I also faced the same issue ORA-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable
i resolved it in this way
open sqlplus
enter user-name :system
enter password : HHHHH#2014
then the following error raised
the problem is my password contains # symbol
resolved it by putting my password in "HHHHHH#2014"
I too got ORA-12543 :TNS :destination host unreachable.
But for me the problem was in the password.
Resolution : Need to remove "#" from the existing password as
# defines connection identifier being used to connect in sqlPlus.
To update the password , follow below steps :
Logon to window cmd then type "sqlplus /nolog"
then "connect / as sysdba" .
Once you are connected, change the SYS password to something without #:
"ALTER USER sys IDENTIFIED BY new_password;"
(log in as sys dba)
sql>conn / as sysdba
(then alter the user)
sql>alter user username identified by newuserName
(now again try to login with new user with the same password it will work)
click on 1 to see the screenshot -- ][1]
Recently, I installed Oracle 11g for testing purpose and after completion of installation Database 11g Express Edition started on the browser with the system and Pravin#01 password it is connected successfully. After I tried using SQL Developer tool it was also working fine but while I tried to connect using SQL PLUS command line tool it suddenly gave me an error as,
ORA-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable
Then after research for an hour, I got a solution that Oracle treats # character in the password as a `
service name or sid
so the solution for this problem is to remove # character from the password using
ALTER USER system IDENTIFIED BY ' here is your new password which should contain character
and digits only try to eliminate special characters';
I think this post may be helpful for you.
I have tested this in Windows 2016 environment with Oracle 18c 64-bit
Use this following escape character sequence when attempting to logon with an "#" in the password.
user: scott
password: scott#test
sqlplus scott/\”scott#test\”#TEST_DB
In order avoid this annoyance, change password without an # character using the following command once you have logged in to sqlplus.
alter user scott identified by "newpassword"
Use URL Encoding for special characters in your password instead of raw special characters while connecting through terminal.
Example :-
if your connection string is :- sqlplus system/Password#12345#oracle as sysdba;
Acceptable connection url will be :- sqlplus system/Password%4012345#oracle as sysdba;. Here %40 is the URL Encoding for #, so replace all special characters with their respective URL Encoding and execute the connection command in terminal.

Oracle 11g can't log with sys user

Today i meet a werid thing:I can't log on remote server Oracle database with sys user!
The username/password is sys/123,and my colleage could!this situation maintained still now.
But i can log on with an normal user,not a system dba.This is no privilege limit.Why? It's so werid.
This error info:
ORA-01017:invalid username/password;logon denied.
The oracle version:11g.
Log on tool:PL/SQL
need other info?Is local install oracle 10g cause the problem?
On the command line:
SQL>show parameter remote_login_passwordfile The value is:EXCLUSIVE
Solved:This problem bother me 2 day.Now the problem has fixed in 3 steps:
1.login the remote server and login as sys/123 as sysdba.
2.reset the password ( alter user sys identified by 123;)
3.relogin the oracle use sys,done!

Oracle 11g XE initialization on ubuntu 12.04

I was following this tutorial:
and I sucessfully installed and started oracle database. Now I wanted to connect to that DB from bash, so I found that command:
sqlplus sys as sysdba
It asks for password, which in my case is oracle, and after I supply it, I get:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
What should I do?
I needed to add group dba and add myself to that group. However I've got other problem now. I wanted to create user, so I did:
default tablespace users
temporary tablespace temp;
And I got: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available.
I tried: STARTUP But I got:
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/dbs/initXE.ora'
I have '/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/dbs/init.ora' file but not initXE.ora
Is the o/s user a member of the dba group?
If this is a new installed Oracle and you do not have initXE.ora parameter file here /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/dbs/, that means you need to create XE DB first. To do that run /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/ script first.
