There is surprisingly little information on the internet regarding what Moonlight is exactly from a technical point of view. Is it correct to understand it as Mono-based CoreCLR + base libraries (the same .dlls as Silverlight has as part of the plugin itself)?
Does this mean that if I have Silverlight 3.0 application and I reference base library, plus develop my own Silverlight libraries, this application will work the same in Moonlight 3.0 (when available), except for bugs, etc., of course.
Yes, your Silverlight applications should run with moonlight (modulo bugs, yeah).
Moonlight is an open source
implementation of Silverlight,
primarily for Linux and other Unix/X11
based operating systems. In September
of 2007, Microsoft and Novell
announced a technical collaboration
that includes access to Microsoft's
test suites for Silverlight and the
distribution of a Media Pack for Linux
users that will contain licensed media
codecs for video and audio.
Moonlight 2.0 should be out soon and there's already work underway in supporting Silverlight 3.0 features.
That is the theory. Time will show if it works out.
we have developed a program on Motorola's EMDK 2.8 for .net for Motorola MC3090G and it worked just fine, but when running on MC3090Z it did not work and we wonder if the EMDK 2.8 for .net supports the MC3090Z RFID.
For the device MC3090Z, the only EMDK one can use is the 2.5 for .NET, from EMDK 2.6 and upwards only compatible with MC3190Z
Actually if you have your MC3090Z up to date with the correct .Net CF and OS, and current DLLs installed, then you'll be able to develop many type of software using any version of EMDK for .Net. But there are some specific APIs and DLLs depending on hardware requirements you won't be able to use. In order to help a little bit with documentation you may check these links out from official Motorola website:
a link to EMDK for .Net filtered search
Enter on current v2.5 and further versions and go to the Release Notes link on Public Software section. You'll notice in the table from Device Compatibility section the devices approved for each version which means best compatible rates between hardware and software.
I think you should know also the best way to test this is deploying directly to your Mobile device from Visual Studio IDE
Hope this may be usefull
I just started to study Nemerle. Since this is .NET language, I wonder, is possible to use for Windows Phone development? Does Visual Studio support it well?
Nemerle compiler uses System.Reflection.Emit for assembly manipulations. Then it can create assemblies same CLR version only.
I know only one reciepe for build WP assemblies: ildasm ncc.exe, fix all references to WP framework and ilasm it again.
This may not be possible, since Windows Phone runs a subset of the full .NET Framework which is closer to the .NET Compact Framework.
Looking at this page (translated from Russian) it looks like Compact Framework support is something that is/was planned for Nemerle version 2. However that article was written before Jetbrains acquired the project, so objectives may have changed.
Having said that, much more recently (Feb 2013) one of the Nemerle developers spoke about their difficulties in getting Nemerle to support other frameworks. So perhaps it is on their agenda after all.
I want to start using .NET 4.5 (C# 5.0) in my applications as soon as it is officially released, and am developing applications in Visual Studio 2010 for Windows 7.
I know that the Metro APIs are only available for Windows 8, but are there any other APIs / language features I will be unable to use?
(I am particularly keen to use the async stuff and WCF 4.5.)
Thanks <333
According to Scott Hanselman's video on SignalR (, WebSockets are only supported in IIS8, so SignalR will gracefully downgrade to a supported protocol.
Other than that, I'm not aware of any application features (aside from Metro Apps) that require both Windows8/Server2012 and .NET 4.5.
On the support level, Automatic ngen is a Windows-8-only feature:
You shouldn't have any problems with async, since that's a threading and compiler feature, and threading-bugs aside, should be platform agnostic.
Regards, Michael
The international manufacturing company that I am working for is considering moving from Windows to Linux. The only reason for this that I am aware of is that the Windows automatic updates occassionaly cause some of their applications to fail. Apparently, they do not know how to turn this off. What other reasons they may have, I do not know (cost, the mobile phone effect?). My question is does Linux or some popular variant of Linux have a development environment equivalent in power and functionality to Microsoft .Net other than what Java offers, the Linux version of .Net (Mono) offers, or running Windows as a virtual machine on Linux?
It's kind of unclear what you are looking for... a Mono IDE that runs on Linux?
Have you looked at ? It's not Visual Studio, but it's really not bad as IDE's go, and I think it's cross-compatible with VS project files. Should be packages available for any major Linux distro -- I know all the Debian based ones have it.
Mono's API is pretty compatible with .NET, though there are differences in some of the supporting libraries. There are apache extensions to do ASP.NET, but they are fiddly to get set up correctly.
It's a usable platform though, and it's possible to write Mono code that's 100% .NET compatible if you stay away from certain assemblies that haven't been ported yet.
I know I am 9 months late. You may have found your solution. You may look at IronPython.
I'm a C# developer and I see how .NET makes developing Windows applications easier. Type-safety, memory management and a great IDE are but a few things that make developing .NET applications a breeze. Unfortunately these applications require the user to install .NET framework before they install the application itself. This can confuse the users and scare away potential customers.
Is there any other development environment that would allow one to develop Windows applications as easily as in C#, but without the requirement to install other runtimes beforehand?
Embarcadero Delphi is another good candidate
There also is a free multiplatform Delphi-alike, Lazarus, see
less polished but free and quite powerful. (source code compatible to Delphi to a very high degree)
Have you looked at RealBasic yet?