DBnull in Linq query causing problems - linq

i am doing a query thus:
int numberInInterval = (from dsStatistics.J2RespondentRow item in jStats.J2Respondent
where item.EndTime > dtIntervalLower && item.EndTime <= dtIntervalUpper
select item).count();
there appear to be some dbnulls in the endtime column..
any way i can avoid these?
tried adding && where item.endtime != null.. and even != dbnull.value
do i have to do a second (first) query to grab all that arent null then run the above one?
im sure its super simple fix, but im still missing it.. as per

I think you want to use item.EndTime.HasValue, and not item.EndTime == null.

The simplest way to do it is to use .GetValueOrDefault(...Some reasonable default...) on the value that can be null and it will avoid the error.

The way I typically do this in a T-SQL query is to use ISNULL on the date, and set the date to something like '12/31/2099' when it's null.
With Linq it could be something like this:
from t in MyTable
Convert.ToString((Convert.ToString(t.MyDateColumn) ?? "12/31/2099")) < MyTargetValue


LINQ Check for Nulls with OR

I have 2 values in table User: Address1, Address2. Both could be null. As part of a filter method, I am attempting something like the below:
var tempUsers = users.Where(q => q.Address1.ToLower().Contains(address.ToLower()) || q.Address2.ToLower().Contains(address.ToLower()));
This is returning a Null Reference Exception, and rightly so.
Linq queries need to be handled against null values
I would be attempting
null.ToLower() and null.Contains() within the query
What is the best way to go around it? If it was a simple 1 field Query, for e.g. just Address1, I would have simply filtered out all items with empty Address1, and continued normally in the second query. In this case, both fields are important to the filtering, as in, the input: address could be either in Address1 or Address2 of the User table.
I know this might not be possible in a 1 liner, but what is the best approach to take in terms of time and performance?
How about this:
var address = (GetAddressFromOuterWorld() ?? String.Empty).ToLower();
var tempUsers = users.Where(user => (user.Address1 ?? String.Empty).ToLower().Contains(address)
|| (user.Address2 ?? String.Empty).ToLower().Contains(address));
This definitely works with LINQ to Object, but probably fails with LINQ to SQL, but in that case you normally write user.Address1 == address || user.Addrss2 == address and your database uses a case-insensitive collate setting.
You can easily add null checks like this.
var tempUsers = users.Where(q =>
(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Address1) && q.Address1.ToLower().Contains(address.ToLower())) ||
(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Address2) && q.Address2.ToLower().Contains(address.ToLower())));

case when sum ( condition )= sum (condition) and condition then using db2 system database

Good night, I am working in DB2 and I have been having some troubles making a query with case when
I have to find a way to make a query to define if a record of some category is valid only if the required fields of the relation are required and have been marked as selected, but in this case some registrys are empty and then I must exclude, I have a query like this:
Select (case (sum(category_id) where required='true' and selected='true') = sum(category_id) where required='true' then 'Yes'
else 'no'
from category_table
The problem, is that in some category the required field are all false (it's means do not exist) then I must put a condition like the sum equal to cero, but i always get a syntax error. I have something like this,
Select (case (sum(category_id) where required='true' and selected='true') = sum(category_id) where required='true' and (count(category_id) where required='true' != 0 ) then 'Yes'
else 'no'
from category_table
I have this problem in db2, saddly I can not put the original query hear because the proxy of my work don't le me pass emails to outside or even login at the web page from there.
I would be grateful for any help.
Have you tried using the VALUE function? if no rows will qualify the case conditions then you'll get Zero in the result.

EntityFramework Linq query

I cannot understand what is wrong with following query:
var tmp = dbset.AsEnumerable<mytable>().Where(
c=>c.Barcode.Contains("11") && c.Description.Contains("EW") );
return tmp;
Should this be same as:
select * from mytable
where Barcode like '%11%' and Description like '%EW%';
If I run this in sql server i get four rows as it should be, but not when I run the linq query
i get 0 rows.
Can please someone help me. It is rather a simple query and it is giving me such a headache. Thank you very much
You forget fetch data, do this:
var tmp = dbset.AsEnumerable<mytable>().Where(
c=>c.Barcode.Contains("11") && c.Description.Contains("EW") );
return tmp.ToList();
Also do not call AsEnumerable soon, use it as below:
var tmp = ctx.mytable.Where(
c=>c.Barcode.Contains("11") && c.Description.Contains("EW") );
return tmp.ToList();
Don't do that!
You are causing all your data to get pulled from the database before checking the Where condition.
Other than that, it's not really clear why your query isn't working. Your syntax is correct. I'm guessing the data doesn't actually look like you think it does. Either that, or you're expecting like %EW% to match something in a case-insensitive manner and since the Where clause is being evaluated by LINQ to Objects you're not getting that behavior.
Run a query with only one condition? " c.Barcode.Contains("11") ".
That code should run fine.

LINQ 2 Entities-query is not working, but why?

everyone! ))
Here is code.
var existingEntities = (from record in globalOne.serviceContext.records_out
where record.timestamp.Date == DateTime.Now.Date
select record ).ToList();
It doesn't work.
Another code:
var existingEntities = (from record in globalOne.serviceContext.records_out
where record.timestamp.Day == DateTime.Now.Day
select record ).ToList();
It does work.
So, problem id in next string:
where record.timestamp.**Date** == DateTime.Now.Date
also won't do
where record.timestamp.Date.Equals(DateTime.Now.Date)
But why? I have no clue. "Timestamp" field is dateTime field in MS SQL SERVER.
And - there is NO records in table.
And I almost forgot - what does it mean - "doesn't work".
App just will not reach the breakpoint after that query(first), without any error, without anything.
You can call record.timestamp.Date because EF can't convert it to required expression tree (then convert it to sql command). In fact EF supports limited number of functions and properties, But for DateTime, EF has some good Canonical functions. You can use them in your case, e.g you can use Day(),Month(),Year() functions to solve your problem (see the link).

How to get something like sql '%test%words%' in linq

I know how to use .Contains for looking up '%testwords%', my question is about how to use linq to get '%test%words%'. Thanks
maybe something like this if you're not using Linq to SQL:
var query = from o in yourObject
where o.field.Contains("test")
where o.field.Contains("words")
where o.field.indexOf("test") < o.field.indexOf("words")
select o;
if you are using Linq to SQL, use the SqlMethods that Stefanvds showed.
.Where(q => SqlMethods.Like(q,"%test%words%"))
use SqlMethods
well, i think the answer is NO :(
Probably the closest answer is lst.Where(foo.Contains("test") && foo.Contains("word")), though that statement doesnt give the right sequence as '%test%word%'
