Doctrine Email Validation triggers on empty form field - validation

I don't want an empty email field in my form to trigger a
Doctrine_Validator_Exception. But, since Doctrine_Validator_Email uses
"is_null()" to check for empty (non-existing) values (and the POST
['email'] contains an empty string), it does.
Is this correct? Is there a simple way around this?
This also has an impact when trying to set a column as unique (trying
to store a second empty string in the column triggers the validator).
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance,
Erland Wiencke
(Symfony 1.4.1/Doctrine 1.2)

I ran into this same problem in our Doctrine 1.2 application. In my case, the fix ended up adding this workaround to the record's merge() method:
$this->email = trim($this->email);
if ($this->email == '') {
$this->email = null;

There are several ways, not tested, but seem to work alltogether or separately:
1) $this->validatorSchema['email'] = null;
2) $this->validatorSchema['email'] = sfValidatorPass();
3) $this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true);
4) Just set required attribute to false:
$this->widgetSchema['email'] = sfWidgetFormInputText(array('required' => false));


Eloquent model update returns true but db change not reflecting

I have a model called CustomerInfo and i am trying to update it. update returns true but the changes are not reflecting on my db.
$customerInfo = CustomerInfo::where('machine_name',$username)->firstOrFail();
$result = $customerInfo->update($data);
$data varaible is a array having key value pair.
Also tried the following
$customerInfo = CustomerInfo::where('machine_name',$username)->update($data);
make sure $data variable that you want update record by its values, not be same with that record.
in this case, you don't have sql error but return of update will be zero.
Solved my questions.
Thanks Luciano.
i started eloquent manual db transaction and forgot to commit it at the end
DB::beginTransaction();//did this
$customerInfo = CustomerInfo::where('machine_name',$username)->firstOrFail();
$result = $customerInfo->update($data);
DB::Commit() //forgot to implement this part.
$result = $customerInfo->update($data);
$result variable will return only the boolean value. Try to return $customerInfo i.e.
return response()->json($customerInfo);
This will help you to find the actual problem and make sure the CustmerInfo model contains fillable properties and the $data variable contains all the information.
Try to use dd() like below to identify the issue:

Is there a way to pass condition in eloquent that if key exists then don't send object from collection (in mongodb)?

I am using jenssegers/laravel-mongodb,
I have a collection segments, I don't want those objects to be send by eloquent which has key named 'unrooted' i.e. to pass a condition to check if 'unrooted' key is set in collection, so I want
$condition[' ? '] = false; // $condition unrooted exists is false.
$segments = Segment::where($condition)->get();
I know that it can be done like getting all the objects pass the condition, and then
foreach($segments as $key => $segment){
if(property_exists($segment, 'unrooted')){
But it is not efficient for me incase of large collection.
Thankyou for you help.
It was simple, just used mongodb docs, posting it here for future references.
$condition['$exists'] = false;
$exists does the trick.

laravel - update the model(!) without selecting first

I have the following ResearchModel (eloquent):
$research = new ResearchModel();
$research->id = 2;
$research->name = "test";
I am expecting Laravel to run an update statement (because I set the id), but it runs an insert statement instead.
$research->update(); wont do anything.
I don't want to use array in this case because I need the eloquent model events to be triggered.
I also don't want to run ResearchModel::find(2); before, this will cause significant performance problems in my use-case.
Is there any way to tell Laravel to update by the id?
If you don't want to "select" first. Then you can update directly. This will run only one query.
$research = ResearchModel::where('id',2)->update([
'name' => 'test',
A dirty solution:
// Create an instance without insert to database.
$instance = new ResearchModel;
$instance->id = 2;
$instance->name = "test";
// Set the instance status directly.
$instance->exists = true;
// Update database without model.
ResearchModel::where('id', $instance->id)
->update(['name' => $instance->name]);
// Manually trigger event.
event('eloquent.updating: App\ResearchModel', $instance);
The premise of this method is that you already have the required data. If the data required for the event must be read from the DB, then this method is useless.
Find by id
$research = ResearchModel::find(2);
Then you can run update function
$research->update([ 'name' => "test"]);
and if u don't want to use
then u have to use route binding

Laravel 5.5 - Check if only one column will be updated

Using Laravel 5.5 and models, I would like to know, before updated if only one column, statut, will be updated.
The interest is to just updated the statut if there are no changes or, if there are some columns to be updated, create a new row. Because each modification need to be approved before published.
Actually, I have a big if like :
if($request->statut != $product->statut && $request->title == $product ...)
Is there a quickest way ?
You can utilize isDirty('field') method to check if the field was changed (and not yet saved). getDirty() will return you array of all such fields and their values.
If I understood your case correctly, then you can do:
if ($product->isDirty('statut')) {
if (count($product->getDirty()) == 1) {
First we check if field statut was changed for your $product. Then we just check if number of changed fields is 1 (meaning that there are no more changed fields than just statut).

laravel update shouldn't do anything if no value changed

If I open a form to edit and without changing any value just hit Submit button to update, it updates the row in the table i.e. it changes the updated_at time and even executes some code in bootXXXX(static::saving(function($model) {}) function.
I do not want that to happen.
How can I find If user changed nothing and its a blank submit button hit?
Of course before update I can fetch the current values and compare them with input $request->all() and decide to update or not, but Is there any better way to do so the laravel way?
you have 2 methods one is getDirty() by using this you will get current changed input value, another one is getOriginal() if you use that you will get what previous data you have
By using those 2 methods i am giving here a example,may be it will help you
foreach($model->getDirty() as $attribute => $value){
$original= $model->getOriginal($attribute);
echo "Changed $attribute from '$original' to '$value'<br/>\r\n";
return true; //if false the model wont save!
