I was parsing a file and some lines of the file ended with "\". I wanted to use gsub to find and replace it. I tried '\' and /\/ and neither one correctly matched "\".
I ended up getting around it by using a combination of chop and strip but it left me thinking how would I do this if I ever need to again?
You need to escape the escape sign as well. So this should work:
Passing a string to gsub that will then be compiled to a regex:
"abc\def".gsub("\\", "")
=> "abcdef"
Or just providing the regex directly:
"abc\def".gsub(/\\/, "")
=> "abcdef"
I often see the gsub function being called with the pattern parameter enclosed in forward slashes. For example:
>> phrase = "*** and *** ran to the ###."
>> phrase.gsub(/\*\*\*/, "WOOF")
=> "WOOF and WOOF ran to the ###."
I thought maybe it had something to do with escaping asterisks, but using single quotes and double quotes works just as well:
>> phrase = "*** and *** ran to the ###."
>> phrase.gsub('***', "WOOF")
=> "WOOF and WOOF ran to the ###."
>> phrase.gsub("***", "WOOF")
=> "WOOF and WOOF ran to the ###."
Is it just convention to use forward slash? What am I missing?
Use forward slashes if you need to use regular expressions.
If you use a string argument with gsub, it will just do a plain character match.
In your example, you need backslashes to escape the asterisks when using a regular expression, because asterisks have a special meaning in regex (optionally match something any number of times). They are not necessary when using a string, because they are just matched exactly.
In your example, you probably don't need to use a regular expression, since it is a simple pattern. However, if you wanted to match *** only when it was at the beginning of a string (e.g. the first bunch in your example), then you would want to use a regex, for example:
phrase.gsub(/^\*{3}/, "WOOF")
For more information on regular expressions, see: http://www.regular-expressions.info/.
For more information on using regular expressions in Ruby, see: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Regexp.html.
To play with regular expressions as they work in Ruby, try: http://rubular.com/.
You are missing reading the documentation:
The pattern is typically a Regexp; if given as a String, any regular expression metacharacters it contains will be interpreted literally, e.g. '\d' will match a backlash followed by ‘d’, instead of a digit.
In other words, you can give a string or a regular expression. Regular expressions can be delimited several ways:
Regexps are created using the /.../ and %r{...} literals, and by the Regexp::new constructor.
The benefit of %r and of the alternate %r delimiters is you can usually find a delimiter that doesn't collide with characters in the pattern, which would force escaping them, as in your example.
* has to be escaped because it has special meaning in a regex, but in a string it does not.
I want to create a regular expression such as:
I am trying it in this way:
Regexp.new('\\\s*\\\s*$') # => /\\s*\\s*$/
What am I doing wrong?
Well (\\) matches a single backslash. Backslash serves as an escape character for Regexp.
rgx = Regexp.new('\\\\\\s*\\\\\\s*$')
A more verbose way of doing this would be the following as #Cary Swoveland stated.
rgx = Regexp.new('\\{3}s*\\{3}s*$')
Using literal notation avoids some confusion. This compiles to what you said you want:
Though, to be clear, this still matches a single backslash, optional whitespace a single backslash and more optional whitespace. Backslashes are escaped when you inspect a regexp.
I currently have a string to remove spaces from strings, however I now need to remove forward slashes from the string too. I'm not very good with regexes and could use some help thanks. This is the current regex I have: gsub(/\s+/, "") how do I modify this to remove / ? I've played around in the console and can't seem to get it.
You have to escape the forward slash because it's a special character. Something like this:
s = "This is a line / string"
s.gsub(/[\s\/]/, '') # => "Thisisalinestring"
Is there some way in Ruby that I can avoid having to put double-backslash in Ruby strings (like what can be done in C#):
For example, in C# was can prefix a string with # and then the backslash in the string does not need to be escaped:
#"C:\Windows, C:\ABC"
Without # we would need to escape the backslash:
"C:\\Windows, C:\\ABC"
Is there something similar in Ruby?
Use single quotes
my_string = 'C:\Windows'
See more in the Strings section here
You can also use %q and backslashes will be automatically escaped for you:
%q{C:\Windows} => "C:\\Windows"
I'm trying to learn RegEx in Ruby, based on what I'm reading in "The Rails Way". But, even this simple example has me stumped. I can't tell if it is a typo or not:
text.gsub(/\s/, "-").gsub([^\W-], '').downcase
It seems to me that this would replace all spaces with -, then anywhere a string starts with a non letter or number followed by a dash, replace that with ''. But, using irb, it fails first on ^:
syntax error, unexpected '^', expecting ']'
If I take out the ^, it fails again on the W.
>> text = "I love spaces"
=> "I love spaces"
>> text.gsub(/\s/, "-").gsub(/[^\W-]/, '').downcase
=> "--"
Missing //
Although this makes a little more sense :-)
>> text.gsub(/\s/, "-").gsub(/([^\W-])/, '\1').downcase
=> "i-love-spaces"
And this is probably what is meant
>> text.gsub(/\s/, "-").gsub(/[^\w-]/, '').downcase
=> "i-love-spaces"
\W means "not a word"
\w means "a word"
The // generate a regexp object
=> Regexp
Step 1: Add this to your bookmarks. Whenever I need to look up regexes, it's my first stop
Step 2: Let's walk through your code
text.gsub(/\s/, "-")
You're calling the gsub function, and giving it 2 parameters.
The first parameter is /\s/, which is ruby for "create a new regexp containing \s (the // are like special "" for regexes).
The second parameter is the string "-".
This will therefore replace all whitespace characters with hyphens. So far, so good.
.gsub([^\W-], '').downcase
Next you call gsub again, passing it 2 parameters.
The first parameter is [^\W-]. Because we didn't quote it in forward-slashes, ruby will literally try run that code. [] creates an array, then it tries to put ^\W- into the array, which is not valid code, so it breaks.
Changing it to /[^\W-]/ gives us a valid regex.
Looking at the regex, the [] says 'match any character in this group. The group contains \W (which means non-word character) and -, so the regex should match any non-word character, or any hyphen.
As the second thing you pass to gsub is an empty string, it should end up replacing all the non-word characters and hyphens with empty string (thereby stripping them out )
Which just converts the string to lower case.
Hope this helps :-)
You forgot the slashes. It should be /[^\W-]/
Well, .gsub(/[^\W-]/,'') says replace anything that's a not word nor a - for nothing.
You probably want
>> text.gsub(/\s/, "-").gsub(/[^\w-]/, '').downcase
=> "i-love-spaces"
Lower case \w (\W is just the opposite)
The slashes are to say that the thing between them is a regular expression, much like quotes say the thing between them is a string.