Using Firebug to send form data - ajax

Is it possible to send AJAX data with params, that aren't in the URL?
I have a script that gets information from a form, and the server uses POST and not GET.
I noticed the possibility in FireBug to send the params only in the URL.
In case it's impossible, is there another program that might help me with that?
Simple and FireFoxy..

Have also a look at Fiddler.

For that I use LiveHTTPHeader addon. It offers you nice record/replay facilities and replay also for HTTP POST style. You can also modify the payload.

It's possible.
In XMLHttpRequest.send(); you can put POST data


How to recognise an ajax application?

How can I decide if a website is using Ajax technology? What are the characteristics that I should I look in the website to tell it is an ajax application?
Search the javascript for XMLHttpRequest. Beyond that, the working definition of Ajax is rather too broad to look for, say, specific behaviours.
You can just look into the javascript source code and search for .ajax, .post and .get . If you find any of these they use ajax technologies.
You can also look at the network requests a page sends, if the page sends requests after loading the full page without you seeing it refreshing it probably uses ajax.
There's nothing special about websites using AJAX, it just means they make an asynchronous call to the server at some point. You can't know for certain that the website will make such a call unless you run it.

What exactly counts as using AJAX

From my understanding, AJAX requires the use of the XMLHttpRequest object. What I am confused on is the source of where the XMLHttpRequest object is connected to? In the school projects, I have connected it to XML and mySQL and was told that I am doing AJAX. What if I connect the XMLHttpRequest object to a PHP script which contains an array of data? Would that count as AJAX?
The reason why I ask is because I was thinking of adding AJAX to my resume, but since this area seems so broad and I have had limited experience with it, I want to make sure I have a clear understanding of this technology.
The AJAX part is just how the request is made from the client. If it happens asynchronously using XmlHttpRequest, it doesn't matter where the request is going :-) It could be a request to an server side script in PHP, a JSON file, an xml file, or anything else.
It's not broad at all. Any time you do an async web request (actually, it doesn't even have to be async, but that's really the best way to to use it) via javascript (rather than through a Form submit) you're using AJAX. What you connect to or what you retrieve is irrelevant.
Without being rude, I'd like to point out that if you state on a resume that you possess "a clear understanding of this technology" then you're not being honest, since you're asking this question, which indicates that your understanding of the technology isn't "clear".
If, however, you're totally confortable with the use of Ajax and were simply not entirely clear on it's lexical definition... well... now you should be.
yes ,the ajax can used for all language,soever java or asp and php

How does ajax push work?

In simple terms, how is push achieved through ajax? Is this done through the same object used for conventional ajax requests?
In simple terms, how is push achieved through ajax?
The general idea is to always have a request to the server "hanging", so the server can respond to it whenever it wants to "push" something to the client.
Is this done through the same object used for conventional ajax requests?
It can be, but you can emulate it with an iframe as well. This field is in very active development currently, so maybe WebSockets and the EventSource should be mentioned here as well.
Wikipedia has a simple definition of the Comet model, used to make AJAX push work
It might be the standard in HTML5
A simple logic is to get updateds from the server after a prefixed time interval. Usually this is done by setInterval() method of javascript and the jquery ajax is used to check the server database. You can visit this URL

Using JSON and Ajax together

I have never used Ajax with JSON. Are there any good resources to look upon?
Think of Ajax as a way to send and receive textual content with the server. The format of the messages you send back and forth is up to you. You could use JSON, XML, YAML, CSV, or whatever else you want.
If you separate these two concerns your problem should be a lot easier to approach.
Figure out how to make an Ajax call to your server
Figure out how to parse and serialize JSON
If you use a JavaScript framework, like jQuery or Prototype, both of these things will be handled for you pretty seamlessly with their Ajax APIs.

ajax search suggest autocomplete, server keep querying

ajax search suggest autocomplete. when i input something, ajax sends them to the server, query them and send back to client. But sometime when i input some words, ajax sends them to the server, server keep querying them. Should I set up timeout?
I would think so. You actually need to give more background info. There is too less info to make any guesses or suggestions...
I using workbench. So I upgraded it to newer version. It looks like its working fine
