How to adjust JFrame border thickness in Java - windows-vista

I'm using Vista, my old Java app ran on Win XP has thin borders, about 2 pixels thick, but now on Vista, the borders deafults to thick lines, maybe 6,7 pixels thick, can I specify in Java how thick my JFrame borders should be ?

By default borders are handled by the native windowing system. But in the JFrame API there is a method setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(boolean). It says that if set to true and if the current look and feel supports it, it will use the look and feel to draw the borders, title and buttons. I haven't ever tried this, since I don't know which look and feels support decoration. The first thing would be to find one that does, then set that via the UIManager or command-line -Ddefault.laf argument, and turn on look and feel decoration via the JFrame method.
If you use this option though, you'll probably get non-standard looking window decoration. Given the little bits of Vista eye candy (glow on hover over the buttons and the translucent title bar), are you sure you want to do that?
Another option is to use the JFrame.setUndecorated(boolean) method and handle rendering of borders, title bar, etc. yourself, but that's probably even more difficult.


How are custom Windows Borders and styles done?

I have seen a program recently that has got what appears to be a custom Window border.
I don't know how this is accomplished. If anyone does know then please do tell me as this is interesting.
I am mostly interested in something similar shown in the picture
Window example of what I am trying to accomplish
You must handle the non-client messages like WM_NCPAINT. Depending on your design you might need to call DwmDefWindowProc as well.
Use SetWindowRgn if you want XP style rounded edges or SetLayeredWindowAttributes for full alpha support and custom shadows.

Notification area flyout link area

I made a flyout window in the notification area using WinAPI and my goal was to make it similar to the flyout windows that show up when you click some of the icons in the notification area, like the Volume icon.
I already succeeded in making it look and behave similar to the other ones, but there is one thing I can't seem to figure out. The link area of the flyout windows has a darker blueish background and there is a subtle difference in the look between Windows 7 and Windows 8. A picture of it in Windows 7 can be seen here
I achieved this by painting this link area of my flyout window manually in the right colors (including the gradient at the topmost part of the section) using the WM_PAINT message, but I just feel like it's too much of a hack, especially because it's not affected by changing themes in Windows. For example, if I set the "Windows Classic" theme this area should be grey and not blue.
So, my question is, am I missing something in how this can be achieved without painting the window manually. I noticed that the details pane in Explorer windows in Win 7 has the same look. I've searched quite a bit for answers but I haven't found anything yet. This is my first time doing a GUI using the WinAPI so I have very little experience, and therefore I'm assuming there is something that I just don't know about.
I did manage to figure out how to draw this area without painting it manually. It can be drawn by using the OpenThemeData and DrawThemeBackground functions
HTHEME aeroTheme = OpenThemeData(hWnd, L"FLYOUT");
DrawThemeBackground(aeroTheme, hdc, FLYOUT_LINKAREA, 0, &rect, &rect);
This obviously only works when themes are enabled, so for non-themed cases I draw a normal rectangle with the appropriate color.
I'm not an expert in WinAPI so I can't offer any advice on achieving the look you want without manual painting.
However, if you're successfully achieving the appearance for a particular color theme, I'd suggest you look at the GetSysColor function and use this when creating your brushes for painting. This should allow you to get the correct colors based on the theme that has been set. More info (including a swatch table) can be found here.
Hope this helps.

How to draw a custom shaped window using Qt and apply current Windows theme colors/effects to it?

Is it possible to draw a custom shaped window in Qt which inherits color and transparency (glass) effects from current system theme. Ultimately I need it to look & feel just like user's taskbar adjusting to his theme. Like in this concept. I realize that it might not be possible to achieve such perfect integration, but at least make a custom shaped background which look the same as the taskbar (glass look&feel) I believe is achievable.
Partially it is answered in similar questoin - Displaying translucent / irregular-shaped windows with Qt. But still not sure how to read system theme information and apply it to QPainter.
The tricky part is that slope on the left. I'd wager you could get a title bar on a window to be taller and have the rest of the window be 0 height so the window was entirely a title bar but that slope would require rendering functions that just won't exist on Windows.
Also, you're wanting your window hide the taskbar's bevel under where your window appears. That will probably not be possible either as your window will be semi-transparent so it won't be able to block the rendered bevel of the normal taskbar.
Sorry. Might have to go back to the drawing board on your design.

How to programmatically arrange windows like in expose with Cocoa?

I would like to know if there is a way to programmatically arrange desktop windows similar to Expose in Cocoa.
The best I can think of off the top of my head is this (somewhat clumsy, and doesn't continue to show moving content, but should work):
Draw the contents of each of your windows to images
Create new windows showing those images (set to scale with window resizing), and hide your old
Calculate the new positions for each window (a first approximation would be to scale them all to the same size, then tile them)
Call -setFrame:animate: on all of them
Alternately, the same trick but instead of using real windows, make one screen-sized transparent window and move CALayers around in it.
Good luck! This is definitely a tricky thing to do well.

Windows Vista/7 glass completely broken?

I'm trying to get the media player glass effect for an application, but I'm facing roadblocks all around. Is it me, or is it the API?
I started by calling:
MARGINS margins = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
HRESULT result = ::DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(m_hWnd, &margins);
And erasing the background to black on:
Everything was fine until I added an edit box. With EditBox, places where black text appears are replaced with glass. The problem is blown out of proportion with more advanced controls like ComboBoxEx and that like. Those start to look like mess.
The bright side with this approach is that the alpha blended images look alright. And are gradually blended into the glass.
The solution for edit boxes seems to be using WS_EX_LAYERED with LWA_COLORKEY and using some awful color for glass masking, and erasing the background to that color. Unfortunately this breaks other things. The alpha blending on icons looks super ugly with shadows blended to radioactive green, and the glass itself becomes click-throughable, even though I don't have a WS_EX_TRANSPARENT style on the window.
The third suggestion is sort of custom composition with GDI+, but that seems to be a bad approach, since GDI+ is a software fallback, and I can't find a way how to render EditBox or ComboBoxEx to an image that I could use for composition later.
Am I missing something?
The sources at SO also seem to face the same problems:
Kenny Kerr wrote an excellent article on displaying controls on glass, using edit controls as an example:
The simple answer is, you cannot do this.
All the standard controls render themselves with normal GDI calls. Normal GDI calls are alpha unaware and mostly set the alpha channel to zero.
The more complicated answer is, you can: There are some samples on the net where standard controls are mixed with aero glass. They fall into two basic categories:
WinForms (.NET) samples. WinForms don't actually use the native controls - the WinForms controls are all rewritten versions that, amongst other features, blit using alpha aware routines. This example is depressingly simple and makes me realize how much Microsoft hate native developers.
Subclassed samples: The only way to get the regular/native controls to paint on aero glass is to sublclass the controls, catch WM_PAINT messages to create a DIBBitmap, call WM_PRINT to render the controls content onto it. Use the DWM functions to repair the alpha channel data. Paint the resulting alpha'd bitap yourself using AlphaBlend.
This article on CodeProject contains a reference implementation that subclasses most of the standard controls rather well.
Try changing your text/foreground color on controls like the edit box to something "almost black" (like #010101). Then you should be able to skip the other rendering issues except alpha transparency for images/icons.
Edit: Drawing other stuff - might be some weird approaches to handle compatibility, but then again classic apps aren't glass themed by default ... don't know. Just try to avoid drawing stuff yourself, if possible.
