Two Hudson Masters on the same Windows Server - windows

I want to setup two Hudson Masters on the same Hardware. This will make administering Hudson easier, since both servers are used by two different (and independent) teams.
So far I tried to install one server as a service. I verified the installation and it is running ok. I than copied the installation into another path and changed the service information (different service Name and description) and the httpPort. I then create the service, once using sc.exe create and once using hudson.exe install. In both cases the server started. However, the configuration page acted goofy. So this approach is either not working at all or I missed another configuration file.
Does anyone has an idea how to accomplish this?

I tried the same approach as documented in the question but avoided the copying of the original installation. So I created two folders and put a copy of hudson.war in it. Then I performed the following steps for both folders.
Start Hudson with java -jar hudson.war
Installed Hudson as a service using the web UI
went into the Hudson Base Dir and ran hudson uninstall
modified the port and the Service information in hudson.xml
installed the service through command line hudson install
Now I have two services and the first quick test looks promising.

May I suggest:
run two instances of Tomcat
have each Tomcat running on its own HTTP port
deploy HUDSON.WAR in each Tomcat
set CATALINA_OPTS for each Tomcat to point to a different HUDSON_HOME


Node (maven) to deploy the application to several environments

On Jelastic, I created a node for building an application (maven), there are several identical environments (NGINX + Spring Boot), the difference is in binding to its database and configured SSL.
The task is to ensure that after building the application (* .jar), deploy at the same time go to these several environments, how to implement it?
When editing a project, it is possible to specify only one environment, multi-selection is not provided.
it`s allowed to specify just one environment
We suggest creating a few environments using one Repository branch, and run updates by API!/api/environment.Vcs-method-Update pushing whole code to VCS.
It's possible to use CloudScripting technology for attaching custom logic to onAfterBuildProject event and deploying the project to additional environments after build is complete. Please check this JPS as an example of the code syntax. Most likely you will need to use DeployProject API method.

Zabbix multiple agent instances of different versions

I was wondering if there is anyway that different versions of zabbix agent can runned on a windows server.
The documentation mentions something about multiple "intances" but doesnt look like this is creating any more services.
I've tried running version 3.2 alongside 2.4 on a test server but only one service can run at a time, if I try and start service 2, I'll get:
As you can see from the screen shoot the service have different names and calling diferent version of the executable.
Both services run, just not at the same time.
You can't run multiple agents on the same ListenPort. Use different ports per agent instance.

How to Properly Configure Multiple RabbitMQ Instances on a Single Server

I'm trying to do some clustering testing and I am setting up multiple RabbitMQ services on a single Windows machine. I am able to set the environment variables RABBITMQ_NODENAME, RABBITMQ_SERVICENAME, and RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT then run RabbitMQ-Service Install to have a new RabbitMQ service installed under a different name.
My question is regarding the configuration file. Based on what I read on the RabbitMQ site, the configuration file defaults to the %AppData%\RabbitMQ directory.
I'm just having trouble trying to understand how it should be setup so I can have 3 instances of the service running with their own configuration.
Do I run the installation under a different local or domain account so it gets placed under a different %AppData%\RabbitMQ directory or can I add a directive to the service to look in a particular directory for the configuration file for that particular service?
Also, how does RABBITMQ_BASE come into play? Is that only for data and log files or does that also apply to the configuration file? I'm not sure if once I have the service setup with BASE defined as a specific path I can place a new rabbitmq.config under the root of that path.
Please confirm and provide any additional assistance. Thank you in advance!
For now I'm testing on Windows but I plan on converting to linux once I have this all working correctly and understood. Unfortunately, I've inherited the current environment and it's already installed and running using Windows servers. They just wanted me to setup clustering for it so I'm trying to simulate the cluster on my workstation.
Nevermind, I found out what I needed. The environment variable RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE can be used to override the location of the default config file.
You can run multiple RabbitMQ instances on 1 machine without clustering. You just need to change the ports and the node name in rabbitmq-defaults, rabbitmq-env and config files. If you want them as a service you can just create them from the already configured instances.
HERE is a detailed guide on how to do that. It's pretty easy and straightforward.

Deploying applications to Web Logic production Server

I am here to get some expert advice on deploying applications to WebLogic Production Server.
Is it a best practice to use Admin Server Console for deploying and redeploying applications in production. Actually I am deploying to a cluster having two managed server instances.
I have encountered this issue while i am redeploying application in the production. When i am deleting existing .ear file and adding updated .ear file will put the updated .ear file into prepared state. I can not make it Active state using Admin Server Console. If i try it will through some exceptions. But after some time it automatically goes in to active state, but i don't know what is happening inside. Sometimes i restart the server to make it active. Could anybody explain me what is the procedure when deploying application and redeploying applications in weblogic
Thanks in advance for any Help...
Generally WLST (WebLogic Scripting Tool) is used to deploy the applications. Administration Console can also be used to deploy/upgrade the applications but if there are many environments that need to be upgraded then WLST (which works like a command line tool) is much better option.
Get an overview of WLST to know how to use it to deploy/undeploy/upgrade applications.
Check out "Understanding WebLogic Server Deployment" and the "Redeploying Applications in a Production Environment". There are different factors that affect redeployment of an application which you might be running into.
Additionally, there is a WebLogic Plug-in for Maven in more recent WebLogic releases that you can use for deployments in conjunction with Maven.

how do I use web deploy to deploy multiple sites on localhost with different ports

I have a solution that contains multiple integration test projects and one web application project. each integration project connects to the web application when running the tests. I would like for each test project to access the website with its own database connection. I have been trying to use the web deploy functionality built into visual studio. However I have been unable to figure out what I need to add to either the deployment package that is created and/or the post build event for the test projects to declare the binding port for the website when deployed. For example, I want integration project A to create and access the website located at http://localhost:83 and integration project B to create and access the website located at http://localhost:82. Could someone please explain:
Is there anything I need to do the deployment package ?
What do I need to add to my post-build events for my integration projects when deploying the package, so that the website is created at the correct port when building the project?
I'm wanting to deploy the same site to two different locations on my machine so that I can run both sets of integration tests at the same time.
Update 2:
I have researched the web deploy tool and it allows you to specify parameters that modify what is deployed when you call it from the command line. However I have found the documentation very confusing.
Update 3:
I expect these to be two different websites, each pointing to there own database. If possible I would like a single package that can be deployed using msdeploy. Which will then be called in a post build event from each of the integration test projects. I would like to specify the connection string and deployment location from the post build script of the integration project.
you can try with webdev.server included in visual studio. VisualStudio use this for start a webserver when you debug. With this you can start a webserver in the desire port (if the port is not used currently).
I made a bat file for change some options.
check it.
::Begin of bat file
cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\DevServer\10.0\
WebDev.WebServer40.exe /port:80 /path:"C:\PATHTOYOURWEBPROJECT" /vpath:"/NAMEOFYOURWEBPROJECT"
::End of bat file
You can acces in: http://localhost:80
I use the webserver40, but if you don't have net.4 or vs2010 you can try to find webserver[ xx version].exe
I hope that this will be helpful, and sorry for my broken english.
First off, you're approaching this the wrong way.
> I would like for each test project to access the website with its
own database connection.
Who is creating the DB connection? Your web site or the test project? For rest of your question to make sense, I presume its the web site (otherwise, Project A and Project B cannot share a connection out of the box).
If your website is making the connection, unless you're caching or having a static connection, there will be a new connection made as each request runs your your site on a new thread. Another simpler alternative is to take a query param and initiate a new connection based on that. If you seed it off the caller, you can also use it for more detailed logging.
Web Deployment projects are meant for deploying to integration servers, so that means you cannot access them by http://localhost... but the full FQDN of the server.
Most importantly, http://localhost:82/myApp and http://localhost:83/myApp are two different sites (unless you redirect from one of them to another one which in itself can cause additional issues) running the same codebase.
Having said that, you would then need to deploy your website twice and then all you need is to change the config/settings entry in Project A and B to point to these to different sites.
Hope this makes sense.
You can define virtual host configuration.
Refer this guide for more information.
