Is there a quick way to fix line ending problems in Xcode? - xcode

I am looking at a project which contains a mix of source files - built on a variety of systems. When I attempt to compile it, I'm getting some errors from the pre-processor which suggest that my line ending formatting mix is just not cutting it.
Is there a quick way to correct this in Xcode? I'm looking to globally change the line ending format in all of my files, save, and recompile.

I don't know of an xcode way of doing it but you could fix it with sed.
ls *.c | sed 's/.$//';
You probably need to do this on an entire project, an utility like flip might work out better. You can get the source from the website.


How can I compare .text and .data segments of a .dll against the same ones in a different .dll?

I have a 20+ yo .dll, written in C that none of my colleagues want to touch. With good reason, it uses macros, macro constants and casting EVERYWHERE, making the symbol table quite lean.
Unfortunately, I have to sometimes debug this code and it drives me crazy that it doesn't use something as simple as enums which would put symbols in the .pdb file to make debugging just that little bit easier.
I would love to convert some of the #defines to enums, even if I don't change the variable types as yet, but there is a genuine fear that it will cause possible issues in terms of performance if it were to change the code generated.
I need to show definitively, that no compiled code changes will occur, but it would seem that the .dll is actually changing significantly in a 64 bit build. I looked at one of the function's disassembly code and it appears to be unaffected, but I need to show what is and is not changing in the binary to alleviate the fears of my colleagues as well as some of my own trepidation, plus the bewilderment as to why any changes would propagate to the .dll at all, though the .dlls are of the same size.
Does anyone have any idea how I could do this? I've tried to use dumpbin, but I'm not that familiar with it and am getting some mixed results, prolly because I'm not understanding the output as much as I like.
The way I did this was as follows:
Turn on /FAs switch for project.
Compile that project.
Move the object file directory (Release => Release-without-enums)
Change #defines to enums
Compile that project again.
Move the object file directory (Release => Release-with-enums)
From a bash command line. Use the command from the parent of the Release directory:
for a in Release-without-enum/*.asm; do
git diff --no-index --word-diff --color -U10000 $a "Release-with-enum/$(basename $a)";
done | less -R
The -U10000 is just so that I can see the entire file of each file. Remove it if you just want to see the changes.
This will list all of the modifications in the generated assembly code.
The changes found were as follows:
Symbol addresses were moved about for apparently no reason
Referencing __FILE__ seems to result in not getting a full path when using enums. Why this would translate to removing the full path when using enums is a mystery as the compiler flags have not changed.
Some symbols were renamed for apparently no reason.
2 and 3 seem to be caused by a corrupted .pdb error. This might be due to the files being used in multiple projects in the same solution. Rebuilding the entire solution fixed those 2 problems.

How to find a work-around when Xcode analyzer finds issues but does not show them in the files?

I'm having trouble with Xcode 4.5.2's analyzer. It is able to find issues:
But, while the issues are displayed on the top bar:
the issues are not shown inside the file editor. Without this information, there is no practical way to know what the analyzer was talking about.
Is there a log file somewhere where I could find a line number for the detected issues? Any other workaround or setting tweak?
The only workaround I can think of is running the analyser from the command line. That can be done directly on Xcode projects (ie, no makefile barbarism required) and should give you direct textual feedback.

How do I find all ""-enclosed strings in all .cs files of my solution?

For localization purposes, how can I with as little effort as possible find all remaining "strings", in all my .cs files in all projects in a solution, that are not inside a comment? Regex in the Find dialog? Some other special tool?
One way is to first strip out all comments from your .cs files. Keep a backup of original files, of course. This post contains a sed script that will help you here. Note: it works for C and C++ style comments; if you've got some specific C# comments, it shouldn't be too hard to modify that script.
Next, finding all strings shouldn't be too hard using regex. I'd suggest using grep first on your .cs files, just to be sure if you're getting what you expect.
Resource Refactoring Tool at CodePlex:
Resource Refactoring Tool provides developers an easy way to extract hard coded strings from the code to resource files.

Git and pbxproj

I was looking at an open source Mac application, and they gave some suggested values for .gitignore. They were what I would expect...
However, they also suggested an entry into a .gitattributes file:
*.pbxproj -crlf -diff -merge
I'm not the most knowledgable in terms of git, so I was wondering - what exactly are the benefits of adding this line? What does do in particular? I've only seen this suggested in this one project, and if it was normal practice I would have expected to see it elsewhere right now. So I was curious about how it applies to the pbxproj file specifically.
The pbxproj file isn't really human mergable. While it is plain ASCII text, it's a form of JSON. Essentially you want to treat it as a binary file.
Here's what the individual flags do:
-crlf: don't use crlf <=> cr conversion
-diff: do not diff the file
-merge: do not attempt to merge the file
From the Pro Git book by Scott Chacon
Some files look like text files but
for all intents and purposes are to be
treated as binary data. For instance,
Xcode projects on the Mac contain a
file that ends in .pbxproj, which is
basically a JSON (plain text
javascript data format) dataset
written out to disk by the IDE that
records your build settings and so on.
Although it’s technically a text file,
because it’s all ASCII, you don’t want
to treat it as such because it’s
really a lightweight database — you
can’t merge the contents if two people
changed it, and diffs generally aren’t
helpful. The file is meant to be
consumed by a machine. In essence, you
want to treat it like a binary file.
A diff is oftentimes useful at commit time to check what has been changed. So I find it useful to keep the diffing ability but just prevent merging. So I use this in my .gitattributes file:
*.pbxproj -crlf -merge
On another note, has anybody tried using merge=union for pbxproj files? See: Should I merge .pbxproj files with git using merge=union?
I faced the problem of corruption *.pbxproj file after resolving merge conflicts manually. Or, more often, my files just 'disappeared' from the working tree after the merge. It drove me mad because we work in a team, so you can imagine how messy it can become very fast.
So, I have tested merge=union and it works well so far. I know that it can't help if files were deleted or renamed at the same time, but for adding new files it works as expected: there is no conflicts and files don't disappear after the merge. And it also saves quite a bit of time.
If you want to try it out, here is what I did.
1) Create a global .gitattributes file. Run in terminal:
touch ~/.gitattributes
git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes
2) This command should open it in a text editor:
open ~/.gitattributes
3) When the file opens, add this line and save the file:
*.pbxproj binary merge=union
Done. Hope this will help new readers like it helped me.
I wrote a python script named xUnique to solve this merge conflicts problem.
This script do following things:
replace all 24 chars UUID to project-wide unique 32 chars MD5 digests, and remove any unused UUIDs(usually caused by careless merge before). This would prevent duplicate UUIDs because different machines/Xcode generate different UUIDs in this file. Xcode does recognize it and the project could be opened. During this process, remove all invalid lines in project file
sort the project file. I wrote a python version of sort-Xcode-project-file from Webkit team with more new features:
support to sort PBXFileReference and PBXBuildFile sections
remove duplicated files/refs
avoid creating new file even if no changes made, this makes less commits after using this script
More details and updates of xUnique, please refer to README

How best to deal with gigantic source code files in Visual Studio

I'm working on a project which makes substantial use of code generation. Some of the files it generates contain >0.25 million lines of code. VS (2K5) doesn't cope too badly, but R# (4.01) throws an out of memory exception every two minutes or so.
Splitting them out into partial classes/separate files isn't an option in the immediate term, though it may be later.
Are there any clever IDE tricks to dealing with this?
EDIT: so people are immediately saying (very sensibly) 'don't have a file that big' and suggesting ways to break it out into smaller files.
That's fine, but I'm on a time-boxed task taking a look around and deciding what to optimise. My problem is very specifically 'how to view an insanely big file in an IDE without pain', not 'how to refactor the project'. For purposes of the question please imagine the file is read-only. :)
I would at least change huge files extention to something like .cpp_gen or .cpp_huge to remove syntax highlighting, outlining etc. and then reassign build tool back to C/C++ compiler tool for them.
Seems like this R# tool (is that Resharper?) is the problem. Can you disable it?
Otherwise, changing the file type for the generated code might make sense - presumably, you aren't going to be doing major editing on those files, so losing syntax coloring and other features specific to source files wouldn't be an issue.
250 000 lines of code?
you should think not in a machine point of view, but in a human been point of view. Let's say that you want to pass that code to someone else, can you see the time to see what the code does?
Design Patterns were made to deal with this ind stuff, try to start small, refactoring it, then go deeper and start applying more D.P.
you will have less and less lines of code, and Yes, one of the best tricks is to separate into several files according to it's propose.
Assuming you're not hand-editing your generated code. (=BAD IDEA!!)
You could put the generated files in a separate solution that you compile from the command line and then reference those dll's from the project you're working in.
Is the problem when you open the file for editing in Visual Studio? I've noticed that VS editor can be quite slow and inefficient on large files. Also, you could try turning off certain options, e.g. word-wrapping kills my machine for some reason.
Otherwise you could use something else like Textpad with syntax highlighting installed to edit the problematic large source file... not as nice, for sure.
Don't use visual studio. There is too much going on in VS.
Since the file is read only, you wont be using any IDE features (Intellisense, Refactoring tools, formatting).
You will probably get better performance using a simpler application, such as notepad++ for simply viewing the file. Notepad++ will do standard language highlighting if you like color.
Can't you break up the files and use the preprocessor to bring them back together when you compile?
It must be possible somehow to group large chunks of those files in separate libraries. You'd then separate them into several projects. Tried this? What the is the current structure of your source code/ project?
