MBUnit - Calling the same method multiple times in a sequence? - methods

Is there a way in MBUnit to have the same test called multiple times with different parameters in a sequence, as such:
Method2(param A)
etc? I've tried using the Order parameter but sadly I was too hopeful in that the Ordering would be considered class-wide rather than test-wide (1,2,3,4,5,6 as opposed to 1,2a,2b,2c,3,4).

Can you explain the reasons for needing this? This sounds like you have dependencies between your test methods, which in general isn't a good way to go about writing test code.
If you need something to be called in a particular sequence then why not simply expose it as a single test method which calls certain submethods in the order of your choosing?


Google Test: variable number of parameters for tests in the same test case

I have just started studying a code base which uses Google Test as testing framework (which I am not familiar with). Parameterized tests are extensively used more or less in what I believe is the usual way:
class TestCaseName: public ::testing::TestWithParam<Params> {
// fairly complex setup
TEST_P(TestCaseName, TestName) {...}
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(UniqueName, TestCaseName, CombinedInput);
The problem is that often tests need some specific additional input.
It could be possible to create different versions of TestCaseName with different values of Params, but that would duplicate a fair amount of code.
Otherwise, it could be possible to add a single parameter to Params, corresponding to a custom AdditionalInput class which contains fields for all possible additional input. Extending TestCaseName as needed, the setup could be specialized.
Are there better approaches to solve this problem?

EasyMock aware debugger in Intellij?

Maybe this is counterproductive, I don't know, but right now I am in need of a debugger in IntelliJ that are aware of EasyMock mocks and especially what the mocks methods actually returns.
For example, I have a transport interface ITransport, which has some methods that had to be mocked, and where I only want some of methods returning something. E.g.
ITransport myTransport = createMock(ITransport.class);
I want myTransport.getID() to return a mocked ID 10.
With ID 10 I want a method to be invoked once,
Something in the transport class breaks and myTransport isn't called, and my test fails. Know I just want to step through the code with the debugger to check why my test fails. So I add a breakpoint to verify the values of the mocked myTransport object. But they all say "null", even the ID. So I assume, with some brief investigation, that the cause of this is the EasyMock mock class, it doesn't really update the object with value (which sounds reasonable) and instead returns the mocked value at runtime when the method is called.
So, are there any mock aware debuggers for IntelliJ that lets me see which value the method will eventually return.
Yes, and before I receive responses saying that "The debugger is not required if you write unit tests for everything", I just want to state that I know about that. And this is legacy code, or at least code that wasn't written with testing in mind.
This may not be what you're looking for... but it feels like the problem is more on the debugging approach.
A mock object is really just that - a mock - meaning it's a fake empty object that doesn't do anything unless you specifically tell it. When your debugger inspects the mock object, it won't find any values that you did not specifically program it to return. It's not meant to hold values.
EasyMock has an argument capture feature, but since you just want it for debugging, this is probably the wrong approach. Mockito has a spying feature that could be suitable for what you want, but it would involve additional mock-programming statements.
I would say the easiest approach would be to implement your own ITransport just for use in your test class. That way you can implement getID() to always return 10 and put in an assert statement inside your publish(). And you can implement whatever other methods you need in order to capture additional data for debugging purposes. And you get to keep this test-only ITransport for either shared use or future debugging needs.
Indeed, the methods are mocked but the internal implementation of the class is left to itself.
Usually, you don't need to know what is returned since you're the one who recorded it in the first place.
You can also evaluate myTransport.getID() in your debugger. But doing this will consume the expectations.
However, it seems like a good idea to be able to list the all current pending expectations on a mock. And maybe to have a peek function. You can request such features on the EasyMock bug tracker: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/EASYMOCK

first time TDD help needed

Its (almost) my first time trying to create code by TDD principles. But i'm having troubles how to start.
In example: I want to mutate some information about a person.
To make it easy, a person has only these values:
- FirstName
- LastName
- Email
What i need at the end:
- A person DTO
- A person entity (Nhibernate)
- Functionality to store the dto values in the Database. At the end i need to return a succes or an error (possibly a boolean).
With the given information, how to start at all? It's a global question, but that's because i have no clue how to start. I've red many articles but somehow i get stuck already.
- I'm using MVC: MVC will give a DTO (filled from form fields) back.
So the MVC start call could be something like this:
public JsonResult MutatePerson(PersonDto person){
//Call functions by TDD here
return Json(true);
You've described the objects involved, but not the operations.
Presumably you need a read() operation, a write() operation. Perhaps a list() operation ?
All of the above should have tests associated with them e.g.
For a lot of work you should mock your datasources etc. and position (say) hardcoded data under your persistenc elayer such that you don't rely on a database. However for something like the above I would definitely test the basic database interaction.
As such you may need to (initially) point a test suite against a database with canned data. If you want to be more flexible, then your test setup code could write the entities into the database first, prior to running the tests.
Your tests should test different permutations of data and operations e.g. in the above I've suggested a test to read an object via a valid id (say, 1) and a similar operation against an invalid id (say, -1). You may also want to check different data combinations (e.g. does everything work if the email address isn't populated - this may be valid if the database column is nullable)
Using TDD, you should use interfaces as arguments. Interfaces can be mocked, and with a mock you test the MutatePerson method, and ONLY that. In a unit test, you only want to test how a method reacts to input, not how the object reacts to the method. If you test how the DTO object behaves as well, you are writing an integration test.
So, use the interface of PersonDto (create one if it doesn't exist). And use that as method argument instead of the concrete class.
It might be just me, but I have the feeling that you're starting off with little idea of what your global system should look like in terms of layers, modules and the dependencies and interactions between them.
TDD's emergent design sure works at the level of a small object graph, but you won't get away without doing some amount of overall architectural design first (not big upfront design, but enough to get you started).
With that in mind, I think you'll have a far better idea of what to test.
Once you've figured that out, I think you should :
Learn about object-oriented unit testing techniques, and by unit testing I mean testing things in isolation. Roy Osherove's Art Of Unit Testing is an excellent place to start for a .NET developer.
Learn about architecture-level TDD strategies. With the articles you read you certainly got an idea of how to do TDD in the small, but you need a more global approach : what should you TDD first, in what order, etc. A book like GOOS might help you in that department.

BDD/TDD: can dependencies be a behavior?

I've been told not to use implementation details. A dependency seems like an implementation detail. However I could phrase it also as a behavior.
Example: A LinkList depends on a storage engine to store its links (eg LinkStorageInterface). The constructor needs to be passed an instance of an implemented LinkStorageInterface to do its job.
I can't say 'shouldUseLinkStorage'. But maybe I can say 'shouldStoreLinksInStorage'.
What is correct to 'test' in this case? Should I test that it stores links in a store (behavior) or don't test this at all?
The dependency itself is not an expected behavior, but the actions called on the dependency most certainly are. You should test the stuff you (the caller) know about, and avoid testing the stuff that requires you to have intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the SUT.
Expanding your example a little, lets imagine that our LinkStorageInterface has the following definition (Pseudo-Code):
Interface LinkStorageInterface
void WriteListToPersistentMedium(LinkList list)
End Interface
Now, since you (the caller) are providing the concrete implementation for that interface it is perfectly reasonable for you to test that WriteListToPersistentMedium() gets called when you invoke the Save() method on your LinkList.
A test might look like this, again using pseudo-code:
void ShouldSaveLinkListToPersistentMedium()
define da = new MockLinkListStorage()
define list = new LinkList(da)
end method
You have tested expected behavior without testing implementation specific details of either your SUT, or your mock. What you want to avoid testing (mostly) are things like:
Order in which methods were called
Making a method, or property public just so you can check it
Anything that does not directly involve the expected behavior you are testing
Again, a dependency is something that you as the consumer of the class are providing, so you expect it to be used. Otherwise there is no point in having that dependency in the first place.
LinkStorageInterface is not an implementation detail - its name suggests an interface to to an engine. In which case the name shouldUseLinkStorage has more value than shouldStoreLinksInStorage.
That's my 2 pennies worth!

Creating mock data for unit testing

I consider myself still pretty new to the TDD scene. But find that no matter which method I use (mock framework or stubbing my own objects) I find that I have to write a lot of code to create mock data. I like the idea of loading up objects to create an in-memory database. But what I don't like is cluttering up my tests with a ton of code for the sole purpose of creating mock data. This is especially the case when the data needs to account for all the different cases.
I'd love some suggestions for a better way of doing this.
It would seem to me that I should be able to load the data once into a known state from some data store and then I could use a snapshot of that state which is loaded in the test setup/initialize before each test method is executed. This would satisfy proper testing practices while providing convenience and let me focus on writing tests instead of writing code to create test data "by hand".
May be you could try the NBuilder library. It provides a very fluent interface and is easy to use. You can use it for generating single instances of a class with defualt values or generate lists with default or overriden values. You can have a look at this one.
If your are using .Net Try NDBUnit
You populate your store and then it reverts your DB to a known state at test time, for each test. The Autumn of Agile screen cast series shows this in pretty good detail.
Or you can do this manually...build a stored procedure or whatever to truncate your tables and copy in the data in your teardown method.
You can have Builder class(es) that helps you building the instances you need / in this case ones you would use related to the repository.
Have the Builder use appropiate defaults, and on your tests you can overwride what you need. This helps you avoid needing to put have every single case of "data" mixed up for all the different tests (which introduces problems, because usually there are cases that aren't compatible for different tests).
**Update 1:**Take a look at www.markhneedham.com/blog/2009/01/21/c-builder-pattern-still-useful-for-test-data
I know exactly what you mean. I think a good approach to solving this problem is to actually have a separate MockFramework project that houses all your mock data, outside the test project. This way you can generate mock data separately, store it in memory if you want to, or not, and then reference the mock framework from the test project. If you use a third party framework to do this, all the better, but you can still wrap that third party framework in your own mock framework so you can get all that "glue" that creates the mock data the way you need it out of your tests so the tests can really be only what they need to be.
Thanks for all the suggestions, I think the solution requires a little bit of everything. I don't want these tests to end up being regression tests, but w/o some kind of existing data store everything still boils down to creating the data by "manually" building the objects.
What would really be nice would be a framework that allowed me to use my existing DAL to either script the data to code for me or get the data in memory and access it like an in memory database.
Untils.org covers this way better than I ever could.
Their whole guide is actually very good.
But basically, if your units require "a lot of data" they may not be unit tests anymore. I'd recommend attempting testing the smaller pieces individually.
