Prolog difference routine - prolog

I need some help with a routine that I am trying to create. I need to make a routine that will look something like this:
X = [(b,c),(d,e)].
I really need help on this one..
I have written a method so far that can remove the first occurrence that it finds.. however I need it to remove all occurrences. Here is what I have so far...
memberOf(A, [A|_]).
memberOf(A, [_|B]) :-
memberOf(A, B).
mapdiff([], _, []) :- !.
mapdiff([A|C], B, D) :-
memberOf(A, B), !,
mapdiff(C, B, D).
mapdiff([A|B], C, [A|D]) :-
mapdiff(B, C, D).
I have taken this code from listing(subtract).
I don't fully understand what it does, however I know it's almost what I want. I didn't use subtract because my final code has to be compatible with WIN-Prolog... I am testing it on SWI Prolog.

Tricky one! humble coffee has the right idea. Here's a fancy solution using double negation:
difference([], _, []).
difference([E|Es], DL, Res) :-
\+ \+ member(E, DL), !,
difference(Es, DL, Res).
difference([E|Es], DL, [E|Res]) :-
difference(Es, DL, Res).
Works on SWI-PROLOG. Explanation:
Clause 1: Base case. Nothing to diff against!
Clause 2: If E is in the difference list DL, the member/2 subgoal evaluates to true, but we don't want to accept the bindings that member/2 makes between variables present in terms in either list, as we'd like, for example, the variable in the term (a,_) to be reusable across other terms, and not bound to the first solution. So, the 1st \+ removes the variable bindings created by a successful evaluation of member/2, and the second \+ reverses the evaluation state to true, as required. The cut occurs after the check, excluding the 3rd clause, and throwing away the unifiable element.
Clause 3: Keep any element not unifiable across both lists.

I am not sure, but something like this could work. You can use findall to find all elements which can't be unified with the pattern:
?- findall(X, (member(X, [(a,b),(b,c),(a,c)]), X \= (a,_)), Res).
gets the reply
Res = [ (b, c) ]
removeAll(Pattern, List, Result) :-
findall(ZZ109, (member(ZZ109, List), ZZ109 \= Pattern), Result).
should work, assuming ZZ109 isn't a variable in Pattern (I don't know a way to get a fresh variable for this, unfortunately. There may be a non-portable one in WIN-Prolog). And then difference can be defined recursively:
difference(List, [], List).
difference(List, [Pattern|Patterns], Result) :-
removeAll(Pattern, List, Result1),
difference(Result1, Patterns, Result).

Your code can be easily modified to work by making it so that the memberOF predicate just checks to see that there is an element in the list that can be unified without actually unifying it. In SWI Prolog this can be done this way:
memberOf(A, [B|_]) :- unifiable(A,B,_).
But I'm not familiar with WIN-PRolog so don't know whether it has a predicate or operator which only tests whether arguments can be unified.


I have defined multiple predicates that seem to share a common form

All of these predicates are defined in pretty much the same way. The base case is defined for the empty list. For non-empty lists we unify in the head of the clause when a certain predicate holds, but do not unify if that predicate does not hold. These predicates look too similar for me to think it is a coincidence. Is there a name for this, or a defined abstraction?
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Acc]) :-
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,Acc) :-
\+ member(X,Ys),
without_duplicates([X|Xs],[X|Acc]) :-
\+ member(X,Acc),
without_duplicates([X|Xs],Acc) :-
difference([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Acc]) :-
\+ member(X,Ys),
difference([X|Xs],Ys,Acc) :-
delete(E,[X|Xs],[X|Ans]) :-
E \= X,
delete(E,[X|Xs],Ans) :-
E = X,
There is an abstraction for "keep elements in list for which condition holds".
The names are inclide, exclude. There is a library for those in SWI-Prolog that you can use or copy. Your predicates intersect/3, difference/3, and delete/3 would look like this:
:- use_module(library(apply)).
intersect(L1, L2, L) :-
include(member_in(L1), L2, L).
difference(L1, L2, L) :-
exclude(member_in(L2), L1, L).
member_in(List, Member) :-
memberchk(Member, List).
delete(E, L1, L) :-
exclude(=(E), L1, L).
But please take a look at the implementation of include/3 and exclude/3, here:
Also in SWI-Prolog, in another library, there are versions of those predicates called intersection/3, subtract/3, delete/3:
Those are similar in spirit to your solutions.
Your next predicate, without_duplicates, cannot be re-written like that with include/3 or exclude/3. Your implementation doesn't work, either. Try even something easy, like:
?- without_duplicates([a,b], L).
What happens?
But yeah, it is not the same as the others. To implement it correctly, depending on whether you need the original order or not.
If you don't need to keep the initial order, you can simply sort; this removes duplicates. Like this:
?- sort(List_with_duplicates, No_duplicates).
If you want to keep the original order, you need to pass the accumulated list to the recursive call.
without_duplicates([], []).
without_duplicates([H|T], [H|Result]) :-
without_duplicates_1(T, [H], Result).
without_duplicates_1([], _, []).
without_duplicates_1([H|T], Seen0, Result) :-
( memberchk(H, Seen0)
-> Seen = Seen0 , Result = Result0
; Seen = [H|Seen0], Result = [H|Result0]
without_duplicates_1(T, Seen, Result0).
You could get rid of one argument if you use a DCG:
without_duplicates([], []).
without_duplicates([H|T], [H|No_duplicates]) :-
phrase(no_dups(T, [H]), No_duplicates).
no_dups([], _) --> [].
no_dups([H|T], Seen) -->
{ memberchk(H, Seen) },
no_dups(T, Seen).
no_dups([H|T], Seen) -->
no_dups(T, [H|Seen]).
Well, these are the "while loops" of Prolog on the one hand, and the inductive definitions of mathematical logic on the other hand (See also: Logic Programming, Functional Programming, and Inductive Definitions, Lawrence C. Paulson, Andrew W. Smith, 2001), so it's not surprising to find them multiple times in a program - syntactically similar, with slight deviations.
In this case, you just have a binary decision - whether something is the case or not - and you "branch" (or rather, decide to not fail the body and press on with the selected clause) on that. The "guard" (the test which supplements the head unification), in this case member(X,Ys) or \+ member(X,Ys) is a binary decision (it also is exhaustive, i.e. covers the whole space of possible X)
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Acc]) :- % if the head could unify with the goal
member(X,Ys), % then additionally check that ("guard")
(...action...). % and then do something
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,Acc) :- % if the head could unify with the goal
\+ member(X,Ys), % then additionally check that ("guard")
(...action...). % and then do something
Other applications may need the equivalent of a multiple-decision switch statement here, and so N>2 clauses may have to be written instead of 2.
foo(X) :-
foo(X) :-
foo(X) :-
% inefficient pseudocode for the case where Set1, Set2, Set3
% do not cover the whole range of X. Such a predicate may or
% may not be necessary; the default behaviour would be "failure"
% of foo/1 if this clause does not exist:
foo(X) :-
\+ (member(X,Set1);member(X,Set2);member(X,Set3)),
Use memberchk/2 (which fails or succeeds-once) instead of member/2 (which fails or succeeds-and-then-tries-to-succeed-again-for-the-rest-of-the-set) to make the program deterministic in its decision whether member(X,L).
Similarly, "cut" after the clause guard to tell Prolog that if a guard of one clause succeeds, there is no point in trying the other clauses because they will all turn out false: member(X,Ys),!,...
Finally, use term comparison == and \== instead of unification = or unification failure \= for delete/3.

delete all occurences of a term in a list

I know this sounds "duplicate" but please help me out
I have defined three terms as follows:
type([a, b, c, d]:location).
type([coffee, tea, lemonade, water, biscuits]: object).
type([order(object, location)]: order).
I have a piece of code that then generates a list of random orders.
I now need a predicate that deletes all the terms that unify with order(X, a), that is, deletes all the orders that have a as location from that list.
For instance, this is an example of list (printed this way to make it readable):
applying such needed predicate my_delete(List, [order(_, a), order(_, b)], Result) would give:
So far I've tried to remove a sublist from the main list, but what it does is just delete a single element for a and a single element for b, not all of them. This is the code for such predicate (thanks also to this reference):
remove_list([], _, []).
remove_list([X|Tail], L2, Result):-
member(X, L2),
remove_list(Tail, L2, Result).
remove_list([X|Tail], L2, [X|Result]):-
remove_list(Tail, L2, Result).
and a query that I tried, but didn't work as expected, was:
remove_list(Input_list, [ordine(_, a), ordine(_, b)], Result).
Notice that I need duplicates, so using sets won't work.
You can use negation \+ to avoid further unification over recursion of your filter list:
remove_list([], _, []).
remove_list([X|Tail], ToDelete, Result):-
(\+( memberchk(X, ToDelete) ) ->
Result=[X|NResult] ;
remove_list(Tail, ToDelete, NResult).
Using exclude/3, which takes a predicate, input list and output list:
rev_memberchk(List, Member) :-
memberchk(Member, List).
my_delete(Input_List, Orders, Result) :-
exclude(rev_memberchk(Orders), Input_List, Result).
Using memberchk/1 rather than member/2 for efficiency; you don't need the bound output, just to know if it can unify. If you also have lambda expressions, this can be turned into a one-liner by removing the need to write a predicate with re-ordered arguments:
my_delete(Input_List, Orders, Result) :-
exclude({Orders}/[X]>>memberchk(X, Orders), Input_List, Result).

How to parsing list in prolog until not fail

I am trying to parse a list, for example:
Let's say I have the following code, where isTwo will print No and fail if it is anything other than two. I WANT it to fail if it is anything other than two. If it is a two, it will print Yes and succeed.
isTwo(2) :-
write('Yes'), !.
isTwo(_) :-
write('No'), fail.
My issue is that I have something along the lines of an iterator defined, and I want to parse an entire list to find the first success.
iter([Head|Tail]) :-
This works fine but will stop parsing the rest of the list as soon as failure is found. If we go back to the original list, [1,3,3,2,2,7,2,9], we get false as our output.
My question here is: how can I continue to parse in prolog while still ensuring that isTwo(_) (where it is not equal to two) will still fail, so that I can get an output of something such as NoNoNoYesYesNoYesNo in this case. Preferably without using an if-then-else clause.
This may help:
expected output: NoNoNoYesYesNoYesNo
observed output: No
Well an easy solution would be to use a second variable in iter that will help you understand if an number different than 2 is found:
isTwo(2, X, X) :-
isTwo(_, _, 0) :-
iter([], 0):- fail,!.
iter([], 1).
iter([Head|Tail], X) :-
isTwo(Head, X, Y),
iter(Tail, Y).
iter(L) :- iter(L, 1).
If you want a more concise solution, using maplist/2 you can do something like:
isTwo(2) :- write('Yes'), !.
isTwo(_):- write('No').
?- test([1,3,3,2,2,7,2,9]).
test/1 is not mandatory, i've added it only for sake of clarity...
The other answers are both fine but the haphazard mixing in of side effects makes me a bit nervous. Also, you have a problem if the list you are "parsing" has a free variable (it will become 2 silently).
Why not like this:
is_two(X) :- X == 2, !, format("Yes").
is_two(X) :- X \== 2, !, format("No").
and then:
?- forall(member(X, [1,3,3,2,2,7,2,9]), is_two(X)).
?- forall(member(X, [Y, 2, Z]), is_two(X)).
Use == and \== to compare without unifying. Use forall and member to make it clear that you are doing it for the side effect. Traversing a list (or using maplist) is a bit deceiving.
forall is just a clearer way to do a failure-driven loop using negation instead of cuts and fails. The query above is identical to:
?- \+ ( member(X, [1,3,3,2,2,7,2,9]), \+ is_two(X) ).

Writing an unnamed variable

I am writing a program in Prolog (gprolog) that pathfinds on a graph. I based it partially off of this SO post.
Let me give an example. Here is an example graph I drew:
And here is what the code initially looked like:
path(P,Start,Goal) :- adjacent(Start,X),
\+ (memberchk(X,P)),
Regardless of whether that base case is redundant, here is the problem. I want an input style of
| ?- path(P,a,f).
and for that input, I would get output of
P = [a,s,f]
true ?
However, the problem with the code as it stands lies with memberchk. For memberchk(a,P), it attempt to unify, calls memberchk(a,[a|_]), and returns true. I don't want this to happen, so I first check if P is instantiated using the var/1 predicate. Thus, my code changed to
path(P,Start,Goal) :- var(P),
path(P,Start,Goal) :- adjacent(Start,X),
\+ (memberchk(X,P)),
Now if P is uninstantiated, we call path/3 with the empty list. My problem is this: now I cannot print P at the end, as I call path([],Start,Goal) and P is no longer associated with [].
I have tried using the write/1 predicate, but it either printed out P at every step or printed P = _26 (meaning it's printing the uninstantiated P, not the final value of P).
I hope this is a simple problem, I'm just awfully new to Prolog.
Apologies if something similar has been asked; I would love to be pointed to other questions that could help. I searched through SO and Google before posting this.
The concept you need is that of accumulators
You were actually very close: you realized indeed that initializing P to [], and filling it with [Start|P] as you recurse was a working strategy. This is called an accumulator, and to get the final result you simply need to add another argument.
Here is your new path/3 predicate that you query:
path(P, Start, Goal) :-
path([], P, Start, Goal).
As you can see, here we add the [] as a first argument to path/4, which we implement like this:
path(L, P, Goal, Goal) :-
reverse([Goal|L], P).
path(L, P, Start, Goal) :-
adjacent(Start, X),
\+ (memberchk(X, L)),
path([Start|L], P, X, Goal).
The first clause is here to terminate the recursion. Once the Start and Goal arguments are the same as you had noted, the recursion should be over. When using an accumulator this means that we unify the accumulator with the output argument. However, the accumulator contains the answer reversed (and lacks the final goal), so we have reverse([Goal|L], P).
The second clause is very similar to what you had written, with the exception that we now need to pass P as is to the recursive clause. Note that I have removed your disjunction in that clause, it isn't needed in that case.
The complete code:
path(P, Start, Goal) :-
path([], P, Start, Goal).
path(L, P, Goal, Goal) :-
reverse([Goal|L], P).
path(L, P, Start, Goal) :-
adjacent(Start, X),
\+ (memberchk(X, L)),
path([Start|L], P, X, Goal).
I solved my problem. The solution relies on:
Keeping track of visited nodes
When recursing, recursing on a smaller list
Checking if something is not a member of a list to prevent unification when not wanted
My code is as follows:
connected(X,Y) :- adjacent(X,Y);adjacent(Y,X).
not_member(_, []).
not_member(X, [Head|Tail]) :- X \== Head, not_member(X, Tail).

Why do we use '!' in prolog

This is the code that i am trying to understand.
co(X) :- co(X,[],L).
co([],A,A):- write(A).
co([X|Xs], A, L) :- p(X-Z,A,R), !, Z1 is Z+1, co(Xs, [X-Z1|R], L).
co([X|Xs], A, L) :- co(Xs, [X-1|A], L).
p(X-Y,[X-Y|R],R):- !.
p(X,[H|Y], [H|Z]) :- p(X,Y,Z).
What is the use of '!' and predicate p(,,) in the above code. OR Can anybody just add comments in every step of the above code so that i can able to understand . Thanks.
There are many things to address in your program. Cuts are not even the major concern. Please, bring me the broom.
Clean up the interface
What is the precise interface you are after? The purpose of co(Xs) currently, is to produce a side effect. Otherwise it can succeed or fail for a given list. But not more than that. Yet, this side effect is not at all needed - and is for most situations not a helpful approach, since such a program is practically unreusable and defies any logical reasoning. You need to leave a hole to let some result lurk out of the relation. Add another argument and remove the goal write/1 in co/3.
co(Xs, D) :-
co(Xs, [], D).
Now you can test the program with the top-level shell alone. You do not need any harness or sandbox to check for the "output". It is there, readily in a separate argument.
Clean up the program structure
Next is co/3 itself. Here, the best is to clarify the intention by separating a bit the concerns, and making these extra arguments a bit more intention-revealing. D stands for dictionary. Another good name would be KVs meaning list (the plural s) of key-value pairs. Note how the different states are numbered: They start with D0, D1, ... and at the end there is D. In this manner, if you start to write a rule, you can put D0,D already in the head without knowing how many states you will need in that rule.
co([], D,D).
co([X|Xs], D0,D) :-
nn(X, D0,D1),
co(Xs, D1,D).
nn(K, D0,D) :-
p(K-V0,D0,D1), !,
V is V0+1,
D = [X-V|D1].
nn(K, D0,D) :-
D = [K-1|D0].
p(X-Y,[X-Y|R],R):- !.
p(X,[H|Y], [H|Z]) :- p(X,Y,Z).
co/3 now more clearly reveals its intention. It somehow relates the elements of a list to some state that is "updated" for each element. There is a word for this: This is a left-fold. And there is even a predicate for it: foldl/4. So we could equally define co/3 as:
co(Xs, D0,D) :-
foldl(nn, Xs, D0,D).
or better get rid of co/3 altogether:
co(Xs, D) :-
foldl(nn, Xs, [], D).
foldl(_C_3, [], S,S).
foldl(C_3, [X|Xs], S0,S) :-
call(C_3, X, S0,S1),
foldl(C_3, Xs, S1,S).
Note, that so far, I have not even touched any cuts of yours, these are now their last moments...
Remover superfluous cuts
The cut in p/3 does not serve any purpose. There is a cut immediately after the goal p/3 anyway. Then, X-Y is not needed in p/3, you can safely replace it by another variable. In short, p/3 is now the predicate select/3 from the Prolog prologue.
select(E, [E|Xs], Xs).
select(E, [X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :-
select(E, Xs, Ys).
nn(K, D0,D) :-
select(K-V0, D0,D1), !,
V is V0+1,
D = [K-V|D1].
nn(K, D0,D) :-
D = [K-1|D0].
This one remaining cut cannot be removed so easily: it protects the alternate clause from being used should K-V not occur in D. However, there are still better ways to express this.
Replace cuts with (\+)/1
nn(K, D0,D) :-
select(K-V0, D0,D1),
V is V0+1,
D = [K-V|D1].
nn(K, D0,D) :-
\+select(K-_, D0,_),
D = [K-1|D0].
Now, each rule states what it wants for itself. This means, that we can now freely change the order of those rules. Call it superstition, but I prefer:
nn(K, D0,D) :-
\+select(K-_, D0,_),
D = [K-1|D0].
nn(K, D0,D) :-
select(K-V0, D0,D1),
V is V0+1,
D = [K-V|D1].
Purify with dif/2
To make this into a true relation, we need to get rid of this negation. Instead of saying, that there is no solution, we can instead demand that all keys (key is the first argument in Key-Value) are different to K.
nokey(_K, []).
nokey(K, [Kx-|KVs]) :-
dif(K, Kx),
nokey(K, KVs).
nn(K, D,[K-1|D]) :-
nokey(K, D).
nn(K, D0,[K-V|D]) :-
select(K-V0, D0,D),
V is V0+1.
With the help of lambdas, nokey(K, D) becomes maplist(K+\(Kx-_)^dif(Kx,K), D)
To summarize, we have now:
co(Xs, D) :-
foldl(nn, Xs, [], D).
nn(K, D,[K-1|D]) :-
maplist(K+\(Kx-_)^dif(Kx,K), D).
nn(K, D0,[K-V|D]) :-
select(K-V0, D0,D),
V is V0+1.
So what is this relation about: The first argument is a list, and the second argument a Key-Value list, with each element and the number of occurrences in the list.
Beginners tend to use !/0 because they are not aware of its negative consequences.
This is because most Prolog textbooks that are popular among beginners are quite bad and often contain wrong and misleading information about !/0.
There is an excellent answer by #false on when to use !/0. In summary: don't.
Instead, focus on a declarative description about what holds, and try to make the description elegant and general using pure and monotonic methods like constraints, clean representations, ...
