Does Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 Include a TFS server? - visual-studio-2010

I recently downloaded Visual Studio 2010 beta 2, and was told it included a TFS server. However I am unsure of if it has/can be installed, or how to start it up if it has been.
Can anyone shed any light on this for me please?
Thanks :)
Thanks for your help :)
I am downloading the ISO of the separate product instead from msdn.

No, beta 2 doesn't include in VS 2010 a TFS. but you can get the beta for TFS 2010 seperate.

VS 2010 with MSDN will include TFS. The MSDN subscription is what licenses you for TFS 2010. You still need a licensed Windows server on which to install it. TFS needs an installation of SQL Server to run. You may use an existing server or you are licensed to run an instance of SQL 2008 express on the application server with TFS 2010.
I believe that you can use the "Go Live" licensing with the 2010 RC now if you already have a subscription.


TFS for Visual Studio 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2012 to work on my ASP.NET Projects.
Currently, I am trying to add my projects to Source Control preferably Team Foundation Server.
Installed TFS 2015 on a server and tried connecting from Visual studio 2012 to add a team project, which is not successful. Please let me know which version of tfs is compatible with VS2012 and details would be appreciated.
I was trying to get TFS 2012 but I got a response from the technical support that 'Based on the search results, the only versions available on the VLSC site are 2013 and 2015.' The techical support person from my workplace was trying to download TFS 2012 as per my request for me to work on the set up.
Please provide any help links available.I haven't done anything on the admin side and this confuses me a lot.
Thanks in advance!
TFS 2015 requires latest Visual Studio 2012 update. Supports Git with Visual Studio Tools for Git extension.
Check TFS requirements and compatibility at website below:
Based on your comments, you're trying to create a new team project in TFS 2015.
In order to create a Team Project, you need to be using the same version of Visual Studio as you're using TFS. So, to create a team project in TFS 2015, you need to use Visual Studio 2015. This can be done from VS2015 Community or Team Explorer 2015.

Code Review in Visual Studio 2012, with TFS 2010

Is it possible to enable Code Review in VS2012 with a TFS2010 server?
Our should we upgrade our TFS server to TFS2012 before its possible?
You need TFS 2012 to use Code Reviews:
This feature is only available when running with VS2012 + TFS 2012. If
you connect to a 2010 TFS server with VS 2012 the code review feature
should not show up in the team explorer.
If you are not going to upgrade TFS from 2010 to 2012 in the near future, there is another option.
You may try Review Assistant by Devart - an alternative code review plugin for Visual Studio.
It has functionality similar to the built-in VS 2012 code review feature.
But it supports integration with TFS 2010 as well as with Git, SVN, and Mercurial.

Developing in Visual Studio 2010 with the new IIS Express web server?

Although this question isn't directly about code it's related to programming and seems better put here than, say, serverfault or superuser.
I'm a developer with Visual Studio 2010. Microsoft's newest web server offering for developers is IIS Express. ScottGu indicated this combination is workable:
IIS Express will work with VS 2010 and
Visual Web Developer 2010 Express,
will run on Windows XP and higher
The only option I've seen so far, is to download WebMatrix which contains and uses IIS Express, but I cannot get it hooked into VS 2010, or to download IIS Express separately.
Any ideas?
Current of July 11, 2011
Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 includes the option to use IIS Express from inside VS2010.
Blog post.
Or use the Web Platform Installer.
I don't think IIS Express is available for Visual Studio 2010 yet.
Edit: Found it in Scott's post.
We’ll be releasing the first public beta of IIS Express shortly. With the beta you’ll be able to right-click on a file-system folder and have IIS Express launch a web-site based on that file-system location. We’ll also be releasing a patch for VS 2010 and Visual Web Developer 2010 Express later this year that will enable you to automatically launch and use IIS Express in place of VS’s built-in ASP.NET Developer Server. has instructions on using IIS Express with VS2010 if you don't feel like waiting for VS2010 SP1 to be released.
The link to the Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (not beta any longer) is
Jesper Palm is not correct, I am able to run IIS Express Using Visual Studio after a lot of investigation. What Jaseper is mentioning(ScootGu's blog), I already have read that. Scott is only telling that the patch will be released to run 'IIS Express' within VS2010 IDE but with 'MS Web Matrix Beta 2' It is possible to run IIS EXpress with VS 2010. If u face problem contact me in by
The current IIS Express Overview says that VS2008 and VS2010 integration is going to come in a later release (presumably before the RTM release).
A future update to Visual Studio 2010 will add support for IIS Express. You can also manually configure Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 to use IIS Express.
For anyone that can't/doesn't want to install the SP1 beta then this blog post will show you how you can incorporate it into your debugging in a relatively easy way.

Where is it possible to download trial of Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2005?

Where is it possible to download trial of Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2005?
Microsoft is not offering it in Download section anymore.
Thank you for your answers.
The Visual Studio 2005 TFS trial is available to MSDN Subscribers. I don't believe it is generally available anymore, now that Visual Studio 2008 TFS is out.
If you have not already implemented TFS, then you should look at TFS 2008. It is much improved and a VS 2005 client can connect to it just fine. To download an 90-day trial version of TFS 2008 visit the following link:
If you just wanted to play with TFS and Team System, then I would encourage you to download the pre-configured Virtual PC image as it will save you the time of installing the pre-requisites required for a full TFS installation. You can get the VPC here which will run until the end of the calendar year:
Is there any reason why you wanted TFS 2005 rather than the latest version?

Can Visual Studio 2008 work with Team System 2005?

I would like to upgrade my team from VS2005 to VS2008 without touching the version of Team Server which is 2005.
Is that possible?
And if so, how do I tell VS to recognize TFS?
Currently in my VS2008 options menu, I don't have any source control to choose from.
VS 2008 works fine with TFS 2005. There are a couple of exceptions in the Team Build area (which changed massively between 2005 and 2008) but otherwise you will be able to do everything you need to do from the Visual Studio 2008 client.
You need to ensure that you have the 2008 version of the Team Explorer installed to add TFS functionality into Visual Studio. The 2005 version only installs into Visual Studio 2005. To download the 2008 version see the following link
Note that if you have previously applied SP1 of Visual Studio 2008, then you will need to run it again once installing Team Explorer.
For what it is worth, I would encourage you to upgrade to TFS 2008 on the server side as soon as you can. TFS 2008 works fine with client connecting from Visual Studio 2005 machine but it has some significant performance improvements and the Team Build functionality is much improved.
Yes, you can... (We're doing that here too)
Tools -> Connect To Team Foundation Server
Enter IP / hostname
Yes, that works fine. If you install the Team Foundation Client from the TFS 2008 DVD on your VS machine, you can connect to both TFS 2005 and TFS 2008 servers. If you don't have access to a TFS 2008 DVD (note that the trial should be fine), installing the 2005 client on VS 2008 should also work, but I've never personally tried that.
Do you have the Team Foundation Client installed?
If you have the Team Version it should be residing in the TFC folder on your installation DVD. (I don't know why it isn't an option in the installer)
It is also possible to download the TFC from Microsoft (for free), there is an SP1 version on Microsoft Downloads.
