ABC PDF - create 256 color images - abcpdf

I am using ABCpdf7 to create pdf documents on the fly - Here is something that I do not understand. When I create the pdf document from a url - the images in the pdf document seems to be 256 colors.
Does anyone know how I can set ABCpdf to create full color images.
If I spesify the image url - the image gets created at full color - but then I cannot crab a page in one go

24 Hours later and I have finally found the answer to the question - The problem is the actual screencard (hardware) installed on my computer.
I tested the software locally on my computer which have a 32bit screencard and the pdf's looks perfect.
On the 16bit server screencard it does not look good and get's reduced to 256 colors!


Images turning green-blackish when passing them to dataloaders

I'm working with fastai, trying to pass some images to a dataloader. The original images are kind of pinkish, but after passing them they appear mostly as green-black (see image in link below):
Original pinkish image (up) and example images (down) after passing them to dataloader, and the code.
The code I've used for the datablock and to show the images is:
example = DataBlock(
blocks=(ImageBlock, CategoryBlock),
item_tfms=Resize(128)) #already tried it without item_tfms just in case, still black-green
dls = example.dataloaders(path)
dls.show_batch(nrows=1, ncols=3)
I tried with .tif and .jpeg images, and both show the same problem. The only thing that comes to my mind is that somewhat somewhere is not reading correctly the color format (RGB according to my original files), or maybe transforming it; but I'm not able to figure it out.
Just in case it's important, I'm working in a Jupyter notebook with a MackBook Air M1.

TIFF16 image looks different in windows file viewer and MATLAB

General problem description
I have 33 TIFF16 images and I want to do some processing on them using MATLAB. So reading them is the first step. After I download an image from the web and then try to read it using MATLAB's imread (as well as Tiff and read). I display the image using imshow. The image displayed by the Windows File Viewer and MATLAB is totally different. I cannot process them since I don't trust MATLAB has read them correctly. I give more specifics of the problem now.
EDIT: If it helps, the details of the TIFF16 images are: TIFF (16 bits per channel, ProPhoto RGB color space, lossless compression)
More details:
I download an image a0008-WP_CRW_3959.tif. Destination: Go to this link -> img0008 -> Expert B (In case somebody wants to try, otherwise I have screenshots below).
I read that image in MATLAB using: img=imread('imgFilename.tif','tiff'); imshow(img,[]); or
t = Tiff('imgFilename.tif','r');
imageData = read(t);
Now, I display the snapshots of Windows file viewer:
Next, snapshot of what MATLAB shows me:
Now, I have a good reason to believe that Windows file viewer is correct. Go the same link as previous. Scroll down to img0008. Hover your mouse onto the leftmost img0008. A thumbnail view of Expert B will come which looks same as what Windows shows me.
Does anybody know how to make MATLAB read and show the tiff16 image correctly?
Thank you #MarkRansom for pointing me to the embedded color profile possibility. I believe the following solution is correct and produces the same output as Windows File Viewer.
First read the icc-color-profile using iccread command.
I_rgb = imread('a0008-WP_CRW_3959.tif');
outprof = iccread('sRGB.icm');
P = iccread('a0008-WP_CRW_3959.tif');
Then convert the image into sRGB profile using makecform and applycform:
C = makecform('icc',P,outprof);
I_cmyk = applycform(I_rgb,C);
info = imfinfo('pep_cmyk.tif');
The original image saved on disk and the new - pep_cmyk.tif - look exactly the same with Windows file viewer.

What is the maximum resolution of an 'img' in a Windows Store App?

I'm writing a windows store app, which uses a zoomable/pannable div to show a large image and allow a user to locate specific sections within the image.
Through this work I've been provided an (admittedly huge) image (from a design house) which does not render when set as the img.src (loaded via a blob from a storage file object). It just shows a plain white screen where the image should be.
The image in question is > 35000 pixels wide and about 11000 high.
I've established that re-saving the image (as large as Fireworks would let me!) with a 10000 pixel width renders as expected.
I'd like to go back to the design guys and let them know the maximum size that the app will support, but I can't find this information anywhere.
Does anyone have any ideas as to the limits here?

wix override ui banner causing artifacts

I am trying to overrride the banner in my custom wix ui.
I have successfully done this using
The banner normally looks like this:
When I build the MSI and run it the banner is replaced but there are weird artifacts in it like this:
The edges seem to have gone all jagged (note the white up the top was me blanking out product name)
Is there a reason why the image goes like this and possible a way to avoid it?
Irfanview shows the following for the image properties:
This is because the banner size in the MSI Wizard is different from the described default size of 500 × 63. You can use Paint to measure the banner. I've got 494 × 58 px on your screenshot. (I can't say the size of the banner bitmap we use at the moment, will add later.)
Note however: this size will work for default DPI setting of 96 dpi. If you choose 120 dpi or other settings, the size of the dialogs will grow, bitmap will be scaled and look jagged consequently. I do not know a workaround to this.
From what I could tell the original image was actually 500 x 63 (at least as reported by IrFanView and Paint)
I made a new image that was the size of 493 x 58 and DPI of 96 and this seems to have prevented the jaggies.
I looked at the Wix source and the UIExtension dialogs have the following line (or similar)
It looks like the image control is set to 370x44. I did try creating an image that size but still had problems.

image size for iPad

I'm creating a magazine to read on an iPad and am having problems with creating readable pages. What size (DPI and MB) should my files be? And I'm doing an export from InDesign, are there any suggested steps that should be taken here?
The iPad display is at 132 PPI.
The iPad display is 1024 x 768 - I'd recommend making your images that size.
That's right, the image size for iPad is by default 1024x768, but I recommend you to create your file in 1152x1536 px if you want to zoom-in in your image on iPad end keep a good quality of display.
Are you creating a pdf of the entire document or saving the pages as images? You may also want to consider the way users will be accessing the document (online, each page downloaded or as an application) If it is an application you will be able to have larger page sizes. If online, then download size will definitely become a factor in how it looks. If you shrink the quality too much, your rendered text will be the first thing on the page to suffer.
Have you done any research into what you find a comfortable to read text size (i.e., with popular science, wired, or project magazines? Another one to check is digital2.0 or the first of the RAW applications which was put out) These magazine apps use scrolling text regions in a lot of cases, but you can at least see how they use fonts and how comfortable they will be at different sizes.
