What is the difference between Latent type and Manifest type? - scheme

Could someone give me a clear distinction between latent and manifest type system?

Sometimes, the same concept gets invented independently in different areas of computer science. This is one of those occasions. What the Scheme community calls latent and manifest typing, the rest of the world calls implicit and explicit typing. The meaning is exactly the same:
In explicit / manifest typing, the programmer has to explicitly write down the types, thus the types become manifest in the source code.
In implicit / latent typing, the programmer does not write down the types. The types are thus implicit or latent.
Please note that the question of implicit vs. explicit typing is completely orthogonal to e.g. dynamic vs. static typing, strong vs. weak typing, sound vs. unsound typing, safe vs. unsafe typing and nominal vs. structural vs. duck typing.
Haskell for example is implicitly, strongly, statically, sound, safe, structurally typed.

See Anton van Straaten's post on Lambda the Ultimate. It describes latent typing in the context of Scheme.
Manifest typing would be used in a statically typed language where the type of a term is declared syntactically or can be inferred at compile time from other such terms.

Latent typing: A style of typing that does not require explicit type declarations. It is associated with duck typing, dynamic typing and type inference. You can see these in languages like Python, Lisp, Haskell etc.
Manifest typing: The type of all variables declared are explicitly identified. Languages like C, C++ and Java follow this.

Part of the reason it's hard to answer your question is that this is an active area of research. In particular, there are a whole bunch of people that would like to make it possible to mix typed and untyped languages, and to allow programs where certain parts are typed and certain parts are not.
I claim that there's not yet widespread agreement on what meaning will finally be attached to the term "latent type."
However, the issue of latent and manifest types is not the same issue as that of type inference.
Type inference, in a statically typed language, refers to a system that can deduce types for program terms without programmer assistance, typically using a hindley-milner-style type system and unification. Haskell and OCaml both have type inference.


Why is type checking expensive?

I've heard many anecdotes that a large problem with dynamically typed languages is that type checking is very slow. Why is it slow though? What is the computer science rational that using runtime assigned types that may change cause large slowdowns in computational efficiency?
Dynamically typed languages must perform type-checking while code is running. Although they can sometimes be compiled, they need to cut many corners for reasonable performance. One big drawback of checking at runtime is that if a type fails to be valid, the interpreter can only throw exceptions or stop execution.
So they often try to coerce types to prevent exceptions, even when it may be undesirable. In python, it isn't uncommon to discover that a simple division by whole integers means that my user output is suddenly full of '2.0' because I didn't explicitly cast back into int.
The computer science rational is that type-checking is an extremely heavy algorithm. For every function you call, all the types involved must be validated (or coerced which may be another function call), and type information must be updated afterwards. At runtime you can only afford to have a simple type system and very little optimization. A compiler by comparison can exploit even a weak type system to optimize your inefficient algorithms away.
It's very common for statically-typed languages to be compiled, and dynamically-typed languages to be interpreted. This is because if a language is being designed for a compiler, it's a no-brainer to give the responsibility of type-checking to the compiler so that your code will be more optimal and won't need to manage typing at runtime. The less you need to carry at runtime, the faster code will execute.
Ultimately, this means languages designed for interpreters can't afford the level of typing a compiler can. In addition to having less freedom to exploit type information to optimize - strike 1 to performance - they must carry and modify type information at runtime - strike 2. The weaker type system also introduces many type safety bugs.
Naturally, there are also numerous cases where weak typing is desirable. Dynamic languages often take the role of scripting; they're quick to code, easy to interpret, and can be ported to new platforms faster than a compiler! This makes them invaluable for gluing very different systems together. One script can interact with the operating system and many programs on it to schedule a daily download of all the latest cat videos from your favourite website.
As always, I highly recommend that you have a dynamic language and a static language in your repertoire. It's invaluable to have access to the guarantees of strong typing and access to the ease of weak typing. Be a code omnivore :)

Complexity of IDE error detection and auto-completion dependent upon language syntax?

Are fewer checks/less rigorous code analysis required to provide development environment error feedback and auto completion for programming languages that are composed largely of human-readable phrases and words (i.e. Python, VB.NET)? This is in contrast to C-style languages, that depend more upon symbols and punctuation for code structure.
I have experience/am responsible for building dozens of language front ends.
Wordy languages vs. punctuationy languages are generally equally hard to parse and statically analyze.
The folks that define languages of either kind have either been decorating them for decades (e.g., COBOL since 1958), or building sophisticated languages (C++, Scala, Ruby) with both complex syntax and complex name resolution and type inference rules; the compiler vendors then proceed to add obscure syntax to support the strange things they do or to provide a customer lock (e.g., MS "managed C++", DLL declarations, etc.). There's the third problem of lousy definitions; the top languages may have precise rules about how they work, but many languages have sloppy definitions (e.g., PHP) which creates dark corner cases that have to be ironed out by painful experimentation with the actual implementation.
C++ has been our worst, esp. with the C++11 committee making a massive recent mess of things. We have full C++ parsers, but are still working on full name resolution for C++11 on top of our C++98 implementation. (The name resolution code is some 250,000 lines of code and its not enough!).
IBM COBOL is a close second; the language is just giant, and there are all sorts of funny name resolution rules ("an unqualified name can refer to a particular name without qualification if the reference is unambiguous" So, is this name an unambiguous reference in this context?).
Once you get past parsing and name/type resolution, then you get into control flow, data flow, points-to analysis, range anlaysis, call graph construction, ... which are generally about the same amount of effort as the earlier phases; we get away with less by having really good libraries that support these tasks.
With all this as background analyses, you can start to do "static analyis" of the smart kind that people want.
Another poster noted that recovering from syntax errors and (emphasis) "continue to generate meaningful error messages". All I can say to this is "Amen, brother". See this SO answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/6657974/120163 for a discussion of what goes wrong when you have "partial programs", which is essentially what you get when syntax error repairs guess at a fix.

Why doesn't Haskell have symbols (a la ruby) / atoms (a la erlang)?

The two languages where I have used symbols are Ruby and Erlang and I've always found them to be extremely useful.
Haskell does have algebraic datatypes, but I still think symbols would be mighty convenient. An immediate use that springs to mind is that since symbols are isomorphic to integers you can use them where you would use an integral or a string "primary key".
The syntactic sugar for atoms can be minor - :something or <something> is an atom. All atoms are instances of a Type called Atom which derives Show and Eq. You can then use it for more descriptive error codes, for example
type ErrorCode = Atom
type Message = String
data Error = Error ErrorCode Message
loginError = Error :redirect "Please login first"
In this case :redirect is more efficient than using a string ("redirect") and easier to understand than an integer (404).
The benefit may seem minor, but I say it is worth adding atoms as a language feature (or at least a GHC extension).
So why have symbols not been added to the language? Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
I agree with camccann's answer that it's probably missing mainly because it would have to be baked quite deeply into the implementation and it is of too little use for this level of complication. In Erlang (and Prolog and Lisp) symbols (or atoms) usually serve as special markers and serve mostly the same notion as a constructor. In Lisp, the dynamic environment includes the compiler, so it's partly also a (useful) compiler concept leaking into the runtime.
The problem is the following, symbol interning is impure (it modifies the symbol table). Because we never modify an existing object it is referentially transparent, however, but if implemented naïvely can lead to space leaks in the runtime. In fact, as currently implemented in Erlang you can actually crash the VM by interning too many symbols/atoms (current limit is 2^20, I think), because they can never get garbage collected. It's also difficult to implement in a concurrent setting without a huge lock around the symbol table.
Both problems can be (and have been) solved, however. For example, see Erlang EEP 20. I use this technique in the simple-atom package. It uses unsafePerformIO under the hood, but only in (hopefully) rare cases. It could still use some help from the GC to perform an optimisation similar to indirection shortening. It also uses quite a few IORefs internally which isn't too great for performance and memory usage.
In summary, it can be done but implementing it properly is non-trivial. Compiler writers always weigh the power of a feature against its implementation and maintenance efforts, and it seems like first-class symbols lose out on this one.
I think the simplest answer is that, of the things Lisp-style symbols (which is where both Ruby and Erlang got the idea, I believe) are used for, in Haskell most are either:
Already done in some other fashion--e.g. a data type with a bunch of nullary constructors, which also behave as "convenient names for integers".
Awkward to fit in--things that exist at the level of language syntax instead of being regular data usually have more type information associated with them, but symbols would have to either be distinct types from each other (nearly useless without some sort of lightweight ad-hoc sum type) or all the same type (in which case they're barely different from just using strings).
Also, keep in mind that Haskell itself is actually a very, very small language. Very little is "baked in", and of the things that are most are just syntactic sugar for other primitives. This is a bit less true if you include a bunch of GHC extensions, but GHC with -XAndTheKitchenSinkToo is not the same language as Haskell proper.
Also, Haskell is very amenable to pseudo-syntax and metaprogramming, so there's a lot you can do even without having it built in. Particularly if you get into TH and scary type metaprogramming and whatever else.
So what it mostly comes down to is that most of the practical utility of symbols is already available from other features, and the stuff that isn't available would be more difficult to add than it's worth.
Atoms aren't provided by the language, but can be implemented reasonably as a library:
There are a few other libs on hackage, but this one looks the most recent and well-maintained.
Haskell uses type constructors* instead of symbols so that the set of symbols a function can take is closed, and can be reasoned about by the type system. You could add symbols to the language, but it would put you in the same place that using strings would - you'd have to check all possible symbols against the few with known meanings at runtime, add error handling all over the place, etc. It'd be a big workaround for all the compile-time checking.
The main difference between strings and symbols is interning - symbols are atomic and can be compared in constant time. Both are types with an essentially infinite number of distinct values, though, and against the grain of Haskell's specifying arguments and results with finite types.
I'm more familiar with OCaml than Haskell, so "type constructor" may not be the right term. Things like None or Just 3.
An immediate use that springs to mind is that since symbols are isomorphic to integers you can use them where you would use an integral or a string "primary key".
Use Enum instead.
data FileType = GZipped | BZipped | Plain
deriving Enum
descr ft = ["compressed with gzip",
"compressed with bzip2",
"uncompressed"] !! fromEnum ft

Pseudocode interpreter?

Like lots of you guys on SO, I often write in several languages. And when it comes to planning stuff, (or even answering some SO questions), I actually think and write in some unspecified hybrid language. Although I used to be taught to do this using flow diagrams or UML-like diagrams, in retrospect, I find "my" pseudocode language has components of C, Python, Java, bash, Matlab, perl, Basic. I seem to unconsciously select the idiom best suited to expressing the concept/algorithm.
Common idioms might include Java-like braces for scope, pythonic list comprehensions or indentation, C++like inheritance, C#-style lambdas, matlab-like slices and matrix operations.
I noticed that it's actually quite easy for people to recognise exactly what I'm triying to do, and quite easy for people to intelligently translate into other languages. Of course, that step involves considering the corner cases, and the moments where each language behaves idiosyncratically.
But in reality, most of these languages share a subset of keywords and library functions which generally behave identically - maths functions, type names, while/for/if etc. Clearly I'd have to exclude many 'odd' languages like lisp, APL derivatives, but...
So my questions are,
Does code already exist that recognises the programming language of a text file? (Surely this must be a less complicated task than eclipse's syntax trees or than google translate's language guessing feature, right?) In fact, does the SO syntax highlighter do anything like this?
Is it theoretically possible to create a single interpreter or compiler that recognises what language idiom you're using at any moment and (maybe "intelligently") executes or translates to a runnable form. And flags the corner cases where my syntax is ambiguous with regards to behaviour. Immediate difficulties I see include: knowing when to switch between indentation-dependent and brace-dependent modes, recognising funny operators (like *pointer vs *kwargs) and knowing when to use list vs array-like representations.
Is there any language or interpreter in existence, that can manage this kind of flexible interpreting?
Have I missed an obvious obstacle to this being possible?
Thanks all for your answers and ideas. I am planning to write a constraint-based heuristic translator that could, potentially, "solve" code for the intended meaning and translate into real python code. It will notice keywords from many common languages, and will use syntactic clues to disambiguate the human's intentions - like spacing, brackets, optional helper words like let or then, context of how variables are previously used etc, plus knowledge of common conventions (like capital names, i for iteration, and some simplistic limited understanding of naming of variables/methods e.g containing the word get, asynchronous, count, last, previous, my etc). In real pseudocode, variable naming is as informative as the operations themselves!
Using these clues it will create assumptions as to the implementation of each operation (like 0/1 based indexing, when should exceptions be caught or ignored, what variables ought to be const/global/local, where to start and end execution, and what bits should be in separate threads, notice when numerical units match / need converting). Each assumption will have a given certainty - and the program will list the assumptions on each statement, as it coaxes what you write into something executable!
For each assumption, you can 'clarify' your code if you don't like the initial interpretation. The libraries issue is very interesting. My translator, like some IDE's, will read all definitions available from all modules, use some statistics about which classes/methods are used most frequently and in what contexts, and just guess! (adding a note to the program to say why it guessed as such...) I guess it should attempt to execute everything, and warn you about what it doesn't like. It should allow anything, but let you know what the several alternative interpretations are, if you're being ambiguous.
It will certainly be some time before it can manage such unusual examples like #Albin Sunnanbo's ImportantCustomer example. But I'll let you know how I get on!
I think that is quite useless for everything but toy examples and strict mathematical algorithms. For everything else the language is not just the language. There are lots of standard libraries and whole environments around the languages. I think I write almost as many lines of library calls as I write "actual code".
In C# you have .NET Framework, in C++ you have STL, in Java you have some Java libraries, etc.
The difference between those libraries are too big to be just syntactic nuances.
There has been attempts at unifying language constructs of different languages to a "unified syntax". That was called 4GL language and never really took of.
As a side note I have seen a code example about a page long that was valid as c#, Java and Java script code. That can serve as an example of where it is impossible to determine the actual language used.
Besides, the whole purpose of pseudocode is that it does not need to compile in any way. The reason you write pseudocode is to create a "sketch", however sloppy you like.
foreach c in ImportantCustomers{== OrderValue >=$1M}
Now tell me what language it is and write an interpreter for that.
To detect what programming language is used: Detecting programming language from a snippet
I think it should be possible. The approach in 1. could be leveraged to do this, I think. I would try to do it iteratively: detect the syntax used in the first line/clause of code, "compile" it to intermediate form based on that detection, along with any important syntax (e.g. begin/end wrappers). Then the next line/clause etc. Basically write a parser that attempts to recognize each "chunk". Ambiguity could be flagged by the same algorithm.
I doubt that this has been done ... seems like the cognitive load of learning to write e.g. python-compatible pseudocode would be much easier than trying to debug the cases where your interpreter fails.
a. I think the biggest problem is that most pseudocode is invalid in any language. For example, I might completely skip object initialization in a block of pseudocode because for a human reader it is almost always straightforward to infer. But for your case it might be completely invalid in the language syntax of choice, and it might be impossible to automatically determine e.g. the class of the object (it might not even exist). Etc.
b. I think the best you can hope for is an interpreter that "works" (subject to 4a) for your pseudocode only, no-one else's.
Note that I don't think that 4a,4b are necessarily obstacles to it being possible. I just think it won't be useful for any practical purpose.
Recognizing what language a program is in is really not that big a deal. Recognizing the language of a snippet is more difficult, and recognizing snippets that aren't clearly delimited (what do you do if four lines are Python and the next one is C or Java?) is going to be really difficult.
Assuming you got the lines assigned to the right language, doing any sort of compilation would require specialized compilers for all languages that would cooperate. This is a tremendous job in itself.
Moreover, when you write pseudo-code you aren't worrying about the syntax. (If you are, you're doing it wrong.) You'll wind up with code that simply can't be compiled because it's incomplete or even contradictory.
And, assuming you overcame all these obstacles, how certain would you be that the pseudo-code was being interpreted the way you were thinking?
What you would have would be a new computer language, that you would have to write correct programs in. It would be a sprawling and ambiguous language, very difficult to work with properly. It would require great care in its use. It would be almost exactly what you don't want in pseudo-code. The value of pseudo-code is that you can quickly sketch out your algorithms, without worrying about the details. That would be completely lost.
If you want an easy-to-write language, learn one. Python is a good choice. Use pseudo-code for sketching out how processing is supposed to occur, not as a compilable language.
An interesting approach would be a "type-as-you-go" pseudocode interpreter. That is, you would set the language to be used up front, and then it would attempt to convert the pseudo code to real code, in real time, as you typed. An interactive facility could be used to clarify ambiguous stuff and allow corrections. Part of the mechanism could be a library of code which the converter tried to match. Over time, it could learn and adapt its translation based on the habits of a particular user.
People who program all the time will probably prefer to just use the language in most cases. However, I could see the above being a great boon to learners, "non-programmer programmers" such as scientists, and for use in brainstorming sessions with programmers of various languages and skill levels.
Programs interpreting human input need to be given the option of saying "I don't know." The language PL/I is a famous example of a system designed to find a reasonable interpretation of anything resembling a computer program that could cause havoc when it guessed wrong: see http://horningtales.blogspot.com/2006/10/my-first-pli-program.html
Note that in the later language C++, when it resolves possible ambiguities it limits the scope of the type coercions it tries, and that it will flag an error if there is not a unique best interpretation.
I have a feeling that the answer to 2. is NO. All I need to prove it false is a code snippet that can be interpreted in more than one way by a competent programmer.
Does code already exist that
recognises the programming language
of a text file?
Yes, the Unix file command.
(Surely this must be a less
complicated task than eclipse's syntax
trees or than google translate's
language guessing feature, right?) In
fact, does the SO syntax highlighter
do anything like this?
As far as I can tell, SO has a one-size-fits-all syntax highlighter that tries to combine the keywords and comment syntax of every major language. Sometimes it gets it wrong:
def median(seq):
"""Returns the median of a list."""
seq_sorted = sorted(seq)
if len(seq) & 1:
# For an odd-length list, return the middle item
return seq_sorted[len(seq) // 2]
# For an even-length list, return the mean of the 2 middle items
return (seq_sorted[len(seq) // 2 - 1] + seq_sorted[len(seq) // 2]) / 2
Note that SO's highlighter assumes that // starts a C++-style comment, but in Python it's the integer division operator.
This is going to be a major problem if you try to combine multiple languages into one. What do you do if the same token has different meanings in different languages? Similar situations are:
Is ^ exponentiation like in BASIC, or bitwise XOR like in C?
Is || logical OR like in C, or string concatenation like in SQL?
What is 1 + "2"? Is the number converted to a string (giving "12"), or is the string converted to a number (giving 3)?
Is there any language or interpreter
in existence, that can manage this
kind of flexible interpreting?
On another forum, I heard a story of a compiler (IIRC, for FORTRAN) that would compile any program regardless of syntax errors. If you had the line
= Y + Z
The compiler would recognize that a variable was missing and automatically convert the statement to X = Y + Z, regardless of whether you had an X in your program or not.
This programmer had a convention of starting comment blocks with a line of hyphens, like this:
C ----------------------------------------
But one day, they forgot the leading C, and the compiler choked trying to add dozens of variables between what it thought was subtraction operators.
"Flexible parsing" is not always a good thing.
To create a "pseudocode interpreter," it might be necessary to design a programming language that allows user-defined extensions to its syntax. There already are several programming languages with this feature, such as Coq, Seed7, Agda, and Lever. A particularly interesting example is the Inform programming language, since its syntax is essentially "structured English."
The Coq programming language allows "syntax extensions", so the language can be extended to parse new operators:
Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B).
Similarly, the Seed7 programming language can be extended to parse "pseudocode" using "structured syntax definitions." The while loop in Seed7 is defined in this way:
syntax expr: .while.().do.().end.while is -> 25;
Alternatively, it might be possible to "train" a statistical machine translation system to translate pseudocode into a real programming language, though this would require a large corpus of parallel texts.

What are the features of dynamic languages (like Ruby or Clojure) which you are missing in Scala?

What do you lose in practice when you choose a statically-typed language such as Scala (or F#, Haskell, C#) instead of dynamically-typed ones like Ruby, Python, Clojure, Groovy (which have macros or runtime metaprogramming capabilities)? Please consider best statically-typed languages and best (in your opinion) dynamically-typed languages, not the worst ones.
Answers Summary:
Key advantages of dynamic languages like Ruby over statically-typed language like Scala IMHO are:
Quick edit-run cycle (does JavaRebel reduces the gap?)
Currently community of Scala/Lift is much smaller then of Ruby/Rails or Python/Django
Possible to modify type definitions (though motivation or need for that is not very clear)
In principle, you give up being able to ignore what type you're using when it is not clear (in the static context) what the right thing to do is, and that's about it.
Since complex type-checking can be rather time-consuming, you also probably are forced to give up fast on-line metaprogramming.
In practice, with Scala, you give up very little else--and nothing that I particularly care about. You can't inject new methods, but you can compile and run new code. You do have to specify types in function arguments (and the return type with recursive functions), which is slightly annoying if you never make type errors yourself. Since it compiles each command, the Scala REPL isn't as snappy as e.g. the Python shell. And since it uses Java reflection mechanisms, you don't have quite the ease of online inspection that you do with e.g. Python (not without building your own inspection library, anyway).
The choice of which static or dynamic language is more significant than the static/dynamic choice itself. Some dynamic languages have good performance and good tools. Some static languages can be concise, expressive, and incremental. Some languages have few of these qualities, but do have large libraries of proven code.
Dynamic languages tend to have much more flexible type systems. For example, Python lets you inject a new method into an existing classes, or even into a single object.
Many (not all) static languages lack the facility to construct complex literals. For instance, languages like C# and Java cannot easily mimic the following JavaScript { 'request':{'type':'GET', 'path':mypath}, 'oncomplete':function(response) { alert(response.result) } }.
Dynamic languages have very fluid semantics. Python allows import statements, function definitions and class definitions to appear inside functions and if statements.
eval is a staple of most dynamic languages and few static languages.
Higher order programming is easier (in my subjective opinion) in dynamic languages than static languages, due to the awkwardness of having to fully specify the types of function parameters.
This is particulary so with recursive HOP constructs where the type system can really get in the way.
Dynamic language users don't have to deal with covariance and contravariance.
Generic programming comes practically free in dynamic languages.
I'm not sure if you lose anything but simplicity. Static type systems are an additional burden to learn.
I suppose you usually also lose eval, but I never use it, even in dynamic languages.
I find the issue is much more about everything else when it comes to choosing which language to use for a given task. Tooling, culture, libraries are all much more interesting than typing when it comes to solving a problem with a language.
Programming language research, on the other hand, is completely different. :)
Some criticism of Scala has been expressed by Steve Yegge here and here, and by Guido van Rossum, who mainly attacked Scala's type system complexity. They clearly aren't "Scala programmers" though. On the other hand, here's some praise from James Strachan.
My 2 cents...
IMO (strong) statically-typed languages might reduce the amount of necessary testing code, because some of that work will be done by the compiler. On the other hand, if the compiling step is relatively long, it makes it more difficult to do "incremental-style" programming, which in the real life might result in error-prone code that was only tested to pass the compiler.
On the other hand, dynamically-typed languages feel like there is less threshold to change things, that might reduce the responding time from the point of bug-fixing and improvement, and as a result might provide a smoother curve during application development: handling constant flow of small changes is easier/less risky than handling changes which are coming in bug chunks.
For example, for the project where the design is very unclear and is supposed to change often, it might have been easier to use dynamic language than a static one, if it helps reduce interdependencies between different parts. (I don't insist on that one though:) )
I think Scala sits somewhere in between (e.g. you don't have to explicitly specify types of the variables, which might ease up code maintenance in comparison with e.g. C++, but if you end up with the wrong assumption about types, the compiler will remind about it, unlike in PHP where you can write whatever and if you don't have good tests covering the functionality, you are doomed to find it out when everything is live and bleeding). Might be terribly wrong of course :)
In my opinion, the difference between the static and dynamic typing comes down to the style of coding. Although there is structural types in Scala, most of the time the programmer is thinking in terms of the type of the object including cool gadgets like trait. On the other hand, I think Python/Javascript/Ruby programmers think in terms of prototype of the object (list of methods and properties), which is slightly different from types.
For example, suppose there's a family of classes called Vehicle whose subclasses include Plane, Train, and Automobile; and another family of classes called Animal whose subclasses include Cat, Dog, and Horse. A Scala programmer would probably create a trait called Transportation or something which has
def ride: SomeResult
def ride(rider: Someone): SomeResult
as a member, so she can handle both Train and Horse as a means of transportation. A Python programmer would just pass the train object without additional code. At the run time the language figures out that the object supports ride.
The fact that the method invocations are resolved at the runtime allows languages like Python and Ruby to have libraries that redefines the meaning of properties or methods. A good example of that is O/R mapping or XML data binding, in which undefined property name is interpreted to be the field name in a table/XML type. I think this is what people mean by "flexibility."
In my very limited experience of using dynamic languages, I think it's faster coding in them as long as you don't make mistakes. And probably as you or your coworkers get good at coding in dynamic language, they would make less mistakes or start writing more unit tests (good luck). In my limited experience, it took me very long to find simple errors in dynamic languages that Scala can catch in a second. Also having all types at compile time makes refactoring easier.
