Using Jmeter to fill out a form? - performance

Can anyone help me figure out how to use jmeter and force it to fill out and submit a form automatically? For example, I need to fill out the google search box and then click the I'm Feeling Lucky button?

Google is not a good example because it uses GET for the form. For example, to search "jmeter" and press Feeling Lucky button, you can just send this URL,
To do a real post, you need to find the form control field names from a trace or by looking at HTML source and just do something like showed here. The username/password are the field name to post. The action is

Please note the screen shot is wrong. The method is a "GET" and it should be set to "POST", otherwise the form will not be submitted properly.

Is there a reason why you want to load test Google? If you just want to have a script that tests the functionality of a Website, try selenium: If you are actually trying to load test a form, you have to create the appropriate request. Using a tool like Fiddler can help.


Mailchimp - Redirect to thank you page

I am using Mail Chimp and in one of my forms when someone registers via custom form, a message appears at the bottom saying 'Check your email for a confirmation email' or something like that. I would like to have them redirect to a thank you page (the standard one will do) instead of a message just appearing, I have been banging my head against a wall trying to figure this out, but I can't seem to find a way to do this.....any suggestions?
The above answer is very vague and doesn't explain fully the process which is explained here in the Mailchimp docs:
If you check the 'disable all javascript' option then you'll need to perform your own form validation to avoid the form redirecting to a Mailchimp-hosted version of the form if there are errors. Then, once you have submitted the form, it will redirect to your chosen URL.
When creating an embedded form, be sure to disable javascript. There is a check box for it.

ClickFunnels integration with rails2 app

Is there a way to create a page in ClickFunnels( website and when I submit that page, I need to store the form details in my rails app(into a particular table). Which means I want to display my database in the clickfunnels integrations list. I googled hours but couldn't get much information on this.
can anyone suggest me if you have done this. A reference link also much appreciated.
We couldn't find any way to do this inside clickfunnels itself, if there is a easy way to add custom systems to their integrations I too look forward to seeing those answers. Until then, here's what we did: We just put our custom form on their page and used ajax to send it back out the end point in our system it needed to hand that data too.
Then, since we also needed to submit the same info to click funnels, we build a fake CF form(I think we actually put one on the page, but used CSS to hide it, then filled it out dynamically from our custom form), and call submit on that form, sending the user through the normal click funnels submission process and sending them to the next page in the funnel.

Back button to ajax results, advice request

I am trying solve the back button issue within my app. The scenario is:
I have a home page with a search form which sends and receives data with $.ajax(), then the results loaded through ajax, their links points to a controller that won't be done by GET in ajax so that means that the page will be refreshed (so the home page with the results looks like this: http://url/en/home and a result link may look like this http://url/fetch/data/x123av).
The problem is which is the best way fix that when click back button to return the results from the search box?
I have found some answers in stackoverflow related to my question:
But from the documentation of those plugins, they all work by checking the hash change which I don't have.
Hope I have explained well enough, and I do have searched stackoverflow and google for a solution but I didn't find one that is close to this or either I've jumped over it...
Please just point me to the right way :D
But from the documentation of those plugins, they all work by checking
the hash change which I don't have.
If you want to handle the back button with AJAX request you will have to redesign your application so that it works with hashes as that's the only way. Changing the fragment portion of an url doesn't trigger a page reload but it is added to the history, so when you press the back button you are able to detect this change without navigating away from the page.
As mentioned by SLaks in the comments section another possibility is to use the HTML5 history API but obviously this assumes that the client browser supports it.

Set Firebug to automatically display results of a POST or GET ajax request?

I would like to set Firebug to automatically display results of a POST or GET ajax request.
Is there such an option to automatically open the response tab? When I am debugging multiple requests it is a bit tedious to click on each one. I've looked through the general options and also done some Google searching.
The simple solution for me was to just start using FireLogger instead. Simpler and cleaner.
Cya later FirePHP!!

Twitter like Form Submission using Ajax or Jquery

I need a simple example of form submission very similar to Twitter.
How you type in a comment and click update and without the whole page refreshing, the comment gets added below on top of the rest of the comments.
I would prefer something in Jquery as my PHP project is already integrated with it.
See this pleae.
I wrote an example a while ago that more-or-less covers that. Getting data from a form is basic DOM, and you'll want to switch out the GET to POST since you are sending data rather then just requesting it.
I found these links for you:
jQuery plugin: Simplest Twitter-like dynamic character count for textareas and input fields
Or maybe
