Referencing beans in xml config created via Annotations - spring

This must be possible but I can't work out how or see it in the docs.
I need to reference a bean which has been created via an annotation #Service and context:component-scan, within a spring xml config file.
How is this achieved?

use #Service("myService")
in the xml, use <property name="myProperty" ref="myService"/>


Is there an annotation equivalent to the Spring AOP aop:include configuration for autoproxies

When specifying the XML configuration below:
<aop:include name="myBean" />
We all know that the #EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation is the equivalent to the aspectj-autoproxy XML configuration but is there a java-based annotation equivalent for the aop:include XML configuration? I searched extensively and could not find.
Normally you tell Spring that you are using a particular feature, like Transaction management and it will create the proxies needed.
For instance #EnableTransactionManagement will cause Spring to create proxies for Components (services, controllers and repositories) which use #Transactional, you don't need to declare this, Spring automatically finds the beans that need to be proxied.
It works the same way with #EnableScheduling causing Spring to detect #Scheduled methods, and #EnableCaching to detect #Cached method.

Spring Config Client XML equivalent of #RefreshScope

We have an existing Spring MVC application (non Spring-boot application) with all (or most) of the beans configured in the XML. We wanted to use this as a Spring Cloud Config Client (we have a Spring Boot application acting as config server).
In this regard, what is the XML equivalent of configuring the beans in XML with refresh scope (same as #RefreshScope annotation). Tried configuring the RefreshScope as bean and using scope="refresh" but could see that the beans are not reflected with new values after peforming /refresh endpoint (from actuator)
Any help on this is highly appreciated
As pointed out in other answers 'refresh' scope is just another scope. However there's an issue where the bean properties are not updated with new values after /refresh call - if you define and inject properties in XML. More on the issue here. However the bean (i.e. actually the proxy) is instantiated after each /refresh call - but you need "aop:scoped-proxy" config since bean to which you inject the 'refresh' scoped bean, could be on a different scope. i.e.
<bean name="xmlValueBean" class="me.fahimfarook.xml.XMLValueBean" scope="refresh">
<aop:scoped-proxy proxy-target-class="true" />
Well if you want to use #RefreshScope in core Spring(also Spring MVC) as people already pointed out, you have to implement the scope yourself also.
I also had the same dilemma and I did, I also wrote a blog about it, you can find there all the implementation details.
You can also use Spring Boot Configuration Server with your Spring MVC application, if you like to.
#RefreshScope for Spring MVC
#RefreshScope is just another scope. Look at how the RefreshScope class is implemented. It is creating a new scope named "refresh".
That means you should be able to use the new scope in your XML configuration, like this.
<bean id = "..." class = "..." scope = "refresh">

Inject Spring config file into Ejb using Annotation

Am trying to migrate project from ejb2.1 to ejb3.1. In my current project's ejb-jar.xml, i am using for loading the spring configuration xml file{which initializes the beans which going to be called in ejbbean class in onEjbCreate() method using "getBeanFactory().getBean("somespringclass") }.
Sample environment entry: <env-entry>
what is the ideal syntax for using annotation(ejb3.1) in ejbbean class so that i can remove in ejb-jar.xml.
Thanks in advance.
Just annotate your EJB-3.1 interface with #EJB and put the following in your Spring configuration XML:
<context:component-scan base-package="<your-ejb-package-e.g.-com.ejb.sample>" />

Spring Dynamic service provider injection based on configuration in properties file

I have multiple mutually exclusive data sources and I want to configure which implementation to inject/autowire into Controller based on a property defined in a configuration file.
I'm thinking of something along the lines #Qualifier but I'm no spring expert so can't figure the mechanics.
The aim is to avoid the convoluted if/else that will result.
Any ideas?
You can do the trick with context:property-placeholder and #Qualifier.
It will look like the following:
spring context file
<bean id="myService" class="${some.implementation}" />
private MyService myService;
As the opposite solution: you can save in properties file bean ID, and use it within #Qualifier
But if you are using Spring 3.1+, then you probably need to look at Profiles mechanism.

Autowire Annotation in Spring without using Component Scanning

Is it possible to autowire beans using the #Autowired annotation without using component scanning?
Yes. <context-component-scan .. /> is responsible for discovering beans annotated with #Component, #Controller, #Service, #Respository, etc.
In order to have annotations processed (#Autowired, #Resource, etc) you need <context:annotation-config />. Thus annotations are processed on beans that are listed in applicationContext.xml.
As far as I know, <context-component-scan .. /> activates <context:annotation-config /> automatically.
This is true for both spring 2.5 and 3.0. (thanks skaffman)
I have never tried without component-scanning enabled, however I can confirm that #Autowire annotations works in Spring 3.0.x even with beans that are defined via XML.
When using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, annotation config processors are always registered, meaning that any attempt to disable them at the #ComponentScan level would be ignored.
If it is meant in the question that you should explicitly state:
- <context:component-scan ...> in your xml file(it enables <context:annotation-config />)
- #ComponentScan in your java config
Then the answer is - Yes, it is possible to enable component scanning without any of the stated above statements in your code or xml file.
Another approach is to use AnnotationConfigApplicationContext :
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context=
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext("org.example.your.package");
Where "org.example.your.package" is your package for stereotyped annotated classes: #Component, #Repository, #Service, etc.
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext will search for your beans in the base package and inner packages.
No, we must use #ComponentScan if you are using java based configuration
(or) <context-component-scan .. /> for xml based configuration.
Note: If you are not using any of the approaches no corresponding instances are created in AplicationContext.
and when you try to access a resource (http://localhost:8080/customers) will end up with
WARNING: No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/customers] in
DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatcher
