How to modify struct sk_buff - linux-kernel

I have to write a vpn module. First of all, I have wrote a kernel module that modifies all the incoming and outgoing TCP packets. It uses netfilter hooks. For the incoming packets, I have modified the bytes between (struct sk_buff)->data and (struct sk_buff)->tail pointers by incrementing them by one. For the outgoing packets, I have modified the bytes between (struct sk_buff)->data and (struct sk_buff)->tail pointers by decrementing them by one.
However, I tried to establish a TCP connection between localhost and localhost (by means of netcat) and I had not succeeded. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Need I modify some other fields from the struct sk_buff structure?
Is it possible to implement my simple vpn module only from kernel space?(thus without using special libraies such as libnetfilter_queue)?
Thank you.

Yes, you can do this without using libnetfilter. But given the limited information that you've provided about your project it's hard to give a good recommendation as to how to go about fixing your issue. Here's some references that should help.
1) I would recommend you take a look at the TUN/TAP interface driver APIs. This will allow you to implement your code in application space rather than kernel. See openvpn for a great example of this type of VPN.
If you're interested in doing more advanced kernel space hooking...
2) Check this article out on hooking into netfilter netfilter kernel hooks


How does GetCommState populate the DCB struct in Windows 10 when using usbser.sys CDC ACM driver

I am building a embedded device that will communicate to the outside world by virtual COM. I have the descriptor and all the callbacks for the USB set up correctly and COM is working - well kind of. The problem is that when I issue the GetCommState command for the COM I get a semi valid struct back and when one fixes only couple of parameters (like setting the speed and 8N1) and try to reconfigure the port by calling SetCommState the actions fails with: 'A device attached to the system is not functioning.'
If one continues to use the port it just work - all writes and reads - without a problem. But the issue is that most libraries try to reconfigure the port by first issuing the GetCommState and then SetCommState - pyserial and C# both do it in this way.
My question is where do the "default" configuration for COM comes form?
In the USB ACM CDC standard there are (optional) class requests for SET and GET COMM feature but I can see (from USB sniffer) that they are never called (I tried with capabilities for USB ACM CDC set to 0x06 (that is without SET/GET COMM) and 0x07 (with SET/GET COMM) but in no case I get a class request from the driver). So the driver must take the config from somewhere else, does anybody knows from where or how?
I am using an NXP LPC and Windows 10 with usbser.sys driver on other end.
What I already checked is:
compared the USB descriptor to the working one - they are the same
checked the USB traffic - the enumeration and communication looks the same
without doing GetCommState and SetCommState the COM is working without problem
I attached the content of the DCB struct for working sample (left) and my (right). I do not understand where do the marked values come from? Who sets them?
The settings should come from the port driver - you can view and set default values in the Windows Device Manager. In your case, it would seem that flow control with RTS/CTS is enabled (left picture), which might be something that your USB adapter uses internally. If it works, then leave those settings as they were.
I'd advise to do like this:
Always check the result of each API function you call!
Call CreateFile to get the port handle.
Optionally call GetCommTimeouts and store the result in a zero-initialized struct like COMMTIMEOUTS com_timeouts = {0};. Change members of the struct as needed, then call SetCommTimeouts.
Create an (almost) zero-initialized struct DCB dcb = { .DCBlength = sizeof(DCB) }.
Call GetCommState on this struct.
Set baudrate, parity, stop bits etc as required. Leave other members as they were.
Call SetCommState.

Where to find device-tree?

Coming form this question yesterday, I decided to port this library to my board. I was aware that I needed to change something, so I compiled the library, call it on a small program and see what happens. The 1st problem is here:
// Check for GPIO and peripheral addresses from device tree.
// Adapted from code in the RPi.GPIO library at:
FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/device-tree/soc/ranges", "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
This lib is aimed for Rpi, os the structure of the system on my board is not the same. So I was wondering if somebody could tell me where I could find this file or how it looks like so I can find it by my self in order to proceed the job.
You don't necessarily want that "file" (or more precisely /proc node).
The code this is found in is setting up to do direct memory mapped I/O using what appears to be a pi-specific gpio-flavored version of the /dev/mem type of device driver for exposing hardware special function registers to userspace.
To port this to your board, you would need to first determine if there is a /dev/mem or similar capability in your kernel which you can activate. Then you would need to determine the appropriate I/O registers for GPIO pins. The pi-specific code is reading the Device Tree to figure this out, but there are other ways, for example you can manually read the programmer's manual of the SoC on which you are running.
Another approach you can consider is adding some small microcontroller (or yes, barebones ***duino) to the system, and using that to collect information from various sensors and peripherals. This can then be forwarded to the SoC over a UART link, or queried out via I2C or similar - add a small amount of cost and some degree of bottleneck, but also means that the software on the SoC then becomes very portable - to a different comparable chip, or perhaps even to run on a desktop PC during development.

Device Drivers to Read and Write on a Virtual memory on linux

I am working with a SoC Cyclone V board. I want to exchange data between the HPS and FPGA. They share a common RAM, whose address can be seen on Qsys. I would like to Read and write data in this shared Memory, but dont want to use devmem2 every time i do it. I understand that a driver would be much safer. I was thinking of writing a char driver as it is one of the easy drivers to write for the basic read and write operations.
Is there a way to specify the address to be used by the char driver when we build and insert it?
If not, what driver can be written for the this function (to be able to read and write float values on a specific range of virtual address)?
I have found that user io device drivers or block drivers could be good options. But I am new to this area of development and don't know if these are the only options, or are they any more.
I could really use some help in deciding which driver is appropriate, it would be better if it was a char driver where the address can be specified.
Thank you.

How does FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING interact with handles opened to communication devices?

Just as the title says, I am writing a networking program where I open a handle to a network driver using CreateFile, and I have been experimenting with the NO_BUFFERING flag.
Most documentation won't even mention this being used with communication devices, and the ones that do (AKA the MSDN reference, etc), simply mention that you can.
Does anyone have any idea how this may affect communication with the device?
It is a device driver implementation detail, options you specify in the CreateFile() call are passed in the IRP_MJ_REQUEST request. The one I linked is the one for file systems, it is very fancy one. Click through the IrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options link to IoCreateFileSpecifyDeviceObjectHint()'s Options argument to see FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING.
The documentation for the IRP_MJ_REQUEST for serial ports is here. Very simple one, no arguments at all :) In general, the winapi to device driver interface for communication ports is a very straight-forward. There's an (almost) direct mapping between the documented winapi function and its underlying IOCTL. The winapi function doesn't do much beyond basic error checking, then quickly passes the job to the driver.
So there isn't any way to pass the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING option you specify so it simply doesn't get used.
Otherwise the logical conclusion, serial port I/O is interrupt driven, the driver must buffer in order to not lose bytes and keep an acceptable transfer rate. You can technically tinker with the buffer sizes through SetupComm() but, as documented, it is only a recommendation with pretty high odds that the driver simply ignores very low values.

When to use network system calls vs. sk_buff within a KM

While trying to learn more about linux kernel networking ... I have a kernel module that contains a protocol which runs on top of TCP. Its almost an application layer protocol I'm experimenting with. The calls are passed in via the normal system call interface as executed from userspace.
So network calls from within my (layer above TCP) module generally look like this ...
ret = sock->ops->connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &myprot.daddr,
sizeof(myprot.daddr), flags);
I've used sendmsg/recvmsg successfully within my KM to send and receive data from a client to a server (from two separate kernel instances). The calls within the KM generally looks as follows:
ret = sock->ops->sendmsg(iocb, myprot.skt, &msg, sizeof(struct msghdr));
ret = sock->ops->recvmsg(iocb, sock, msg, total_len, flags);
What I'm trying to understand now is how and when to use sk_buff to do the same thing. I.e. when to use system calls such as what I use above, and when to directly access the network stack via sk_buff to send and receive data.
I've found many examples of how to send and receive data from within transport layers using sk_buff, but nothing from a layer above the transport that is also contained in a kernel module and using sk_buff.
Update for clarification.
I've overridden struct proto_ops and replaced the member methods for my own protocols use which do correspond to system calls from user space. I do understand that sk_buff is the buffer system for the kernel and is where packets are enqueued. However. I don't see any reason why I can't use the protocol-specific functions of struct proto_ops which also handles sockets and the data enqueued on them (though at a higher level). So it seems to me there are two ways to access sk_buffs depending upon where one wants to access them.
If I'm working in the transport layer and want to access data anywheres within the network stack (e.g. transport, ip, mac), I could directly access sk_buffs, but if I am working above the transport layer, I would use the abstracted protocol specific member functions that correspond to system calls. After all, they both eventually work on sk_buffs.
I guess my confusion, or what I'm trying to confirm that I'm doing right or wrong by knowing the difference in these two ways to access sk_buffs and from where, is ... if I'm sending data over a transport from TCP within the kernel, than I can just make use of the proto_ops system calls that relate to TCP unless I need more control in which I would then make use of the lower level skb functions to manage the queues.
Not sure to understand because you want to use to different things for the same purpose. The proto_ops in sock->ops are operations invoked during the correspondent system call. The sk_buff is the socket buffer system of the kernel; it is the place where packet are enqueued.
There is not the possibility to do the same thing of proto_ops with sk_buff, if it should be possible one of these structures is useless.
